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Reborn's Storyline Choices (Ep 15 Spoiler)


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I know someone made one of these topics a while back, but I was unable to find it and it was missing a few options. I figured that since the spoiler lock for Episode 15 has ended, it might be interesting to speculate on how the choices we took in our adventure will impact how the game ends.

If I miss some crossroads, please let me know so I can edit this post.

As far as I can remember, the choices include:

1) Whether or not you beg Fern

-Sigh... I admit I begged Fern...

2) Finding all of the police officers before facing the final Tangrowth

-I actually didn't know where the last police officer was until after Corey's death, and didn't know it would change the story

3) Joining the Aqua or the Magma gang

-Personally, I doubt this will change the ending of the game, but I chose team Aqua

4) Beating Garchomp in the boss fight with Solaris

-I let him curbstomp me since I didn't have any gimmick pokemon at the time.

5) Saving Heather or going on to fight Sirius

-I'm not going to just leave a girl be electrocuted by a madman just cause she's a brat! Now if it were Fern on the other hand...

6) Going upstairs or staying downstairs when Team Meteor invades

-I thought Laura, a member of the E4, would be able to handle a guy with a team of level 30-40 pokemon

7) Siding with El or Radomus

-I follow Lord Helix only! Jk, but El just kinda seemed like a fanatic, so I chose to beat Arceus. The Gardevoir with El was a fake, so...

8) How you answer Charlotte's question of how important the Ruby Ring is

-Said the Ruby Ring was more important than lives. She seemed happy with my answer, so...

9) Whether or not you give Blake the ring

-Kept it. didn't want Team Meteor to have another key. I got a shiny charm, so...
10) Giving Titania candy in the Water Treatment Center
-I honestly can't remember encountering this choice, but since I've never had Blue Moon Ice Cream, I'm assuming I missed my chance.

11) Whether or not you decide to fight Taka to save him from his father's wrath

-Taka's been passively helping us all the time, and covering his tracks just enough to stay as an Admin. I decided I owed him at least this one favor.
EDIT: Some kind people pointed out some spots I missed, and cramming them is chronological order would ruin all the other posts.
12) Whether or not you say your are a new student when you speak with Kiki.
13) Whether or not you claim to have seen Titania chatting with a grunt in the woods.
14) Whether or not you admit to reading the diary.
15) Whether or not you tell Amaria what was in the diary.
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Another split is when Titania asks for candy in the Water Treatment Plant. If you give her a Blue Moon Ice Cream her demeanour changes slightly. I'll try and keep track of how this affects her attitude later.

Also, are you trying to keep this in chronological order? If so, you have to switch around numbers four and five.

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1. I begged Fern because I thought if I chose no, it would loop until I said yes. I didn't know at the time that there were actually different outcomes to choices, because I knew nothing of the game outside of what I had played up to that point. If I knew, I'd have said no.

2. I didn't know where the last officer was, and didn't know it would impact it. After looking up the split, I prefer the one where you don't find them and the police don't get involved.

3. Aqua because I like Team Aqua more than Team Magma.

4. Save Heather. Again, I didn't know it was a choice, but still would've gone with it.

5. I wasn't expecting it, and I lost. Prefer the losing version's dialogue at the mansion.

6. I went upstairs. I googled when I came to the decision and found out in the end everyone is safe, so I went with what I originally would've done.

7. Radomus. I never trusted El.

8. Went along with Charlotte.

9. Gave. I knew I'd get it back and I didn't want to hurt Shelly's feelings.

10. Fought him because he's helped us and not fighting him would make me feel ungrateful.

@the candy, my player gave her a peppermint and I didn't know about the ice cream. I avoided the forums because I didn't want to be spoiled.

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My bad, thanks. I'll fix the list right away.

I'm thinking that siding with El is an "incorrect" choice, which may lead to a bad ending, or, at the very least, keep you from encountering a certain legendary.

Finding all the police may only impact Corey's gym, or it may also impact the ending as well.

