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Game Completion


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When is this game planning on actually being finished? If there is a new update every 3 months (or however long it takes) and there is only 1 badge per update, won't it take like 2 more years to be done with this game? 2 years is a freaking long time to think about this game and not be able to finish it up. I'm sure people have thought about this.

I have no idea how much time it's taking for updates (which is why I'm asking), but I know there was only 1 gym in the last update. Can someone tell me when this game is planned on being completed? Thanks

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2 years is a freaking long time to think about this game and not be able to finish it up.

Really? You base your opinion on what exactly? It takes little time (as in 2-3 years) only if the team developing the game is big, for a "group" of 1 person (with help from 2-3 others) this is as fast as it goes so yes it'll probably take another 2 years (maybe a little more).

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Legend says that for every person asking when the next update comes or asking why it takes so long, Ame delays the release by a month.....but seriously, making the game takes a lot of work and the developers have their own life to attend to too so it takes quite a bit of time

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The estimate is 19 episodes. I'd wager the game could be completely finished in 2018, if this current pace continues. Though the final episodes will take a long time, since all game endings must be accounted for and bugs fixed. There may even be an episode 20 to fix bugs and errors.

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When is this game planning on actually being finished? If there is a new update every 3 months (or however long it takes) and there is only 1 badge per update, won't it take like 2 more years to be done with this game? 2 years is a freaking long time to think about this game and not be able to finish it up. I'm sure people have thought about this.

I have no idea how much time it's taking for updates (which is why I'm asking), but I know there was only 1 gym in the last update. Can someone tell me when this game is planned on being completed? Thanks

I highlighted the misconception.

A lot of games are in development for years. Games like Skyrim, Fallout 4, Dragon Age and so on are games that spent nearly a decade each in the drawing board, and they were simply kept quiet about until it was near release date.

So to begin with, no, it is actually not. It takes a lot longer than that for a triple A title being worked on by dozens of people to be finished, so I figure a game with only two to four people working on it, all of which having other jobs (since the game is free and we need to eat) taking just two years is actually a fairly short amount of time.

That said, it may even take fifty to complete; The two year thing is a popular estimate, but I'm pretty sure the development team has not anything in regards to that since, as I've said several times, we'd not like to commit to something we may not be able to follow up on.

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Everyone needs to remember, we are on Episode 15 with 13 badges. using this as a scale with the confirmation of there being 19 episodes, we know that from E16-18 even with 2 gym battles in one episode, we won't get all the badges, we'll only have 17. This means that there has to be two gym battles in two episodes, unless Ame makes us fight a gym leader in E19 and finish the game, or extends it to 20 episodes, which I highly doubt will happen.

As for when it will all be finished, lets look at E15. E15 was supposed to be a relatively short update, but the Essentials update and ORAS megas made things much tougher than it needed to be. E14 was left buggy as hell, and the AI was just down-right atrocious. Because of this a patch had to be released, E14.5. This fixed many of the problems while also adding a little in. After some more updates, E15 finally came out. This whole process took around 6 months due to how chaotic everything was between Episodes 13 and 15.

As for E16, Ame has said it will also be rather short, but it will still take awhile because of some things. It could be that the city is getting a makeover, but Ame has already confirmed this will take a long time because of sidequests. She has said there will be a metric fuckton of sidequests in this update as we are finally headed back to the city and this could take a while to do. Could you imagine implementing 50 different sidequests and a story and maps and trainers and more in just a month, while constantly updating the programming, AI, scripts and more? Even the graphics need to be updated and thats another thing. Making new graphics and tilesets can take awhile. We just need to settle down and give Ame her space, let her relax and take her time. A rushed product is usually a sloppy one.

That said, I'd think this update may be finished in 3.5-4.5 months, so long as nothing extremely bad happens. Heck it could even be less. That said if we are to assume every episode takes say, 4 months from now on, that would be 16 months, totaling up to 1 year and 4 months. Not too bad actually for the quality this game has. And if you can't wait, just remember that other people are waiting for this same thing with no trouble at all. So please don't whine. Be thankful that Ame is actually giving us stuff. K thanks bai~

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As Kuro says, we can't promise anything. But, I can at least let you guys know my expectations.

I would really like to think that because of ORAS and the Essentials update (the last Essentials update we're planning on doing, in fact) we won't have another six month development time before the final episode. However, the average development time is probably going to go up because of three things:

  • AI improvements
  • System Bug-fixes
  • Animations

Each of them is just now coming into focus for their own reasons, but all of them are time consuming. I'll go through one by one.

