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I need more team members


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So these are my current members : (I'm training up Mudkip, and will get to Rotom when i can transform it)


But i also want to add more members, and i want to see your advice on what to add and what that pokemon's moveset should be. I love breeding, but breeding for a specific HP type is very boring and tedious (It takes me 4 batches of eggs just to finally get a HP Fire Magnemite). Here are the rest of my pokemons :


The Chingling is for trading, so please disregard it. If there's any pokemon in the wild that i should catch, i'll hunt for it. Also i may need some help getting to TM Retaliate so that i can catch a Feebas.

Edited by biboo195
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I think a ghost or dark type such as Houndoom or Honhkrow could be useful because you don't seem to have much for psychic types

So should i hunt for a Pawniard ?

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Might as well since Bisharp is really good. Remember to breed psycho cut (and possibly sucker punch) on it.

Consider training up your sneasel too. You can breed ice punch to it via Hitmonchan/Medicham>Lopunny>Sneasel.

Another suggestion would be Porygon. If you got the linkstones to spare Porygon-Z's gonna be a serious threat. You can also set up a Trick Room team around it

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So i need to get a Tyrogue. Do you know a good place to get Dunsparce ? I've tried the place under the Grand Staircase, but i haven't found a single 1.

Edited by biboo195
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On Route 1, there's a building and a guy's outside on the balcony during some types of weather. He's out when it's clear, don't know if he's out anytime else. You can trade Dunsparce for Tyrogue.

EDIT: Sorry, didn't read it properly. Dunsparce appear there, they're quite rare though.

Edited by SkyRunner
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Yes, i'm looking for a Shiny Stone to evolve her.

I'll said hold on to that. Breed that Roselia with Leaf Storm/Giga Drain, Sludge Bomb, Extrasensory and HP (Ice). I personally when with Leaf Storm but Giga Drain is good too. Give it Technician....I solo the Flying-Gym Leader with Roserade

I caught a Sneasel and decided to add it to my team. I breed it to get Dig and Icicle Crash (Ice Punch is good too) chain being

Sandshrew>Cubchoo>Sneasel. Decided to make Weavile my main Poke, Speed and Power are like <3

Make sure to breed everything with good moves. Breeding is the ultimate answer for ultimate set ups for Reborn

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honchlrow with super luck and night slash is a good dark type also try breading bravebird into it to give it a good flying move to deal with fighting types since it can't learn acrobatics and peck and wing atack aren't that good.Getting abra to to evolve into alakazam might als be good it has booth great speed and special attack.

riolu is an obvious choice you either go physical or special lucario booth of them are nearly as equaly good.

arcanine is also an option it gets both outrage and close combat.

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Flying-types would be a nice addition. In that case, you can get Archen at the circus, Archeops is incredibly powerful (Example moveset: Rock Slide/Acrobatics/Dragon Claw/EQ or Bulldoze (EQ requires breeding in older episodes)). I heard you can also get Starly (don't ask me how), and Crobat has opportunities in both physical and special offense. (Physical: BraveBird, Cross poison e.g.; Special: Nasty Plot, Air Slash, Sludge bomb/Venoshock, HP)
Personal choice, Flygon can do quite some work too (EQ/Superpower/Dragon Claw/Rock Slide). Although it doesn't hit as hard as Archeops, its ability is much better.

P.S. Icicle Crash is the better option for Sneasel. Wild Beartics normally know this move, so you just have to catch a male one to get it on your mons. If you want to save yourself a heart scale, wait with fully leveling it up until the next episode. There's no way yet to tutor it Knock Off, and only Weavile learns Night Slash through Level-up (Although with a good Blaziken and Archeops, Beat Up can be pretty powerful too), so you might want to wait for access to those high floors of the department store.

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I didn't see Ninetales there, but I'd consider getting Vulpix from the Circus because Drought Ninetales can be rather helpful. Also, I'd work on training the starters and evolving them as well as Riolu. There's just so much potential in those boxes that with some training, you'll have a good rotation team going on in no time. Clefairy evolving to Clefable, Reuniclus, Houndour, Spheal, Lapras, Nidoking, Luxray, etc. You definitely have a lot to work with though, and that's pretty awesome. I'm not too educated on what good movesets should be though except for some Pokemon though. Sorry. :(

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So, some new additions are Pawniard, Phantump, Rotom-Wash (not exactly new, but hey, it's something), Zebstrika, Chespin (is there a Drain Punch tutor in this game ?), Absol, Archen, Tirtouga, Eevee, Gloom, Karrablast, Feebas (SoonTM), Gastly/Misdreavus (SoonTM), Karrablast (Where's Shelmet), Golett.

Edited by biboo195
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The following that I saw r good:


noibat(starting at lvl 48)(check out mono viability thread for my review it might not be there yet so check the last posts on it)


Growlithe(is a pretty good poke and do the mystery egg thing cuz azumurril is good.)(movest:Close Combat, Flare Blitz, -)

Murkrow(THE POWER)(movest: Night Slash, Sucker Punch, Brave Bird/Drill Peck, Tailwind)



Scraggy(check out the mono viability thread for my review on scrafty)

Fennekin(Moveset:Flamethrower, Psychic, -)





croagunk(movest: Sucker Punch, Poison Jab, Drain Punch, -)


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Growlithe(is a pretty good poke and do the mystery egg thing cuz azumurril is good.)(movest:Close Combat, Flare Blitz, -)

Uhh, my mystery egg was a Shroomish that i used for breeding my current Breloom.

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Yes, i'm looking for a Shiny Stone to evolve her.

There's a Shiny Stone in one of the rocks in the Citae Circ d'Astrae

So, some new additions are Pawniard, Phantump, Rotom-Wash (not exactly new, but hey, it's something), Zebstrika, Chespin (is there a Drain Punch tutor in this game ?), Absol, Archen, Tirtouga, Eevee, Gloom, Karrablast, Feebas (SoonTM), Gastly/Misdreavus (SoonTM), Karrablast (Where's Shelmet), Golett.

If I recall correctly, you can find Shelmet occasionally in the Azurine Island

Also, you can find Chinchou in one of the Dive spots. Pretty legit in my opinion

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