Hopefully the Garchomp battle only impacts the battle at the mansion and not the ending, because I don't want to use a Focus Sash in that battle...

Also, if you give Blake the ring, do you encounter Aster later on when he would give you Waterfall?

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I'll tell you my choices for my second save. '*' indicates where I differed from my previous one.

1*. I didn't beg to Fern. Still, Taka's Chatot... I hate that thing (slaughters Fighting-types early game).

2*. I didn't know about the split, but I decided 'oh, let's go and find them all before I fight ZEL and Taka!' The result was not pretty for my Fighting-types.

3*. Magma.

4*. Beat Solaris' Garchomp. My Medicham and his Garchomp were both on red, he attacked me and missed due to the Sand Attacks I set up, HJK finished it off.

5*. I fought Sirius as I'd chosen Heather in my previous save.

6*. I stopped Sigmund. Saphira blasted him through the wall with her Dragonite's Hyper Beam. The hole in the house was very satisfying.

7. Radomus.

8. Said that the Ruby Ring was more important.

9. Kept it. Blake's annoying, and Shelly's feelings aren't as important as whatever Meteor will would do with all the keys.

10*. (where this is the Blue Moon Ice Cream thing) Gave. I spent hours trying to get some, so I figured that I might as well.

11. Fought him because the protagonist owed him.

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8) How you answer Charlotte's question of how important the Ruby Ring is

-Said the Ruby Ring was more important than lives. She seemed happy with my answer, so...

I said "Yes" to her question with the intent of soft-resetting and saying "No" afterward, but I absentmindedly saved my game after Charlotte ran off with the ring.


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1) I did not beg for Fern. I hate him too much.

2) I found all five officers.

3) I chose the Magma gang because I found them first and they gave cooler pokemon.

4) Garchomp destroyed me! I had a terrible team at that point.

5) I fought Sirius because I was really weak to electric and Heather didn't deserve saving...

6) I can't remember if it was up or downstairs but my choice resulted in the sisters being captured. I also thought that maybe Noel, Charlotte, Anna and Laura could have done something to defend themselves given how powerful they all are!

7) I initially sided with Radomus because I knew he was right then sided with El when I couldn't beat that stupid Arceus.

8) I said that the Ruby ring was more important than Charlotte.

9) I gave Blake the ring because I didn't think you'd have a choice about it. Also Shelly is annoying when she's sad.

10) I gave her something to eat but it wasn't blue moon ice cream. I don't think this will have any lasting effect on the story.

11) I fought him but nearly decided not to because of his stupid Chatot. He's a nice enough guy anyway.

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1) Didn't beg Fern, he was lucky the cage kept me from curb stomping his team again.

2) Found all policemen

3) Magma

4) Beat Garchomp with Intimidate shenanigans

5) I fought Sirius

6) I defended the downstairs, it was worth seeing connel beamed through a wall.

7) Sided with Radomus

8) Ring was way more important

9) Kept the ring, Blake isn't nothin'.

10) I gave her some vanilla ice cream*I had like 40 of the things*

11) Taka does a lot to help us out, so I fought him.*That and sweet exp*

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1) Didn't beg him

2) Found all 5 of them

3) Magma

4) Destiny Bond handled Garchomp nicely

5) I fought Sigmund

6) I went up and checked

7) Sided with Radomus, again Destiny Bond handled that Ditto-Arceus nicely

8) Didn't remember it, but i think i chose the ring was more important.

9) Kept the ring

10) Peppermint

11) I fought him, needed a little bit more money.

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1.I didn't beg to that grasshole

2.found all 5

3.I wanna fire stone so

4.dont have time for that so you know what I pick

5.I saved Heather

6.I stayed down stair

7.again dont have time for that

8.I kept the ring

9.gave that icehole the ring cause I misunderstood the choice

10.Red Hot

11.why not fight him

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Will vouch only for my main file, since it's the one with the least... erh, "correct" choices.

