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Blade Combo





The user mercilessly strikes 2-5 times with sharp metal blades. Critical hits land more easily.

Pokémon that can learn this move-

Aegislash line

Bisharp line

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Type: Psychic

Category: Physical

Power: 90

Accuracy: 100

Description: Employing a warrior's will, the Pokemon launches a precisely driven kick, aided by the power of zen. May paralyze or flinch opponent.

Effects: 10% chance to paralyze 10% chance to flinch.

Notable learners:

- Gallade

- Medicham

- Lucario

- Mewtwo (for Mega Mewtwo X)

- Mienshao

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Wild fruit

Type: Poison

Accuracy: 85%

Power: 40

20% chance of burn, 20% chance of paralyze, 20% chance of poison.

the user force feeds the opponent wild fruits. Depending on the random fruit chosen, the attack can burn, paralyze, or poison the opponent.

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Frost Wave

Type : Ice

Category : Special

Power : 85

Accuracy : 100%

PP : 10(16)

Description :

User calls a huge wave of water, quickly transforming each molecules into a frozen force of icicles, then slams it into the opponent. Deals physical damage and it has 10% of flinching. Affects all Pokemon adjacent to the user including teammates.

Pokemon capable of learning this move:

The majority of Pokemon capable of learning this move are Water-types, excluding Magikarp, Feebas, Skrelp,

Lazy Beam

Type : Normal

Category : Status

Power : -

Accuracy : 100%

PP : 15(24)

Description :

User envelops an odd beam into a target. Target hit by this move will acquire Truant.

Pokemon capable of learning this move :

-Psyduck, Golduck.

-Natu, Xatu.


-Spoink, Grumpig.


-Elgyem, Beheeyem.


-Inkay, Malamar.

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Why haven't I seen this topic sooner?

oh right... because we got this topic already: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=14484

(and this is the second one, because the first one was WAY older... and come on it was on page 2! This Forum isn't Google, where no one goes to page two... AFTER using the search bar)

However... I'm no authority here, and just wanted to point it out, that before creating a topic - please use the search function or at least look into the next 2-3 pages of the forum (it may be that a topic already exists and isn't as old, but iot just get shoved back a page or two by an influx of topics)

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@ Cepheus - Whoops, didn't realized that. I just responded here since it was a neat idea for a topic.

Anyway, one more


Type: Ice

Category: Status

PP: 15 (24)

Power: -

Accuracy: 75%

Frostbite inflicts a freeze on the target. It has no effect on Ice type Pokémon.

Ice types need more love. This move is a freeze equivalent to Sleep Powder. It can be learned from TM by all Ice type Pokemon and few others. Of course, freeze status needs to be changed. It would finish at maximum 3 turns, just like gen 6 sleep.

Edited by Jaromir
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@ BIGJRA - XD Force feeds them with wild berries? That's a funny way to attack your opponent. I like the idea of this move. It's a lot like my Pixie Dust move, with random chance to inflict a different status condition.

@ Lamona - Frost Wave deals physical damage but is listed as special? Also the Lazy Beam is a pretty powerful move. Imagine Genesect or some other Pokemon teaming up with a Gothitelle and the player Lazy Beams both of their opponents, oh god.

@ Cepheus - Oh, okay. My bad. I'm a little new here and I guess I can make mistakes. This topic is already on page 2 anyways so just let it roll.

@ Jaromir - Guaranteed 3 turns of the opponent not moving? That's probably way too good. Ice types would be a lot better though, because most of the Pokemon that have Ice in their types really don't perform well because of their weaknesses. But if a fast Ice-type attacker like Weavile uses this move, it can really be metagame-changing. Good idea though.

I'll edit this post soon to come up with more ideas :) or if someone posts after me, I'll put my ideas.

Aura Charge

Type: Fighting
Category: Status
PP: 10 (16)
Power: ---
Accuracy: ---

Raises Special Attack, Special Defense, and Defense by 2 but requires to charge in the first turn.

Power Herb will make this move go immediately.

Signature Move Of:

Lucario evolution line

My friend made this move.


Type: Dark
Category: Status
PP: 5 (8)
Power: ---
Accuracy: ---

The user cloaks itself and prevents super effective damage on itself until it switches out. The protection lasts for 3-5 turns.

Some Noteable Pokemon that has access to this move:

Scizor evolution line

Shiftry evolution line



Banette evolution line

Zoroark evolution line

Greninja evolution line


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Stealth Spikes

Type: Steel

Category: Status

PP: 20 (32)
Power: ---

Same mechanics as Stealth Rocks, but with damage due to type effectiveness to Steel. Learned by many steel types like Skarmory, Forretress, and Ferrothron and can be learned via move tutor.

