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[OOC] Pokemon: Sins of Avalon


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  On 9/3/2015 at 12:34 AM, EXLink32 said:
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I'm pretty sure whats it's inferring but I just want to make sure (I'd rather ask a stupid question then cause a misunderstanding (Or maybe it isn't a stupid question, who knows?)). My next attack may be lethal if I so choose, or will it just knock him out?

I'm just fucking with ya a little, don't worry...

you won't kill it or anything... pokemon are by nature a bit harder to kill than humans... it wouldn't be as easy as stabbing one's little brother through the heart in a dark alley

but yeah, I'm just messing with you there with overall how I decided to write up that section of the update and such.

No need to worry...

if any attack is going to be lethal, the context clues would be far more blatant about it.

EDIT: and no, dangit... you can't reroute it by moving or trickery or any of that; the solution to the situation is so much simpler than what you're coming up with man.

just attack the dang thing already....

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  On 9/3/2015 at 12:49 AM, Stratos said:

I'm just fucking with ya a little, don't worry...

you won't kill it or anything... pokemon are by nature a bit harder to kill than humans... it wouldn't be as easy as stabbing one's little brother through the heart in a dark alley

but yeah, I'm just messing with you there with overall how I decided to write up that section of the update and such.

No need to worry...

Ok, well that's nice to know. Now I won't have to contemplate my life choices. ^_^

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  On 9/3/2015 at 12:49 AM, Darvan Korematsu said:

Fuck. Hiss. Sorry m8.

Edit: Idk why the heck I said Exlink, I thought you were the one asking about the state of the deck.

Me? All Yuzuki is going to do is counter an explosion with another explosion using pieces of charred plank as aiming points. If Yuzuki can't escape, then she needs to mitigate the damage as much as possible then.

Honestly, the best solution I see for the Volcanion issue is really the simple one of…knocking it's head away by aiming at the side.

Edited by Hiss13
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  On 9/3/2015 at 12:49 AM, Stratos said:

just attack the dang thing already....

He's baiting you, this thing is gonna dodge so quickly it'll be like you tried to high jump kick a gengar!

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No, I'm legit serious... you guys are supposed to wail on this thing to stop it from firing.

It's abit akin to the Peace Walker Fight from one of the MGS games... if you don't interupt the loading procedure of the CBRN it in time, you get nuked.... ((Well, not you, but if you fail to stop it, bad shit goes down))

except in this case it's a friggin Hypa Beam. This is the big finish of the fight, the barrage of assaults that knocks the behemoth out like a light.

so yeah... hit that thing hard, or else you guys will unfortunately be vaporized...

and then keep hitting it until it stops struggling

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  On 9/3/2015 at 12:55 AM, Hiss13 said:

Me? All Yuzuki is going to do is counter an explosion with another explosion using pieces of charred plank as aiming points. If Yuzuki can't escape, then she needs to mitigate the damage as much as possible then.Honestly, the best solution I see for the Volcanion issue is really the simple one of…knocking it's head away by aiming at the side.

Good to see thinking on the same page.

  On 9/3/2015 at 12:55 AM, Dongby said:

He's baiting you, this thing is gonna dodge so quickly it'll be like you tried to high jump kick a gengar!

It's 400 pounds/200 kilograms Dobs. Slap on a base speed of 70 (even if we're not going off game stats). That thing ain't going anywhere in a hurry.

Like Strat said, make it faulter or else redirect it. Moving something that large requires a bit of force.

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No, I know... I was just legit frustrated over the volcanion thing.

I wonder what the Volcarona is afraid of though... hmmmmmmm.... strange.

regardless, we need to rap this up... and given that exlink is the last individual fight still going, I ain't got time to bait him. It honestly took too long to even mess with him right now to tell the truth

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I was kinda trying to wait for someone to do something about the Hypa Beam and start the chain so that I could finish this all in one shot, but... seeing as how no one has and it's been 2 weeks or so...

@Hiss & Exlink: I'll try to have an update up for you guys sometime either today or tomorrow, depending on how my workload is looking. There's really no sense in making you two wait any longer just because you happened to be a bit behind the others.

