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[OOC] Pokemon: Sins of Avalon


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Well honestly, I couldn't give a big rat's rear to where the story took place, because Avalon is not as well mentioned as Arcadis or the Spectra. I however did assume it was a pious or sacred setting in one way or another, because sins are a sacreligious exclusive term, and Avalon almost sounds divine to me. (Can't remember where I previously heard it, except it didn't relate to King Arthur or Merlin or something like that)

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  On 7/15/2015 at 7:54 PM, Darvan Korematsu said:

Well honestly, I couldn't give a big rat's rear to where the story took place, because Avalon is not as well mentioned as Arcadis or the Spectra. I however did assume it was a pious or sacred setting in one way or another, because sins are a sacreligious exclusive term, and Avalon almost sounds divine to me. (Can't remember where I previously heard it, except it didn't relate to King Arthur or Merlin or something like that)

Tis a reason for that, friend...

but the fact of the matter remains, I dropped some really obvious hints all throughout. from the prologue which directly states something in an implicative manner, to the very title, to the image, to the information given on the gods and on spectra, to everything. once you found the biggest clue, the name "Avalon", it was supposed to be very very easy to follow up with the others and get an idea of the location...

And the cult tag up above was fully intentional.

IT was meant to be something that didn't have to be outright stated, one was supposed to be able to piece it all together from the discrepancies and the clues.

And there is still much to figure out. only the first clue has been decoded, thanks to Chimchain's/ Hukuna's background knowledge.

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Ahh...Arthurian Legend...
I used to be quite knowledgable about it...back when I was in middle school. Ever since then, it has escaped me.
My last exposure to anything related to Arthurian Legend was through the Fate series and TaMnI New Testament...

Well, let me see if I can push this a step further by touching on the aspect of the world religion. Now, after sustaining fatal wounds at the battle of Camlan, Arthur's body was put on a boat which floated to Avalon where it is said he rests, with his wounds healed, ready to lead England again with his knights when the time comes.

Now if we take that, that means 12 knight+1 king corresponding to each of the gods within the pantheon...so, we will be having the revival of the knights, each carrying one of their own god by their side, or a cult (as mentioned in the tags) where there are twelve 'knights' and one 'king' who each take the name of a knight from the legend, eg. Galahad, and are seeking to or have already gained dominion over each of the gods...just my pet guess~

[but this is connected to Arthurian legend, therefore, Monty Python jokes will definitely leak in at some point whether Strat does it or one of the other players does it. :P ]

  On 7/15/2015 at 5:58 PM, Hail the F King said:

Now I'm regretting I didn't name my partner Galahad

Ugh...Galahad...Mister Perfect Knight...
I think St. Germain from TaMnI echoed my own opinion on Galahad relatively closely. XD

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Hmm... Seeing as there's a New Ruleset concerning Signing Up, I'm considering Joining this.

Someone Mentioned Monty Python? *Grins evilly*

*Channels inner Bridgekeeper*

"Ye who wish to pass must answer me these Questions Three!"

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  On 7/15/2015 at 8:24 PM, Hiss13 said:

Ahh...Arthurian Legend...

I used to be quite knowledgable about it...back when I was in middle school. Ever since then, it has escaped me.

My last exposure to anything related to Arthurian Legend was through the Fate series and TaMnI New Testament...

Well, let me see if I can push this a step further by touching on the aspect of the world religion. Now, after sustaining fatal wounds at the battle of Camlan, Arthur's body was put on a boat which floated to Avalon where it is said he rests, with his wounds healed, ready to lead England again with his knights when the time comes.

Now if we take that, that means 12 knight+1 king corresponding to each of the gods within the pantheon...so, we will be having the revival of the knights, each carrying one of their own god by their side, or a cult (as mentioned in the tags) where there are twelve 'knights' and one 'king' who each take the name of a knight from the legend, eg. Galahad, and are seeking to or have already gained dominion over each of the gods...just my pet guess~

[but this is connected to Arthurian legend, therefore, Monty Python jokes will definitely leak in at some point whether Strat does it or one of the other players does it. :P ]

Ugh...Galahad...Mister Perfect Knight...

