Sutoratosu Posted July 14, 2015 Share Posted July 14, 2015 "The power of the human heart is a terrible thing to waste..." Welcome to the OOC thread for the RP "Pokemon: Sins of Avalon" Prologue Reveal hidden contents The Pokemon League. An international organization that over the course of the last 150 years, have created an entire culture of competitive battle among trainers and their pokemon partners and managed to even shape the development of several nations. Today, it is the largest of any competitive outlet in existence, the original experiment, the true and only system for official competition. Split up between areas designed to test the mettle of those who dare enter, known as gyms, and a massive tournament known as the league cup, in which challengers who have won all badges from their nation's league branch may participate in combat against others who have proven their strength... and perhaps even the most powerful of them all, the National Elite Four and the National Champion. Yes, many trainers have taken up this challenge, many have failed, but some have passed. But some whisper of a challenge greater than even the national leagues can pose. A challenge so great, so magnificently difficult, that only the strongest dare even consider taking it; Hall of Famers, Elite Four members, Champions, Trainers who managed to at least make it to the finals of the league cups, so on and so forth... This challenge lies in a barren place. a frozen place, far to the north of Unova, so far that a man shall die of the cold long before he reaches it. A place where, by the will of the magnificent Lord Arceus himself, only the strong and the powerful ever survive. A place where towns are few and cities, there are none. A place where wilderness reigns supreme, and Pokemon of unknown power stalk the wilds in search of their next prey... a place, where you will learn from birth alongside your partner to become strong, or you will die before adulthood. In the land known as Arcadia, various new and unheard of Pokemon exist. Some even whisper of multiple unknown types lurking in the snowscape. Some say old gods rest in these frigid lands. But among all the rumors and speculation from those few who have ventured there in the past years it has come to light, and managed to return alive is this: Mother Arcadia hides the entrance to hell. Mother Arcadia is the ultimate challenge. Mother Arcadia will kill you if you underestimate her. Mother Arcadia will break your dreams and take your soul. You, my dear friend, are a Trainer. A trainer of considerable power and skill, a trainer who has had their mettle tested in the fires of hellish combat, and have emerged stronger for it. You have taken on the league cup in your home nation, you made it far, but at the last moment victory was seized from your hands by either an old or newly met rival. And you were forced to sit and watch as another individual took on the Elite Four and Champion. But even though you lost, the match was close; your power was proven that day, even if you did not believe it yourself. For your own reasons, you have set your sights on the ultimate challenge. On entering the realm of Arcadia... You have packed your lone bag, and from your team, have chosen one partner, your most trusted friend in all the world, to accompany you into the mouth of that frozen hell. with some luck, you find a ship owner in Kanto whom is willing to ferry the brave, the bold, and the few to Arcadia, thousands upon thousands of miles away. You head to the famed port of Vermillion in kanto And so your new journey begins as you set foot on that fateful vessel... But little do you know you shall not reach Arcadia. little do you know that the Gods have plans for you, that there is a place on this green earth where your skills will be put to far better, and nobler, use than Arcadia... And so our tale begins. The World The White Faith: Reveal hidden contents since the original people evolved from pokemon millions of years ago, mankind has worshiped a variety of gods over the eons. In many areas of the world, tribes of primitive humans established their faiths around one or two of the beings known to have a hand in the earth's creation, however, after interaction and exchange of ideas began among these people, and tribes became kingdoms, kingdoms became countries, and countries became Nations, the various religious views eventually melded into a single, cohesive faith. The Faith of Arceus. otherwise know as The White Faith. Though many legends and myths exist in the world, there are but 13 legendary Pokemon accepted as the canon gods of the world, and the lesser mythical beings are regarded as mere servants. Arceus Titles: Lord God, Lord Arceus, The White God, The White King, King of the Gods Significance: Creator of the universe, and the undisputed lord and master of the gods. The lord arceus is accepted as the original deity, the original force in existence, and the source from which all else flowed forth, time, space, life, death, afterlife, matter, anti-matter, good, and evil. His power is taught to be supreme in all ways. He is the alpha, and the omega. Though he has largely withdrawn himself from the world since it's creation The lesser gods are often regarded as either his children, and he has four servants or "Arch Angels"; 3 of which occupy themselves by fullfilling his will on earth, and the highest one by guarding the Gateway of God and keeping an eye on his brothers... Giratina Titles: The Spectral Warden Significance: The most powerful of the gods before Lord Arceus himself. It is unknown when or where the legends of him having been banished for misdeeds and misconduct among the mortals began, but in truth Giratina was never banished; he was created for the purpose of governing the afterlife in his father's stead. The Spirit World is his sacred domain, and as such he is responsible for the safeguarding of all souls, human and Pokemon alike, who make their way their upon death to await a new life in the cycle. He is the one who created the first Ghost types from his own flesh, intending to use them as servants to watch over the realm, however, a small variety of them managed to gain free will and disobeyed their lord, fleeing into the mortal world, thus giving rise to the specters as one of the 18 types. He makes his ethereal throne in the deepest part of the realm, where the laws of the universe begin to unravel and a great many oddities occur... In his world, the laws of time and space are eternally halted on orders of his father. He is also cited as having power over Matter and Anti-matter Palkia Titles: The Spacial Lord Significance: Alongside his twin, Dialga, and their elder brother Giratina, Palkia is responsible for safeguarding the basic components of the universe, with his assigned sphere of power being that of the very fabric of space itself. Due to his duties, he hardly spares time on the mortal world, instead focusing his efforts on monitoring the very foundation of reality itself. Dialga Titles: The Temporal Lord, The Watcher Significance: Like his brothers, Dialga is responsible for safegaurding the basic components of the universe itself. His domain is that of the infinitely branching time-stream itself, where he monitors the various futures and possibility awaiting the world, watching as events unfold and all their possible outcomes, cropping all those not... favorable, and determining which timeline shall become the knew "Canon" of the universe. Like his brothers, his duties are beyond that of Earth, and so he spares little time directly in the affairs of mankind. Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza Titles: The Lord of fire and Granite, The Lord of Seas, The Lord Azauqyar (respectively) Significance: The trio of gods who came after the original three. Groudon and Kyogre were created to form the earth and mold the continents and fill it's seas, while Rayquaza formed the atmosphere, and they did these task with ease. However, soon afterwards, Groudon and Kyogre began to clash over whose work was more deserving of their lord father's praise, and the only thing that stopped them was when Arceus presented the youngest of the trio of sons, Rayquaza, the power to defeat both his elder siblings. Soon afterwards, Groudon and Kyogre were sealed into deep slumbers, their powers restrained by their lord father, while Rayquaza was given the new task of safeguarding the world encase his older brothers should ever wake from their prisons... Regigigas Titles: The Great Mover, The Titan, The Builder Significance: Regigigas was created after the weather trio's completion of earth. unlike those before him, he was created as a lone god rather than sharing his responsibilities with any siblings. He was tasked with moving the continents back into place and rebuilding the landscape of the world after Groudon's and Kyogre's clash. Once his mission was done, he set about creating three types of sentinels from his own body to safeguard his repairs, Regirock, Regice, and Registeel. After creating several of these and dispersing them across the earth, Regigigas saw fit to venture deep into the earth and sleep, his long and arduous task complete... unless the day comes that Groudon and Kyogre awaken and damage the planet again with their violent pissing contest, that is... Xerneas, Yveltal, Zygarde Titles: The Lady Birth, the Lady Death, The Lord of Spectra (Respectively) Significance: a trio of Gods created around the same time as Regigigas's labors. They were tasked with overseering the concepts of Mortality, with Xerneas becoming the Guardian of Birth, and Gate Keeper of the exits of the Spirit Realm, while her sister Yveltal, the Guardian of death, and the Gatekeeper of the entrances to the spirit world. Their elder brother Zygarde serves as the embodiment and guardian of the planet's life force, and of mortal life itself, the delicate balance between birth and death. Out of all the gods, they have the most involvement in the mortal world due to their duties. Ho-oh and Lugia Titles: The Lord of Sun and Sky and the Lady of Moon and Sea Significance: Ho-oh and Lugia were the last of the Gods to be created by Arceus. They are a duo responsible for being the guardians of the celestial bodies of the sun and the moon, respectively. Ho-oh has been said to have the power to resurrect the dead, followed in his travels across the land by his 3 races of servants: Raikou, Suicune, and Entei. Meanwhile Lugia is said to have the power to regulate the weather of the world, as do her own 3 servant races: Zapdos, Articuno, and Moltress. The Church of the White Faith Reveal hidden contents ~~Info coming soon~~ The Pokemon League Reveal hidden contents ~~Info coming soon~~ The Twelve Nations Reveal hidden contents ~~Info coming soon~~ History: Reveal hidden contents Undetermined amount of time prior to present day: Arceus creates the Universe. Girtatina, Palkia, and Dialga are born and given roles in governing the universe. The Gods Rayquaza, Groudon, and Kyogre are created soon after and create the planet. Groudon and Kyogre proceed to battle and are quelled by Rayquaza before being sealed in perpetual slumber by arceus. Between 300 milion years to 200 million years prior to present: Regigigas is created and repairs the damage done to the earth by Groudon and Kyogre's conflict. Arceus finally finds the world fit to spawn life on. The first Pokemon species, Mew, is created, as well as several lesser species of animal. Arceus creates the Mortality Gods in order to govern the balance between the living world and the spirit world. 