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Tips on dealing with Beryl Ward PULSE Tangrowth


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I KNOW I got stuck pretty early on in the game, but this goddamn double battle is really irking me. Every time I think I'm getting the upper hand, I end up losing ridiculously and it's getting kind of obnoxious.

Anyone got any tips? Pokemon I can use to deal with this thing? pls help

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Is this the double battle? If so, keep in mind the level cap is 35, so if you really want to you can over level a bit. Just don't go over kill.

Also, maybe you could post your team so we can figure out how to help.

Team is in my signature! I had to update it because the sprites went all wonky.

Right now I've been mass-spamming Flame Wheel + Ember on the Tangrowth, but it's not working (and yes, it is the Double Battle!)

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All I can really suggest given your current team is to defeat all three of the Eeveelutions with Luxio (bite on Espeon), Noibat, and Pancham (fighting for Glaceon and Umbreon?) first, take down the Lileep, and then hopefully use a combination of Luxio Bite flinches and getting lucky with burns from Quilava's flame wheel to take down the Tangrowth. Luxio might be necessary to take out Chatot, too. Consider getting two other Pokemon to fill the slots in your team, you're gonna need a team of six at some point going forward.

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What got me through the Tangrowth battles was my Ariados spamming Night Shade. PULSE Tangrowth can't really do anything to a bug/poison combo, and the guaranteed damage from Night Shade meant I didn't care about the massive bulk Tangrowth has. As for the rest of the Pokemon there, it was a combination of my Flaafy/Ampharos (can't remember which one it was then) putting down Chatot, Pancham punching through Umbreon and most of Lileep, my whole team suffering through Espeon, and Growlithe took down Glaceon and generally provided support to the rest of my team.

For your team, have Quilava burn down Glaceon, save Luxio for Chatot, and have Pancham try to take down Lileep and Umbreon. I would suggest picking up a Spinarak/Ariados just for the Night Shade and general resistance to everything PULSE Tangrowth has to offer, even if you bin it right afterwards (I'm still using mine and I'm a good deal farther), and definitely pick up some sixth Pokemon to round things out. Even if it's not super useful on the whole, it's another body, and that could provide the difference.

Edited by Lord Regal
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Lileep is set-up fodder and can basically do nothing threatening except for use Confuse Ray. Outfit your lead Pokemon with Persim Berries and it won't be a problem.

Once ZEL's team is done with, if you have trouble actually defeating PULSE Tangrowth 2v1, either get a Pokemon that's good at dealing with a grass and poison type offensive combo (such as the aforementioned Ariados) or grab a couple of X items and set up when Lileep is isolated.

Edited by dondon151
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Also, since this fight occurs outside, you could try manipulating the weather to be a sunny day, to boost your fire type attacks.

I'd also really recommend a team of 6 as others have said. One of those being a poison type, the other something that can at least deal with poison types. Even if you get past this point, you're not beating corey with that team, period.

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If the level cap is indeed 35 I would recommend leveling your Luxio so it can evolve and provide some extra power, I would also look around for some extra team members, even if you do not plan to keep them around they are always helpful (Meowstic for example is amazing at handling Tangrowth). One last thing I would suggest is focusing on one trainer in the double battle as to eventually make it a 2v1 scenario.

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