I think St. Germain from TaMnI echoed my own opinion on Galahad relatively closely. XD

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That's a very good guess, but you're thinking a bit too far ahead... and a little too much.

Though to be honest, I wasn't intending to have anything much else in the story relate to the legend of Arthur other than the fact that the islands happen to share the same name due to their nature.

think more conceptually rather than literally...

still, impressive guess nonetheless.

look at the new tags. this is where some knowledge of certain religions might come in handy...

And I have decided to change my mind about the status of The Tao Trio...

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Oh there's alot of things there... especially fay... they're kinda needed, just encase.... XD

anyway, I'll stop teasing you all now and wait for the sign up period to end. don't think I'll be getting very many more though.

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The wait is excruciating. XD

  On 7/15/2015 at 8:48 PM, Stratos said:

That's a very good guess, but you're thinking a bit too far ahead... and a little too much.

Though to be honest, I wasn't intending to have anything much else in the story relate to the legend of Arthur other than the fact that the islands happen to share the same name due to their nature.

think more conceptually rather than literally...

still, impressive guess nonetheless.

look at the new tags. this is where some knowledge of certain religions might come in handy...

Other religions, huh. Hmm...

I'm blank at the moment...I'll think through it again later...

(Thinking a little too much is kind of a trait I gained while reading TaMnI. It does that to you. XD )

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You know... I will say totally didn't even realize the whole Avalon thing etc... when I was making my character. So... if she does get picked there is a huge coincidence that is pretty awesome actually and fits so well. Tis' interesting... tis interesting indeed.

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  On 7/16/2015 at 12:08 AM, Hiss13 said:

600 BST or less? Darkrai would be perfect for my character given its personality~

Oh God. Please no. I'm sorry, but I couldn't stomach that well. I get Darkrai isn't a cover legendary and could fall under a "minor" legendary, but Darkrai just has the vibe of a real power player. Not just Dark Void, but if you remember the debacle in the movie it debuted in...please no. Oh the memories....

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I also forgot to mention that I have the good sense to have a process of systematically nerfing minor legends.

There will be no power playing here, of that I can assure you all on pain of Character death. It's a one warning system, everybody gets one screw up in that area, and if it happens again, they're gonzo.

so you can relax, Darvan, I've got this covered.

Things like Darkrai will have their powers downplayed to the point of only being able to affect their immediate surroundings at a time and only being able to maintain it for a short while. A celebi will likely be relegated to a mere "time veiwer" type of deal where it can transport one back in time, but you're basically a ghost of sorts and can only watch because it's physically impossible for you to interact with or change anything

so yeah... I'm no fool, I know what games some people will play if they're allowed. And I simply won't allow them.

Which is also the exact reason I will veto anyone who dares ask for a ditto at any point in the story. Those things are my dues ex machinas for dealing with troublesome folks and are crazy powerful at the end of the day, just as dangerous as they were in Surge Story where I also reserved them exclusively for the host's use only

EDIT: And by the way, the darkrai movie was pure, overhyped bullshit. there was no logical reason why a pokemon with only 600 bst would be able to take on not one, but all of the freaking gods of the official pokemon world at once. if it had been something like a salamence, would've been dead real quick, but nope, they choose to cheapen and defy their own logic and go and Godmod Darkrai to the point of Suishness.

Yeah... that won't be happening here. the mission behind this is to AVOID the mistakes made in the anime and certain movies

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I'm pretty sure Darkrai had some BlackGlasses, how else could it have been so bad ass?

So no Entei can just make Volcanoes erupt by roaring BS right or Cobalion can make stuff obey it by glaring at them correct?(Though I'm sure you have plans for the latter....)

If anything, I'd just go with Moltres....flaming phoenix...