100 million years prior to present: The mew population thins as various mutations take place. The first few unique species of pokemon develop as a result, giving rise to prehistoric species such as Aerodactyl, Rampardos, Shieldon, etc. Between 50 million to 20,000 years prior to present: The Prehistoric populations of pokemon thin as yet again, mutations occur and give rise to a new and larger variety of pokemon. Between 20,000 to 15,000 years prior to present: It is theorized that somewhere in this time frame, the first traces of the pokemon which will later give rise to the human race begin to emerge from the population. Shortly before 10,000 years prior to present: The first genetically modern human beings appear according to data gathered from ancient findings and artifacts dating to this point in time; the human race has completed it's emergence from the pokemon population and has lost much of it's former power as a result. Between 10,000 to 9,000 years prior to present: The "ice age" occurs, putting a quick and sudden halt to the development of mankind as Many prehistoric Pokemon species die out during it's duration, and the human population dwindles dangerously from the cold. 9,000 years prior to present:Those prehistoric pokemon species who adapted and survive begin to mutate yet again, this time giving rise to many of the species present in the modern day world. sometime shortly after 9,000 years prior to present: Agriculture develops among humans. Hunter and Gatherer societies end as longer term, permanent settlements begin to be created. Tribes develop as towns and villages form. Those humans who survived the ice age begin to repopulate. It is believed that the first instance of pokemon and man living and working together rather than competing for resources and food appears in this time period. Tribes again form and Towns and settlements are built anew. Sometime after 7,000 years prior to present: Tribes give way to kingdoms as certain groups grow more powerful than their neighbors and succeeds in conquest. It is believed that the pokemon Aegislash had some role in this occurrence... 3000 to 2000 years prior to present: Kingdoms give way to Countries as monarchies begin to lose their former political powers in favor of citizens becoming more involved in governing themselves in many parts of the world. It is beleived that around this time, the first peices of spectracite were also discovered due to the Kalos War records in which a king attempted to utilize a massive weapon powered by life force inorder to end the conflict threatening his people's safety. The Unovan Civil War also occurred sometime during this period, though the country reunited shortly after. 300 years prior to present: Democracy is developed as a political philosophy. This is the final nail in the coffin for many rulers. Countries turn into nations as the people become more involved in their government and the concept of national identity develops. 150 years prior to present: The first protoypes for pokeballs are created. The balls are somewhat faulty however, and prone to malfunctioning randomly and even being fragile during drops or while being thrown, not to mention costly due to materials, particularly the Spectracite needed to create the lenses, as well as the work needed to hone them. The use of pokeballs is largely restricted to the wealthy or scientist and engineers due to this factor of both poor functionality and cost. 138 years prior to present: After 12 long years of toil and trial and error, Pokeball technology has finally been streamlined and advanced past their innitial quarks and are more reliable than their early prototypes, resulting in less labor being needed to create them, which In to new and improved methods of locating the needed materials being developed, help to improve the cost enough for the common person to afford easily. The modern day, basic pokeball design is published and goes into production, and the use of Pokeballs begins to spread beyond just the intellectuals, the wealthy, and the elite 133 Years prior to present: Given the rise in usage of pokeball, some individuals have begun experimenting with the convenience they provide of being able to easily carry multiple pokemon of any size simultaneously. No one knows for absolute certainty where the concept of "Training" pokemon for matters other than everyday work or defense was born, but it is theorized to have been teenaged boys being... well, teenaged boys and duking it out alongside their superpowered companions in a way that was not possible before. Either way, regardless of who created the phenomenon of Competitive training, it has taken off in the past five years, and the Pokemon League is born 119 years prior to present: The League passes the rule of six after seeing that trainers take advantage of being allowed an unlimited number of party members to fight with, an issue which has resulted in more than a few incidents over the years. enough is enough however, the association is taking the final action- instituting a life-long ban against all those who dare to use more than a party of six pokemon for any official league affair, be it gym battles, league tourneys, etc. The rule soon becomes deeply engrained in many national cultures and even individuals who aren't trainers begin to hold themselves to it. 118 years prior to present: The PC Storage System is created. 40 years prior to present: The technology to resurrect fossilized prehistoric pokemon is developed. 15 years prior to present: A series of Heretical, Terrorist actions occur in many nations, commited by armed groups such as "Rocket", Magma and Aqua, Plasma, and Galactic. Their true ulterior motives are unknown, whoever it has been theorized that the groups may have all been connected to how simultaneously they all struck, and how they all attempted to exploit or control the gods in some manner. The Armed Forces of many nations moved against them in their territories, as well as a great many trainers working in the name of the Church of the White Faith. Most members of the groups are killed in combat or executed for treason and in some cases, Tangible Heresy against the gods. Their leaders however manage to avoid capture and disappear. 2 years prior to present: Rumors of the land of Arcadia begin to circulate as surviving explorers return. Pokemon and Combat Related Available pokemon: Reveal hidden contents The majority of pokemon, barring members of the Pantheon (The Gods), Mythical Pokemon (Minor Legendaries), and Psuedo Legends, as well as the species "Ditto", will be available eventually at a point in the story to capture. In addition, All players will be limited to 1 mega stone. There will be no exceptions to this rule. Leveling and Strength Referencing: Reveal hidden contents We will be using a leveling system. However, like in the anime, it will be a lite system rather than an exact one, with three classes used to determine a pokemon's general power range, and then three sub classes within those classes to get a more specific reference. from time to time, the word "Experience" will be used instead of strength. That is because that both strength and experience increase in direct correlation to one another, and as such, the two essentially mean the same thing. As a pokemon trains and gains experience through using it's abilities in battle and practicing (Or grows older, whichever comes first), the amount of spectra which surges throughout it's body increases, and for some pokemon, it is necessary for their bodies to take on new forms when a certain amount is reached in order to more efficiently handle the energy. This is the cause for the metamorphic process known as "Evolution". As a Pokemon rises in strength and experience though, one should obviously note that it takes a greater amount of training and experience to allow it to grow even further along the path of development. Reveal hidden contents Weak -The pokemon is weak in terms of overall strength (Equivalent to levels 1-33) Sub Classes: Beta Class- Levels 1-11 Delta Class-Levels 12-22 Alpha Class-Levels 23-33 Moderately Powerful -The pokemon is moderately powerful, capable of feasibly participating in the league cup by the time it hits Alpha class. (equivalent to levels 34-66) Sub Classes: Beta-Levels 34-44 Delta-Levels 45-55 Alpha-Levels 56-66 Powerful -The Pokemon is a powerful individual who should be both feared and respected. Grovel at their feet, you pathetic heathens. (equivalent to levels 67-100.) Sub Classes: Beta-Levels 67-77 Delta-Levels 78-88 Alpha-Levels 89-99 Omega Class- Level 100 [side Reference Note: Most Elite Four members' overall teams rank in power between levels in the early 60's to mid 60's ((basically lvl.60-66)Ranking from first to fourth place is determined by actual trainer skill, not level of their time) while most Champions' teams often place from levels 67-77] [side Note2: Gym Leader, Elite Four Member, and Champion are all just titles given to signify a degree of Skill, as well as other certain virtues sought for by the league. Ergo, It is well within the realm of possibility for any ordinary individual not involved in the league to have a