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Lv75 Pokemon BS rant


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I'm actually a little bit concerned some of our esteemed regulars are claiming this game isn't meant for casual players? Isn't that hardly inviting and respectful to those of us who -do- play the game casually?

I'm actually concerned you defend a person that can't play the game and instead of...well idk...use his brain to come up with a strategy or (if he's really lazy or just not good enough in the planning&strategy department) use even less brain and see the countless solutions to his "problems" on the forum just begins to insult MY (and many others) favorite game by calling it bs, stupid and "bad game design" (oh how many times i hear this from noobs) it's no wonder some people responses (my included of course) are not very friendly. Anyway I have a "revelation" for him: if you can't beat a game and many people already did it probably (just probably eh) it's not that the game is too hard or "unfair", you're just not a very good player and there's no way around it other than improve yourself (or nerf the game AGAIN...but the developers wouldn't do it right? RIGHT?) and this is exactly what i was suggesting him to do.

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Now I can easily beat bosses and leaders, and like many other players I think the game is now even a bit too easy.

But my first playthrough was really hard. A dozen tries for almost every leader, and that Arceus... I tried brute force, trying again and again. I tried to make it sleep with my Victreebel, then I discovered El had several full heal. So I tried to make it sleep 3 times (meaning my Victreebel had to survive a hit, then successfully use sleep powder 3 times, not easy). Then I discovered in the last generations sleep lasts 3 turns at most, not enough no kill Arceus. So I wanted to change my team, but to save time between resets I saved between two dialogues so I was stuck with my team. After a week and more than 200 tries (at least) I finally beat it with a critical gem boosted explosion from my Golem. Just luck

So I understand why it seems really hard for a casual since I was one when I started Reborn. But I never complained. It's not that the game is too hard, it's just you need to learn and adapt. People saying Reborn is not for casuals are partially true. You can start as a casual, but you end it like a higher level player. Or you don't end it and just complain about the difficulty.

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You can start as a casual, but you end it like a higher level player. Or you don't end it and just complain about the difficulty.

So much of this. Whenever shofu uploads a new video about Pokemon Reborn and Rejuvenation (especially this), i just prepare up some snacks and eat it while going through the comments saying the same things : "bad design", "stupid game", ...... This habit of mine has been starting up again with the continue of Pokemon Rejuvenation. I also had problems with Garchomp, Abra, Steelix, Arceus; but i researched the bosses wayyyy before, so i knew how to deal with them. For me it was Destiny Bond that took care of the bosses (this was extremely easy to do on that Abra because of Hyper Beam). I wasted my Focus Sash on the Garchomp fight, but that was pre-Gengar.

Edited by biboo195
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You see a tough Pokemon and can't beat it? Oh dear, step back, evaluate the team and improve.

You're forcing a set team to go against what you know is a tough time, go get another pokemon that should improve the battle. Hell, it;s why I went in with Mystical Fire or a pokemon with Intimidate.

It's not being prepared or willing to vary teams on your part that is the issue, the game is fine.

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I'll want to answer some of this actually. Let's see:

1. lv75 Steelix, who is about 15-20lv's above the highest you can get and moves faster then all your pokemon. This was so bs I had to waste 2 revives which are SUPER FKIN RARE on a Blaziken to Blaze Kick it to death. Oh to make matters worse you can't leave...

But you can turn back, find a healing machine and a PC. Actually, isn't that the place where you start before the Steelix part? So you could turn around, and train your pokemons. Of course, if you don't have any extra ones, then yes, that's potentially a problem.

At the same time, I have to take note of your "Blaze Kick it to death" part. Have you tried special attacks at all during that fight? You don't even need to check stats on this case, it's just something basic that you need to think about: If physical attacks don't work, try special.