Stealth Thorns

Type: Grass

Category: Status

PP: 20 (32)

Power: ---

Similar mechanics to Stealth Rocks and Toxic Spikes but for grass type. One layer does half normal damage (like only 12.5% for a type weak to grass) and reduces Sp. Atk by one stage. Two layers does full damage and harshly reduces Sp. Atk by two stages. Doesn't affect grass types. Activates abilities like Contrary, Defiant and Competitive as well as Sap Sipper. Can be learned by pokemon like Roselia, Roserade, Cacturne, Ferrothorn, and Chestnaught and can be learned from a move tutor.

Hazard Shift

Type: Psychic
Category: Status
PP: 10 (16)
Power: ---

A combination of Psycho Shift, Rapid Spin and the ability Magic Bounce. It removes the entry hazards and relocates them to the opposing side. Relocated hazards can stack with pre-existing hazards once by 1.5x normal damage. Blocked by Dark types. Learned by different psychic types like Alakazam, Xatu, Grumpig, and Sigilyph.

Edited by Nanami's-Egg
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Fairy Glitter

Type > Fairy

Category > Status

PP > 10

Accuracy > 85


User lures enemies close in with playful antics and pulls some bright confetti like glitter and sprinkles it over the opponent's eye, this lowers attack, special attack and accuracy by two stages but the stats always go back to normal after 2 turns, if the stats are for example plus 2 they will return to plus 2 and this move always goes second.

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Stealth Spikes

Type: Steel

Category: Status

PP: 20 (32)

Power: ---

Same mechanics as Stealth Rocks, but with damage due to type effectiveness to Steel. Learned by many steel types like Skarmory, Forretress, and Ferrothron and can be learned via move tutor.

Stealth Thorns

Type: Grass

Category: Status

PP: 20 (32)

Power: ---

Similar mechanics to Stealth Rocks and Toxic Spikes but for grass type. One layer does half normal damage (like only 12.5% for a type weak to grass) and reduces Sp. Atk by one stage. Two layers does full damage and harshly reduces Sp. Atk by two stages. Doesn't affect grass types. Activates abilities like Contrary, Defiant and Competitive as well as Sap Sipper. Can be learned by pokemon like Roselia, Roserade, Cacturne, Ferrothorn, and Chestnaught and can be learned from a move tutor.

Hazard Shift

Type: Psychic

Category: Status

PP: 10 (16)

Power: ---

A combination of Psycho Shift, Rapid Spin and the ability Magic Bounce. It removes the entry hazards and relocates them to the opposing side. Relocated hazards can stack with pre-existing hazards once by 1.5x normal damage. Blocked by Dark types. Learned by different psychic types like Alakazam, Xatu, Grumpig, and Sigilyph.

Reminds me why I hate those sneaky pebbles. So many pokemon learn them, but too few pokemon can get rid of them, especially in game (which limits team building). We need a lot more means to get rid off them once they are on the field. That or for Defog to be a move tutor move (I want my defog sygilyph).

As for my own ideas



Restores the user's hit points, but lowers a random stat. If a hazard is in place on the user's side, the hazard is removed and no stat is lowered. Can be learned mostly by the more mechanical and craggy pokemon such as the Regis and onix line.



Power: 25

Accuracy: 95

Unleashes a flurry of blades upon the target, hitting 2 to 5 times. Has a high critical hit ratio.

Generally learned by pokemon with a lot of blade type attacks, such as galade, the swords of justice, and the honedg line.

Edited by MetalKing1417
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Reminds me why I hate those sneaky pebbles. So many pokemon learn them, but too few pokemon can get rid of them, especially in game (which limits team building). We need a lot more means to get rid off them once they are on the field. That or for Defog to be a move tutor move (I want my defog sygilyph).

As for my own ideas



Basically a recover for more mechanical/chunky pokemon such as the Regis, Metagross/Metang, Bronzor line, Geodude line, Golett line, ect.



Power: 25

Accuracy: 95

Unleashes a flurry of blades upon the target, hitting 2 to 5 times. Has a high critical hit ratio.

Generally learned by pokemon with a lot of blade type attacks, such as galade, the swords of justice, and the honedg line.

Sorry to say with your second move, but I beat ya to it mate. Scroll up, you'll see mine and yours are almost exactly the same.

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Sorry to say with your second move, but I beat ya to it mate. Scroll up, you'll see mine and yours are almost exactly the same.