1) Yeah, I begged Fern. Never have since, but it didn't occur to me at the time to say no and see what happened.

2) I didn't find all the police officers before TakaZEL... although I wasn't sure where the last one was for a while.

3) Magma Gang. I 'unno, I like Fire-types more than Water-types, so...

4) Lost to the Garchomp. I've made it my mission to defeat it in every battle with it since.

5) Fought Sigmund at the Yureyu Building. I was aware you could fight Sirius, but I decided against it. To be honest, though, Sirius at least feels less painful in doubles, the Discharge spamming in tandem with Lightning Rod/Motor Drive makes that battle extremely obnoxious.

6) I believe I stayed downstairs? And Anna and Noel got kidnapped.

7) Sided with Radomus, the Arceus got Destiny Bond'd. I friggin' love Radomus okay what do you want from me

8) After thinking on it, said that I would throw her to the dogs over the ring. I looked at it like this: I can't very well put one life above every other life in Reborn, which is what giving up the ring would be doing. She seemed to like that answer, but I still feel a bit guilty about it...

9) Kept the ring, see the above.

10) I did give her candy, but it was not Blue Moon Ice Cream. Actually, I did give her Blue Moon Ice Cream, but saved before doing so because I kinda wanted to keep the Cotton Candies I tossed if I wanted to give it to her... It was well worth it, though, so I'll probably end up letting her have some in le item hunting run at least.

11) Chose to fight Taka. He's a pretty cool guy, and I'd really like to see him suffer as little as possible. Regardless of me "enabling" him, so to speak.

Oh hey look, more:

12) I... think I did? Being honest, though, I was 100% certain she would invite you to have a seat and listen to her lecture either way. That was just the vibe I got from her.

13) Yeah. I wasn't going to lie, she saw me. Would've been dumb to say no.

14) See above. Again, no point in lying when she's right there.

15) I did not. I figured that I would leave it to Titania to be honest with her- it wasn't my place to say.

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1) Didn't beg him

2) Found all of them

3) Aqua gang because I found them first

4) Got destroyed by Garchomp

5) Found Sigmund for Heather

6) Stayed downstairs

7) Sided with Radomus

8) Kept the ring

9) Gave him the ring

10) I didn't know this was a thing so nothing

11) I fought Taka

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1) Suck it Bitch! You can die and I'll just laugh!

2) I Feel horrible for it but I found them all. Corey was a poor soul.

3) Aqua. Sharpedo is useless compared to my shiny Floatzel though.

4) That Chomp ass-raped my poor Mons

5) I owed Corey enough to keep his child safe. I screamed; HEATHER! DON'T WORRY! ANI AND HIS SEX-CRAZED FRIEND, ARE ON THEIR WAY!

6) It was a hard choice, but I regret letting the twins get captured.

7) Stick with the cos player

8) Charlotte's not an idiot. I knew she would have a plan.

9) Shelly knew my only weakness. Sad Kawaii begging.

10) Dang it! I had a blue moon Ice cream, and I didn't know that was a thing I could've done!

11) I fought him. He was a good guy, and I owed him some.

I tend to speak out my mind when I'm alone in my room. My brother finds it Hilarious when I say somethings like #6 while he's working on his stuff. For those who don't know, Ani is Japanese for big brother.

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I think you forgot the part where you are asked whether or not to tell Amaria about what you read in the diary.