team of partners potentially as strong (or even stronger) as theirs... their actual level of comparative Skill as a trainer though, is another matter altogether though. Basically, possessing raw power is not the same as knowing how to most efficiently wield it.] Again though, like the anime, this system will be used purely for reference reasons and only be used very loosely as an actual, active part of the plot. "Strong Pokémon. Weak Pokémon. That is only the selfish perception of people. Truly skilled Trainers should try to win with the Pokémon they love best." -Karen, of the Indigo Elite Four Base Statistics for each Pokemon species will have somewhat less significance here than in the games. As often portrayed in the anime, Fights will come down to skill, experience (which directly correlates to strength here), creativity, and strategy rather than just sending out something and having it OHKO everything in sight. What this means is that if 2 pokemon are at or near the same level of the above mentioned strength scale, and neither of them has an inherent type advantage or disadvantage to the opponent, then both sides should be able to stand at least a somewhat decent chance against the other. Sweeps are going to be borderline impossible unless the opponent is either at a far higher level or one's entire team is at a horrible, horrible typing disadvantage. So... something like a pikachu beating a Dragonite? It can happen, if the two are equal in experience (strength) Moves and Movesets: Reveal hidden contents Moves in the story will function the same as in the anime. A normal Pokemon will be able to know up to four moves at a given time. For starting partners of players, this includes moves from their natural level-up learn set, Egg Moves, TMs and HMs, and Move Tutor Moves. On the island, Technical and Hidden Machines will be very hard to find. However, at certain points in the story there may be certain NPCs who can serve as Move Tutors and teach pokemon certain moves usually only acquirable via TMs and HMs... and perhaps even a few other moves. Strategy and limits on the creativity thereof: Reveal hidden contents Here, the limits on how creative one may get with a particular strategy will be fairly liberal. Thinking outside the box is something that is encouraged here, and will often be an answer for certain situations. As such, being creative will not be punished here... so long as it does not violate the following doctrines: 1. The Idea is either Sueish, over the top, or generally completely broken in such a manner that it's painfully obvious this goes beyond someone being creative and is instead meant to fullfill a desire to win a fight no matter what. Basically, powerplaying or the creation of Dues Ex Machinima level ridiculousness will be reprimanded on sight. 2. The idea is poorly thought out and uses weak logic at best... this basically entails doing things quick and lazy without much consideration and taking rather dumb actions that one should better than to use. These won't be reprimanded, instead they'll simply be rewarded with what fools deserve... which is not a very nice prize in the least bit, trust me. 3. The idea, while not overtly or inherently sueish or broken, is being used or exploited to the point where it honestly is border-lining on it. Basically, be polite and courteous when you're writing responses for fight scenes and the like. No one likes to lose, but sometimes someone just has to... that doesn't mean that it's okay to make it so that it's a freaking landslide victory and the other person stands no chance where they realistically should've though- that falls into powerplaying. And most of the time, I'll let you win engagements with NPCs unless it's been made clear they're too far above your level, so there's really no need to get desperate...again, sometimes someone just has to lose, and some fights are too much at certain times. 4. The idea is so convoluted at it's core that it may as well have been pulled out of one's arse or the host themselves can't even comprehend how it could possibly be justified as working. Aside from those though, I'm willing to let alot of things work here so long as some decent amount of thought and effort in executing them is apparent. Furthermore, If anyone ever has any questions, well... OOCs exist for a reason. And they can always bring it by me in a PM if they don't want the idea out in the open for any reason. Sometimes it's better to ask permission rather than ask forgiveness. In Closing, be creative, and have fun with ya moves, but if in doubt, don't be afraid to talk it out. Items: Reveal hidden contents Items, though they are officially prohibited in actual battle by the rules of the Pokemon League will be allowed to be used on pokemon in battle in the story's setting due to the circumstances. Hold items, likewise, will also be allowed in battle if one has them, however, don't go crying if they get damaged and/or stolen or destroyed over the course of the fighting. Spectra, Spectracite, and Technology: Spectra: Reveal hidden contents Spectra is the source of all life on the planet; it is the vast amount of energy and power constantly flowing through the world at all times, the planet's very own raw life force, which it lends to organisms in order to allow them to sustain their own functions. When living organisms are born, such as plants, pokemon, and even people, their soul enters the mortal world from the gates of the spirit world, and are infused with some of the planet's life force to use as their own. When they die, their souls return to the spirit world to be born again some day, and the life force they were given at birth returns to the earth, to be given to a new soul, thus completing the natural cycle. Pokemon are creatures which are naturally imbued with a far higher level of Spectra in their bodies than ordinary organisms, and as such, this grants them not only a far higher vitality, but also the capability and power to preform feats which seem to defy reality itself and that are utterly impossible for lesser beings to mimic. Though humans too were once imbued with higher levels of Spectra, making them and pokemon one in the same, over the Eons, mankind evolved away from his brethren, relying less and less on his natural gift and instead on his mind and technology alone, thus leading to him forgetting the way, forgetting his power, and falling from his lofty perch. As a result, modern humans now only have access to abilities and feats that are but a dim shadow of what his ancestors were once capable of. Spectracite: Reveal hidden contents Though somewhat rare, there are instances in which Spectra, while flowing through the planet, pools and become traps in pockets within the planet. Over time, said pockets, exposed to the pressure of the planet's innards, condenses itself and takes on a physical manifestation in the form of Crystals and Gems. These crystals come in many unique varieties, with a variety of unique properties and powers, given that a number of variables affects the process of how they form, such as the amount of metals and other periodic elements present in the surrounding crust, the amount of pressure, moisture, heat, etc. and are known by many individual names varying for type to type, however, They are collectively referred to simply as "Spectracite". Items such as Evolution Stones, Mega Stones, and Key Stones are all simply examples of Spectracite Peices that have been cut and polished. There are many pieces of technology which function thanks to Spectracite in some way or form, making the strange stones a virtual cornerstone of all advancement in the world. Perhaps the most well know of which being Pokeballs; spherical capsule systems consisting of a trigger button, a sphererical, insulated housing, and a series of Spectracite Lenses. When the button is depressed, an electrical current is generated by the spring system, which then proceeds to circulate through the inside of the capsule. The Lenses inside, when exposed to the electrical current, generate a massive amount of energy. As the capsule opens from the trigger being pressed, said energy forces it's way out before proceeding to seek out the nearest target pokemon and condensing it down into a raw "essense form"; a form where Pokemon lack physical bodies, but are instead constituted only of their combined spirit and their spectra; what one might call the pokemon's soul in a way. The Energy is then stored inside the capsule as the power rushes back to the source, and the pokemon caught by the beam officially captured if it cannot manage to fight against the power of the device to keep it restrained within. Little people realize it, but it is actually because of how Pokeballs function that Trainers and people are able to instantly known which member of their party is held within which ball. The Pokemon's restrained Essence in the ball reacts to the essence of the person, allowing for subconscious exchanges of information in the mind of the trainer. Character Sign Ups Sign ups are currently over, unfortunately. no new sheets are being accepted. Reveal hidden contents Name: Sex: Age: (Must range between 21 to 28 years of age) Homeland: (What region the character hails from) Partner: (Psuedo Legends are strongly discouraged. Host has right to veto a chosen partner if needed. A list of the Partners four known moves must also be provided, as well as it's ability and sex (if applicable to the species)) Type Mastery: (This is a purely optional part for anyone who wishes to monotype. if chosen, the backstory should reflect some logical reason as to why said type was choosen, how and when, etc. Also, if chosen, the Partner must reflect the type as well.) Appearance: (This is one part which can easily make or break a sign-up depending on how much or little effort is put in) Personality: (just like appearance, this can make or break the sign up. Mary sues will be thrown out on sight without comment. Genuine thought and effort into giving a layout of who this person is is expected here.) Personal History: (Your character's backstory. Like Appearance, this can easily make or break the sign up and chances for being chosen for participation. Backstories should take into mind the criteria described in the prologue; either being a trainer who competed in the league and lost at some point after getting impressively