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  • 2 weeks later...
On 1/1/2021 at 11:21 PM, MourgneBasilo_ said:

Other non-damaging healing moves except Recover will fail.

What about slack off and rest? Would they make sense at night?


My move:






Accuracy: 100

Effect:Applies any effect that was applied to the user to the opponent (Status, stat changes, mean look, throat chop etc). Power is based on the power of the move that the user was hit by.




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  • 3 months later...


Type: Dark

Power: 80 / Physical 

Accuracy: 95

PP: 10

Effect: Has a 20% chance to lower the target's defense or attack by 1. Has a 10% chance to flinch the target. Breaks screens (Light Screen, Aurora Veil, etc.)

(Is a contact move) (Is a bite move, so Strong Jaw ability makes the move stronger)

Description: The user uses its sharp pincer-like teeth to stab and cut the target, which may also weaken it physically.


Pokemon that can learn it:

Chomplalon (I made it up im sorry I like making my own mons)

(Its a grass starter I like to do whatever)



Bubbly Superhammer

Type: Steel

Power: 100 / Physical 

Accuracy: 90

PP: 10

Effect: Lowers the target's speed by one. Deals 1/4 damage to all other pokemon in play (Not the user).

(Is a contact move, but only does contact on the main target. Does not hit ally Pokémon with Telepathy. Excess damage to other pokemon does neutral damage, regardless of typing)

Description: The user slams its extremely heavy tail at the target at full force. The slam creates a shockwave which hurts other pokemon.


Pokemon that can learn it:

Hamibloes (made-up water starter)



Venomous Flare

Type: Poison

Power: 70

Accuracy: 95

PP: 10

Effect: 20% chance to badly poison the target, regardless of its type or abillity. If the target is already poisoned, the user's special attack is raised by 2.

(Is not a contact move) (Items or effect that raise fire moves power also power up this move)

Description: The user fires a poisonous flaming burst of toxin at the target, which may poison the foe. If the foe is already poisoned, the user becomes stronger.


Pokemon that can learn it:

Tozablaxe (yay I found a name for the fire starter)

Edited by Asherbird25
I got names for pokemon and also improved moves
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  • 4 weeks later...

I came up with one hit KO moves for every type that doesn't already have one:


Grass: Gympie Venom

Fire: White Hot Blaze

Water: Tsunami

Bug: Hive Rush

Electric: Plasma Blast

Flying: Sweeping Storm

Rock: Boulder Crush

Dragon: Sacred Smite

Fighting: One Hitter

Psychic: Mind Shatter

Ghost: Possess

Dark: Morbid Mangle

Fairy: Fairy Ring

Poison: Lethal Dose

Steel: Precise Strike

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  • 3 weeks later...

I can't remember the last time I've commented on this topic and I certainly haven't been able to keep up with all the suggested moves, so apologies if I happen to copy someone else's moves.


There are a couple of move genres that I feel are a bit underrepresented, namely, offensive draining moves. The Big Root has always felt like an item that had untapped potential to me, and I'd like to open it up to a wider variety of users instead of just grass and bug types. With that in mind, I don't believe that every type needs a draining move as it just doesn't make thematic sense (How would a steel type drain its opponent? Would a fire type just siphon away heat?), so I'll only cover a few types.


Vampiric Bite:

Type: Dark

Power: 75 / Physical / Contact

Accuracy: 100

PP: 10

Effect: Inflicts damage, then restores up to 50% of damage dealt as HP to the user. Affected by Liquid Ooze, Strong Jaw, and Heal Block, can utilize Big Root.

Learnpool: All non legendary dark types whose final evolution's ATK>SPA, with exceptions of bat themed evolution lines (Crobat, Noivern, Swoobat), snake themed evolution lines (Arbok, Seviper, Serperior), and certain exceptions like Pinsir, Mawile, Glalie, Huntail, Gliscor, Carnivine, Eelektross, and Hydregion.

Description: The user viciously bites the target in an attempt to drain its blood. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.


