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...and there where only 15 Types. Also we had none of this nonsense like physical and special moves, the Special Attack and the Special Defence where one stat called Special, there where only four types of balls, no abilities or natures. We did not even know and care about stats IVs and EVs...heck, most of us could not even read at all when we picked up our first Game of Pokemon.

But that Time is long gone and, as good at it was, it is also good to see how much this beloved Pokemon Universe has grown since the pretty bugged and (visually) ugly first Gen.

My back story with Pokemon:

I am one of those people who laid down Pokemon at a certain age. For me it was when the third Gen had just started. It did become more and more unpopular with my classmates and because I already had not the best reputation I did not want them to have another thing to tease me about, so I started doing other things. I still played my Crystal edition from time to time, but I never really bothered to keep up with the new stuff that appeared on the market.

I did not really bother picking up another Pokemon game until I finished school and went to University. But then there was another problem, where do I start? I had none of the handheld Nintendo consoles newer than the Advance SP. So I looked around a bit and played a bit of Gen 1 and 2, emulated a bit of Gen 3, and stopped playing rather quickly because it was nothing new and I had more interesting stuff to play. I however tried to get at least a little up to date by watching some youtubers who talked about Pokemon on a regular basis.

Then, almost 3 years later, I saw a post about a fanmade Pokemon game on an image board. After checking it out and asking Google, I ignored all the warnings about how hard and unforgiving it was and just dived in. Needless to say I was about as prepared as an ancient Roman Soldier on board of a landing boat headed for the Normandy on the 6th of June 1944 with no knowledge exceeding the existence of "guns". Well, just try to imagine someone who has never bothered to delve any deeper into Pokemon than "Fire is strong against Plants"...that's me, hello.

Me, myself and some things that make me me:

Well, enough of that now, I am a 22 year old engineering student from Germany who enjoys all kind of (video) games, Western and eastern (japanese) animation, I do read a lot of fantasy and sci fi, but I am also well informed about current developments in natural science. I do some sports, mainly endurance sports like Running (Street and trail) and Biking (Street and Mountain bike), but also archery. I also have somewhat a passion for Roleplaying, be it in any single player RPG, online in chatrooms (does anyone still use that name?) or at the table with friends. My Favourite Types are Fire and Flying, which may derive from me being, as long as I can think back, always fascinated by anything burning and/or flying.

I am (hopefully) funny and don't take too much seriously, which makes me a somewhat silly and quirky person (my mom calls it "not acting my age"). I am also quite lazy when It comes to tasks that need to be done, but I really enjoy a challenge, if the topic or medium interests me. I always try to be nice and friendly, but due to some lack in social communication skills I tend to use wrong wording (amplified by english not being my first language). So please don't overrate any unluckily harsh statements, as I probably did not mean it that way.


I have registered into this online Forum because I hope to get to know the Pokemon fandom, get some help about all the stuff that happened in and around the Pokemon universe in my absence and also just to meet some people and maybe make some friends (a crucial information at this point: yes ladies, I am single ;) )

Well, before this thing here starts exceeding the bearable dose of even the most patient reader, I will conclude this thingy here now, by quickly throwing it through a spell check and posting it ^^

Have a great day and thank you for reading,

May you one day become the very best,


Edited by Cassius Tain
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Welcome Cassius! Don't worry about coming off as rude; we're nice here, we understand.

You have missed some important advancements in the Pokemon universe, but here are the cliffnotes:

* Physical and Special attacks are based on the move, not the type

* Fairy types are a thing

* Mega evolutions

* Ame is a bit of a sadist

What hasn't changed:

* Ash Ketchum is still ten

You'll pick up the rest as you go along.

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Welcome to the forums!

I too have memories of the glorious Gen I, with my first game being Pokemon Yellow. If you are ever not sure about the weaknesses/typing/learnset of a certain pokemon, use Bulbapedia. When I started Reborn, it helped me a ton with all the Gen 4-6 pokemon.

Anyways, welcome again, and enjoy the suffering storyline!

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Good thing you went here instead of to Nintendo cuz their games have grown to become more for a children audience, and when i say that i mean some of the stuff is childish, the anime has also turned childish asf, and the game has turned extremely easy. WELL NOT HERE. Ame makes this game amazing by removing all the op mons, and makes the game more challenging by making you have to use STRATEGY(i dont remember hearing the word strategy when talkin about a nintendo pokemon game).

Anyway, WELCOME TO THE FORUMS dont forget to expand your brain if you didnt already by checking all the new stuff that came in pokemon in the few years (3 new types, about like 600 new pokes, mega evolutions)

If you ever get stuck come to the forums and ask(you will need it)

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Welcome to Reborn! You had about the opposite experience from me involving the official Pokemon games…I joined on in gen 3 and backtracked while waiting for gen 4. It sounds as though you're getting caught up, which is most excellent. The people here tend to be nice, so you can ask away and be assured of getting at least a couple polite responses back.