But as for me, on my main file, which is actually my second run after I lost my first file:

1) Did not beg Fern

2) Found all Police Officers (Was surprised that there was an entirely different plot if you found all of them since I missed a few in my original playthrough)

3) Aqua

4) Defeated Garchomp with a combination of FEAR Rattata, Swagger Luxray, and Moonblast Gardevior (I believe that this also ends up deciding who you team up with for the battle against Solaris in E15. I defeated him so I partnered with Julia)

5) Saved Heather (I battled Sirius in my third playthrough and liked that version better)

6) I think I went upstairs, Laura ended up getting captured (In my third playthrough I got to see the hyper beam scene)

7) Radomus. I defeated it with destiny bond gengar

7.5) I decided not to tell Amaria about the diary

8) I valued Charlotte's life and got lectured by her later

9) Refused to give Blake the ring (learned my lesson from Charlotte

10) I gave her something, but not Blue Moon Ice Cream

11) I battled him

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My first and my brothers (and main) playthrough:

1.) I did not beg Fern because he is a douchebag. At first I was kinda confused what would happen, but thinking that this would no results in a game break I waited and a little bird freed me~

2.) Found all police officer without problems (I really lke searching xD) I was shocked to find out that not finding all results in a different scene.

3.) Magma because I saw them first xD

4.) After numerous tries (poisoning it, normally fighting it,...) my brother and I were able to beat that thing with duskull using curse

5.) Fought Sigmund. In his own playthrough my brother fought Sirius and I don't know why but I like this version more. (Sorry Heather!)

6.) I went upstairs.

7.) Radomus because he's cool (and it was kinda obvious that something was going on)

8.) Due to too many idealistic Stories about friendship and nakamas I read, I kinda started getting sentimental and chose Charlotte. Calm down, Charlotte! I just wanted to be a true Idiot Protagonist for once.

9.) I gave Blake the ring. Funny thing is I chose not to give him the ring, read the dialogue and wanted to see what happens if you give him the ring and then saved. I was really stupid for a moment...

10.) I gave her a normal ice cream, but no blue moon ice cream, well too bad.

11.) I like Taka and I kinda agree with what Titania said. In the end I still battled him because I was a bit worried about what would happen if I don't.

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1) As desperate as I was to get out of that cage, I wasn't THAT desperate.

2) Yeaaahh, about that... I only found the 5th officer when I was trying to beat Shade because I went back to the library to see the whole field room and find out what field it was and what I could use to my advantage.

3) Joined Magma so I could beat up those Aqua losers.

4) I ultimately lost. (Also, I had no idea you could actually beat him??)

5) I saved Heather, but on my next play through Sirius better watch out.

6) Went upstairs because I doubted that they would find the two hiding in the kitchen.

7) Sided with Radomus, of course.

8) NGL, I decided to be cold-hearted and said the ring was way more important.

9) I gave it to Blake, but I regretted it because I realized I didn't have the badge to use it yet which made it completely useless.

10) I only had a peppermint, which I had no use for, so uhh...

11) Taka helped us out a bunch of time, so I thought "Well, what harm could this do?" and repaid him. Plus, I was itching for a battle against a familiar team rather than some over-powered mutant pokemon.

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I know someone made one of these topics a while back, but I was unable to find it and it was missing a few options. I figured that since the spoiler lock for Episode 15 has ended, it might be interesting to speculate on how the choices we took in our adventure will impact how the game ends.

If I miss some crossroads, please let me know so I can edit this post.

As far as I can remember, the choices include:

1) Whether or not you beg Fern

-Sigh... I admit I begged Fern...

2) Finding all of the police officers before facing the final Tangrowth

-I actually didn't know where the last police officer was until after Corey's death, and didn't know it would change the story

3) Joining the Aqua or the Magma gang

-Personally, I doubt this will change the ending of the game, but I chose team Aqua

4) Beating Garchomp in the boss fight with Solaris

-I let him curbstomp me since I didn't have any gimmick pokemon at the time.

5) Saving Heather or going on to fight Sirius

-I'm not going to just leave a girl be electrocuted by a madman just cause she's a brat! Now if it were Fern on the other hand...

6) Going upstairs or staying downstairs when Team Meteor invades

-I thought Laura, a member of the E4, would be able to handle a guy with a team of level 30-40 pokemon

7) Siding with El or Radomus

-I follow Lord Helix only! Jk, but El just kinda seemed like a fanatic, so I chose to beat Arceus. The Gardevoir with El was a fake, so...