far; or at the very least, a highly skilled trainer who traveled looking for new and tougher challenges, yet did not take part in the league for one reason or another. Writing a backstory that in no way shape or form falls somewhere into the above describedcriterias will result in the sign up being thrown out for story logic reasons.) Episode Archive Files... "If it were an anime... these things would probably be an hour long each. Damn... that would be a lot of animation." Episode 1-Passage Episode 2-Under the light of ruin Episode 3-Avalon Episode 4-The Night Cometh Episode 5-Servants in darkness Episode 6-Usurpers and Chains Episode 7-A Heartfelt Resonance Episode 8-Throne and fire Episode 9-Sins of Avalon Episode 10-Aftermath Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted July 14, 2015 Author Share Posted July 14, 2015 Characters Galore!!! Accepted Player Characters Joey Nash- Chimchain "The Show-off" Reveal hidden contents Name: Joey NashSex: MaleAge: 23Homeland: UnovaPartner: The Mighty GyaradosIshmael – MaleAbility: IntimidateDragon DanceAqua TailCrunch Return Type Mastery: WaterAppearance: Average height (1.70m or 5 feet 6 if I did that correctly), green eyes, and blond spiky hair. He often wears sunglasses, gray shorts and a blue shirt. His shoes are dark blue and have a more sportive look instead of being comfortable in every situation.He wears a good luck charm around his neck. It's a necklace of a wooden Azurill.Personality: Talk first, think afterwards. Or don't think about it at all. Ever since Joey was young he always kept his mouth running and talked big. He's a bit reckless when it comes to taking action or making decisions, unless he's in a Pokémon battle. He's very careful not to get his partners hurt as he dislikes seeing them faint. (It puts a dent in his armor). Aside from his big mouth he cares a lot about his friends and family even though he doesn't say it out loud. His actions always show his true emotions enhancing his reckless personality.Joey is also very outgoing and likes to meet new people, especially girls. He's very flirty and a smooth talker -or so he thinks- and he isn't afraid of trying to peek. A bad habit of his is that he outright stares at anyone he meets and says what he thinks based on first impression.Most of his talking and showing off is a way to hide his insecurity and fears.Personal History: Joey grew up in a pretty average family. As the youngest of three siblings he always tried to outshine his older brother and sister. In reality he looks up to them since they're both good at what they do in their respective areas. His brother, who he refers to as a bookworm, works part-time in the Pokémon Daycare and is currently studying to become a Breeder. His sister on the other hand works in the local Pokécenter. Unlike them, Joey was never very good at studying so when he finally turned 18, he set out on a journey with his freshly evolved Gyarados.At first he was unable to control Ishmael's temper but after a lot of trial and error, he managed to control the raging serpent. Joey, with his water team, managed to reach the League's finals but lost his cool and got annihilated. His opponent was the main reason he lost and Joey still feels embarrassed about his performance. Even when his family and friends congratulated him to reach that far, he completely shut down and now wants to redeem himself by taking on an even bigger challenge.The reason Joey favors water types comes from an incident that happened when he was only 7. During a family holiday in Hoenn, Joey's family was at the beach. There the young boy was being too reckless at sea. He fell from his rubber boat and the currents dragged him deeper and deeper until he almost drowned. Luckily for him the local beach guard saw on time what happened and saved the seven year old by using his Blastoise.Joey only remembers parts of it as he lost consciousness at the time. Of course after everything was over, the young boy started to idolize water types as he could recall the giant shade of the Blastoise coming to his rescue.Even to this day Joey isn't a very good swimmer and is scared to death when it comes to deep waters. Nightmares where he's drowning still haunt him and when he wakes up bathing in sweat, only the sight of Ismael can calm him down. Water types in general make him feel save as they guard him against his greatest fear.The nightmares were really bad the first couple of years after the incident. His family recognized his fear and tried all sorts of things, like swimming classes, but to no avail. It wasn't until his brother mentioned to get Joey a water type to help him overcome his fear, that his parents tried it out. They allowed Joey, now 12, and his brother (now 18) to go look for a small water type. Joey insisted that he wanted to catch a wild Pokémon so they went to a small nearby river. The stream wasn't too deep but Joey still hesitated to go closer. His brother encouraged him and together they tried fishing. There were only small water types, like Goldeen, but even they proved to be a challenge to catch because of Joey's insecurity. After a few hours they managed to catch a particular angry Magikarp that tried to slap them both with its tail.It was a rocky start but over the years Joey and Magikarp grew closer to each other to the point they even tried mock battles and training. Still it took Joey 6 years to be able to evolve his Magikarp into a Gyarados. The sight of the mighty serpent scared him, but the memory of the powerful Blastoise that saved him kept him from running. Ishmael's raw power gave Joey some confidence and made him feel save for a reason. And because of the Blastoise that saved him, Joey has deep respect and admiration for water types, but deep down there's a part of him that's also scared. Even though he doesn't realize it (yet). Johanna Steele- Hukuna "The modern-day Dame" Reveal hidden contents Name: Johanna "The Blade" SteeleSex: FAge: 27Homeland: UnovaPartner: Farfetch'dName: IsamuGender: MAbility: DefiantMoves:Brave BirdLeaf BladeRoostSwords DanceType Mastery: Not a type persay, but Mono-Blade/Royalty/Honorable. She only uses Pokemon that use blades or are regal in some sort of way. ((Nidoking and Queen, Tyrantrum[can't be a Tyrant if you have no power.], Escavalier and other Knight-like Pokemon etc... )) Basically... she uses Pokemon based on Royalty, Warriors ((but not Ninjas as they aren't honorable warriors.)), or use Blade related attacks. So while not a Mono, she has a theme to her team.Appearance:She has a simple black braid and blue eyes. She is a rather unassuming looking woman nothing extremely special about the way she looks. She wears a business suit with grey pinstripes and other grey finishes. She stand at about 6 foot tall. She has a thinner more athletic build clearly having trained her own body to some degree. She maintains a rather lax posture, unless fighting or on guard.Personality: Steele is a well composed level-headed woman who rarely lets her emotions get the best of her in battle. She has a good mind for strategy and never admits defeat until it comes. She has an immense dislike of under-handed tactics, to the point she outright refuses to even use Dark Type Pokemon or Dark Types moves, feeling that they are not in the spirit of a true warrior. She adheres to her own code of honor pretty much at all times. She also tends to be more reserved and rarely brings attention onto herself, unless her honor is at stake. Then things change rapidly.Personal History: Steele always had a sort of fascination with knights and stories of swordsman and nobles. It was something she found utterly interesting no matter what. Even as an adult she still did. As such she was always drawn to Pokemon that used swords or had some connection to royalty. She vowed to be the best trainer of these Pokemon in the world as they felt like long lost kin in some ways. Her first Partner ever since she was a child was a Farfetch'd she found injured one day near her home. After all, Farfetch'd were ruthlessly hunted by people as a delicacy, seeing them was rare to begin with. However, this Farfetch'd was horribly injured probably being attacked by people and barely escaping. She made sure to capture the creature in a Pokeball as quickly as she could to take it to a nearby Pokemon Center. It took a long while to get the Bird to trust her. It refused to go at first. As a proud a warrior it didn't want to be seen in such a state of disrepair. It didn't want to ahve to rely on a human to heal it's wounds. The Farfetch'd stubbornly kept breaking out and not wishing to taken anywhere. It was probably nearly two hours Steele spent trying to get the Bird into that Pokeball, as she was jsut as stubborn as he was. While she understood his spirit why he didn't want to be healed she couldn't let him out there like that. Sometimes one had to swallow their pride and do what was best rather than let their pride kill them. Eventually, the Farfetch'd came to realize this. He began to understand the Young Woman. He felt a sort of connection, and so did she. They were both Warriors trapped in a modern age. "Perhaps, this human isn't so bad The Farfetch'd finally thought. He respected her resolve and as such let himself be captured.It was from this day forward Steele's journey began. She wanted only to train the proudest of Warriors, and be the best at training true warriors, and royalty. They were the Pokemon that best represented her as a person and she felt a spiritual bond with them, like they understood her perfectly and she understood them. She took on the League challenge after training for a few years managing to get to the Semi-finals before being knocked it. It was her first challenge of the League and she got far. After that she didn't really try again as she didn't really believe in the system and thought it didn't truly measure the real strength of warriors and their vain struggles. She traveled on her own for awhile training and becoming more powerful. Quite an immense amount of time passed until she heard of Arcadia. It sounded like the challenge she wished the League was, a true test of warriors. Thusly, she begin the trip there, to take on this ultimate challenge. Nikita Lucivia- Dobby "The force of nature" Reveal hidden contents Name: Nikita 'Nikki' LuciviaSex: Female DammitAge: 22Homeland: KantoPartner: Aethor the