3. lv75 Arceus, 15levels above your max, faster then all of your pokemon, one-2shots all your pokemon. It's skill is empowered in the field, it can Recover It's self. And the highest tiered healing item you can buy is from a Vending Machine like a 30min walk away and besides that some crappy Super Potions when your max hp is 2-3x that. Like I understand hard, but this is completly utterly stupid. How am I supposed to know that I've about to face this shit. ESPECIALLY SINCE I CANT LEAVE. So I have to rely on RNG that he misses, or my Blaziken Crits him very hard and almost oneshots him so he can recover >_>

Ignoring all the strategies around that exists for defeating the Arceus, I have to point this out: You do realize that if you side with El instead of Radomus, you can lose the battle and the story continues right? I'm pretty sure that if Ame had her way, she'd make the Arceus completely undefeatable. Alas, that's not what she did. I don't expect every single player to be prepared for everything (It's something I'll point out later), but I feel the need to point out that there is another way around that fight.

If you want to defeat the Arceus however, then that's another case. You're gonna have to work for it, like most people. You're gonna need to find a strategy on this case.

Now I'm on the Psychic Gym Puzzle. This would be alot easier if I knew wtf the pieces I was moving are. What the hell is the tall bird thing? What the hell is that bee looking small piece? Why is the gym leader gonna one shot every pokemon I have?

This is also from a person who is horrid at chess.

And yet, a person that never played chess seriously in his life a.k.a me, was able to pass Radomus puzzle without any guides or anything.

On this case, there's nothing else I can say other than two things. One: That's a puzzle. It requires you to think, OR to look at someone that already finished the puzzle and follow that person's directions. And Two: There is a room inside the Castle that explains the chess pieces and basic chess guidelines. I'm pretty sure Radomus or one of the main characters mentions the room in their dialogue.

If you're skiping through all dialogue however, then that's not really my problem. Or the developers problem, for that matter.

Seriously, what were you actually hoping to accomplish when you decided to start a ranting topic?

The person still has the right to opinion regardless. Sure, this is more of venting than constructive posting, but we don't prohibit ranting topics here. Unless they break the rules, but then any topic that break the rules is unacceptable anyway.

What possible reason could you have for wanting to publicly complain about specific battles everyone and their mother know how to beat?

You can't assume everyone will know how to beat those battles though. Most casuals will not expect those battles. Heck, even "pros" wouldn't expect over-levelled battles, since it's not exactly a theme in canon pokémon games.

I can agree that using the search feature, the OP woud find strategies to win those battles.

Why exposing yourself to the inevitable wave of sarcasm and snark this topic will turn into, your abilities ridiculed and your shortcomings made fun of, when you could have just kept the rant to yourself or, at most, made a status update about it?

Then that's bad on us because it can go into the realm of disrespect. While I myself don't really appreciate rant topics, making fun of the person and their abilities doesn't solve any problem. I'd rather just argue and explain the reasons why the person in question is wrong in what they are complaining about.

Rather than rant, ask for help. Ranting gets you nowhere.

I second that. There is a lot of people that can help you against anything in the game, so yes. This is good advice.

The search feature is good too. Just throwing that out there.

Training pokemon takes forever though. Literally top 3most hated things in pokemon games is how slow the training is. Go to Tauros, hit it 2-3times. Repeat ~10times. Gain a level. Repeat

I can agree on that. Training pokémons IS boring. However, Pokémon is an RPG game and with most RPGs, gaining levels will be boring. There's nothing much we can do here, to be honest. It's part of the game, even though it shouldn't be that bad.

Let me just start by saying I usually stop reading things here every time I see Blaziken. You can do pretty much KO any challenge with Blaziken....but this time I decide to press on because I really want to understand the casual point of view. The game got easy because people here complain, they nerf shit and people still complain..I want to understand why the nerf when I was able to beat it? why can't other people they do it?, I want to understand....