8) How you answer Charlotte's question of how important the Ruby Ring is

-Said the Ruby Ring was more important than lives. She seemed happy with my answer, so...

9) Whether or not you give Blake the ring

-Kept it. didn't want Team Meteor to have another key. I got a shiny charm, so...
10) Giving Titania candy in the Water Treatment Center
-I honestly can't remember encountering this choice, but since I've never had Blue Moon Ice Cream, I'm assuming I missed my chance.

11) Whether or not you decide to fight Taka to save him from his father's wrath

-Taka's been passively helping us all the time, and covering his tracks just enough to stay as an Admin. I decided I owed him at least this one favor.

1) I didn't even know there was an option here. If I chose no I was stuck in the cage. Evidently I didn't wait long enough.

2) First time around I didn't know where they were (couldn't figure out how to get around tree on right side). Second time I got all 5 and I'm much happier with this ending as not finding all 5 gives a very rushed ending.

3) Magma all the way baby. Houndour/doom are my favorite non-legendaries. It's a shame they're so weak :/

4) All my pokemon were too slow and low defense to even stop him, so I got curbstomped the first time around. Currently deciding on what I want to do to get around him this time. I'm thinking a perish song prankster is my best bet.

5) Saved Heather because that's what I thought I was there for. I'm going to not save her this time and see where it goes.

6) Went upstairs to watch Dr.Butt use hax to beat poor Laura. I'm surprised I wasn't allowed to fight for her freedom right then. Very dissatisfied with that choice. I'll soft reset to watch both endings, as not saving Heather alters the outcome here I believe.

7) I went with Randomus at first because I knew he was right. The guy clearly loved his pokemon, I'm surprised Cain was so thick about it. Quite frankly I was just expecting to go in and see the wreckage Gardevoir caused. Arceus really surprised me. Then I saw on forums you can side with El to continue the story. Just my luck that when I picked it I also ended up beating him. That might be yet another fork haha. But this time around I'm going to side with Randomus no matter what and bring my solaris annihilator with me.

8) I said Ruby Ring was the most important thing of all. I thought it was an allusion to the whole Randomus incident from before. Next time I'll negotiate with terrorists like a troll =D

9) Gonna give Blake the ring this time and see where that goes.

10) Gave Tania peppermint first time around. This time my first day was Sunny so the Ice Cream vendor was out. And wouldn't you guess, the first time I opened it up the blue moon ice cream was there. But, as I had no idea of it's value, i closed the screen as I didn't want to spend 2 of my 3k at that point. Boy am I going to regret that.

11) Fought Taka as I foresee him being your doubles partner in the future, or possibly intercepting another Garchomp murder attempt by his father. However, just for kicks, I'm going to see where this goes and not fight him and get on Tania's good side (presumably).

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1) I ain't no punk, course I didn't :]

2) Yus, found em before I fought it.

3) Joined Aqua.

4) lol no.

5) Saved Heather, I think. Barely remembered what happened at Yureyu for me.

6) Stayed downstairs.

7) I think I sided with El actually only because I knew I could not beat that Arceus. Otherwise, would have sided with Radomus.

8) Said her life was more important. Said I was sweet so I win :]

9) HA NO

10) I tried to back during Beta... but yea.. the bugs..

11) Fought him since I owed him and I actually like him as a character.

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  1. No. Fern's not cool enough to have me begging to him.

Yeah, found them.

I joined Aqua as well.

Didn't even try.

Fought Sigmund. Instincts got the best of me.

Went upstairs I think? Kinda blurry with this one..

Definitely Radomus. Though I was kinda suspicious at him from the start, I chose him instead.

I think I went with the Ruby Ring? Kinda blurry with this one too..

I didn't even know this existed at first, so no.

Decided to fight him because I like the guy.

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1) I didn't beg. Since it looked like the game wasn't forcing me to say yes, I said No and decided to wait. ty based chatot.