ElectrodeGenderlessAbility:SoundproofMoves:- Thunder Wave- Magnet Rise- Thunder- Foul PlayType Mastery: None, seeing as she only sees such a choice as hampering oneself. Not her thingAppearance:Dress for success, Nikki looks exactly like the nomad she was raised as for most of her life. Five foot seven and athletic, she dresses in a rugged outfit of worn trousers and jackets in varying shades of faded browns, greys and, if she's feeling fancy, black. She has dark forest green eyes, dark black shoulder length hair decorated with cobalt blue tips that resemble the only part of her appearance she puts some effort into and sharp facial features, cheeks you could cut a finger on and a nose straighter than the extended middle finger she's like to give you if you annoy her.Personality:Get it done, and get it done fast. Anything that stands in her way gets intimidated or obliterated, that is how intensely focused this girl is on her objective. She does not care about your motive unless they clash with hers, in which case Arceus help you. Still, she isn't a twisted girl, she does not go out of her way to be ruthless. Think of her as more a force of nature. Terrible to those in her way but unbiased in those she wreaks havoc on. Otherwise her hobbies include collecting stamps and designing new Pokeseal formations.Personal History:Nikki was raised by her single father, her mother having left him to be with another man. She admired him because he was a pokemon trainer of decent skill who also managed to raise her on his own. Thus she spent her childhood as a nomad, as is the way of trainers, going from city to city, tracing the region with her father. She was never prouder of her father than when he finally managed to collect his eight badge, ready to challenge the League.Except Victory road is not a place to take a child. It was simply not right. travelling to the cities was one thing but this was unacceptable. And so her father, unable to leave Nikki, abandoned his challenge to finally settle down with her.However this infuriated Nikki. All her life she had followed her father, supporting him in his challenge and now he was simply going to abandon it?! She could not comprehend it. And so from that day forth Nikki never abandoned her goals, whatever the costs. A furious persistence evident in everything she ever attempted. When the time came to go on her own journey she set off to do what her father could not and did her damndest, pushing her pokemon towards their collective goal of success.Until she tasted bitter defeat at the final step of her journey.Now she faces the challenge of Arcadia, the fires of spiteful determination fueling her efforts. Yuuki Kagome- Murdoc "The Scholar" Reveal hidden contents Name: Yuuki KagomeSex: MaleAge: 23Homeland: HoennPartner: Janah (Gallade)-Drain Punch-Swords Dance-Shadow Sneak-Knock Off Type Mastery: Psychic Appearance: Yuuki has a slender, almost slight build, lacking any sort of bulk. He is slightly taller than average and somewhat lanky. His facial features are similarly delicate, with bright blue eyes and medium-short hair with noticeable, if still short, bangs. Overall, he appears almost dainty and effeminate, and this in combination with his high, soft voice often results in him being mistaken for female. (His name being a common girl's name doesn't exactly alleviate this issue.) Clothing-wise, he tends toward dressing somewhat formally and prefers whites, blacks, and muted colors, generally straying away from any bright, vibrant ones. (Also possesses a particular distaste for pink.) He is happiest in a suit.Personality: Scholarly, with a great thirst for knowledge. Tends toward being somewhat dismissive to those he considers his intellectual inferiors (which he considers everyone to be until proven otherwise), though this is on a subconscious level. Prefers to avoid conflicts other than for sport, but will not shy away from one. Maintains a calm, collected facade, but is in reality quite easily put off balance. Easily distracted by interesting problems or research opportunities. Quite patient, and capable of stopping and assessing a situation to find the optimal course of action, though this tendency to analyze can lead to inaction at inopportune moments. Very polite, despite the aforementioned dismissiveness. (He will make an effort to correct this if it is pointed out.) Personal History: A trainer from Rustboro City, Yuuki's parents were both employees of Hoenn's Devon Corporation. Both were researchers, which had a heavy influence on his development. Yuuki's home environment fostered his deep, enduring curiosity and thirst for knowledge, as he was allowed near-unlimited access to the data the corporation collected on their numerous projects. He often found himself drawn to the topic of Spectracite and its unique properties. How did it work? What was the secret behind its power? The material was almost ubiquitous, with usage in the Pokeballs that modern society functioned on in part, but it seemed there was so much more information to uncover about it. It seemed that the best course of action for further research was to observe Pokemon as closely as possible, as the creatures all seemed to have a unique connection to the stuff.As a part of this research, Yuuki chose to work the most closely with Psychic-types. Not only did they suit his personality, but they had the most clearly otherworldly abilities out of the known Pokemon. Additionally, direct communication with them was much easier than with other Pokemon, as many seemed to be intellectually superior to their cousins, with some possessing the capacity to communicate through direct telepathy.It seemed that the best way to observe this substance's properties would be to find those individuals who appeared to interact with it most strongly; i.e., the most powerful Pokemon around, these belonging to the Pokemon League and its champion. The easiest (well, compared to the alternatives) and best way to observe a variety of powerful Pokemon would be to take the challenge on himself, traveling throughout the region and battling through the gyms. So, Yuuki did just that, taking a Ralts that had been gifted by a family member and beginning his journey throughout Hoenn.Along the way, it became less about the research and more about the thrill and excitement of battle, of proving the virtue of one's own intellect and hard work over that of your opponent's. He eagerly battled through the tournaments, fighting his way to the top spot one hard-fought battle at a time. However, at the moment of truth, he choked. The pressure and the amount of variables to account for caught him in a mire of thought, and the delay caused by this proved critical. His league challenge ended with his most trusted partner being sent to the arena floor unconscious, without any orders to act upon, only one victory away from taking on the Elite Four themselves.Licking his wounds and berating himself over his hesitation at the moment of truth, he heard tales of Arcadia, and of the mysteries that laid within. Cursing his prior indecision, he tore off after the fragmented rumors, locating one captain across the country that was crazy enough to carry passengers in search of this unknown land. . . Felix Cordova- Darvan "The Machinist" Reveal hidden contents Name: Felix CordovaSex: MaleAge: 23Homeland: HoennPartner: Porygon-Z(Ability: Trace)- Ice Beam- Tri-Attack- Discharge- RecoverType Mastery: N/AAppearance: Slightly tall around 5'11". Fair-skinned. A little bulky from a large frame, noticably sized belly and tangiable muscle build. Not huge like a bodybuilder, but an appearance akin to a construction worker. Has a matted mess of dark blonde hair that grows to the ears and collarline. Possesses faded blue eyes under a pair of rounded square metal-rimmed glasses.. Wears a golden cross necklace tucked away under his clothing. In every weather except cold weather, Felix adorns a sky-blue flannel shirt, dark gray denim long jeans, and tan hiking boots. In cold weather, Felix also wears an olive-green parka. Usually, Felix has the standard Trainer's Pokeball belt fastened around his waist. Totes around all his items in a black backpack. Gives off a vibe of appearing older than he really is.Personality: Prefers being surrounded by a multitude of machines, whether of his own creation or others, rather than hanging out with friends, majority of the time. Has a knack for ocassionally nitpicking small flaws in otherwise seemingly flawless objects, people, or situations. Believes that everything can potentially be fixed or improved in some way, and likes fixing "broken" things or situations if they are worthy or in need of "fixing" in his eyes. Seen by his peers as charitable or gracious, but just helps people and Pokemon alike more for underlying circumstances, such as improving his skills, rather than the greater good. Prefers light sleep because sleep is seen to him as time wasted on potential, unless it is necessary. Seen by his peers as an excellent mechanic and computer progammer. Firm believer in hidden potential and untapped skill. Believes that luck and fate go hand-in-hand, and can even overshadow the best and worst of situations. Accepts there can always be something, someone, or somewhere which is better or worse than the situation at hand. Loves Pokemon battling and training for the limitless possibilities a battle could stake out over it's course. Prefers a strategy to his battling, willing to formulate on the fly in the first few moments of battle. He acknowledges his exceptional skill not as a battler, but a tactician, knowing his Pokemon put in the majority of the effort. Also downplays himself, knowing he could definitely improve, and try to shrug off his old habits of cockiness. Holds varying degrees of respect to people older, wiser, or stronger than him, or any mix of the three, as well as people who want to learn from him.Backstory: Born and raised in a split household, with a breadwinning accountant mother often away at Devon Corp, and an inventive, machinist father as Devon's take-home greasemonkey, Felix never really had much ado with his parents in his infancy and early childhood. He often toyed around the house with his father on a daily basis starting from the age of 6, as per his father's pleas. First, it started out as simply handing his father the tools, or inputting the commands into his computer to