Because no one else has said this, I'll handle it despite the fact Vinny seems to dislike someone doing this for reasons I've yet to learn Community rules are to your left, search bar above that, and Showdown server above THAT. Status bar (for you to share whatever's on your mind without making a topic about it) is below the rules, try not to get the two bars mixed up for your own benefit.

In any case, enjoy your mandatory permanent stay at Reborn, and I'll see you around!

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So many welcoming posts!

Thank you so very much for the warm welcome, I love you, all of you :wub::wub::wub: (where the hell is the crying smiley, I want my tears of joy)

Welcome Cassius! Don't worry about coming off as rude; we're nice here, we understand.

You have missed some important advancements in the Pokemon universe, but here are the cliffnotes:

* Physical and Special attacks are based on the move, not the type

* Fairy types are a thing

* Mega evolutions

* Ame is a bit of a sadist

What hasn't changed:

* Ash Ketchum is still ten

You'll pick up the rest as you go along.

Well, I thought point 1 and 2 as mentioned with: "only 15 Types" and " nonsense like physical and special moves". but hey, I really forgot to mention that Pokemon evolved into Digimon and that Ame hates me (why? :( (again, where is my crying smiley?)).

Welcome to the forums!

I too have memories of the glorious Gen I, with my first game being Pokemon Yellow. If you are ever not sure about the weaknesses/typing/learnset of a certain pokemon, use Bulbapedia. When I started Reborn, it helped me a ton with all the Gen 4-6 pokemon.

Anyways, welcome again, and enjoy the suffering storyline!

Bulbapedia is my ticket to making this game playable, as I have no Idea what most of these Attacks are, even when they are from Gen 1 or 2. let's just say that the translation into german was a bit free. Also the Pokemon names can be a bit tricky as I had a little conversation with a (also german) classmate today, that went like this (words that are not translated from the original conversation are in " ")

Me: I was pretty surprized about "Kricketune". I never had Bug-Pokemon on my radar so far, well maybe for Butterfree on Brock.

Guy: "Kricketune"?
Me: Oh, sorry, I don't know the german name, the game is english.

Guy: Can you describe the appearence?
Me: well, It is red, Posture reminds a little of Beedrill, has long antennas and kinda two Scythes

Guy: No idea what you are talking about

Me: Delelelelelele Whooooop

Guy: oh you mean "Zirpeise" (german name of Kricketune)

Good thing you went here instead of to Nintendo cuz their games have grown to become more for a children audience, and when i say that i mean some of the stuff is childish, the anime has also turned childish asf, and the game has turned extremely easy. WELL NOT HERE. Ame makes this game amazing by removing all the op mons, and makes the game more challenging by making you have to use STRATEGY(i dont remember hearing the word strategy when talkin about a nintendo pokemon game).

Anyway, WELCOME TO THE FORUMS dont forget to expand your brain if you didnt already by checking all the new stuff that came in pokemon in the few years (3 new types, about like 600 new pokes, mega evolutions)

If you ever get stuck come to the forums and ask(you will need it)

Thanks for the offer of help, if needed. i might need a few Tips on the third gym, But I'll try some things first, before asking. Though, however easy the Nintendo games where and are, I'll never despise them. They are the Heart, the Bones and the Muscles on which this Game here is based on. Ame May have made this game a bit more inteligent (yes, ame screwed with Pokemons brain...I should stop these metaphors) and changed its outer appearence (skin), but the Soul is still the same.

Welcome to Reborn! You had about the opposite experience from me involving the official Pokemon games…I joined on in gen 3 and backtracked while waiting for gen 4. It sounds as though you're getting caught up, which is most excellent. The people here tend to be nice, so you can ask away and be assured of getting at least a couple polite responses back.

Because no one else has said this, I'll handle it despite the fact Vinny seems to dislike someone doing this for reasons I've yet to learn Community rules are to your left, search bar above that, and Showdown server above THAT. Status bar (for you to share whatever's on your mind without making a topic about it) is below the rules, try not to get the two bars mixed up for your own benefit.

In any case, enjoy your mandatory permanent stay at Reborn, and I'll see you around!

Well, again thanks for the offer to help out on behalf of all the forum members ^^. Well, I have alredy read the rules and used the search bar a few times, but still thanks for mentioning it. I have absolutely NO idea on what the showdown server is, but I'll look into it when I have the time. As to getting caught up, well, Pokemon always was pretty addicting to me, so it is only natural that I enjoy a game I always liked with this brilliant little twists and tweaks that Reborn has. And last, yes, I think I will enjoy my stay ^_^


Welcome, you sexy thing, you. Enjoy your time here!

