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[OOC] Pokemon: Sins of Avalon


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Holy crap. I go out into a position where I can't post for three hours and the thread just happens to explode while I'm gone...

What the hell did I just miss?

Edited by Hiss13
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Wow. Nice way of saying I'm fked up. I fixed it enough to maintain that he didn't like how Johanna "overreacted" to him and toned back the violent thoughts to about nil. (It's still in his mind, but not the discrepencies)

Also, @Murdoc. It's just 2 burgers anyways.

Anyways I'll deal with any remaining flak in the morning when I'm more rested.

Edited by Darvan Korematsu
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well... it's better than it was before, I'll say that much.

at least now I don't have to already kill someone before the first god damn chapter even ends.

And I'm not even going to bother commenting about hamburgers appearing from backpacks... today has just been too damn long and quite frankly, I'm not really in a position where my supply of fucks to give is very high at the current moment.

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  On 7/29/2015 at 10:38 PM, Hukuna Fulmine said:

Disclaimer: Hukuna is not responsible for any bodily harm that comes to Joey at the hands of Johanna. You knew what you were getting into, or at least I hope you do... and if not that is not Hukuna's problem as the other party should have taken necessary precautions. You've been warned thusly so Hukuna is no longer held accountable for anything that happens. There will be no subsequent notices on this matter.

That's exactly why I went there. xD And I feel like Johanna is the most interesting 'encounter' for Joey based on what I've seen so far and read in the applications.

Besides, he wouldn't be Joey if he didn't try to talk to every girl (and Yuuki) on the ship.

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Man Chim. Felix tried to actually protect Joey from Johanna for his own good, but as you prolly saw, some stuff was definitely said.

That episode reminded me of the hell-raising Gengar from Battlegrounds for those who may remember.

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Eh... I just grossly misunderstood the whole thing. ((mostly because the response to something relatively simple as "mind your own business" was blown massively out of proportion.)).

I'm not sure what you needed to protect Joey from. She wasn't going to do anything. She'd only defend herself if he actually did something... so not sure what you need to protect Joey from. He's fine if he doesn't do anything that crosses a line.

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  On 7/30/2015 at 3:27 PM, Darvan Korematsu said:

Man Chim. Felix tried to actually protect Joey from Johanna for his own good, but as you prolly saw, some stuff was definitely said.

That episode reminded me of the hell-raising Gengar from Battlegrounds for those who may remember.

please, for the love of god... just don't bring that RP up again. That thing was in even more need of polish than a boot that had just spent the past three weeks trudging through the marsh lands of florida non-stop in the middle of summer.

Though... this is exactly like that situation n a way, so I guess you're right on that front...

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Eh... let's just move on at this point. Dwelling on it isn't any good. ((that and I don't even exactly know that incident... so don't know how it would be like it...)) Things happened... they were resolved... let's move on. No sense in worrying about it. These things happen after all. It isn't anything we need to get hung up on.

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Y'know when I was reading it over again, I got hit by a gnarly wave of de ja vu. Aforementioned Gengar was actually the Gengar I was tasked writing with on Battlegrounds. I kind of miss that RP. Thinking about doing a re-roll. I'll polish it till it shines like a Mirror Shot.

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No. This is an independent project. SoA is Stratos' undertaking and in NO WAY similar to Battlegrounds. I said I WOULD DO MY OWN INDEPENDENT SPIN-OFF PROJECT most likely, if that answers your question.

EDIT: Sorry about that. I'm a little wound up too much. I'll stop talking about that project and save it for my own interest check.

Edited by Darvan Korematsu
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So... the update is up.

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We're jumping right into the thick of things now.

And I should probably start assembling my soundtrack for this...

EDIT: I've also made some alterations to the history section regarding the development of pokeballs and the league. Just wanted them to be a bit better spaced out and explained.

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If only the games gave you a ""Kick" option whenever a mon fell asleep... cause god knows that I've wanted to do just that in certain situations...

anyways, back on track-now I'm just waiting for Chimchain to get moving towards the upper deck before I open up the scene outside for everyone.

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Yeah sorry about that. I didn't expect yesterday to be that hectic. I'm going home now and I'll try to get something up before I go to work.

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Alright, so I've worked some things out with this coming scene and decided how it's all gonna be set up with how the party will be facing and the conditions of the battlefield... er, rather, the deck. And which two pcs I want to throw something a bit tougher at just to see where the development might lead...

expect the update some time tomorrow.

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^Some deep stuff right there.

I've added a few details to the leveling information on the front page and adjusted the listed power levels of Elite Four and champions, since... even though the league challenge will have pretty much no part of this, they're still an easy point to refer to just for a quick glance.

And seeing as how the opponent about to be faced is technically as powerful as an Elite Four member in terms of his Team's development levels... kinda figured I should lower it just a bit.

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so yeah, change of plans... as you all know, some black hack has decided to use his own ass as a hat and launched a DDoS attack from what I've heard...

and since the forums are still under bombardment a bit from the constant 522 messages I'm getting, I'll hold off on the update till tomorrow... cause I will fucking find and KILL the asswipe responsible if I go to the trouble of typing up everything, only to have 522 page pop up the moment I hit "Post".

And I don't feel like killing anyone tonight... so yeah. tomorrow (Or whenever things get more stable, whichever comes first.)

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