AI is always a work in progress, but the Essentials AI was shipped incomplete for the start. Never mind how much of the formula we've already had to gut and tone up to make Singles AI' passable. E16 will be correcting the structure to make Doubles' AI actually function (it currently may as well not be functioning at all). After that, we have the task of actually completing the AI. As it is set up, that will not be difficult work, but it will be time-consuming work because we will have to add code for every move effect and all of the ideal situations to use it in, including Field Effects. Now, the AI will never be so good that it can make predictions and plays like an actual competitive battler-- that's just not in the current structure's capability-- but we can at least make sure it knows that if it has full HP and a focus sash, it better go for the turn one Shell Smash, or if it's fighting in the Rainbow Field (for some reason) that spamming flinch moves is probably going to work out for it. That work will be split between E17 and 18 so that it can be tested thoroughly for any errors to be fixed in 19.

When I say System Bug Fixes, I'm specifically referring to any system that makes the game a Pokemon game. 95% of the time this means the battle system, but also includes stuff like the Pokedex or HMs. It does NOT include anything relating to puzzles, or overworld/story events. So, the battle system itself was incomplete until E15, remember. Now that it -is- complete, we're able to turn our attention to the AI, as above, and just as importantly, patching up all the holes. If you've seen our Known Bug list you'll know that we have, what, ~175 things to fix? Some of it is minor, some of it not so much. We've done a little bit here and there, but I expect to specifically target and lock down those bugs as objectives over the next three episodes, again, so that any final changes can be made in time for the E19 final release. We definitely do not want to be making large scale changes in E19 as those are likely to introduce more bugs, so we will probably be looking at doing -those- in E17, and clean-up + minor things in E18.

Finally, animations. I was originally going to delegate Animations to the community as their project following the shiny sprite completion, because there's very little previous knowledge needed to actually use the Debug Animation Editor. However, after looking at the calibur of our current resources and animations, I've decided that I will probably have to do this myself in order to make sure everything is consistent, and quality. This will probably take a great deal of time because it must be done occasionally multiple times, for each of our ~700 moves. This will be split up over the next three episodes as well, with animations in E19 -potentially- being focused on Field Effect specific animations.

Since I haven't really gotten into the animations yet I can't say how long those are going to take me to do. I don't have a sense of them. But, they will probably be the biggest culprit in terms of extending development time. Assuming they are't -too- tedious, it might only be an extra month or something per episode. The other stuff will still be significant but can largely be delegated to people like Kuro and Jeriberry, meaning that can happen alongside development. So while the average development time has been around 3 months in the past, we'll probably see it pop up to 4 or 5, with the final episode taking even longer for final bug fixes + post game content (which is going to have the sidequest syndrome again). In short, my best guess would be mid 2017.

At least, that's my goal. It's always subject to change.

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But that's the thing. Every game has their own bugs. From Assassin's Creed, to Skyrim, to even Pokemon. They're inevitable. However, it is better for developers to take their time and smoothly make their games, rather than have them be rushed into a bugged apocalypse. Honestly, when people ask for the release to be sooner, I think they're asking for a Sonic 06 comeback.

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I don't mind waiting. This game has insane replay value. Seriously even before joining the forum I had beaten the game like two or three times back in E11. I'm on playthrough I dunno now.

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AI is always a work in progress, but the Essentials AI was shipped incomplete for the start. Never mind how much of the formula we've already had to gut and tone up to make Singles AI' passable. E16 will be correcting the structure to make Doubles' AI actually function (it currently may as well not be functioning at all). After that, we have the task of actually completing the AI. As it is set up, that will not be difficult work, but it will be time-consuming work because we will have to add code for every move effect and all of the ideal situations to use it in, including Field Effects. Now, the AI will never be so good that it can make predictions and plays like an actual competitive battler-- that's just not in the current structure's capability-- but we can at least make sure it knows that if it has full HP and a focus sash, it better go for the turn one Shell Smash, or if it's fighting in the Rainbow Field (for some reason) that spamming flinch moves is probably going to work out for it. That work will be split between E17 and 18 so that it can be tested thoroughly for any errors to be fixed in 19.

So in other words, we will need to rely on strategy even more, since RNGJesus is getting nerfed? Regardless, I look forward to seeing this game at full capacity (and graphical beauty) and am willing to wait the 2.5 years or whatever it takes.

PS - Just realized, this is going to end up resembling a Home Alone movie, where we have this extensive plan to defeat our adversaries. This will be something to look forward to.

Edited by Dragon116
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