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How powerful is the mind? (Psychic/Ghost run)13

Another Felix

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Log 17: "Eruption"

There was an island between Reborn City and Apophyll beach. Even through the heavy fog, having Lilith light the way got us there safely. There really should be some kind of licensing exam for boat operation. Anyway, the first thing I noticed on this island was that it was hardly an island. It was actually a marsh, which they apparently used as a breeding center.

It was a large mess of trees and swampland. Rocks were littered throughout the toxic water, providing pathways between the broken fragments of land. Among the trees, rocks, and thick grass were a ton of Pokemon, mostly poison types that could thrive in this environment. I actually lost count of how many Foongus I passed.

Eventually finding our way through the maze of forestry (and getting far dirtier than I'm comfortable doing so) we came across a building, seemingly abandoned. Upon actually getting in there, almost unsurprisingly we found two familiar faces. Aster and Eclipse sarcastically welcomed me, and quickly challenged us to a battle, which was fairly easy despite being two against one.

They bailed quickly, which gave us time to explore the rest of the building. We still hadn't found Cain though. After some more searching, as well as having Fiddles phase through some machines to see what was there, we found a hidden hallway. It lead to a room where Taka was waiting for us, with Cain and a Camerupt in a cage. I was worried they were just going to roast Cain, but he instead told me that their plan was to use Camerupt ot cause the volcano that Apophyll was built around to erupt. He also said that I was free to free Cain and told me to go to the top of the mountain.

After getting Cain out of the cage (as well as some uncomfortable dialogue about him being in a cage), we took the boat back to the beach. Victoria joined us as we climbed the volcano yet again, but now there were Meteor grunts all over the damn place. Quickly fighting our way through, we eventually reached the top.

It was there we were by Taka, Sirius, and Cal. After attempting to explain their motives, they said that Cal had been working for Team Meteor the entire time. I had my suspicions, but thought he was mostly unimportant to rescuing those kids. The Camerupt and the PULSE machine had been already set up, also the work of Cal. Taka and Cal took on Victoria and Cain, while I took on Sirius. He claimed that he could beat me with only a single Pokemon, a challenge which I gladly took.

It was a Garchomp. This was far more powerful than I had expected, and my team new it. Even Lilith had a glimmer of fear in her eyes, though she tried to hide it. The only one who seemed confident enough to take it on was Groot. He had small twitch on his trunk, possibly a smile? Either way, he took the battlefield. Garchomp immediately lead with a Dragon Rush, which would've taken out any Pokemon I had, except for Groot. Damn tree just barely stood standing. He was only up long enough to launch a small purple flame at the Garchomp before being taken down. I had just expected it to be Will-O-Wisp and prepared to send out someone else, but something odd happened. His Garchomp began to appear very dizzy and eventually fell over, unconscious. Found out later that the move had been Destiny Bond, which I would ordinarily never use, but found it to be quite the fitting end for this fight.

After being soundly defeated, Kiki slowly walked up. She claimed she already knew what was going on, and that she was going to stop it one way or another. Her Medicham attempted to attack the PULSE machine, but was caught by Cal's Magmortar. In a rather gruesome event, the Medicham was thrown into the volcano. It's screams could be heard throughout the island. And before anything else could happen, Sirius's Garchomp was back up, and executed Kiki. I could hear bones break, and then silence.

Cal attempted to repent by destroying the PULSE, but it was too late. Sirius and Taka had already left, and Kiki was dead. Victoria was understandably distraught, and I was in a state of shock. I almost thought she was going to push him into the volcano as well.

Back at the academy, I was apparently invalidated for my badge because the leader had passed away before giving it to me. Victoria did give me the TM for Strength, but I would apparently need the fifth gym badge to use it, which unfortunately wasn't Victoria. My next stop is apparently in some kind of toxic wasteland to take on Cain's sister. It's been quite some time since we last saw the children. Praying that they're safe.

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The power of the mind is terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. It's all in your head, after all...

Have you considered Musharna? It's quite fat, and can do some Calm Mind shwnanginans easily, especially with Trick Room. Also, I'm sure you'll be obtaining a Chandelure eventually!

All the best to you in your run. I look forward to your next log; this is quite the entertainment indeed.

Edited by Viridescent
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It was a good read, it's strange that the association with shades gym and kiki's death isn't made yet (maybe next episode). I'm also curious about a little event yet to come, especially with how much guilt your character feels.
Good luck with your run.

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