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RIP Satoru Iwata


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Rest In Peace, Iwata.

Even the so long shutdown incident that was brought from yours is still unacceptable for me and my old broken community.

I do respect you, although I never wanted to admit it since there's no point to recall for what's done is done.

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I don't know if I've ever felt this upset about someone who isn't part of my family dying. Satoru Iwata died yesterday at the age of 55. Iwata was the President of Nintendo. He brought us many great classics such as Balloon Fight and Kirby. He helped bring forward the cult classic Earthbound. He even worked on The Legend of Zelda, Mario, and Animal Crossing. This man has touched so many peoples lives without any of them ever knowing it. This man brought me the games I loved growing up as a child. The games that helped form me into the human being I am today. Simply saying how much influence this one man has had on my life and everyones lives is not enough. May you rest in piece Mr. Iwata.

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Rest in peace, Iwata. He probably had the biggest influence on my childhood and it is really sad to see him go. He felt more real than other company heads, since we really got to know him through the directs, and he will be greatly missed.

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Pretty nuts that he was only 55.

Would you guys agree that if it weren't for his help Pokemon may not be what it is today?

Regardless, his impact on the company has been apparent these last decades for sure.

I don't think the head of any gaming company will be as missed as he.

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..I actually woke up and shed a few tears when I heard this happened .__.

Never in my life have I known someone to have been such a large influence on my gaming life, I've absolutely loved Earthbound and all the Kirby series. Hell, I've seen all the Twitter posts made by various CEO's and other well-known celebrities and gamers, I really feel upset that Iwata-san is no longer among the living.

..It seems that Iwata-san ran out of 1-Up mushrooms and went to the great blue yonder.

You will be greatly missed by the entire gaming community as a whole.f0a6377981.jpg

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