Life Drain:

Type: Ghost

Power: 80 / Special / Non-Contact

Accuracy: 100

PP: 10

Effect: Inflicts damage, then restores up to 50% of the damage dealt as HP to the user. Affected by Liquid Ooze and Heal Block, can utilize Big Root.

Learnpool: All ghost types whose final evolution's SPA>=ATK, plus Yveltal (because come on).

Description: The user attempts to spiritually drain the target's energy. The user's HP is restored by half the damage taken by the target.


For the record, as I take realism too seriously how in the hell does Drain Punch even exist?

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One other set of moves (and a potential item) that I would also like to see further explored are priority moves as well as an item that prevents the effects of one flinch. Some time screwing around with the current VGC format has shown me two things. Flinching (and really, mostly Fake Out) is incredibly powerful, and so is guaranteeing speed control with priority moves. With that in mind, I feel that the roster of priority moves is a little under-saturated and decent Pokemon that can run priority tend to be very solid, if not top tier options in any competitive setting. So the options below are solely for the purpose of leveling the playing field and granting more options in hopes of expanding roster variety. First, the item:


Focus Grip: An item to be held by a Pokemon. The user will ignore the effect of flinching by any move, but still takes damage regularly. The item then disappears.


Now for the moves: (The first will be a modification of an existing move, the rest will be entirely new)



Type: Ghost

Power: 40 / Physical / Contact

Accuracy: 100

PP: 10

Priority: +3

Effects: Functions as a ghost type Fake Out, causes a guaranteed flinch if the move hits the target.

Learnset: Same set as of Gen 8 but with several options subtracted in the name of balance. Pokemon who used to learn Astonish who will not learn it anymore include: Mawile (this assumes that Mega Evolution may return in the future, if we are going with Game Freak's idea to snap them out of existence then Mawile is fine to learn it, poor thing needs it), Dusknoir Line, Rotom Forms (but stock Rotom can learn it), Amoonguss (thematically, yes, balance wise dear god no), Tornadus and Thundurus (both forms), Tapu Lele, Blacephalon, Dragapult Line.

Pokemon who wouldn't learn Astonish before but now can would include surprise, ambush, or mischief themed Pokemon including: Electrode Line, Raticate Line (both forms), Liepard Line, Weavile Line, Obstagoon Line, Skunktank Line, Honchkrow Line, Zoroark Line, Krookodile Line, Thievul Line, Mightyena Line, Spiritomb Line, Morpeko Line, Golisopod Line, Accelgor Line, Shedinja, Meowstic Line, Mr. Mime Line (both forms), and the Hypno Line.

Description: The user catches the target off guard and quickly attacks. This attack hits first and makes the target flinch. It only works the first turn each time the user enters battle.



Type: Fire

Power: 40 / Special / Non-Contact

Accuracy: 100

PP: 20

Priority: +1

Learnpool: Typhlosion Line, Infernape Line, Delphox Line, Magmortar Line, Simisear Line, Chandelure Line, Salazzle Line, Houndoom Line, Heatmor, Arcanine Line

Description: The user rapidly ignites the air around the target, causing it to combust. This move almost always goes first.


Discharge Dash:

Type: Electric

Power: 60 / Physical / Contact

Accuracy: 100

PP: 10

Priority: +1

Effects: If the user used Charge prior to this move, this move becomes a spread move and has its base power boosted to 80, plus gaining the regular effects of Charge.

Learnpool: Raichu Line, Electrode Line, Electivire Line, Jolteon, Manectric Line, Luxray Line, Zebstrika Line, Vikavolt Line, Boltund Line, Toxtricity Line

Description: The user surges towards the target with an excess of electrical energy. If the user is charged, this move is slightly powered up and strikes every Pokemon around it. This move almost always goes first.