Finally someone who got the core message of this text ^^ also thanks for te nice tune.

Nice metaphor about the Romans. You walked in this game the same way I did, ignorant and thinking it wasn't gonna be hard. My PKMN innocence...

Anyways, Welcome to Reborn!!!

I kinda have my metaphorical day today, I hope it will be over soon and I certainly hope it is not contageous. Yeah, without Bulbapedia open at any time (to check the type of the next foe) I would not even be able to play this game. And even with bulbapedia I am rather surprized about how I was able to beat Flobot (yes, forgot her actual name) first time with only 3 of my Pokemon fainted o.O

Here's your introductory wrestling theme :3

Aww a theme song just for me ^^ thank you. Though I always liket Big Shows theme more, bach in the day, when I still watched wrestling...dang thats a long time that has passed since then...


I am positively surprized about the warm wecome and the many friendly people out here. It is not in many places on the internet, that one can find this. I was looking for a new fandom, after the last one had slowly turned into a massive corpus of whining attention wh...ell and people abusing the kindness off those who still lived up to the former core of this fandom. I am positive that this here might be a place for me to stay, at least for some time ^^

dang, I know why I wasnt that active in Forums lately...all this typing...

like no one ever was, guys and gals!


PS: I really should find out how to use the spoiler option...these long posts even get too long for me...

Edited by Cassius Tain
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Well, again thanks for the offer to help out on behalf of all the forum members ^^. Well, I have alredy read the rules and used the search bar a few times, but still thanks for mentioning it. I have absolutely NO idea on what the showdown server is, but I'll look into it when I have the time. As to getting caught up, well, Pokemon always was pretty addicting to me, so it is only natural that I enjoy a game I always liked with this brilliant little twists and tweaks that Reborn has. And last, yes, I think I will enjoy my stay ^_^

PS: I really should find out how to use the spoiler option...these long posts even get too long for me...

Just replying to my bit here. Pokemon Showdown is a website dedicated to allowing people to create teams and battle them against each other. Some focus on the metagames that have sprung up, complete with tier lists. Others (like myself) make teams just for fun and battle other such teams to see if the concept we based the team off of was good or not. Reborn has its own chatroom on Showdown, which is what the Reborn Showdown! link is. Not too active in it myself, but what have you.

Spoilers work so long as you put whatever you want in spoiler text inside of [*spoiler]these tags without the * character[*/spoiler]

like so.

Hope that helps, and again welcome to Reborn!

Edited by Lord Regal
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Just replying to my bit here. Pokemon Showdown is a website dedicated to allowing people to create teams and battle them against each other. Some focus on the metagames that have sprung up, complete with tier lists. Others (like myself) make teams just for fun and battle other such teams to see if the concept we based the team off of was good or not. Reborn has its own chatroom on Showdown, which is what the Reborn Showdown! link is. Not too active in it myself, but what have you.

Spoilers work so long as you put whatever you want in spoiler text inside of [*spoiler]these tags without the * character[*/spoiler]

like so.

Hope that helps, and again welcome to Reborn!

Again, thanks very much, I'll use the spoiler function the next time I have to answer so many posts. So anyone can just read what they want and the post won't be too long. as far as showdown goes...for now I'll just try to get ito the new types and all around mechanics before trying to build a highly specialized team. I'll just grind a bit more and build a different team for every Gym.

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oh god, this is massive :v

anyway, welcome to Reborn, I'm quite new here as well, so let's help each other ;3youcanstarthelpingbydonatingmeruppe

going on, please enjoy reloading your game again and again for dying countless time

seriously, this game is equivalent of ATLUS in pokemon game :v

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So many welcoming posts!

Thank you so very much for the warm welcome, I love you, all of you :wub::wub::wub: (where the hell is the crying smiley, I want my tears of joy)

Well, I thought point 1 and 2 as mentioned with: "only 15 Types" and " nonsense like physical and special moves". but hey, I really forgot to mention that Pokemon evolved into Digimon and that Ame hates me (why? :( (again, where is my crying smiley?)).

Bulbapedia is my ticket to making this game playable, as I have no Idea what most of these Attacks are, even when they are from Gen 1 or 2. let's just say that the translation into german was a bit free. Also the Pokemon names can be a bit tricky as I had a little conversation with a (also german) classmate today, that went like this (words that are not translated from the original conversation are in " ")

Me: I was pretty surprized about "Kricketune". I never had Bug-Pokemon on my radar so far, well maybe for Butterfree on Brock.