Mine's fighting though.

Another Move:

Magnetic Pulse



Power: 70

Accuracy: 100

Lets loose a pulse of electromagnetic energy upon the target that hits steel and electric pokemon super effectively.

Magnemite Line, Nosepass line

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Mine's fighting though.

Another Move:

Magnetic Pulse



Power: 70

Accuracy: 100

Lets loose a pulse of electromagnetic energy upon the target that hits steel and electric pokemon super effectively.

Oh. My apologies. I guess that's different enough.

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Fairy Box



PP 10 (max 16)

Base Power 40

+1 priority attack that gets an additional 40 points in power for every stat boost the target has

Learned by:




Mr Mime



Phantom Curtain



PP 20 (max 32)

Base power 70

User hits for damage, then vanishes to switch out for another ally

Learned by:








Soul Barrier


Status (Protect/Detect/King's Shield, etc)

User protects itself from moves this turn. If hit by a Special Attack, it absorbs 1/10th of the attacker's maximum HP (rounded down).

Learned by:


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Giga Blast

Type: Normal

Category: Special

PP: 5 (10)

Power: 135

Accuracy: 65

Upon using the move Regigigas Mega evolves to it's ultimate form losses it's Slow start ability and replaces it with Technician.The move's type may be normal

but the attack will be weak to pokemon that are weak to Ice,Rock and Steel types (depending on the plate held).It's Mega form will last only 5 turns as it reverts back to it's normal form and cannot Mega evolve once again however the Slow start ability won't be present any longer and will be replaced by Iron Fist (ability).

Holding the Ice plate,Rock plate and Iron plate will replace the move's type just like Judgement

Pokemon that can learn it:


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@ Nanami's Egg - Those are all really neat hazard moves and nice field changing move too. Grass types would definitely be used more for those Stealth Thorns. The way of the Whimsicott anyone? Sounds really broken once the double layer is set up. If they could be rid of by putting a Grass-type Pokemon on the field, people would just use Grass types even more. So I don't have any ideas to balance it. It's always a good idea to make new moves inspired by existing moves!

@ MetalKing1417 - Yeah, that is true how there's not a lot of Pokemon with Rapid Spin and Defog. I like how you made a new Rock-type move, considering how there are a few Rock-type moves. I need to come up more ideas on making a richer variety of moves for types don't have enough.

@Aegis - Nice, a Ghost-type version of U-Turn/Volt Switch. Could always need more moves like that. :).

I'm thinking of making signature moves, so far I have this one, which is one of my favorite Pokemon:

Venus Vicegrip

Type: Steel
Category: Physical
PP: 10 (16)
Power: 90
Accuracy: 100%
* Single Target

Once the attack connects, the opponent cannot escape unless the user switches out. Mawile learns this signature move as a starting move.

Signature Move Of:

I'd post my friend's Aegislash signature move, but two of you guys already made a move like it for Aegislash, so I don't think I need to share it (it's called Royal Dance).

Will edit in more if I have an idea.

Edited by Spi
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Venus Vicegrip

Type: Steel

Category: Physical

PP: 10 (16)

Power: 90

Accuracy: 100%

* Single Target

Once the attack connects, the opponent cannot escape. Mawile learns this signature move as a starting move.

Signature Move Of:


I'd post my friend's Aegislash signature move, but two of you guys already made a move like it for Aegislash, so I don't think I need to share it (it's called Royal Dance).

Will edit in more if I have an idea.

This attack seems almost so overpowered that Mega Mawile would be banned. A 90 power steel move that traps seems so unstoppable competitively, but would certainly be an awesome move to have on Mawile for in game. Edited by BIGJRA
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@ BIGJRA - Thanks for commenting on my new move! I've used Mega Mawile plenty of times before. Usually when I sent it out, the opponent switch out their counter or check to Mega Mawile. And trapping that Pokemon in that regard isn't overpowered in my eyes. But this means if the move is used and connects, they won't be able to double switch out. So it gives you a free turn to pivot in what you want, I guess. It's probably really good for Doubles though, but it doesn't hit both targets like Thousand Waves (this move is very similar to it). I changed the move a bit to make it so the user can switch out after Mawile leaves the field.

Let's move on with my two new signature moves I made yesterday. I made these moves for a friend.

Dragon Fear

Type: Dark
Category: Status
PP: 10 (16)
Power: ---
Accuracy: ---
Priority: +1

The move drops the opponent's Attack stat depending on their type's weakness or resistance to the move's type.