Everyone here have more hours than me on Poke, guaranteed it including yourself. My first Poke game I EVER played was Crystal before playing Reborn...believe it or not, I was able to defeat every single Gym leader and big bosses in Reborn without that much of a hassle (except Shade and that Poison Gym tbh)

I was able to learn everything I needed to know about new Pokes in less than 2 hours (mainly stats stuff). You are a gamer, whether you are a casual

or not, learned through trial and error TOO. This is a fact in every video game.

All you have to do to succeed in Poke games: Create a team that has synergy between them period.

You are not facing 6 lvl 80 Poke, it just 1; so it's not impossible is what I'm trying to said. You can't simulate/create/plan a strategy to defeat 1 Poke that's lvl 80?

1) Steelix has the 4th highest defense stat in the whole game. Why would you rely on Blaziken when it's a Physical Attacker? If you look at it's Special Defense stats they are shit. 1-2 Special Attacks and he's down.....It never occur to you to use a Water or Fire SPECIAL ATTACKER? yes, u did wasted your revives unfortunately.

I'm not going over the others because I'll be here forever.

*You think this is a bad game design? IMO every single Nintendo Poke have one of the worst game design ever. I never like the story has a kid, the game is exactly a Copy Paste with just different Pokes (I have seen the gameplays up to Diamond), the story never changes (save the world bla bla bla). And worst part of all you can defeat everything with 1 Poke has far I'm aware. I never bother to buy another Poke game because the game was all about smashing A. This is why I never got into Poke has a kid.

You don't want to get out of you comfort zone and I said this over and over and over again. I said this because people do the same mistake I was once doing in Reborn. I did many mistakes and the one you just mention I did it too. I defeated Crystal with just my starter back in the days; what u r doing is no different.

You believe Blaziken is the answer to everything

When you mention using Noivern Super Fang on Arceus them take out Blaziken etc. that's going out of your comfort zone. You are thinking with a strategy, this is HOW you play this game.

Final though: All I learn from this post was that if your Blaziken dies, it's Game Over for you. I want to understand you but I just can't. Like a said, you learn through trial and error has a gamer, casual or pro doesn't matter. You can't win everything with the same combo, ANY game would get dull fast as fuck if you could....

So much this. After I got caught off guard well before any of these lv 75 evil pokemon, I was smashed by Solaris. At that time, the game showed me it could be cruel. So I made sure I always packed status inflictors in my team, my main one being Emolga with Static ability, and Nuzzle + Light Screen attacks. Might I add that the glitch world will throw another Arceus your way (in a manner of speaking). But you can at least leave and swap pokes out. So let this be a lesson to you - have plenty of good status inflictors, or a damn good tank like Blissey (which is as OP as Blaziken imo).

Both of those scream to me that a casual player will never be able to enjoy Reborn though. I agree that you have to learn some things while playing, and learn from trial and error, but still in the end, it goes back to the same point: A casual player will never be able to enjoy the game like other players.

I must point to attention that the flavor of Reborn always been the story actually, not the difficulty. The "difficulty" is just an extra thing. The story would still be fantastic, even with gym leaders with less pokémons, or "less powerful" bosses.

On this case though, I don't know if we can ever reach a point where "It's good enough for casual, and offer enough of a challenge for experienced players", so I'll just stop here.

Stop right there, Sunshines...

I'm actually a little bit concerned some of our esteemed regulars are claiming this game isn't meant for casual players? Isn't that hardly inviting and respectful to those of us who -do- play the game casually?

My only problem is how people are very quick to say "OMG this is so easy if you use this".

Of course it's easy now that you got past the challenge and know how to deal with. It's just how things work. Reborn can be very challenging the first time you play, because you don't know what to expect. I had no clue Julia would have a team of six pokémons, with an excellent coverage moves. And right now, moves to abuse the field effects.

I do worry about the "Casual player should be able to play the game too", but it will fall into what I mentioned: I don't know if there's a way to balance the game enough for casuals to enjoy, and enough for experienced players to have a challenge.

After all, this quote is in the main download page: "It's going to take more than just a Pokemon Master to tackle this challenge."