Guy: "Kricketune"?

Me: Oh, sorry, I don't know the german name, the game is english.

Guy: Can you describe the appearence?

Me: well, It is red, Posture reminds a little of Beedrill, has long antennas and kinda two Scythes

Guy: No idea what you are talking about

Me: Delelelelelele Whooooop

Guy: oh you mean "Zirpeise" (german name of Kricketune)

Thanks for the offer of help, if needed. i might need a few Tips on the third gym, But I'll try some things first, before asking. Though, however easy the Nintendo games where and are, I'll never despise them. They are the Heart, the Bones and the Muscles on which this Game here is based on. Ame May have made this game a bit more inteligent (yes, ame screwed with Pokemons brain...I should stop these metaphors) and changed its outer appearence (skin), but the Soul is still the same.

Well, again thanks for the offer to help out on behalf of all the forum members ^^. Well, I have alredy read the rules and used the search bar a few times, but still thanks for mentioning it. I have absolutely NO idea on what the showdown server is, but I'll look into it when I have the time. As to getting caught up, well, Pokemon always was pretty addicting to me, so it is only natural that I enjoy a game I always liked with this brilliant little twists and tweaks that Reborn has. And last, yes, I think I will enjoy my stay ^_^

Finally someone who got the core message of this text ^^ also thanks for te nice tune.

I kinda have my metaphorical day today, I hope it will be over soon and I certainly hope it is not contageous. Yeah, without Bulbapedia open at any time (to check the type of the next foe) I would not even be able to play this game. And even with bulbapedia I am rather surprized about how I was able to beat Flobot (yes, forgot her actual name) first time with only 3 of my Pokemon fainted o.O

Aww a theme song just for me ^^ thank you. Though I always liket Big Shows theme more, bach in the day, when I still watched wrestling...dang thats a long time that has passed since then...


I am positively surprized about the warm wecome and the many friendly people out here. It is not in many places on the internet, that one can find this. I was looking for a new fandom, after the last one had slowly turned into a massive corpus of whining attention wh...ell and people abusing the kindness off those who still lived up to the former core of this fandom. I am positive that this here might be a place for me to stay, at least for some time ^^

dang, I know why I wasnt that active in Forums lately...all this typing...

like no one ever was, guys and gals!


PS: I really should find out how to use the spoiler option...these long posts even get too long for me...

Big Show has had many different variations to his theme over the years.

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Then, almost 3 years later, I saw a post about a fanmade Pokemon game on an image board. After checking it out and asking Google, I ignored all the warnings about how hard and unforgiving it was and just dived in. Needless to say I was about as prepared as an ancient Roman Soldier on board of a landing boat headed for the Normandy on the 6th of June 1944 with no knowledge exceeding the existence of "guns".

Ah, I love this. I literally do.

Welcome to the Reborn forums, my friend.

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oh god, this is massive :v

anyway, welcome to Reborn, I'm quite new here as well, so let's help each other ;3youcanstarthelpingbydonatingmeruppe

going on, please enjoy reloading your game again and again for dying countless time

seriously, this game is equivalent of ATLUS in pokemon game :v

Yeah I know. I did not just want a "Hi, I am here now" kind of introduction, but wanted to really introduce myself...then I just could not stop myself from adding more and more.

as to the reloading part...you know that part with the last (3rd) Tangrowth? 6 times... also those thre bug thingys that attack te boy in the alleyway? 5 times... yeah, I got that reloading part a lot already.

hey, that would be a great thing to do: add a >reload last savefile< option to the game menu

Big Show has had many different variations to his theme over the years.

WEEEEEEEEEEEELL It's the Big Show. Dadam Dadam dadam....

Well I have not watched Wrestling in a long time. Just lost interest.

Hello and welcome to Reborn, nice intro, we can be friends, just don't stab me with the Masamune.

I'll try, but after what you did with Cyrus it will not be that easy ;)

However, now that we are in the world of Pokemon reborn, youll probably wipe me out with even a single member of your team



Ah, I love this. I literally do.

Welcome to the Reborn forums, my friend.

Uhm...thanks. that simile came into my mind after Corey had killed my whole team with me barely even having any moves,

Edited by Cassius Tain
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Welcome to Reborn! There's cookies to your left and our fellow members wrapped in straitjackets to your right.

There's cake too, but those are mine.

Don't touch okay? ❤

I hope you enjoy your stay and have fun~

So you mean to tell me that the cake is a lie? o.O (really missing my crying smiey again...)

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So you mean to tell me that the cake is a lie? o.O (really missing my crying smiey again...)

Shia's cake isn't a lie, you just can't have any. I'd tell you what happened to the last fool who tried, but we've all been sworn to silence.

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