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Good Grinding Spots/Ground Types? [Spoiler-ish???]


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I feel kind of bad for making a whole topic about this instead of just putting it in a status, but I can't put spoilers in a status so...

Does anyone know any good grinding spots for

right before the PULSE Swalot?

I totally was too lazy forgot to grind before E15 was released and not even RNGod can help me now. My Pokes are only Lv. 65-67 (with the exception of my Escavalier who is Lv. 71), and the wild Gulpins there are giving me absolute crap.

In addition to that, could anyone possibly recommend a good ground type I could maybe get somewhere? I have a boxed Gligar but it turns out they neither evolve nor learn any Ground Type attacks by level up >.>'

Thank you!

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you can try the ruby,sapphire,emerald and amethyst caves ,and route 4 in the morning that's when the high lv audino come out.for ground types the caves are also a good place to look the pokemon there are lv45-65 with a lucky egg it should be short work.also to take out the swalot just use a ghost type with curse the best one i found was cofagrigus it has massive bulk and with will-o-wisp curse and hex it should be easy.

Edited by j300
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Objection! None of them are accessible at this point unless he caught their pre-evo forms prior to the circus.

I wasn't aware that the OP specified only Pokemon post-Agate Circus. There are really not that many options. Look in a cave somewhere. The first Pokemon off the top of my head is Golurk on Route 3.

Edited by dondon151
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The clown next to where you buy shards battles u unlimited times and u get a random shard everytime u beat him.

Also I believe rhydon can be good but im not sure if protector in this game so u might not be able to evolve it

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I feel kind of bad for making a whole topic about this instead of just putting it in a status, but I can't put spoilers in a status so...

Does anyone know any good grinding spots for

right before the PULSE Swalot?

I totally was too lazy forgot to grind before E15 was released and not even RNGod can help me now. My Pokes are only Lv. 65-67 (with the exception of my Escavalier who is Lv. 71), and the wild Gulpins there are giving me absolute crap.

In addition to that, could anyone possibly recommend a good ground type I could maybe get somewhere? I have a boxed Gligar but it turns out they neither evolve nor learn any Ground Type attacks by level up >.>'

Thank you!

If you're fighting against a poison type. excadrill would be best. It doesn't receive any damage from poison, it have such an awesome physical att stat, and pretty high power ground moves

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If you're fighting against a poison type. excadrill would be best. It doesn't receive any damage from poison, it have such an awesome physical att stat, and pretty high power ground moves

Objection! None of them are accessible at this point unless he caught their pre-evo forms prior to the circus.

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The clown next to where you buy shards battles u unlimited times and u get a random shard everytime u beat him.

Also I believe rhydon can be good but im not sure if protector in this game so u might not be able to evolve it

the protector is in the game.

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Hey! Not sure if it's linked to the day/your current progress, but there's (for me) always a random trainer that changes based on day inside the official Reborn atrium (the building where you got your first starter and gives out directions to where you go next. It's the one where you first start your journey, by the bridge connecting Opal/Peridot/Onyxia.)

I think that the trainer will always have a team of ~4-6 Pokemon who are 0-3 levels under your current badge cap.

I'm currently level-capped at 60, and today's trainer had:

Mawile (57): Ice Fang, Iron Head, Play Rough, Sucker Punch

Carracosta (56): Rain Dance, Shell Smash, Rock Slide, Aqua Tail

Weavile (60, Choice Band): Icicle Crash, Low Kick, Poison Jab, Night Slash

Xatu (58, Leftovers): Reflect, Light Screen, Roost, Giga Drain

You get infinite re-battles, and there's a healing center in the same building! If you're concerned about EV's, you can buy a Power item from the 5th (?) floor of the Onyxia department store and fully EV your team on the wild lvl 1-4 Pokemon outside, so you don't need to worry about the random lineups inside! Also, the trainer pays out ~2000 each time, and you're a 30 second walk away from the candy shop for Common Candies!

As for Ground types, Crookodile is super strong but lacks a way to boost its speed, but there's a lot of other Dark types that might compete for a slot (Drapion, Scraggy, Sharpedo), as is Mamoswine (but you have to breed Icicle Crash onto it by raising a Cubchoo to lvl. 40 first, and it doesn't get any non-TM/egg physical coverage outside of EQ + Thrash.) If you have a Link Stone, Golem is always a solid choice, as he gets a useful boosting move, EdgeQuake STAB from level-up, always useful utility Stealth Rock + Explosion, and Sturdy as a fantastic ability so you always can get 1 move off up in a bad matchup.

I personally dislike Bunnelsby and Rhyperior aesthetically, but Rhyperior has a monstrous BST + Solid Rock + Megahorn from level-up, as long as you have a Protector, and Bunnelsby is basically the fastest Ground-type you can easily get your hands on outside of Sand Rush Excadrill, although I believe that even with Huge Power, you only have ~112 Attack, and you don't get any normal STAB outside of Quick Attack + Flail, unless Return is available?

Others off the top of my head:

Nidoking/queen: Probably the strongest specially, excellent mixed stats, but you really want a Life Orb + a bunch of TMs to fully utilize Sheer Force.

Excadrill: Monstrously strong, extremely fast, but lacks strong Rock and Steel moves and is a pain to catch in Tanzan Depths if you care about EVs.

Sandslash: Slow, slightly weak, no useful STAB outside of EQ.

Steelix: Very poor speed, doesn't have enough special bulk to offset it. Struggles against coverage moves later on, tends to have weak STAB/coverage.

Donphan: Decently strong, a tad slow, barren movepool (Thrash + EQ + Knock Off + Rollout, maybe Elemental Fangs)

Swampert: I never figured out how to do the event. Very good mixed stats, slightly weaker as a pure physical attacker.

Camerupt: Fantastic coverage/STABs, held back by average stats/bulk and slow speed. Fire typing is usually a plus.

Wishcash: Aqua Tail + Earthquake, but a little slow. Really low attack without Dragon Dance to back it up, and if you have a Gyarados to breed it, odds are Gyara is better with Moxie + gargantuan base attack.

Claydol: I don't like the aesthetic, but it's primarily a defensive Pokemon. Only natural attacking moves are Earth Power + Psybeam + Ancientpower.

Gastrodon: Painfully slow, but otherwise solid stats. Doesn't learn a Ground-type attack by level-up.

Seismitoad: The jiggling things weird me out! Good stats, but doesn't learn a Ground-type attack by level-up.

Golurk: I think this one was removed?

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I think you can make the fight a lot easier with other pokemon, not ground types. My advice to you would be to catch something that learns blizzard from ametrine mountain/city and use it to freeze the field so as to change it to the ice field and nullify all the advantages of the PULSE pokemon. A water type that learns blizzard or Rotom Frost are the best choices, but equipping an abomasnow with an air balloon will work too (a vendor at the circus will sell you them rather cheaply).

Air balloons should be on every pokemon you have that isn't a water type, poison type, flying type or has levitate/magic guard/poison heal. That gives you at least one turn to outspeed the PULSE and damage it before having to endure the field effects. Alternatively, if you have anything that can learn mist, grassy terrain or electric terrain (especially the last option), stick an air balloon on it and use that move turn 1. It will make the fight much more bearable.

Electric types work really nicely for this fight as well.

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If you're attempting to beat Swalot, reminder that the field negates all ground moves. It sucks, but you need electric moves. Im praising Heliolisk for my normal run, hopefully I can flash stall and destroy....hopefully.....

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