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Hey everybody!

I just downloaded the game yesterday and am LOVING it so far. Love the more mature story, the difficulty from the rarity of wild Pokemon, and generally just the game in general.

I do have a couple of questions to ask about the game, and feel free for others to throw in their questions too.

1. Does the entire game take place in a single city?

2. Does friendship evolution mechanics work the same as in mothership titles?

3. I am having some trouble finding some of the event Pokemon in the early game, what has changed over the episodes?

4. For the Pokemon events where there are options for different pokemons, I.E. the Opal Bridge where it could be a Zigzagoon, Panpour, Pachirisu, or Wingull; what determines what Pokemon you get? And are you able to get the others elsewhere?

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Welcome to the struggle of reborn.

1)No- the first gyms are all in the city but you do leave it.

2) I think the friendship is the same.

3)The pokemon location guide is in the On the hunt section of the forums and is the best way to work it out. If you want to be more specific I would be happy to let you know about specific events. Also the most recent guide is mostly correct.

4)Unless if it has changed in episode 15 the bridge event is only panpour or pachi and I think that is determined when you start your save. The other one will be available to though.

Edited by mde2001
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1. Nah. You'll explore many places outside Reborn City.

2. Yes they do. By the wall, You can get friendship berries in the department store.

3. It varies. Sometimes a lot changes and vice versa. You can always check the location guide.

4. Days of the week, weather and sidequests affect events like those. You can check weather in any tv.


Hope to see you around fren! :]]]]

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So happy that people replied so quickly!

As for the event Pokemons:

- Teddiursa just VANISHED. I checked all of the hiding places during every possible weather and time of day and still nothing!

-Numel is just not showing up by the train station either.

1. Are those specific event pokemon available elsewhere later in the game? Because I am really wanting to catch me a Pachirisu...my save dealt me a Zigzagoon on the bridge and a Wingull in the apartment building. Not exciting.

2. The On the Hunt guide seems to be mostly accurate, but there also seems to be a few inconsistencies since I think it's based on an older episode.

3. Besides Numel, are there any good Ground types available early on?

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I betcha that you missed Teddiursa because you tried every weather except clear, which iirc you need for that event.

EDIT: yes, you can find all those event Pokemon (Pach and pan after 7th gym, wingull after 4th, and zag after 7th)

Yes the locations list is outdated, you can find changes from 14 scattered about on the hunt.

Edited by BIGJRA
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So happy that people replied so quickly!

As for the event Pokemons:

- Teddiursa just VANISHED. I checked all of the hiding places during every possible weather and time of day and still nothing!

-Numel is just not showing up by the train station either.

1. Are those specific event pokemon available elsewhere later in the game? Because I am really wanting to catch me a Pachirisu...my save dealt me a Zigzagoon on the bridge and a Wingull in the apartment building. Not exciting.

2. The On the Hunt guide seems to be mostly accurate, but there also seems to be a few inconsistencies since I think it's based on an older episode.

3. Besides Numel, are there any good Ground types available early on?

Yeah, you can catch a pachirisu on route 1 or the adventurine forest which isn't too early or too late.

I don't know about ground types because I've been using a camerupt. You can catch a Numel before battling Kiki though so even if you can't get the one by the train station to spawn you should grab one in Pyrous mountain. Sorry about your bad luck with the apartment and bridge.

Edited by mde2001
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Alright so is there anywhere to find the changes to the Pokemon Events for Episode 15?

I'm trying to find the Petilil that's supposed to be in Obsidia Park during sunny weather and the little guy isn't showing up!

I'm trying to figure out if maybe some of these events have had their parameters changed? Like maybe I'm supposed to be Florinia first?

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So in on the hunt in the pinned section at the top there is a thread called reborn guide 2.0

This guide was outdated but the creator is currently updating it for ep 15. Im pretty sure 5 or so of the places are updated and not alot was changed in ep 15 when it comes to wild pokemon location so u can still kinda use it.

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