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Suck it Solaris


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I joined the "I beat Solaris" club. With time and anticipation, planning and cunning I came up with a masterplan that knows no limits. Understanding the opponent before me, calculating his strengths and his weaknesses I understood exactly how this man worked and-

eff it, I used perish song with igglypuff and focus sash. Too funny to watch this demon die because of a level 11 pokemon rick rolling it.

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That's actually one of the sillier strategies I've heard…and I love it. It makes sense, it holds up under the rules of the game, and you get to watch the frustration that something so trivial did him in. I'll have to remember the strategy of making Garchomp's ears bleed for later runs myself now...

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I'm probably going to try this now. XD But where did you get the focus sash?

It's on a Rock under the Grand Stairway, around that area where you can jump to four different paths. Don't have a picture with me, but it should be around the east side (don't jump down the whole path).

I'll see if the Guide has a pic. And it does!


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I actually did it without a Focus Sash, though it cost me a Max Revive instead, so depends on what you think of as more worth it (and this is mostly because I forgot to pick it up).

Started the fight off with a Sturdy Sawk Counter, swapped into Swalot for a free Toxic while he healed, revived Sawk, sac'd a couple more pokemon, then countered for a KO.

Yes, this wasn't real efficient compared to a Quick Claw RNG hax Destiny Bond or Perish Song, but I made do with what I had, dangit.

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How about a -6 in attack and a +6 in defense on your favorite wall. Just stall the sucker until he struggles to death :D

Though... it does take 15 minutes for the battle...

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Well. Supposed you never knew of this strategy of beating Solaris (never came up to mind) and you wanted to beat him. The Question is how? All i did was to use intimidate, baby-doll eyes(due to priority), and hoping to sand attack for accuracy decrease(took about 30-50 attempts to succeeded) then use toxic with my Roserade 3 times (because Solaris used so much full restores) and with only 13 HP, I defeated Solaris(In my second play through). Man i was annoyed when i didn't make it my first time, but this second game i was determined to do everything on my hand and power to defeat Solaris.

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Ahh Solaris, good times.

First time I beat him using Donphan with Sturdy, Endeavor and Ice Shard

Second time, pokemon with Focus Sash and Leech Seed, followed by a level 1 Sturdy Bonsly.

Boy, I was laughing at the second one.

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If I had the time, I'd like to make a Sturdy Seeder and watch it fall over and over. However, doing that would take forever and is not something I'd really enjoy sitting around for 100 turns waiting for.

It's faster than grinding a kricketune to level 50 or breeding pokemon to get the right moves on them - getting a level 1 sturdy pokemon and a hoppip is really easy to do even if the fight takes a bit longer (and you can get the experience from KOing the garchomp on some of your pokemon too).

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Seeding it is the most certain way to defeat it. You can use a Bonsly or a Pineco and kill it with stalling power.

Curse is another, yet you need to survive the 3 full restores. That was my strategy.

The perish song is a new one, though, and I like it.

The most hilarious way is to struggle it to death. all you need is a Swoobat, a Cofagrigus, a flash fire Houndour, and a fairy. And predict well.

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The most hilarious way is to struggle it to death. all you need is a Swoobat, a Cofagrigus, a flash fire Houndour, and a fairy. And predict well.

That's how I beat the pulse muk the first time, I burned it with vulpix then switch back and forth between my flying type and a lightning rod manectric, and watched its health slowing drop.

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