test run the contraptions his father made. However, Felix stunned his father and mother alike with his quick adept learning of the parts, schematics, and ins and outs of his father's doings in his workshop at their house. By the age of 10, he was accomplishing the usual grunt work his father usually tinkered with on his gadgets. At a fear of being outclassed by his son at such an early age, his father encouraged him to instead take a break from building with him, to instead make friends with the local children instead of obsessing over the mechanized wonders his father desperate worked on. As much as Felix adored the machines, he reluctantly heeded his fatherOver a period of two years, Felix spent his time in some of the surrounding towns, learning from the children on socializing, and the hyped phenomenon known as Pokemon battling. Felix preferred to watch rather than battle himself, rather than explore the possibilities of Pokemon. One day, when the boy was 13, he encountered a theological historian who mumbled about humans and their overreliance on technology and their loss of Spectra, whilst watching a battle at hand, while feet from Felix. Unfamiliar with such negative dickery, Felix asked the historian about what he meant by Spectra and the overreliance on technology. The historian gladly responded with a shock and awe speech that enthralled Felix. About how these Pokemon he had been observing with the other children held large amounts of this curious aura named Spectra, and how humans were once equal to them. But to the young boy, didn't mankind have superiority over these creatures? To tame them and make them achieve mankind's bidding.To Felix he thought it was ludicrous that humans couldn't control Spectra anymore, that humans as a species had somehow become superior yet become inferior by power. He told the historian of the insanity in their mind. There just had to be a balance between Spectra and technology. Felix then set to work on drafting a project of his own grand schemeing. By the age of 14, Felix had drafted and refined sketches and schematics of an interesting Pokemon, one of which that had already been crafted by the steady hand of scientists years prior, but it would be all his own to improve. He researched the designs and materials off of various databases, but did not have access to the materials he required. He showed his parents the drafts, and won over immense approval from his father. His mother on the other hand, just shrugged and asked Felix not to immerse himself with the project, to remember his priorities as her son.To Felix's luck, by his father's shock and awe to his dedication of mechanical arts, his father went on a trip to the corporate laboratories, and came home with an incomplete, nearly functional model of the exact Pokemon on Felix's schematics. His father explained the company was planning on scrapping the model, because of greater projects they needed to turn their attention to, and the model wasn't worth the effort finishing, so his father merely asked for permission to obtain the model, and he took it home.His father explained to Felix if he was as deadset on making the Pokemon as he appeared, his father would help him construct the Pokemon. It wasn't difficult really, since his father encountered many models similar to this in earlier years, he wanted to let Felix take pride in his efforts. The two of them shunted aside his father's gadgets and proceeded to work on this dream Pokemon Felix had in mind. Night and day, to the disbelief of his mother, the father and son worked night and day with little sleep. Screwing around on the computer, cutting the parts necessary, programming and scrapping codes, all in the name of Felix's desire to debunk the historian. The project was more time-consuming and frustrating to Felix more than difficult. He just couldn't pinpoint the exact codes, parts, and programming. At the age of 16. Felix and his father built as close of a functional model to Felix's dream Pokemon as they could. His father toyed around with final adjustments while the ecstatic Felix rushed to the computer to boot up the mechanical Pokemon. While his father continued to finish the final touches to the model, Felix hurriedly typed in the necessary codes and fired up the initiation programs to the Pokemon. Although the words "fired up" occured in an all too serious manner as the model exploded as soon as the initiation program booted, sending heavy bits of shrapnel and fire all over and Felix's father flying to the wall of his workshop and Felix reeling to his injured father. Felix was not in any way harmed, but his father not so much.The small explosion, as his family later learned, destroyed his father's dominant hand beyond repair, forcing the observing doctors to amputate it, and the immense fireball burned one of his eyes to the point of near blindness. However, their efforts were not in vain. Out of the smoldering rubble, an interesting sight beheld itself to Felix. A small, roughly cut apparition hovering above the wreckage. A feeble-looking blue and pink thing. Felix walked over to the sight. Surprisingly it had eyes. Two of them, staring back at Felix in his own eyes. Felix almost cried. He accomplished his dream Pokemon: a Porygon. Oh he would show the historian those apples all right, but the league's restrictions, and his disabled father held him back. His father, now with only one working hand, lost his job at Devon for his disability, and instead spent his time at home with Felix, imparting the only three things he could on the boy: his Pokemon team from his younger years, his ingenuity as a mechanic, and his wisdom as a father.For the remaining two years at his house, Felix adjusted the Porygon with his father's assistance, testing it in battle with his team of Pokemon. The Porygon managed to hold it's own against his father's team, although it wasn't single-handed sweeps like he preferred. After many adjustments and upgrades, he managed to upgrade and evolve it into a sleeker and slimmer Porygon2. The new Porygon2 was a much-needed step up from the Porygon Felix initially constructed. His father advised him not to let the Pokemon go to his head. To not play God with such a volatile organism as a piece of programming. Felix heeded the words, but proceeded to improve the Porygon2 even further. Upon obtaining the correct materials, Felix made the final jump, upgrading his Porygon2 into a Porygon-Z. The new Pokemon far exceeded Felix's expectations, wiping out his father's whole team without major issues, despite the erratic behavior of this Porygon.The moment Felix turned 18, ready to legally test his Porygon-Z in an entire world of independent variables, compared to the control he presided over a single repeated team of Pokemon. He left his house, stealing his father's backpack, Pokeball belt, and 5 of his Pokemon, leaving only his father's most cherished partner left behind. He trusted the Porygon-Z with it's power, but one could never be too sure about anything, especially him. Felix departed with a word to his parents, leaving only a note promising he would do his best on the journey forward, and to test the new Porygon-Z above his entire team.Felix learned real quickly that the Porygon-Z was extremely powerful and equally erratic. Oftentimes, the thing ignored Felix's orders and performed attacks Felix never realized the Pokemon could ever learn. Although the Hoenn League was the true scale for his Porygon-Z and his ability as a Trainer.One Gym badge turned to two, then two to four, then seven, and before he knew it, Felix won all the badges from the Hoenn League at the age of 20. Felix then set his sights on the League finals and their annual tournament to determine the next Champion. Felix put on quite a show with his mechanized monster, plowing all the way through the semifinals, with his Porygon-Z hefting most of the load in the battles. In the finals though, his Porygon-Z started acting up against his opponent's mostly Electric Pokemon. The Porygon-Z was saved for last, as a flashy show in the eyes of Felix, but Porygon-Z simply overloaded it's sensors from one too many electrical attacks overriding it's sensors, and nearing frying the Porygon's circuitboard - certainly a factor he never considered before. The Porygon, to Felix's disappointment slumped over twotching, and didn't reapond, costing him the match. Felix begrudgingly accepted defeat at the hands of his lucky opponent,a and returned home to a pissed off mother and father, who said little to him, and merely let him alter and tweak his Porygon-Z back to it's former state of dominance.Felix has since spent the last three years of his life on the Porygon-Z and even branched out into programming and tinkering with other Pokemon, such as a Magnetmite and Klinklang; both of which could operate independently of their mechanic with the new specs. Felix finally adjusted his Porygon-Z to the most acceptable settings: it acted less erratically, ceased it's excessive shaking, and gained a much-needed resistance to short-circuiting. Felix couldn't test his Porygon-Z on the Hoenn League again. He sought out a different experience, somewhere far away where his intellect would help him just as much as the Pokemon he created. He took his Porygon-Z's Pokeball, clipped it to his belt and packed his backpack, and left his house one more time, telling his folks he was gonna travel and maybe learn a thing or two more about the things he learned to love: machinery and Pokemon. Perhaps even uncover a little more about the mysterious Spectra. Lloyd Rengal- Exlink "The Killer" Reveal hidden contents Name: Lloyd RengalSex: MaleAge: 21Homeland: SinnohPartner: Absol Nickname: SilverGender: FemaleAbility: Super LuckMoves: Night Slash, Psycho Cut, Iron Tail, Swords DanceItem: NoneAppearance:5, 10 with snow white hair that reaches down to the upper part of his shoulder blades. Not a single hair can be seen on his face besides his eye brows and lashes. Azure blue eyes that are usually the only thing seen on his face, the rest is hidden under his charcoal black, hoodless cloak. Underneath the cloak he wears dark navy blue jeans, a white long sleeve shirt under a black T-shirt. As for footwear, he has black and white sneakers.Personality:Lloyd is a man of few words, mainly only talking when spoken to or asking people for information. He tends to be a bit