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Lv75 Pokemon BS rant


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1. lv75 Steelix, who is about 15-20lv's above the highest you can get and moves faster then all your pokemon. This was so bs I had to waste 2 revives which are SUPER FKIN RARE on a Blaziken to Blaze Kick it to death. Oh to make matters worse you can't leave...

2. Lv75 MEGA Abra, not that bad since Hyper Beam has a Cooldown, but still annoying...

3. lv75 Arceus, 15levels above your max, faster then all of your pokemon, one-2shots all your pokemon. It's skill is empowered in the field, it can Recover It's self. And the highest tiered healing item you can buy is from a Vending Machine like a 30min walk away and besides that some crappy Super Potions when your max hp is 2-3x that. Like I understand hard, but this is completly utterly stupid. How am I supposed to know that I've about to face this shit. ESPECIALLY SINCE I CANT LEAVE. So I have to rely on RNG that he misses, or my Blaziken Crits him very hard and almost oneshots him so he can recover >_>

Also have to read a Stephen King Book to get back to the fight...

/end rant

Finally beat the dumb freaking fight.

Had to use Noivern, Super Fang and hope that Judgement would be uneffective so Super Fang would half his HP. Let Noivern die

Then use Blaziken with Speed Boost and hope Judgement wold be uneffective and Sky Uppercut him. Then since Blaze is lv60 with very high speed and Speed Boost he moves faster so I hope Sky Uppercut doesn't miss... Like all that RNG to beat a storyline boss is incredibly stupid and just bad game design.

//end rant

Now I'm on the Psychic Gym Puzzle. This would be alot easier if I knew wtf the pieces I was moving are. What the hell is the tall bird thing? What the hell is that bee looking small piece? Why is the gym leader gonna one shot every pokemon I have?

This is also from a person who is horrid at chess.

///end rant

Edited by ArcaneEli
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Bla bla bla there are tons of topics about these matters bla bla bla those "BS Pokemon" you speak about can be beaten with proper preparation bla bla bla if you don't like it don't play it bla bla bla I swear the first time I posted in a topic like this I made a rather intelligent, constructive post, but 9001 rants later I am kinda starting to feel nothing but boredom... Seriously, what were you actually hoping to accomplish when you decided to start a ranting topic? What possible reason could you have for wanting to publicly complain about specific battles everyone and their mother know how to beat? Why exposing yourself to the inevitable wave of sarcasm and snark this topic will turn into, your abilities ridiculed and your shortcomings made fun of, when you could have just kept the rant to yourself or, at most, made a status update about it? Did you actually think a rant post could lead the developers to go back on their work and make those battles easier?

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*poker face* You know you can side with el and lose but the story moves on. The steelix move set is mostly missable. Abra, you can bait to use hyper beam and proceed to punish.

Edit: they nerfed abra a bit to 2 moves. But I agree with Tomas. No need to make a thread about this topic.

Edited by OmegaRa1der
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As Tomas said, literally everyone knows how to beat these battles at this point with the proper preparations. You need to know, you can't beat the game with just Blaziken and that kind of stuff. It would be nice to know your team because I bet you've just been easy moding it with Blaziken and that's why you're having a hard time. Rather than rant, ask for help. Ranting gets you nowhere.

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I have Blaziken, Stoutland, Noivern (just evolved), Ampharos, Grumpig.

Also half trained a OCtillery but I forgot how slow they were, and I'm currently raising a Gogoat

Well I'm glad that everyone here is a pokemon reborn pro and knew about the tactics and strategies to prepare for this upcoming battle. But for a first time player and a casual not-tryhard normal pokemon game player this comes off way to hard and unexpected. How am I supposed to prepare myself for something that I don't know is coming up, and something that is obviously stronger then 80% of the pokemon you can get.

Edited by ArcaneEli
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Well see there's your problem. Lack of Pokemon. Most players up to this point have either a full team of 6 or 7+ pokemon. And you don't need to prepare for this. If you have a diverse team you should be able to win just fine. Except for Arceus, that is the only one that can't honestly be prepared for in a blind run. Especially due to its stats. Your best option for arceus is either bulk or Prankster. Both of which you don't seem to have (except for Stoutland and maybe Ampharos).

