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The totem pole in the rhodocrine jungle has me stumped

sound of silence


So there's a totem pole that reacts to your Ill-fated doll and will give you one of four pokemon, with the bottom of the totem pole being the pokemon you have to capture.

As much as it would be cool to have any of those 4 pokemon, given that I chose delphox for this run through, I wouldn't mind using gollett instead of the psychic types, except there seems to be no way to rearrange the totem pole, and as a result, I keep getting Baltoy. It doesn't seem to change based on weather, I know that much

Anyone know how to do so? Or am I wasting my time with something that cannot be changed?

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I'm not entirely sure whether you can alter the event to give you anything else, but I do know that Golett/Golurk is available in Route 3.

Sorry for not being much of help. :[

Maybe someone else can answer your question on how to (if possible), change the totem pole to give you a different Pokémon.

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4 ? I thought it was only 3. I'm not really an expert on these things, but i think that the totem changes when you catch that pokemon (aka you have to catch a Baltoy for the totem pole to change pokemon). Soft-reset won't change the pokemon IIRC. So just save and catch a Baltoy, then see if the Totem pole thing changes.

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It circles between three of the 4 depicted 'mons, regardless of the outcome of the battles. Whether you kill it, catch it or run, you get charged one doll and then get to fight with the next in line. Baltoy and Elgyem are lvl 30, Gollett is 35. Dunno about Natu. In both my finished saves it only circles among them. I guess it's decided like the other random events.

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