I'm actually concerned you defend a person that can't play the game and instead of...well idk...use his brain to come up with a strategy or (if he's really lazy or just not good enough in the planning&strategy department) use even less brain and see the countless solutions to his "problems" on the forum just begins to insult MY (and many others) favorite game by calling it bs, stupid and "bad game design" (oh how many times i hear this from noobs) it's no wonder some people responses (my included of course) are not very friendly.

I can agree that if he searched for the pokémons he's having problems with, he'd find a bunch of solutions to it.

The problem is that everybody always mention how easy the game is AFTER you know the solution. It is completely expected that a first timer will have problems in his run, even if they have a strategy. Because RNG can be a d*ck, and make things fail because "luck lol".

And while I expect that answers won't be friendly in a "not friendly" topic, we have to remember that two wrongs don't make a right. You don't have to be rude just because someone is being rude.

P.S: I'm NOT saying YOU were rude. I'm just saying that.

To summarize this, I'll say this: Rants don't usually solve anything, but neither will sarcastic comments or comments on the OP abilities. Constructive comments it's always best for a rant like this.

As for ArcaneEli, I have to remind you that you're not the only person playing this game. A lot of other people went through the same battles, and they succeded. Really, I do suggest you poke and look around the forums first. Not only that, but a topic asking for help would've been much more well accepted. We're still a community, and you can always look for us when you're having problems in the game.

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I can attest to how much help was given to me when i was just starting out, i made a thread and i asked all my questions there over time instead of ranting and raging(i did rage but i did not express it on the forum, i just shouted loud IRL to vent)and my topic was allowed to go on by moderators and i got all the help i needed to stand on my feet and go on my own.

If you made a "i need help" thread instead of a "bs rant" thread this would have gone a lot different for you.

I also recommend that you google or search for the answers you seek first.

Edited by Nhadala
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This dude is going to be so salty when he fights Goomy.

That aside, on the topic of 'This game isn't meant for casuals' I think that's kind of a shaky area. I'm a casual player, and though I don't really have problems with the game there is a big difference between playing it for awhile and simply starting out. Personally if anything I think this game is more pro-casual than it is the opposite, of course there's a difference with 'Casual' and 'Bad at the game' but I think there's less that you could take from Reborn and turn that into competitive knowledge. Sure you learn how to prepare for things, but you can learn that just by playing any sort of pokemon game, it's not really that hard. I think the game taking the level cap system and field effects, are more pro-casual than pro-not Casual? Whatever the term is. (Not bashing either, I just don't believe they would attribute to someone's general skill at the game when all they are a limiting factor to prevent you from over leveling and sweeping [Not that sweeping isn't impossible.] and a coin-tossish thing to make battles more unique.)

Even if you don't agree with my opinion, "If u can't beat an intentionally harder game u suck" isn't the best vote of confidence either. Really inspires newcomers, I swear.

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On the topic of Casual Vs. Hardcore gamer:

I have played every Pokemon game. I am not one of those guys who goes to tournaments and battles online and EV trains and all the jazz. I play it for the simple fact that the games are usually the same and they are fun. So I guess you could say that I am a casual fan.

You are a flat out IDIOT if you think that a fangame is supposed to be super simplistic and easy to the point that you can blast through the entire game with the same team as the main games. One of the best parts about fan games is that you NEED to use alternative Pokemon that you would not usually use and actually develop a strategy to utilize strengths and weaknesses rather than just "LULZ Speed Boost Blaziken Blaze Kick 4 all teh winz".

I took on the Grass gym leader with a damn Butterfree that was 7 levels weaker than her entire team. I beat the Electric type gym with a damn BUDEW. You need to really THINK about how well your team will survive a fight before you even begin to think about actually winning, because you can have a super awesome Blaziken all you want, but the second the opponent survives and hits you with a decent Ground, Water, Psychic, or Flying type attack you are SCREWED.

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