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Training pokemon takes forever though. Literally top 3most hated things in pokemon games is how slow the training is. Go to Tauros, hit it 2-3times. Repeat ~10times. Gain a level. Repeat ~12times, repear ~14times.

Also have zero idea what Prankster is.

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I understand because I been there in the casual apartment but at least keep the rant to either yourself or status update. Because here, you will get eaten alive for ranting a topic that can be easily shut down. One tip, prepare for the unexpected because you have plenty more surprises.

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Well I'm glad that everyone here is a pokemon reborn pro and knew about the tactics and strategies to prepare for this upcoming battle. But for a first time player and a casual not-tryhard normal pokemon game player this comes off way to hard and unexpected. How am I supposed to prepare myself for something that I don't know is coming up, and something that is obviously stronger then 80% of the pokemon you can get.

"casual not-tryhard normal pokemon game player" See, that and you playing Reborn kinda just don't work, Reborn offers an experience for people wanting a real challenge. And for preparing for something you can't see coming, we have a quick save feature and all important events are announced from a mile away, it's almost like the game itself tells you "hey, important fight incoming, better save now, so you can reload and prepare yourself if you fail". Think back to all of those, the Garchomp, all the PULSEs, etc, it's always someone like Victoria jinxing it at Pyrous or it's you approaching the middle of the huge main space in Citae or getting to behind the 2 locked doors for PULSE Muk, etc.

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My problem with this topic is not that you are having these issues. My problem with this topic is that ALL OF US had these issues in the past and thus, for the sake of helping people like you, we posted all kinds of guides, viability rankings, topics with advices as to how to beat specific battles. They are literally all over the forum. If you had put the search engine to good use and taken the time to read those, instead of going straight away for the rant, this topic could have been avoided. And don't say "I don't read guides because I don't want to spoil myself" because said guide are specifically built to be spoiler-free: basically, they tell you "it is advisable to run this" or "you might want to prepare that before that point", but they don't actually reveal any major plot turn. So again, instead of lamenting the issues you are having, have a look at the MANY topics made specifically to help newcomers like you. It's funny because they are in the same section in which you posted this topic, so it stands to reason that you should have seen at least one of them before starting this...

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Let me just start by saying I usually stop reading things here every time I see Blaziken. You can do pretty much KO any challenge with Blaziken....but this time I decide to press on because I really want to understand the casual point of view. The game got easy because people here complain, they nerf shit and people still complain..I want to understand why the nerf when I was able to beat it? why can't other people they do it?, I want to understand....

Everyone here have more hours than me on Poke, guaranteed it including yourself. My first Poke game I EVER played was Crystal before playing Reborn...believe it or not, I was able to defeat every single Gym leader and big bosses in Reborn without that much of a hassle (except Shade and that Poison Gym tbh)

I was able to learn everything I needed to know about new Pokes in less than 2 hours (mainly stats stuff). You are a gamer, whether you are a casual

or not, learned through trial and error TOO. This is a fact in every video game.

All you have to do to succeed in Poke games: Create a team that has synergy between them period.

You are not facing 6 lvl 80 Poke, it just 1; so it's not impossible is what I'm trying to said. You can't simulate/create/plan a strategy to defeat 1 Poke that's lvl 80?

1) Steelix has the 4th highest defense stat in the whole game. Why would you rely on Blaziken when it's a Physical Attacker? If you look at it's Special Defense stats they are shit. 1-2 Special Attacks and he's down.....It never occur to you to use a Water or Fire SPECIAL ATTACKER? yes, u did wasted your revives unfortunately.

I'm not going over the others because I'll be here forever.

*You think this is a bad game design? IMO every single Nintendo Poke have one of the worst game design ever. I never like the story has a kid, the game is exactly a Copy Paste with just different Pokes (I have seen the gameplays up to Diamond), the story never changes (save the world bla bla bla). And worst part of all you can defeat everything with 1 Poke has far I'm aware. I never bother to buy another Poke game because the game was all about smashing A. This is why I never got into Poke has a kid.

You don't want to get out of you comfort zone and I said this over and over and over again. I said this because people do the same mistake I was once doing in Reborn. I did many mistakes and the one you just mention I did it too. I defeated Crystal with just my starter back in the days; what u r doing is no different.