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precisely... cause that's a rather dick move on the part of entei...

And the glare thing with cobalion would only work on weaker, smaller pokemon... kinda like a child receiving a glare from their father.

What you all need to stop and realize though is this: there is a shit ton (And I mean a grade A SHIT TON) of exaggeration in most of the lore for the mythic pokemon, and at this point, I'm fairly certain theres a lot of exaggeration in ALL the pokedex lore and that it is intentionally designed like that to mimic how information is passed on and eventually corrupted and twisted and altered over time with IRL Lore and folklore. People tend to bend and twist stories in new ways in order to make them either more entertaining in some way to the audience, or as a form of censoring certain crucial details/ giving the run around

So really, most pokemon's abilities are over hyped and overstated than what they are actually likely to be. Like a Charizard being able to melt mountains and a T-tar being able to level mountains with a single stomp and a blastoise peircing solid steel...

It just happen to be especially so for most mythical mons... since they're explicitly mytthical

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  On 7/14/2015 at 1:02 AM, Stratos said:

Character Sign Ups

All sign up sheets are to be submitted to the Host, Stratos, Via the PM system. All Sign-Ups are expected to be well thought out and well written, as only those whom meet certain criteria with their characters will be awarded a Player Slot in the RP's story. Sign-ups which are posted in the OOC thread, or show a lack of effort or care, will not even be reviewed for candidacy of placement.

Sheets are to be formatted as follows. (Parentheticals are notes to serve as guidelines.) Sign ups will be accepted via PM starting today: Monday, July 13, 2015, and will end on Monday, July 20, 2015

I'll likely do it the tuesday afterwards, July 21

Though I probably wouldn't accept the application of anyone who decided to just mosey on over and hand it in at the last possible minute, except for dobby due to the circumstance surrounding his current absence... (Well, technically he already handed in a rough draft, but he needs to finish it still)

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So just a quick question regarding the pseudos/minor legends in regards to Monotypes just out of curiosity. Say someone was to do a Water mono. Would you allow them two minor Water Legends (say Manaphy and Phione) to make up for the fact that they could not have a pseudo do to thwir type limitations, or would that simply be another challenging modifer placed othe players themselves for chosing to Monotype it out?

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  On 7/16/2015 at 7:47 AM, AuthorReborn said:

So just a quick question regarding the pseudos/minor legends in regards to Monotypes just out of curiosity. Say someone was to do a Water mono. Would you allow them two minor Water Legends (say Manaphy and Phione) to make up for the fact that they could not have a pseudo do to thwir type limitations, or would that simply be another challenging modifer placed othe players themselves for chosing to Monotype it out?

If you chose a type which neither has a mythical being or a psuedo legend available to it, well... either you can go without or...

you all do realize I'm not going to bother enforcing monotypes, right? If you want to make an excception for one or two members or make a charity case for them, I won't say anything...

so long as none of my (Rather undisclosed at this point, lols) rules are violated in the process. And there is a minimum quality and effort expectation here by the way... so there's also that to consider while you go about it. (I'll let it slide though so long as it just makes sense/ is explained why it's happening and is actually a legit reason rather than a whim)

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Holy crap, this goes on forever".

This TF2 Scout quote is perfect to describe my signup.

I am finally done, after something like 14 hours of work divided in two days I have created a character... and I am still struggling with the appearance, as he/she doesn't have many things to make him/her stand out.

It's making Monika and Dexter look bad, at least from my perspective

Also, from the Interest Check thread:

"I'll have maximum of 7 slots open for PCs, so once that many people express interest, I'll put up an OOC/sign up"

(This could have actually changed - we'd need the officialization from Stratos himself).

Edited by Cyaloom
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  On 7/16/2015 at 11:06 AM, K_H said:

You think YOU'VE got a long Backstory? you ain't seen nothing yet.

It's long for my standards :D

But compared to most people's backstories it is nothing special.

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