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Darkness is coming for Reborn


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Hello all! Not sure if I'm still the newest member of the Reborn community (I made my account yesterday), but I just wanted to say hey, I'm Therrester (pronounced TUH-rester; it's French), a French canadian who will most likely be popping in and out of the forums from time to time. Unfortunately, being a university student with a full time job for the summer, I most likely wont be posting much on the forum due to lack of time. Lately I've been finding myself being way to busy with playing Reborn and pretending to go outside and socialize (Why do people do this anyway?).

However, I did want to say hello because I've just recently started a dark/ghost type run of the game (Which is a bit funny, considering I'm not even done my main run of the game - I've only just arrived at the circus), but the idea for a story surrounding my type run has been growing in my head to the point where I just had to start it. Most likely 90% of my activity will be centered around the run and building the story for it. I'm calling it "Darkness has descended upon Reborn", and it's based around the idea "What if the player died in the explosion at Paridot Station and was reborn as a shade who's intentions is to plunge Reborn into permanent darkness". A bit dark, but I plan on having fun with the tale, assuming I manage to get through it. For those interested, I'll try and have the first segment out later today; if I manage to beat Julia with my 4 man team before I go to the cottage for the weekend.

Even if you're not interested in the run however, I hope to at least be around to recognize a couple names here and there!

Edited by Therrester
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Welcome to Reborn! No shame in starting a themed run before your main run is complete…whatever you find fun is what you should do!

*looks around* HEY, I can do the thing!

Community rules are to your left, search bar above that, and the Showdown server is above THAT. The status bar (to say whatever's on your mind) is BELOW the community rules. Using the wrong bar at the wrong time could lead to humorous or embarrassing moments, so try to keep those straight (or don't, I'm not a cop).

In any case, welcome again, and I'll see you around!

Edited by Lord Regal
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Welcome to your Wonderland~

If you still haven't beaten Julia, I'd recommend evolving Poochyena into Mightyena. It's brutal with STAB Bite, and if it has Moxoe, even better! Take it from a Dark Monotype player.

"We hope to see you again!"

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Well met Therrester.

Welcome to Reborn!

You said french? Hey, I should bring Arkhidon here.

He'll get what I mean.

Anyway, I hope you like your Darkness blue cuz you're getting converted


Well, I hope you'll enjoy your stay here in Reborn. It's permanent. Like, forever. You know?

I'll see you around o/

Welcome to Reborn! No shame in starting a themed run before your main run is complete…whatever you find fun is what you should do!

*looks around* HEY, I can do the thing!

Community rules are to your left, search bar above that, and the Showdown server is above THAT. The status bar (to say whatever's on your mind) is BELOW the community rules. Using the wrong bar at the wrong time could lead to humorous or embarrassing moments, so try to keep those straight (or don't, I'm not a cop).

In any case, welcome again, and I'll see you around!

first sinikuro now you nooooooo

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Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! Been away at the cottage so I haven't had much time to look around, but I hope to change that this evening. Maybe start my Dark/Ghost run's first post, we'll see how much I get done.

Looking forward to partaking in discussions with you all!

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