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How many hours have you played so far?

Mr. Akeda

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This is only for people who have completed versions 5 or 5.5. Mine is a measly 30 hrs 24mins but i am training subs for the first team so it is about to rise.


Edited by Mr. Akeda
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I don't spend time breeding doing much other than the quests and making my 6 pokemon team so my time is a bit less. That and I din't afk much at all in this compared to reborn. My reborn time at this point doesn't even make sense XD.

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if you compare actual hours spent on it to the time it reads my guide playthrough took me the best part of 50hrs, my normal playthrough is sitting on 51hrs atm (havent touched it in 2 months) but that is probably way way way way higher with all the soft resets i did, then if you take into account all the other playthroughs i did for other guides im sure my total time on rejuve is well over 200 hours

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I've put in 40some hours already, but I must say I am REALLY enjoying intense mode. Its grown to be quite an addiction to figure out ways to go from getting anhillated by one pokemon to embarrassing their team with perfect counters.

I have 300+ hours in Reborn. I can see it being the same here easily.

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I have 3 save files, on my main save file I have 46 hours.
On my Dark monotype save file I have 15 hours.
On my Version 2 savefile I have 9 hours.

I'm going to get maybe 20 more hours on my Version 2 savefile trying to find rotom and stuff ;-;

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