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Swampert/Arcanine fanboy - reporting in


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The picture is of Babyman(half baby, half man - no relation to manbearpig), can't let go of such a great moment during a random stream I was watching.

I'm drevance. I've heard whispers and murmurings about Reborn, only to finally check it out after someone mentioned to me. It's been a while since I've enjoyed a game this much. I figured I'd join the community as well. I'm also fairly certain I got my roommate addicted to it as well(Score!!).

When I was a young'n I got pokemon blue from a babysitter before he went off to college and told me to beat it. That kinda spurred me playing Pokemon. Gen 1 is my favorite but my favorite pokemon is Swampert. I don't really have any experience competitive play, which will probably change soon as I do enjoy the playstyle of Reborn.

As far as personal stuff goes I'm in college and studying history. I write short stories/stories in my free time. I'm fairly sarcastic and nothing really offends me(except that ice gym. That was frustrating until I remembered you can change the field with certain moves -grin-

Arcanine for best dog. If there's anything you want to know, ask away.

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Welcome to Reborn! Swampert was my original starter (I joined the Pokemon party late and then backtracked) so I share your love of the water/ground monster, and Arcanine I've always appreciated, though it's not top tier for me. If you're not up to the competitive scene, some people around here (such as myself) make teams just for fun and duke it out with other non-competitive teams, so if that's more your speed I'm sure you'll be able to find a following for that. In any case, enjoy your mandatory permanent stay here at the Reborn forums, and I'll see you around!

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