You believe Blaziken is the answer to everything

When you mention using Noivern Super Fang on Arceus them take out Blaziken etc. that's going out of your comfort zone. You are thinking with a strategy, this is HOW you play this game.

Final though: All I learn from this post was that if your Blaziken dies, it's Game Over for you. I want to understand you but I just can't. Like a said, you learn through trial and error has a gamer, casual or pro doesn't matter. You can't win everything with the same combo, ANY game would get dull fast as fuck if you could....

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It's a losing argument and a serious uphill fight with this game. You should have realized by now that Reborn isn't simply a game you can just scoff, chuckle, and say: "Bitch please!" to.

It sounds like you're on your first playthrough from the way you're talking. I never bothered to get help from the forums, nor rant about them. Some battles for me were just cut and dry from square one for me. Abra, for me, on the first try, just knocked the shit out of a lot of my team with OHKOs it needed a turn to recharge on. Steelix was dealt with by my Ninetales WoW a long time ago. I feel your pain to a point, where we've all been that guy (or girl, or non-binary) pissed off at something seemingly impossible that is really more than plausibly simplistic. (Garchomp at Pyrous is a whole 'nother story for another day)

Reborn is a cut above at making you differentiate your team and what you do, considering I had a whole different team from badge 7 to badge 9 (except the starter).

Just admit it, and take the piecemeal advice of Tomas who is one of the smarter muh fuggers here. Ranting won't do much to help your situation. You're just gonna end up like another boy (girl or non-binary) who cries wolf.

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I understand because I been there in the casual apartment but at least keep the rant to either yourself or status update. Because here, you will get eaten alive for ranting a topic that can be easily shut down. One tip, prepare for the unexpected because you have plenty more surprises.

So much this. After I got caught off guard well before any of these lv 75 evil pokemon, I was smashed by Solaris. At that time, the game showed me it could be cruel. So I made sure I always packed status inflictors in my team, my main one being Emolga with Static ability, and Nuzzle + Light Screen attacks. Might I add that the glitch world will throw another Arceus your way (in a manner of speaking). But you can at least leave and swap pokes out. So let this be a lesson to you - have plenty of good status inflictors, or a damn good tank like Blissey (which is as OP as Blaziken imo).

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I find it really strange that you had difficulty with the giant steelix - I've never found it even remotely difficult, to the point that I've even beaten it 1v1 with one of my pokemon before without even needing the rest of my team. Do you not use any special attackers? A super effective physical attack against a steelix is going to do significantly less damage than a normally effective special attack (assuming attack = special attack at least) - a steelix has ~3x as much defense as special defense.

The abra/arceus can potentially be a bit silly depending on RNG and team composition, but the Steelix has pretty much always been a pushover for me regardless of what team composition I was using. I've never needed to go out of my way to build my team for them, but both the Abra and Arceus can be almost trivialized by catching a sturdy magnemite and teaching it thunder wave (+ flash optionally) and the magnemite doesn't even need to leveled up.

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I have Blaziken, Stoutland, Noivern (just evolved), Ampharos, Grumpig.

Also half trained a OCtillery but I forgot how slow they were, and I'm currently raising a Gogoat

Well I'm glad that everyone here is a pokemon reborn pro and knew about the tactics and strategies to prepare for this upcoming battle. But for a first time player and a casual not-tryhard normal pokemon game player this comes off way to hard and unexpected. How am I supposed to prepare myself for something that I don't know is coming up, and something that is obviously stronger then 80% of the pokemon you can get.

So I read almost nothing in this thread but the first post and this, and this is what I'd like to address.

I came into reborn not having played pokémon since emerald.

tl;dr literally one of the first things I did in this game was to get something with prankster + thunder wave and another something with destiny bond, which trivialized all the battles you mentioned above.

To figure out I had to do that didn't take me more than five minutes and the oracle google.

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for a first time player and a casual not-tryhard normal pokemon game player this comes off way to hard and unexpected. How am I supposed to prepare myself for something that I don't know is coming up, and something that is obviously stronger then 80% of the pokemon you can get.

Ok...i'm really tired of repeating this over and over...but here we go again: (like everyone said) if you're a casual Pokemon player why are you even playing this game? It's not meant for you, hear the words of this wise (and totally cool) elf/demon

and try to understand that you probably should go play the main games till you have enough experience after that come back (if you want) and try again (first thing you should learn is what "Prankster" is) because right now your complains only show your ignorance.


