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AA BW Mod db!


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Hey hey hey.
Youve seen VWBB but this is even more...

lets just say this mindfucked Ikaru.

I found this db while browsing some smaller servers, and boy seems really fun
Download is in the site, as well as the list of changes: [url="http://s13.zetaboards.com/AA_Mod_Server_Forum/topic/6836595/1/"]Here[/url]

Theres a server running this, but its not on the registry often. Ive done some battles and Entei is a lot more badass. >><<

Thanks to Horizon makeing a server with this db, I got to play around with crazy Ideas. Heres a Double Battle lead...
[spoiler]Luxray (M) @ Life Orb/Leftovers
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 116 HP / 184 Atk / 208 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Fusion Bolt
- Crunch
- Close Combat
- Substitute

Houndoom (M) @ Life Orb/Leftovers
Trait: Intimidate
EVs: 44 HP / 216 SAtk / 248 Spd
Timid Nature (+Spd, -Atk)
- Fusion Flare
- Counter
- Ice Beam
- Dark Pulse
The stratagy here? Double intimidate. These guys have a speed tie, so you can alternate between maxing the Fusion moves for Alternating type destruction. [/spoiler] Edited by Owen V. Seattle
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  • Developers
>Stealth Rock Banned

Selfdestruct being a special explosion is legit, and lol 100% crit rate, I love it already <3

[u][b]#136 Flareon[/b][/u]
Abilities: Flash Fire, [b]Contrary[/b], Guts
+V-create, Superpower, Crunch



[u][b]#289 Slaking[/b][/u]
Abilities: [b]Normalize[/b], Truant
-Slack Off


[u][b]#292 Shedinja[/b][/u]
Abilities:Wonder Guard, [b]Sturdy, Magic Guard[/b]
+Earthquake, Encore
[font=Helvetica, Arial,]+20 Attack, +40 Speed[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial,]..I wanted Sturdy to happen but I never thought it really would >_>

Ok so they turned the Ubers metagame into the scariest shit I have ever seen.[/font]
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[u][b]#87 Dewgong[/b][/u]
Abilities: Thick Fat, Hydration, Ice Body
+Curse, Slack Off, Megahorn, Earthquake
[font=Helvetica, Arial,]+25 Special Defense ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥[/font]

[u][b]#131 Lapras[/b][/u]
Abilities: Water Absorb, [b]Solid Rock[/b], Hydration
+Recover, Earthquake, Icicle Crush, Heal Bell

[u][b]#334 Altaria[/b][/u]
Abilities: Natural Cure, Cloud Nine, [b]Regenerator[/b]
+Heal Bell, Reflect, Light Screen, Whirlwind, Wish, Hypnosis, U-Turn
[font=Helvetica, Arial,]+15 Special Defense[/font]

Holy shit. I love these guys.
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A lot of the changes you guys are mentioning definitely make sense for the pokemon, but some I see don't.

Charizard + seed bomb. That's just stupid. I know ya'll charizard pokemaniacs would love for your favorite pseudo-dragon to be op AND have a nifty move that will pwn its two greatest weaknesses, water and rock (not to mention SR ban).... but that's just stupid. That's like an armless pokemon learning mach punch (glares at hitmonlee).

Sturdy on Blastoise. Makes sense. Early bird to make rest combo is aight. I'd rather they stop being stingy waterhating bastards and give it hydration too. Metal burst + sturdy is cool too, I guess. Aggron 2.0, water style. He could breed to have counter and/or mirror coat but I guess it would be more awesome to give him the two-for-one.

Oh, and self destruct? Well, I guess that gives us a new suicide set.
Sturdy, Custapp Berry
Metal Burst
Self Destruct
Waterfall/ Surf/Boil Over
Aqua Jet/ Ice Beam[/spoiler]

[spoiler]Now imagine if the low power priority attacks gained extra power based on weight of the user. speed*weight = power, afterall[/spoiler]

Pidgeot + explosion= WTF.
Raticate + coil= wtf.
Feerow + bonemerang?
pikachu + stubby limbs= close combat + vacuum wave + wtf.
Parasect + intimidate? it's a mushroom with hermit crab claws. >>

Arcanine + Icicle Crash= wtf * 3. i'm flaming fucking dog of legend. here, have an icicle to your face. WHAT PART OF DOG OF LEGEND DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND?!?!?!

mfw farfetch'd + crabhammer and drill run and stone edge.

I take my hat off to poison/dragon Arbok and new moves.
And ghost/fire Ninetails (but why + tbolt?)
And persian.
And hypno.
and kingler.
and marowak.
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