arrogant and snarky, often leading to people not liking him at first. He keeps up this facade to hide what he feels inside. He looks down upon himself for what he did to his younger brother a year ago. Lloyd looks down upon envy since he blames his envy of his younger brother as the reason why he assaulted him that day. He wants to get stronger, to continue what his brother was never able to finish.Personal History:Born in Hearthome city, Lloyd lived most of his life in his brothers shadow. Being the older of the two Lloyd kept to himself most of the time only speaking out when addressed to. His younger brother, Genis, was out going and happy-go-lucky. Genis always 1-uped Lloyd in almost every way, whether it be social skills, grades, or sports like soccer or baseball. Genis would always say something along the lines of "good game" after he'd win a match. While he was genuinely being nice, Lloyd took his kindness as an insult, it was like every time he said that he was looking down upon him. But there was always one thing that Lloyd was better at, the one thing that kept him from being throw into his brother cold dark shadow, it was battling. Lloyd was always fascinated by the pokemon league and pokemon battles. So much so that for his 10th birthday he convinced his parents to get him a baby Absol. He got it solely based off how cool it looked to him, and like any younger brother, a year later when Genis turned 10 he got a pokemon as well. Only Genis decided to get a ralts instead of an Absol. They would occasionally battle and Lloyd would always come out on top. It may have just been that Absol was just a non-evolution pokemon but it kept Lloyd from feeling a sloppy second to his brother.Once Lloyd turned 18, he immediately took on the league challenge, it took him 2 years to collect all the badges and enter the league tournament. Not known to him, Genis also decided to take the league challenge only it only took him a year to get all the badges. Not only that, at the final round of the tournament he lost to his brother once again. This broke Lloyd, the only thing that made him stand out from his brother was his so called skill in battle and even that was taken from him. This put him into a rage, so much so he couldn't think straight. He couldn't believe he had lost the only thing that made him stand out from his brother. Sliver, was ripe with anger as well as. After being OHKO'd by Genis's now Gallade, he didn't even use a super effective move rather just a simple leaf blade. The two wandered the what would be a moonlit night if it wasn't a new moon, before being stopped by Genis. He was concerned about his brother after his exit from the stadium from earlier that day. Lloyd didn't even want to see his face, let alone talk to him. He decided to try and run into a nearby ally way to escape from his brother but was stopped in said ally when Genis grabbed his shoulder from behind. What did he expect, Genis was always better at everything so why did he think he was faster as well. At that moment he just wanted to punch him in the face but then a voice in his mind told him to kill him. "Kill him a show everyone just how much better you are then him, think about all the times he's mocked you till this point. You know he think lesser of you, that he's above you, that you're useless. But nows the perfect time for revenge, no one is looking, you two are all alone, hell even the moon is helping you by not shining down. All you have to do is order Silver to stab the man through the heart, she'll do it just look at her, so eager to rip that man's skull apart" The voice told him.He looked down at Sliver who was indeed giving a death glare at Genis, like one word from him and she'd slit his throat. Giving in to the devil in his mind he ordered Sliver to kill Genis. The younger brother was stunned with shock before being impaled by a head scythe to the heart killing him swiftly. Those few seconds as he watched his brother's surprise then ultimately his death brought joy to his maniacal heart. Though soon after realizing what he had done he ran away from the scene, his eyes tears of rage, sadness, and shock. Leaving the town in a hurry and returning Sliver to her ball. After that day he never spoke to his family again, too much in shame of what he did to face up to them. Angry with himself, he stored all his old pokemon in his PC except Silver, his now partner in crime, vowing to never take the league challenge again. He dyed his hair from its once brown to a snow white growing it out, then bought a hoodless black cloak and decided to wander the world training so that he could be the strong trainer his brother was never able to become.A year later, it seems as if the cops lost interest as if the cops had lost interest in him after a whole year without any more killings from him, though he could never be sure, ever. Later, he heard of a place named Arcadia. Seeing as he was aiming to get stronger the last year of his life, might as well go there as well. And so he arrives in Vermillion city to go to the land of Arcadia Yuzuki Kuroyoru- Hiss13 "The Quiet One" Reveal hidden contents Name: Yuzuki KuroyoruSex: FemaleAge: 21Homeland: Snowpoint City, SinnohPartner: GardevoirNatsuki, FemaleAbility: TraceHypnosisMoonblastPsyshockShadow BallType Mastery: NoneAppearance:Yuzuki stands at 5' 7" with a relatively slender body. She sports shoulder length brown hair with a distinguishable and unruly bed-head-esque tuft of hair on the side of her head. She tends to wear red bottom semi-rimmed glasses over her blue eyes. She wears a beige turtleneck sweater with a gray pleated miniskirt, black stockings and boots, and a dark gray long coat. Strapped over her shoulder is a messenger bag which she uses to carry items.Personality:Yuzuki is a girl with a difficulty expressing her emotions to others, much to her frustration and the frustration of others. As a result she comes off as a generally soft-spoken girl who seems to wear near-minimal expressions on her face. The way she speaks with others can also be described as heavily straightforward and blunt as she is the type who dislikes skirting around her point. However, her emotions will go at full flare when she is at any extreme of her emotions, be it anger, passion, or happiness. She is also very heavily observant, analytical, and a quick thinker.Personal History:"A child like you should not be so subdued. You need to express herself a lot more, Yuzuki."The ten year old girl could only look at her mother with a straight face as she said this. She had never been good at expressing her emotions. It was just something that was a part of her as much as her brown hair and blue eyes. Being subdued was as natural for her as expressing oneself is for others. But, even so, it was a troublesome trait. After all, nobody likes a person who cannot be read, especially at a young age. It was the kind of thing that alienated her from others.Yuzuki still savored the small human contact she got outside of her family but she understood that the people around her always found her weird. As such, she tended to be alone and, in the end, she was completely fine with that. In such a chilly city as Snowpoint, her seemingly chilly attitude fit in well.Still, her mother would try and take her to various places in Sinnoh in order to try and get her to emote more. She thought that seeing the world around her would help Yuzuki become more able to express herself. Of course, her attempts were generally to no avail.However, during one of their trips to west Hearthome City when she was 14, Yuzuki had ended up getting lost on the route between the city and Mt. Coronet. It was as she was trying to navigate back to the city that she found a Ralts with an odd coloration that was lying injured. As Yuzuki approached it in an attempt to help it, the Ralts took her hand.After she eventually found her way back to the city had the Ralts treated, she returned to her family with the Ralts clinging to her. Yuzuki's parents, realizing what it meant for a Ralts to cling to a total stranger decided that it would be alright for Yuzuki to keep the Ralts.At the age of eighteen, she left to go on a Pokemon journey throughout Sinnoh with her Ralts, Natsuki. She eventually made her way to the Sinnoh League where she pushed and pushed, overpowering and outmaneuvering most of her opponents. At the very end, she made it to the final round and was defeated, completely outplayed.Despite the initial shock of loss, however, Yuzuki realized how big the world out there was for someone like her (and Natsuki) to be beaten so thoroughly. It excited her and even though she was unable to express it, she decided to follow through with that excitement and start to head to Arcadia, to a world unknown to her. After all, even if Yuzuki could not let herself out to the world around her, she could at least take the world in. