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Weight problems, raddy-chan?

Kaiser the great

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Weight seems to be a hard thing to distinguish in this game. I was under the impression that Radomus was generally around the same body type as you and Cain, given the appearance of his battle sprite, yet he's the only one who has troubles getting through that gear thing when you and #WeDemBoys go to fuck up that ditto using casual.

It's been awhile, but I think he directly remarks upon his stature while trying to pass through the gear, but I might be mistaken. Is Radomus' weight different from what his Battle Sprite would suggest? Or is the scale at which you can compare characters body sprites to each other skewed in some fashion?

Just curious.


Edited by Kaiser the great
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Cain probably has a better ability to fit in tight spaces than Radomus, tbh.

I actually never stopped to think about this... My guess is as good as yours~

Maybe he couldn't fit cause he had other uniforms and hats under his clothes :P


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Well, given the stature comment, and that it can be assumed that Radomus is (probably significantly) older than the pc and Cain both... I'm not sure battle sprites are enough of an indication as to a character's body type. Especially in comparison to two people that aren't quite adults yet. (He still does look pretty skinny to me, but maybe the space behind the gear just isn't wide enough for him to fit behind easily?)

There are like a million one-liners I could tag onto the end of this but I'm going to spare y'all

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I feel it's a height issue. The three appear via sprites to be about the same weight for their height, yes? If Radomus is taller, then that means he must be wider to be at the same healthy weight for his height. Thus, if he's a tall person and the three share body types, he'd have a harder time slipping through. Just my take on it though.

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I always just thought its because the protag + cain are younger. Since Radomus is older, I just assumed hes just taller or more structured matured body...something.

This is the general idea. I'll touch up the wording though; it stood out to me too.

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