Type: Flying

Power: 40 / Physical / Contact

Accuracy: 100

PP: 15

Priority: +1

Effects: If the user has a Tailwind advantage over the opponent, this move gets boosted by 1.25x power. If the opponent has a Tailwind advantage, this move has 0.75x power. If both sides have Tailwind active, this move has no power changes. Power is also affected by the weather, in that it gets no modifier from neutral, 1.25x boost from sun or rain, and a 0.75x reduction from sand or hail. These negative effects are ignored if the user is immune to a weather's damaging effects (type and abilities factor in here) or is wearing Safety Goggles.

Learnpool: Pidgeot Line, Fearow Line, Aerodactyl, Dragonite, Skarmory, Swellow Line, Salamence, Staraptor Line, Braviary Line, Talonflame Line, Corviknight Line, as well as Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres (both forms for all), Lugia, Ho-oh, Rayquaza, Tornadus (both forms), and Yveltal.

Description: The user takes advantage of the current weather and rides air currents to swiftly attack the target. Poor weather conditions will reduce this move's effectiveness.

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  • 5 months later...

Move:Needle Blitz




Obtainability:Factory,Abandoned Jail/Mechanic Shop

Cost:Tm 2000P/1500W

Outside Battle Gimmick:No



Drawback/Effect:(New damaging effect like "Intestine issue") or paralyze

Description:The pokemon unleashes a barrage of Sharp needles


Learnpool:Metagross,Drednaw,Entire Nidoran Line(Male and female),Naganadel,Sandslash,Pincurchin,Scizor,Cobalion and Lucario


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Type: Fire

Power: -

Category: Status

Singature: Talonflame

Accuracy: -

PP: 5

Priority: +4

Effects: Attack stat and Sp. Attack stat rise to maximum by +6, in exchange for 50% of max HP and casts Protect to the user.

Learnpool: Talonflame.

TM: No.

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my moves names are:

Shadow Dance

Type: Ghost

power: ...


the pokémon uses a forbidden dance and raises all stats sharply but only accuracy goes down by 1 stage

Only the gengar line can learn it





Uranium Blast

Type: Poison

power: 50  (100 if it hits 2 times has a 50% chance to hit 2 times)

has a 100% chance to give the oposing pokémon Toxic poison (badly poison)

only poison and steel types can learn this move



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  • 4 months later...

Voltblast storm:

Type: Electric/Flying (duel type move).

Power: 140

Category: Special


Description:  Affects All adjacent opponents in battle.  30% paralysis status infliction.     Lowers user's Special Attack by 2 stages.  Considered as a sound-based move.  Hits pokemon behind substitute.


Pokemon capable to learn:

All Electric/Flying type pokemon and Electric pokemon able to generate flying type moves.




Solar storm:

Type: Fire/Flying (duel type move).

Power: 140

Category: Special


Description:  Affects All adjacent opponents in battle. 30% burn status infliction.   Lowers user's Special Attack by 2 stages.  Hits pokemon behind substitute. 


Pokemon capable to learn:

All Fire/Flying type pokemon and Fire pokemon able to generate flying type moves.




Winter storm:

Type: Ice/Flying (duel type move).

Power: 140

Category: Special


Description:  Affects All foes in battle. 30% frostbite status infliction.   Lowers user's Special Attack by 2 stages.  Hits pokemon behind substitute.


Pokemon capable to learn:

All Ice/Flying type pokemon and Ice pokemon able to generate flying type moves.



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  • 10 months later...

Wyvern Tear

type: Dragon

Physical move

base power: 45

accuracy: 100%


Description: its literally just spatial rend but a physical move and altered


all dragon types

chaoril octilery(its part of a fakemon region im making, dont worry about it)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Vulcan Crush


Type: Fire

Physical move

Base power: 90

accuracy: 90%

PP: 16(max)

Description: The user accumulates molten lava in its fist to strike its opponents.
Effect: secondary typed (steel)

           30% chance to either burn or flinch the target
Learn pool: Most fully evolved fire types that can do physical stuff with arms (Blaziken, Charizard, Magmorter) and Dragon and fighting types that can learn fire punch 


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  • 1 month later...

