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TM 19 Roost? Adaptability Skrelp?



I was just wondering when and where is Roost available. I heard that it was in the game at some point, but I don't know when or where it can be found.

Also, I read that skrelp is finally obtainable by fishing. I think I need a good rod? But what I'm wondering is if it's possible to catch one with adaptability or not.

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I have patience, I once looked for a skorupi with a specific nature, gender, and ability for nearly 2 weeks. But I didn't know about it being available in episode 14 because I stopped playing when I finished episode 13 and just started playing again 2 days ago.

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He was just saying it may be awhile, but that is definitely good to see that type of patience mate. Anyways, you're correct about using a Good Rod. For me, I found mine by fishing on Apophyll Beach, but I believe people have found it in other locations.

And for the TM Roost, it isn't available anymore. It was replaced by Telekinesis. To add on even further, it can be found in Blackstream Factory, and was replaced in Episode 11 so you can find it there if you have Episode 10 or earlier. Credits to Lore!

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To elaborate, in Episode 10, the TM there was Telekinesis. However, when the TM in Blacksteam Factory was switched with Psych Up instead, in that same episode (I think it was E11 that happened, but I don't exactly recall), the TM for Telekinesis became TM Roost. So if you picked up Telekinesis in Episode 10, it'll be Roost instead now. That is the only way to have Roost, since it has not appeared as an item somewhere as of yet.

And even if the Skrelp you find doesn't have Adaptability, you can use Ability Capsules to switch abilities until it does have it.

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...what I was saying was that the move TM19 contained was changed. In E10 and earlier, it contained Telekinesis. E11 and later, it contains Roost. This is why as of E11, rather than being TM19 in Blacksteam Factory, it is TM77 Psych Up.

So if you happen to have picked up the TM in Blacksteam Factory when it was still TM19 Telekinesis... in all later episodes than E10, it will appear in your inventory as TM19 Roost. But the TM that appears in the factory itself will still be Psych Up.

Hi I'm Lost and I'm absolutely terrible at explaining things

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