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Is this just part of a 'Wait up don't go there yet'

Kaiser the great

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Post game, lone man, Kaiser.

So I understand there are certain changes going to be happening, so it'd make sense this area is blocked off. However, I just want to verify its not some sort of bug. (If it is, feel free to move this post to bug report thread.)

When going south of the grand stairway, you reach a certain point on the bridge where it officially is treated as you going into the next ward. (I can't remember the name, but it's the one you started in.) However by doing so, you freeze your game. Now my save file isn't busted or anything, but I'm just curious if this is supposed to happen, or not?

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Ah, I see. Thank you. I haven't dealt with lag in this game for so long that I guess the idea of that being it swept right past me, lol.

The reason why is cause' there is no small building in between the wards, they are connected only by player touch, so the game has to load in a new map while also having the input of the player still going. (correct me if I'm wrong)

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