I’m giving ceruledge a custom move cuz why not.


Name: double x blade

Type: fighting

Category: physical 

Pp: 11

Base power: 110 (first hit) 40 (second hit)

Accuracy: 95



Hits 2 times, second hit has a higher chance to crit.



Pokémon that can learn the move:


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  • 6 months later...

Move : Draco Kick

Power: 190

Category: Physical Attacking Move

Typing: Dragon

PP: 10

Max PP: 25

Effects: Stuns opponent (Causing both Paralysis and Confusion) and Causes slight recoil damage.

Accuracy: 99


Learn by LVL UP: Blaziken, Cinderace, and Lopunny


Learn by TM: Blaziken, Cinderace, Lopunny, Hitmonlee, Hitmontop, Machoke, Machamp, Medicham, MienShao, Heracross, Lucario, Emboar, Hariyama, Infernape, Bewear, Annihilape, Breloom, Lilligant (Hisuian Form), Decidueye (Hisuian and Alolan forms), Pangoro, Hawlucha, Koraidon, Zapdos (Galarian), Tsareena, Quaquaval, Rapidash, Dodrio, Pheromosa, Incineroar, Torterra, Urshifu (Single and Rapid Strike), Tyranitar, Sceptile, Swampert, Obstagoon, Slaking, Aggron, Flygon, Garchomp, Toxicroak, Rhyperior, Sneasler, Mamoswine, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Heatran, Regigigas, Arceus, Mew, Zebstrika, Gigalith, Bouffalant, Keldeo, Gogoat, Tyrantrum, Kommo-O, Zeraora, Copperajah, Dracozolt, Dracofish, Lokix, GargaNaCl, Cyclizar, Flamigo, Baxcalibur, and Walking Wake.

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  • 1 month later...

Shadow Artillery
Catagory: Special Move

Type: Ghost

Base Power: 30
Accuracy: 90%

Shoots a barrage of 2-10 shadow energy. May Pokémon adjacent to the target.

Doesn't make contact

Affected by Protect

Affected by Magic Coat

Not affected by Snatch

Affected by Mirror Move

Not affected by King's Rock

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  • 4 weeks later...

Steel Breaker

Type: Steel


Power: 200

This is a move that takes 2 turns to charge.

On the first turn, the user braces itself against incoming attacks, boosting it's defense stat. On the second turn, the user readies it's attack, boosting it's attack stat, and on the last turn, the user unleashes an incredible power from inside its body, a massive charge striking the opponent. This move is super effective on steel types.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Conduct Strike 

Type: Electric 🌩️

Attack type: Special

Accuracy: 95%

Power: 75

X2: Water, Flying, and Ground

X0: None (No specific types but specific Pokemon such as Castform, Rayquasa, Luxray, Mightyana, and Gliscor (despite Gliscor being 4x weak to it))

X1/2: None

PP: 5 

Origins: This move originated from the Mysterious Region Johto Region.

Description: "It is unknown how this move deals mass amounts of damage to ground type Pokemon but some have theorized that this is due to the power of the Unknown's where the move was first discovered."

Effects: 10% paralysis to most opponents and 15% to ground opponents, 5% chance to confuse your Pokemon if its not one of these Pokemon: Castform, Rayquasa, Luxray, Mightyana, or Gliscor.

Edited by Fluff_
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  • 2 months later...


Type: Electric

Category: Special

PP: 5 (max: 8)

Power: 150

Accuracy: 90



The user unleashes all of the electricity stored in its body. The user must recharge after using this move.


Pokemon that can learn Overcharge:

Raichu/Alolan Raichu

Alolan Golem


Electrode/Hisuian Electrode



Ampharos/Mega Ampharos


Manectric/Mega Manectric







Thundurus (both forms)




Tapu Koko



Toxtricity (both forms)




Sandy Shocks

Iron Hands

Iron Thorns


Raging Bolt



Edited by Collin Patriss
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