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted July 14, 2015 Author Share Posted July 14, 2015 The NPC Report Reveal hidden contents Official Theme: **************************************** Valeria Ettna Reveal hidden contents Age: Early to Mid Twenties Sex: Female Homeland: ??? Known Pokemon: ??? Type Mastery: ??? Appearance: Personality: Seems rather friendly thus least, far more so than either Khan or Jackson. She's confident in whatever healing skills she possesses, though as to whether or not that confidence is warranted... Background/ Personal History: She seems to work for the same organization that Khan and Jackson do. Khan has stated she is among the most powerful people in the world in terms of strength as a trainer, however, not much about her aside from that is currently known. Additional Notes: Personal theme: Khan Reveal hidden contents Age: ??? Sex: Male Homeland: ??? Known Pokemon: Dusknoir, Rotom, Gengar Type Mastery: He possesses three ghost types... however it may be too soon to tell Appearance: Black Male, appears to be somewhere in his mid thirties. Wears all black attire featuring a winter longcoat, Cargo Pants, and Combat Boots, alongside pitch black shades that he is almost never seen without. The only facial features of note is his neatly trimmed facial hair. Hair color is black. Eye color is unknown Personality: Appears calm and collected, just about as stoic as he is enigmatic. He seems to have access to some form of higher information, and when he speaks, it's safe to assume his words hold some type of importance, even if it isn't apparent at the moment their given. He displays an near uncanny enthusiasm when it comes to the subject of eliminating people, especially those deemed to be traitors. He has displayed little sympathy for those individuals who have been marked for death by whatever power or organization he serves, and will even toy with them to make the subject feel as though they actually have a chance to survive. He seems to have a high pension for plotting and laying plans, and to be near apathetic whenever kinks in one of such plans arises, simply adapting and shifting to a contingency either created before hand or by using his judgement on the fly. Background/ personal history: Little to nothing is currently known about Khan's life... if he even had one. However, He seems to known Valeria Ettna, enough to claim that she is among the three most powerful trainers on the entire planet. He also seems to have an extended history of some sort with Captain Rechi, despite his generally dismissive attitude towards him... Whoever he's working for, they appear to not have completely trust in him, given the fact that Valeria is supposed to keep tabs for the time being... Additional Notes: Displays the strange ability to seemingly vanish from sight and/or teleport between different locations whenever he pleases. Whether or not this is from the aid of a pokemon, or from some other method, though, is hard to say at the moment. Personal Theme: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hiss13 Posted July 14, 2015 Share Posted July 14, 2015 General question about character profiles. Should we keep character personality to ourselves or should we find some way to subtly integrate it into the Personal History section? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted July 14, 2015 Author Share Posted July 14, 2015 Whoops. forgot about that one somehow. Yes, definitely include personality since I'll need some type of reference to consider when I'm making the final decision EDIT: Fixed it in the op though, if you want to go all the way and subtly integrate personality into backstory while your at it even after filling out the section for it, and by doing so show me that you can show as well as tell with your writing skills, then go ahead. it definitely won't hurt your chances, if done well. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hiss13 Posted July 14, 2015 Share Posted July 14, 2015 Sorry for asking so many questions. I have another regarding the setting. Through what methods do trainers get their first Pokemon for their journey? Can kids end up raising Pokemon as pets and have them as their partner when they start their journey at 18, for example? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted July 14, 2015 Author Share Posted July 14, 2015 it works the same as the basic concept of becoming a trainer in the anime is portrayed as, except kids aren't allowed to go running around at age 12, so instead the age has to be 18 before they can leave home. The short and simple answer is: yes. A child can recieve their partner as a pet when their both young and start using them as a partner on their journey once they hit 18. which is what most trainers opt to do anyway. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted July 14, 2015 Share Posted July 14, 2015 I'll reserve a slot here. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hiss13 Posted July 14, 2015 Share Posted July 14, 2015 A Question about the leagues in general (kinda want this as sort of a finishing touch for personal history). Are the leagues divided by region like in the anime and games where each region has their own league tournament (eg, a Kanto/Johto League, Hoenn League, Sinnoh League, etc.) or is it one unified league? The background info seemed a bit ambiguous about this. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted July 14, 2015 Author Share Posted July 14, 2015 The league is an international entity which happens to divide itself into smaller units that are responsible for holding their own affairs in each region. so yes, it is divided by region to region basis, however they are all part of the same organization at the end of the day and all have to abide by the same basic standards And @ Murdoc, no need to reserve anything, sign ups are supposed to be via pm, like it says in the OP Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted July 15, 2015 Share Posted July 15, 2015 What's the rule on mega evolution? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted July 15, 2015 Author Share Posted July 15, 2015 Mega Stones and Key Stones are exceedingly rare in the world. Just like with the available mon speices though, the stronger the species the stone is for, the rarer said stone will be. they will be a bit more easier to locate in the story's setting, but still quite rare So a pc may plausibly start out with one so long as the Mega Evolved pokemon would have a BST of 535 or less. So I would tolerate, begrudgingly, things like a Sableye or Mawile that have mega stones, but not things like a altaria or a blaziken equip with one. There won't be much combat against each other, but this is to help make things a bit fairer for those who pick weaker partner species starting out. but if you choose to do so, don't expect to find another mega stone or to be allowed to find a pseudo legend or such until everyone else has been given at least one opportunity Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code: PIRULUK Posted July 15, 2015 Share Posted July 15, 2015 But there will be opportunities to find mega stones wherever we end up? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted July 15, 2015 Author Share Posted July 15, 2015 On 7/15/2015 at 1:39 AM, Code: PIRULUK said: But there will be opportunities to find mega stones wherever we end up? Yes. More ones than there would be in most other parts of the world, in fact, due to the nature of the [REDACTED] But everyone is limited to one... and I will need to discuss further details eventually for it because as some should already known from surge story, the actual process of Mega Evolution will function a little differently... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted July 15, 2015 Share Posted July 15, 2015 awh, i wanted a Mega Gallade Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted July 15, 2015 Author Share Posted July 15, 2015 now now, i never said you couldn't have nice mega mons at all... just that you can't have them to start out the story with. Like I said, there will opportunities for everyone to find their goodies at some point And a lot of nasty things, but just focus on the goodies... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code: PIRULUK Posted July 15, 2015 Share Posted July 15, 2015 Well it's probably better to find the mega stones during the course of the story anyway, opens up many opportunities to develop the relationship between partners. Also, a question: what degree of player freedom is available? Like, is it going to be rigid and linear like ANKL/Aftermath, or more of a sandbox with a general plot direction? For instance would our characters be allowed to go on a complete non-plot-relevant detour because they saw a pretty flower or something? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sutoratosu Posted July 15, 2015 Author Share Posted July 15, 2015 you will all be given as much freedom as I am shown I can trust you with. for the most part, I plan to run the story much like I planned with Exodus 2: give a basic objective for that arc of the story, then let you all proceed towards achieving said goal through your own methods and ways varying from PC to PC. Which is why I want a diverse cast of characters. Of course, if I am shown that I was wrong in using that style, I can always simply revert to the more dictatorial, linear story paths where the narrator's word is the virtual equivalent of divine law and deviation isn't tolerated... but I hope that won't be the case because that's honestly far more boring compared to watching each character grow in their own way as they strive to overcome challenges and are forced to work with one another whether they like it or not. So... yeah. I'm gonna try to be pretty liberal here unless I get concrete proof I need to start bringing down the hammer. Also, I would like to see some more males in terms of sign up sheets. At this point we might end up with a cast of almost all females... not that there's anything wrong with that, but again, diversity... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chevaleresse Posted July 15, 2015 Share Posted July 15, 2015 And to think I almost made a female character. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aurorix Posted July 15, 2015 Share Posted July 15, 2015 Quick question. Going off a previous topic, when kids are under 18 are they still allow to participate in battles as long as they don't go on a journey? Like two kids from school decided they wanted to battle and they're 15 years old. Would that be legal? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Darvan Korematsu Posted July 15, 2015 Share Posted July 15, 2015 Pfft female characters. Given on Battlegrounds I made my ratio a 50:50 m/f gender. I prefer on sole-character RPs to be male anyways, and more often than not I end up making a character that's surprisingly like me when I skim over him/her at the end of the day. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Code: PIRULUK Posted July 15, 2015 Share Posted July 15, 2015 meanwhile I have never written a male character oops :x Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sparky Posted July 15, 2015 Share Posted July 15, 2015 -insert welp face here for the majority of females PC's- Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hiss13 Posted July 15, 2015 Share Posted July 15, 2015 On 7/15/2015 at 3:48 AM, Code: PIRULUK said: meanwhile I have never written a male character oops :x Funny enough...neither have I...I wonder if that says something about me....XD Well, I ain't retracting Yuzuki's app~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
AuthorReborn Posted July 15, 2015 Share Posted July 15, 2015 <---- is unique by being non-unique Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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