Resist: No Drop
Neutral: -1 Stages of Attack Drop
2x Super-Effective: -2 Stages of Attack Drop
4x Super-Effective: -3 Stages of Attack Drop

Signature Move Of:

Mermaid Beauty

Type: Fairy
Category: Status
PP: 10 (16)
Power: ---
Accuracy: ---
Priority: +1

The move drops the opponent's Special Attack stat depending on their type's weakness or resistance to the move's type.

Resist: No Drop
Neutral: -1 Stages of Special Attack Drop
2x Super-Effective: -2 Stages of Special Attack Drop
4x Super-Effective: -3 Stages of Special Attack Drop

Signature Move Of:

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How about....

Machina Overload/Limiter Removal

Type: Steel

Category: Status

Description: The user overrides it's systems to sharply boost it's power, at the cost of it's defenses.

Summary: Think of a Shell Smash for machine Pokemon.

Noteable learners:



-Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon Z




Also, a little thing I came up with.

Mind Crush: basically a reverse Psystrike. Dark-type, BP 100, BA 100, runs off the user's Atk but calculates damage with the target's SpDef.

This is totally not going to be in Se7en

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More new moves!


Type: Normal
Category: Status
PP: 15 (24)
Power: ---
Accuracy: ---

The user regains half of their maximum hit points and falls asleep during that turn, then wakes up immediately the turn after.

Signature Move Of:
Snorlax evolution line

Basically it's Recover that also heals status affliction.

Dust Devil

Type: Ground
Category: Physical
PP: 15 (24)
Power: 65
Accuracy: 100%

Deals twice as much damage in sandstorm. It has 10% chance of lowering accuracy.

Some Noteable Pokemon that has access to this move:

Sandslash evolution line

Steelix evolution line

Flygon evolution line

Tyranitar evolution line

Garchomp evolution line

Rhyperior evolution line

Hippowdon evolution line

Excadrill evolution line



Electric Wool

Type: Electric
Category: Status
PP: 20 (32)
Power: ---
Accuracy: ---

Raises Special Attack, Special Defense, and Defense by one.

Signature Move Of:
Ampharos evolution line

Edited by Spi
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That electric wool one is very interesting, and I'm thinking of a mon that could give it a great use *looks at Tomas*

I have quite a few:

Dream Sand

Type: Ground

Category: Status

PP: 10 (16)

Power: ---

Accuracy: 85

Puts the target to sleep. Being a ground type move, there's nothing immune to it, and it affects both grass types and mons with overcoat, who would otherwise be immune to things like sleep powder and spore.

Signature Move of: nothing at the moment, but I have plans for this move :]


Type: Ghost

Category: Status

PP: 5 (8)

Power: ---

Accuracy: ---

The user disappears that turn, protecting it from any move from the opponent. Is basically a detect for ghosts, but phantom force and shadow force can't break it, unlike every other protecting move.

Signature Move of: nothing at the moment, but it is meant to be a move widely learned by most ghost pokemon


Type: Steel

Category: Status

PP: 10 (16)

Power: ---

Accuracy: ---

Priority: +1

The user twists time to double the speed of its party for a maximum of 5 turns. Is basically tailwind for steel types, and the priority is due to quicksilver being related to super speed.

Signature Move of: nothing at the moment

Bug jump

Type: Bug

Category: Physical

PP: 30 (48)

Power: 40

Accuracy: 100

Priority: +1

The user jumps towards the target before this can do anything. Based on how some flies and other insects are fast jumpers. Is basically a bug type quick attack.

Signature Move of: nothing at the moment, but is meant for bugs lol

Edited by zimvader42
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That electric wool one is very interesting, and I'm thinking of a mon that could give it a great use *looks at Tomas*

I have quite a few:

Dream Sand

Type: Ground

Category: Status

PP: 10 (16)

Power: ---

Accuracy: 85

Puts the target to sleep. Being a ground type move, there's nothing immune to it, and it affects both grass types and mons with overcoat, who would otherwise be immune to things like sleep powder and spore.

Signature Move of: nothing at the moment, but I have plans for this move :]


Type: Ghost

Category: Status

PP: 5 (8)

Power: ---

Accuracy: ---

The user disappears that turn, protecting it from any move from the opponent. Is basically a detect for ghosts, but phantom force and shadow force can't break it, unlike every other protecting move.

Signature Move of: nothing at the moment, but it is meant to be a move widely learned by most ghost pokemon


Type: Steel

Category: Status

PP: 10 (16)

Power: ---

Accuracy: ---

Priority: +1

The user twists time to double the speed of its party for a maximum of 5 turns. Is basically tailwind for steel types, and the priority is due to quicksilver being related to super speed.

