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[OOC] Pokemon: Sins of Avalon


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I have try and not sing any of them... I don't think there was a JoJo theme that I did'nt legit love XD.

The weirdest part though... is I planned on having getting a Lillipup ((or Growlithe.)) and naming Iggy as a reference to Jojo's. This is 3spoopy5me.

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Ya know, whilst they are young, none of the women in this group can really be called "Girls". They have more experience with life than most, that's for certain. Girl just has a connotation of naiveté or lack of experience that irks me

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Seriously... that post was so over the fucking line... why the hell are we antagonizing my character already?

Like... she is being condemned for what? She's a strong woman so you're protecting the guy who is clearly antagonizing her in a way that she is upset with? And because she says she can handle herself, she the bad guy? I really don't get it...

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  On 7/30/2015 at 12:45 AM, Darvan Korematsu said:

You ever seen that one person you just wanted to erase from existence for their stupidity? Felix is feeling that way about Johanna. I think the feeling is mutual though.

I mean, if that's how you think it'd go fine but, why? You had a minor argument :/

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Like seriously.... I am so fucking done with this RP if it' going to be like this already.

If my character is going to be marginalized for being a a strong woman... and treated like it's her fault for the situation and well... quite honestly like shit for no good reason, this is not an RP I want to be a part of if her defending herself is wrong. And if a character that drives that behavior exists... I sorry, but that's not an RP I want to be a part of. Seriously...

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  On 7/30/2015 at 12:50 AM, Hukuna Fulmine said:

Like seriously.... I am so fucking done with this RP if it' going to be like this already

We have yet to really get into it still and we're all still adjusting to our characters. Please be patient a little while longer, until we actually get into the meat of the RP. Please?

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Felix respects people who are older, wiser, or stronger than him (in the app), and is seen as "charitable" by his peers. He, however, doesn't like people who take metaphorical dumps on him or shoot him down when he's trying to help.

EDIT: This may be an interesting builder between the two of them, because they just met and Johanna might not understand Felix didn't want Joey to possibly get an ass-whipping, especially after he saw a character essentially pull a bomb scare.

Edited by Darvan Korematsu
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... Yea, so because she doesn't need help suddenly it okay for people to do whatever they want to her? Suddenly it's not okay for her to defend herself? SHe supposed to let people do whatever they want? You're going to have to help me understand because I really don't right now.

Either this is a misunderstanding or... well frankly... something I don't want to be seeing in this sub-forum.

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  On 7/30/2015 at 1:02 AM, Darvan Korematsu said:

Felix respects people who are older, wiser, or stronger than him (in the app), and is seen as "charitable" by his peers. He, however, doesn't like people who take metaphorical dumps on him or shoot him down when he's trying to help.

That doesn't justify homicidal thoughts or the pretty intuitive and accurate guess at what the issue was. Like, he know next to nothing about Johanna, how did he peg the issue so easily? and if he was still respectful of older people then that would still hold sway over his opinion, right? Johanna is still older than the rest of the group.

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I percieved the situation as him saying. "Jesus I'm sorry I tried to help." Besides, now he knows that she may not accept "help" so readily. I'll leave it as he "misread" the situation.

EDIT: Also your characters don't know he had homicidal thoughts, unless they got a possible hint from his hand on his wrench. He's now pretty chill if you haven't noticed.

Edited by Darvan Korematsu
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Okay... because the way I read it seriously seemed like something much worse. You should probably make that more clear in your post... because well... clearly I didn't get that intention or message from it at all.

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  On 7/30/2015 at 1:08 AM, Darvan Korematsu said:

EDIT: Also your characters don't know he had homicidal thoughts, unless they got a possible hint from his hand on his wrench. He's now pretty chill if you haven't noticed.

I'm not taking issue with it from my characters perspective, I'm taking issue with it myself. That really is either a gross exaggeration or a seriously quick jump to violence that really doesn't fit with the character app details at all, unless you were hiding Felixes violent side, which is entirely possible.

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Okay. If it shivers your timbers that much, I edited my post a lot to make it WAY less violently descriptive and more realistically tangiable. (See Post #45)

EDIT: I know it's a different matter, but I cracked a subtle joke in that post y'all definitely didn't notice.

Edited by Darvan Korematsu
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If surge was here... someone would be fucking dead for that offhand comment comparing his city to the rear end of a living organism.

Pray that he does not appear anytime soon.

And I choose not to explode, Dobbs... I have begun trying to adopt the philosophy of just letting the silent fires of rage burn away everything that stands before me. takes less energy and causes less stress.

Regardless, onwards to the true matter at hand:

  On 7/30/2015 at 12:19 AM, Darvan Korematsu said:

Felix deeply, like really deeply, considered grabbing his loose wrench from his backpack's outer pocket and perhaps use it. He even had all his fingers wrapped around the ten-inch tool of raw stainless steel jutting out from the pack. As quickly as the thought arose, he extinguished it and let go of the wrench. He wasn't normally a violent person. Even though in the end, he deemed it not worth his time at all to fuck with the crazy bitch with her top hat and cane.

He sighed. "Arceus Christ." He folded his arms in disappointment and sank deeper into the chair he sat in. He looked directly at her. "I can tell. You're thinking I'm acting pretty stupid right now. Look I'm not protecting YOU at all. You look like you could probably protect yourself from a raging Garchomp if you had to. I'm protecting buttwad who's sitting next to you, from you and whatever fifty ways you look like you could break a bone." He chuckled. "You certainly seem like you're breaking his bone."

Felix let out another huge sigh and turned away from those two, to see another girl standing, who looked equally annoyed as the one sitting down. The first one to the dock as a matter of fact. Nikki was her name, at least Felix thought. "Sorry you had to witness that...Nikki was it?" He patted an open chair next to him. "Take a seat if you want ma'am. I think it's rude if I know your name but you don't mine. It's Felix, for future reference"

Hmm... interesting.
So, let me get this straight. He gets told to basically mind his own business, and his first and strongest urge is to immediately... bash someone's face in?
alright... so someone, preferably Darvan, do explain to me how the hell this is justifiable given the context of the situation? A character whom there is no prior mention of having explicitly violent tendencies or anger issues, all of a sudden wishes to take a piece of hardened steel to the skull of someone who told him to but out, as if said person had just slit the throat of both his mother and father and then proceeded to piss on their graves while laughing in glee all the while?
Yeah... no. I'm not seeing any real way to explain this as being any sort of logical escalation of emotion. I know that I for one wasn't informed of any anger issues or history of violence, so....?
You see where I'm going here, right? You're definitely gonna need to change the blood red highlighter section to something that's a bit more tame for this situation and, quite frankly, a bit less a lot less extreme of a sudden jump from 0 to 60 mph on the "I'm going to murder someone" scale. Simply having him get a bit miffed like a normal person would do but decide to just drop it, like again, it would be feasible that any normal, sane person would do, would've more than sufficed for the initial part of the response in question, compared to the ridiculous, situationally-inappropriate content that there is currently.
Sorry if I come off like a condescending dick in this judgement, but like I said, I prefer to try the quiet rage method, which... I guess can kinda manifest in me taking on a rather not-so-nice tone and the fact that there's currently quite a bit of shit that I have to deal with in my own damn head right at the moment that I'd rather not go into, yeah... Stratos ain't a very nice customer right now.
Either way though,in closing...
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