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RCBA Prizes


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What can I say? The development team's in a generous mood.

You know, it's easy to forget Reborn's roots. It's easy to look at the community today and forget where it came from - the reborn league. Tournaments like this.

Lately, these have been few and far between. Hilda, Jericho and the rest of the RCBA committee want to change that. And I fully support it.

And so, in an effort to promote more events like this, the development team and the RCBA committee have joined together to offer special unique prizes to the winners of Reborn's competitive battling association!

To the winner of the Ruby division, we award this fiery companion:


To the champion of Sapphire's division, this creature of the depths arises to become your new champion:


If you can win the Emerald's crown, this mighty guardian will become your shield in battle:


If you can win Amethyst's favor, you will be awarded this mighty blade:


And to the one who conquers all - Whoever wins the right to call themselves Grand Champion, will be awarded a prize befitting your position:


Yep. A ditto.

A shiny, max-IV ditto.

You don't play reborn? No problem. The division winners can opt between a prize of 2500 ruppees or their pokémon. The Grand Champion can opt between 8000 ruppees or their chosen pokémon, and the winner of the invitational, while not receiving any pokémon, will receive a prize of 2500 ruppees.

Both Reborn's development team and the RCBA committee hope you find these prizes to your liking, and that they motivate you to participate in more similar events in the future.

Good luck, trainers.

EDIT: Hilda's synopsis:

Division Champion

  • Ensures the highest seeds in the tournament bracket - If you win a champion seed - your walk through the championship tournament should be the easiest of all the tourney competitors.
  • Will win the Talonflame, Ferrothorn, Aegislash, or Cloyster depending on division for use in Reborn.
  • Has the opportunity to swap out the Pokemon reward for a 2.5k rupee reward (for those who don't play the Reborn game.)

"The" Champion

  • Is the best trainer in the competition > determined by surviving the championship tournament to the very end.
  • Will receive the Ditto (or 8K rupees)
  • In the event the tourney Champion is ALSO a division champion, they will receive the Ditto/8K as well as the Pokemon/Rupee reward from being the Champion of their respective division.

The Reborn Invitational Tournament (RIT) Champion

  • is the best trainer to -NOT- make the championship tournament > determined by surviving the Invitational to the very end.
  • will receive a 2.5K rupee reward.
  • will be rewarded with MORE high-end competition experience in the form of extra matches
  • can overcome what may have been a poor regular season record.
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Did it have to be a Ferrothorn? Because now I am being even further associated with that mon.... THANKS TOMAS!!!

You received the Emerald Division. What else did you expect it to be?

Chubb please don't

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Cloyster? I'm down with that. With Aegislash, he's pretty slow, but with Cloyster? Just one Shell Smash, and it can do so much destruction... just one question though, to determine the Grand Champion, would the Champions have to pit against each other, or is there something else to determine the Grand Champion?

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Division Champion

  • Ensures the highest seeds in the tournament bracket - If you win a champion seed - your walk through the championship tournament should be the easiest of all the tourney competitors.
  • Will win the Talonflame, Ferrothorn, Aegislash, or Cloyster depending on division for use in Reborn.
  • Has the opportunity to swap out the Pokemon reward for a 2.5k rupee reward (for those who don't play the Reborn game.)

"The" Champion

  • Is the best trainer in the competition > determined by surviving the championship tournament to the very end.
  • Will receive the Ditto (or 8K rupees)
  • In the event the tourney Champion is ALSO a division champion, they will receive the Ditto/8K as well as the Pokemon/Rupee reward from being the Champion of their respective division.

The Reborn Invitational Tournament (RIT) Champion

  • is the best trainer to -NOT- make the championship tournament > determined by surviving the Invitational to the very end.
  • will receive a 2.5K rupee reward.
  • will be rewarded with MORE high-end competition experience in the form of extra matches
  • can overcome what may have been a poor regular season record.
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See, I'd love to win some of these awesome rewards... but that'd require me to actually win my division/overall, so that's out of the question haha. even though I'm currently undefeated but that'll change when I face Moony this week I bet

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Nick, the issue with that is that there are going to be....somewhere around 16 competitors in the championship tournament.

That means that our whole bracket getting reborn rupees would get run up to 9600 Rupees on a generous giver - when the original plan for this maiden voyage season was to just crown a champ and applaud everyone for competing.

Let's say that everyone of the winners listed ALSO opts/has to accept the Rupee reward.

The whole tournament bracket would get 600 rupees - which adds up to 9600 rupees.

The Grand Champion would receive 8000 rupees on top of that 9.6 > making our total 17.6K rupees

The RIT Champion would receive 25 hundred by default which would make Kuro have to cough up 20.1K

and the Division champions would rack up a 10K total by themselves > making the needed coffers for this season AT LEAST.... 30,100 rupees.

That is nearly triple the current amount of our donator's available funds.

Division winners would be huge winners in the scenario too, getting 3,100 rupees instead of 25 hundred.

The Grand Champion would get even more, racking up a 11,100 amount of winnings > a vast majority of Kuro's current Rupee count at this moment in time.


So, here's the deal. If you're one of the top 16, your reward is a SHOT at a perfect IV Ditto in-game or some pretty nice change, while also being able to call yourself one of the top 16 best trainers in the competition. We feel that this is pretty rewarding in itself - while also promoting more competition and less "oh, I got what I wanted, I don't have to try" in the actual tournament. :)

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I see the problem that may arise, but it can be controlled with the alternative prizes, pokemon, which don't cost a thing.
I believe most, if not all, division winners would choose the pokemon. That's of course a choice, meaning we should prepare for the opposite scenario too.

The number of R for the 16 competitors (or 15 disregarding the champion), could be decreased to 500 or 400. Anyway, just a proposal.

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Yeah, it would be a little better if everyone that won the Pokemon rewards played Reborn - but in the end, that's still pretty much all of our donor's funds (the 9.6K if we were to leave the amount to 600 a pop + the RIT champion) -AND- possibly being responsible for coding the Pokemon into the winners' save files.

In the future, this could be something that's on the table when we have more funds to deal with and if we want to rack up the prizes each go around. For now though, we should be generous in return to the Dev team and take what they've given us. :)

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I see the problem that may arise, but it can be controlled with the alternative prizes, pokemon, which don't cost a thing.

I believe most, if not all, division winners would choose the pokemon. That's of course a choice, meaning we should prepare for the opposite scenario too.

The number of R for the 16 competitors (or 15 disregarding the champion), could be decreased to 500 or 400. Anyway, just a proposal.

Just so you know, currently the amount of people wanting the ruppees far outnumbers the ones wanting the pokémon.

At least based on what I've seen on showdown.

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