2) Didn't knew that finding all the officers would actually change the story. So, I didn't found em.

3) Magma because Magma's are much better. Also got God Chinchou back in the day~


5) Decided to test the theory and said "No" against Dr. Connal. I was surprised that I could go on and face Sirius instead.

6) Don't remember, I just remember that Charlotte and Shelly got kidnapped.

7) No way I'm siding with a preacher

8) Said the ring was more important. Never give kidnappers what they want!

9) What was that Blake you want the ring? Here you go.

10) Gave her Ice Cream, not the Blue Moon one though. Welp.

11) You're either on my side, or against me Taka. You better make a decision a.k.a didn't fought him.

I still need to make a save to with all the "correct" choices. And all the wrong ones too.

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1)No way I'm grovelling to Fern. Screw that.

2) I had no idea you could even to the dead one first playthough, so several times I fought Corey with the corrosive field. Pre-15 I actually found him easier with the gas field but apparently Ame changed it so that it turns into a corrosive field instead of a normal one. Yikes.

3) Magma is definitely the more fun one. For glory baby.

4) I'll take that L for 200 please.

5) First instinct is to save Heather. I mean that's like the entire reason you're even there.

6) Downstairs, mainly because Saphira > Laura

7) Depends whether or not i'm willing to beat arceus. Like my team has to be really set up for it.

8) The ring of course, but only due to trying to impress Charlotte lol.

9) Screw this guy, seriously. But I remember your PC turning into a little wuss and handing it to Blake regardless.

10) Titania was just killing, kicking complaining, and swearing the entire time inside the factory. Bad girls don't get rewards.

11) At first I was like nah...but then I got curious, noticed my levels were like all over the place and figured I could go for the exp. Took me about 4 tries, freakin Chatot. Also I never realized it until ep15 that Taka is a flying-type specialist. That explains the scarf.

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1. Nah, dude. I wasn't gonna give Fern that satisfaction. Besides, purely in-universe, what did he think I'd do without him? Rot away in a wooden cage?

2. I didn't find the last one because I didn't think it'd affect the storyline so I was like "Oh, still missing one? Well, can look later, let's take care of this Meteor problem first." Bit sad about this now; I'd have loved to go through the Corey story.

3. I chose Aqua, 'cause pirates.

4. A friend of mine told me that it wouldn't make a difference to the story whether of not I beat Solaris. He said Solaris would just pretend he didn't even try, and then the story would go on just as it would if I lost. So I chose to lose because the idea appealed to me more. I love immersing myself in the game as much as possible, and the PC being powerless against Solaris seemed really cool to me.

I can't say I was disappointed later on, either. Florinia is one of my absolute favourite characters in the game; I was so excited to get teamed up with her!

And it made beating Solaris feel like such an accomplishment. I couldn't do it before, but I grew as a trainer and now I did it~

5. Saved Heather. I don't think I even dwelled on this choice at all.

6. Downstairs. Dunno how to feel about this choice now. On one hand, Laura's story bits are cool, but on the other, I do like the way Saphira's... recklessness... gets built up some more? Her tendency to kill people had me on the edge throughout the entire arc, I was always expecting to stumble upon another dead Meteor...

7. Radomus. I didn't see the Ditto part coming, I just thought that it might be some clever plan between Radomus and Gardevoir.

8. Chose lives over the ring. I was really torn on that one, because my logic said "choose the ring" whereas my empathy said "the characters".

9. Made me glad I chose to save lives in 8.; after the dialogue Charlotte gave over my earlier choice, I decided to not give Blake the ring here. Double reward for me, as it made me feel like I was going through actual character development here, and I got the Aster story.

10. Wait, that was something you could do? Welp, I didn't know that, so nothing here.

11. I fought him. Can't hurt to keep someone like him in Team Meteor; who knows how he might be able to save the day some time. Besides, I like battling, so why would I pass up?

Edit: As for the Titania's Diary thing - I admitted to reading it. I'm not a good liar :c

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