Signature Move of: nothing at the moment

Bug jump

Type: Bug

Category: Physical

PP: 30 (48)

Power: 40

Accuracy: 100

Priority: +1

The user jumps towards the target before this can do anything. Based on how some flies and other insects are fast jumpers. Is basically a bug type quick attack.

Signature Move of: nothing at the moment, but is meant for bugs lol


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@ zimvader42 - Thanks. I like your Vanish one too. Glad you gave it a difference from other moves like Protect and Detect. At least it's not completely the same as them because almost every Pokemon learns that.

Disarming Technique

Type: Fighting
Category: Physical
PP: 25 (40)
Power: 65 (97.5 if opponent is holding item)
Accuracy: 100%

The move removes the target's item. If the target is holding an item, the power is boosted 50%.

Some Noteable Pokemon that has access to this move:
Infernape evolution line
Lucario evolution line
Emboar evolution line
Possibly many other fighting types (most can learn Knock Off already, but they could use this move if they wanted to)

Dark Flow

Type: Dark
Category: Special
PP: 5 (8)
Power: 130
Accuracy: 90%

The move lowers Special Attack by two stages after use.

Some Noteable Pokemon that has access to this move:

Hydreigon evolution line

Aegislash evolution line



Name is inspired by a sword weapon from a different video game (PSO). For some reason, I realized there are no Dark-type nuking moves. So this move is similar to Overheat and Draco Meteor.

Soaring Icarus

Type: Flying

Category: Physical
PP: 5 (8)
Power: 140
Accuracy: 100%

A 50% chance of losing the Flying type after if it's used, unless the user is switched out.

Signature Move Of:
Talonflame evolution line

Made this for a friend...

Glacier Gloss

Type: Ice

Category: Status
PP: 15 (24)
Power: ---
Accuracy: ---

Raises Special Attack by one stage and Speed by two stages.

Signature Move Of:


Exotic Fungi

Type: Poison

Category: Status
PP: 10 (16)
Power: ---
Accuracy: 90%

Works similar to Leech Seed, but instead of draining health, it drains away a random stat from the opponent after each turn. If Attack is drained away, the opponent will lose one stage of Attack and the user will gain one stage of Attack. Does not affect Steel- or Poison-type opponents.

Some Noteable Pokemon that has access to this move:
Venusaur Evolution Line

Parasect Evolution Line

Vileplume Evolution Line

Victreebel Evolution Line

Garbodor Evolution Line

Amoonguss Evolution Line

Soul Retrieval

Type: Ghost

Category: Status
PP: 10 (16)
Power: ---
Accuracy: ---

The user calls back its previous highest stat boost it has. Meaning, it will recover from all stat drops and readjust to the stats as high as they were before. If you Swords Dance to +6 but decided to switch out, then using this move will recover your stat boost. It also recovers from all stat drops to the highest they have been.

Some Noteable Pokemon that has access to this move:


Xatu Evolution Line



Medicham Evolution Line

Gardevoir/Gallade Evolution Line

Lucario Evolution Line

Spiritomb Evolution Line

Aegislash Evolution Line

Most other Psychic and Ghost types.

Soul Fang

Type: Ghost

Category: Physical
PP: 10 (16)
Power: 65
Accuracy: 100%

The user bites and sucks in Attack stat. The opponent will lose one stage of Attack and the user will gain one stage of Attack.

Can be boosted by Strong Jaw.

Some Noteable Pokemon that has access to this move:



Feraligatr Evolution Line

Crobat Evolution Line

Sharpedo Evolution Line


Krookadile Evolution Line

Scrafty Evolution Line

Tyrantrum Evolution Line

This next one is made by my friend...

Dreamy Dance

Type: Fairy
Category: Status
PP: 10 (16)
Power: ---
Accuracy: 75%
* Hits Both Targets in Doubles

Puts the opponent to sleep.

Some Noteable Pokemon that has access to this move:
Gardevoir Evolution Line
Musharna Evolution Line

Florges Evolution Line


Type: Normal

Category: Status
PP: 10 (16)
Power: ---
Accuracy: ---

A move similar to Wish. The user hopes and the next turn, the hope becomes true and sharply raises Special Attack. The boost can be passed down to a switched Pokemon.

Some Noteable Pokemon that has access to this move:

Clefable Evolution Line


Blissey Evolution Line

Gardevoir Evolution Line


Togekiss Evolution Line



Florges Evolution Line

Edited by Spi
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