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I should be able to get something up this weekend. I finally don't have to use all my spare time to paint and do other stuff anymore. Once I've moved my activity should increase again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just to clarify:

No exlink, the moth isn't dead.

Natsuki is burned and still took damage from the explosion, but nowhere near the amount she would've.

And the fires and walls of flame are gone and the temperature rapidly dropping.

And you're all being watched from afar.

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Eh, it's fine. I got so much going on myself that between this and Ymora, I can't even get around to posting something for the Under the Hill reboot.

So yeah, just get something up when you can.

And I've decided to use the third OP post to start holding details on NPCs. The roster will grow as you encounter more people throughout the story, and details about them will be added as they are revealed.

Eventually they will even start to be organized by their appropriate allegiances (Or lack thereof, whichever one best fits).

Currently only Khan is up.

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Given Natsuki's injuries, I don't think Yuzuki can do much for now aside from sit and observe, or perhaps point out that the others have a window to attack. Not really much she can do at the moment.

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  On 10/1/2015 at 5:57 AM, Hiss13 said:

Given Natsuki's injuries, I don't think Yuzuki can do much for now aside from sit and observe, or perhaps point out that the others have a window to attack. Not really much she can do at the moment.

To be quite honest I'm just trying to get this thing wrapped up so that some actual development and interaction outside of people trying to murder you guys for being in the right place at the wrong time can occur and we can get moving forward with things...

Plus I kinda have to get the po-po VCPD mobilized at some point soon... it's kinda illegal to go firing high powered, dangerous moves like Hypa Beam around a population center without a damn good justification- counts as the criminal offense of Reckless Endangerment... and it would be beneficial if that boat gets out on the water sea beyond their technical jurisdiction by the time they get to the scene...

Oh... and there's the fact at least one dead body onboard...

ya'll really don't want to have to sit around and explain this shit, trust me...

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  On 10/1/2015 at 12:51 PM, Hukuna Fulmine said:

Huh... I've been neglecting this again... man I don;t know why I always end up doing this to you Strat lol. I really don;t mean anything by it... it's strange XD.

Yeah, no worries, I know it's not intentional or anything XD

I'll wait until tonight before I make another update. Figured I'll give it a few hours instead of doing one right now, encase anyone else gets something in... (That and the fact that I'll have to lose wifi soon anyway)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just for clarification- Legendaries are pokemon like darkrai, creselia, the lake trio, the bird trio, the justice trio, etc. The gods of the parthenon are not counted because they're... well, they're freaking gods and are on a whole other level. And as Khan says- there is only one member of each legendary species...

And I've also decided on the status of the Yin-yang trio and their role in the story. They're not exactly gods, hence why they aren't present in the Parthenon, but at the same time, they're not included as legendaries here either... that's all I'll say on that particular matter though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay... I need to ask this to consider and actually mount an effort if it's possible at this point. But, Not sure If I said but really a big part of me neglecting this RP is probably my Dad's two surgeries really weighing on my mind to the point I kinda forget this RP because I was just bogged in things that were out of my control and worried about stuff. So, needless to say due to the timing of these events... that really cut into me remembering this RP, or even wanting to post in in this RP. It's hard to write when you're worried your going to lose a family member, especially one that close. So, needless to say since my last post I've not been really paying attention and have kinda ended up neglecting this thing way to much. For that I apologize. However, not that life has calmed down for me I need to check if it's still an option to stick around rather than just drop ((I probably should have before when things were just preventing me from wanting to post, however I didn't have that foresight and think I a result really bogged down this RP in having to wait for me etc... However... as I can still try and am still consdiered a part of this... I think... I'd like too now that I can.)). I could use a quick recap on the events after I psoted, but I can definitely read them as well to catch up ((at the time of typing this I'm going to bed but... will probably read up in the morning.)) so that'd be helpful.

I jsut need to know and understand if it's a viable option at all fro me to continue or if it's jsut wiegh you guys down horribly at this point. I'm okay either way you guys think it would be so no worries. However I would like to try and get back in ehre rather than jsut drop outta nowhere now that I ahve the time. SInce I ahve the time and my life is stable ((for now.)) I think I should at least try and right some of the msitakes I've been making.

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