If you still want to go on get a Pokemon with Destiny Bond and carry it with you (or just search the forums when you have problems with a "boss")


If you think the game is too difficult now you should've seen it before all the 197345 nerfs (and before the A.I. got dumb) to "help" all the noobs that kept whining...that reminds me of something...hmm nevermind, this level of difficulty is nothing.

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Finally beat the dumb freaking fight.

Had to use Noivern, Super Fang and hope that Judgement would be uneffective so Super Fang would half his HP. Let Noivern die

Then use Blaziken with Speed Boost and hope Judgement wold be uneffective and Sky Uppercut him. Then since Blaze is lv60 with very high speed and Speed Boost he moves faster so I hope Sky Uppercut doesn't miss... Like all that RNG to beat a storyline boss is incredibly stupid and just bad game design.

Like all that RNG to beat a storyline boss is incredibly stupid and just bad game design.

incredibly stupid and just bad game design.

bad game design


You, sir, are a fool.

I can understand complaining about something that you can't comprehend. You don't get how something works, that's fine. You can't come up with a practical solution, okay.

But accusing the developers of bad game design is in very poor taste and holds no kernel of truth at all.

So you look at something and say "This doesn't make sense to me, so obviously the fault lies with the party who created it!"

This way of thinking is selfish, immature, and is not in any way conducive to one's own personal growth. If you complain about and make excuses for something rather than analyzing it, learning from it, and trying to improve, then how are you going to make progress as a person?

Do not, for one second, claim that the obstacles in this game are a result of bad design simply because you don't know how to overcome them. It's insulting to the hard-working developers, and to a lesser extent, it's insulting to the players who enjoy this game.

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Stop right there, Sunshines...

I'm actually a little bit concerned some of our esteemed regulars are claiming this game isn't meant for casual players? Isn't that hardly inviting and respectful to those of us who -do- play the game casually?

I'm not going to argue that Reborn hasn't been even more difficult than it is now, nor am I going to say it's a game that is just as easy to have a casual experience with as any main series title. It -obviously- isn't - but this isn't the way to treat each other, regardless of the way their forum posts are worded and regardless of whether or not the original poster searched through the archives for help beforehand.

the honest truth of the matter is - most casuals won't really -know- what to expect, and most casuals -won't- have world-beater teams and fancy ability or move-slot tricks just to get by bosses they truly don't know are coming. Most of us have been there, where we find a roadblock to our playthroughs and have to think of a strategy to progress.

For some of us, they do go looking for the tricks to save money and items - for others, people splurge so they can use their original teams and move forward. Everyone has a different approach to the game, and while some approaches are vastly superior to others in terms of effectiveness, that doesn't mean the game can't be played casually. The difficulty of a game doesn't determine the amount of time someone is going to spend to progress completely. Ultimately, what separates the "professionals" (or more appropriate term, hardcore gamers), from the casual gamers is the amount of time they spend playing the game, and the amount of effort they are willing to spend to progress. If people drop Reborn on their own because they don't want to go hunt down a Prankster-mon - that's their choice.

We don't need to persuade the casual gamer to leave as a community by being up-in-arms whenever they voice their struggles. It's best to offer advice, and move on.


Addendum: Nobody really needs to start going on crusade for Ame either. She should know her game is a huge hit regardless of what some players say. I understand she -is- a target we, the players, have when it comes to frustrating parts of the game. What this person is experiencing is one of the many emotions felt when playing Reborn. As listed. There are several ways to control these fights and overcome RNG. It's just a part of the casual experience. The first thing casuals will do is wonder why something isn't as easy to beat as they are used to, and part of that will be followed by blaming someone other than themselves.

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Stop right there, Sunshines...

I'm actually a little bit concerned some of our esteemed regulars are claiming this game isn't meant for casual players? Isn't that hardly inviting and respectful to those of us who -do- play the game casually?

This was kinda bugging me, too. As far as I'm concerned, this game is meant for anyone who wishes to play it; moreso if they're willing to learn and adapt in order to see it through to the end.

Although I should note that I wasn't starting a crusade or anything. I just feel that it's important to respect the developers and the work that they put into the project.

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