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[OOC] Pokemon: Sins of Avalon


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Don't get the wrong idea, sensei.

no one individual triggered this, I'm just feeling a bit frustrated at the moment that folks were getting so fixated on one single thing that, compared to all the other work and thought and effort I have put into trying to make this something interesting that could live up to the mission that inspired it in the first place, is really pointless because it was more of just an added on extra than a main feature of the work.

It's kinda like how I imagine a game developer team would feel if they put a crap ton of time into making a world and the lore and thinking up and programming gameplay, and then when it releases, what are people talking about? not the meat of the game, not the main things, but instead the focus is for some reason on something like the pallete choice on a certain random enemy or something incredibly minor such as that.

But yeah. Let's all just drop the conversation here... leave it all in the past where it belongs.

This is why I wanted Stratos to just leave the System as it was, since the feature was practically trivial.

Seeing as Stratos Has Spoken, this topic shall be dropped.

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the clue decoding is a bit much for me to try and take a crack at.

I mean, There'll naturally be a lot of inspiration taken from Arturian and Nordic Lore sooooo

Go from there

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I mean, There'll naturally be a lot of inspiration taken from Arturian and Nordic Lore sooooo

Go from there

As well as religions such as Christianity and a few other faiths... don't forget those as well

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As well as religions such as Christianity and a few other faiths... don't forget those as well

Christianity has some bearing on Arturian and English myth, see St George, and some on Nordic, going by the kings after a lot of the Vikes converted ((I don't actually know that but I feel like They'd continue making some notable legends about their kings even after conversion))

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>Tries to do some research on Norse Mythology to decode clues

>Ends up getting sidetracted and rereads the Touma vs Othinus fight from To Aru Majutsu no Index NT09

Yeah...I'm never gonna be able to decode these clues... XD

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>Tries to do some research on Norse Mythology to decode clues

>Ends up getting sidetracted and rereads the Touma vs Othinus fight from To Aru Majutsu no Index NT09

Yeah...I'm never gonna be able to decode these clues... XD

Just gotta gravitate to the more Stoic, serious and angry figures. They're Strats shindig, so they'll likely have the most chance of inspiring something

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That's Satan from "Inferno" by the writer Dante Alighieri, more commonly known as "Dante's Inferno." (btw I mentioned this a while ago guys b4 u went of on a tangent jus sayin). So my theory about this info is that basically the island we land on is the sacred prison which lears further down into the earth to restrain a powerful infernal pokemon (not going to name any names for now) whicj the cult leaders are uniting to attempt to release for their own purposes.


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That's Satan from "Inferno" by the writer Dante Alighieri, more commonly known as "Dante's Inferno." (btw I mentioned this a while ago guys b4 u went of on a tangent jus sayin). So my theory about this info is that basically the island we land on is the sacred prison which lears further down into the earth to restrain a powerful infernal pokemon (not going to name any names for now) whicj the cult leaders are uniting to attempt to release for their own purposes.


Sounds about right. Of course it can't be as simple as that, a Character will have to be integral in releasing said inferno beast and must choose between cultists and possible PC friends/Enemies in a supreme moral dilemma

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Sounds about right. Of course it can't be as simple as that, a Character will have to be integral in releasing said inferno beast and must choose between cultists and possible PC friends/Enemies in a supreme moral dilemma

Damn it I just realised that if we're going to hell, my PC is going to be crippled... in more ways than one.

Also maybe we'll work to stop to stop the cults and then realize that they were trying to prevent its release and we'll end up screwing up everything.

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Maybe Hoopa is involved in this somehow... I mean, it IS the Djinn Pokemon in the Unbound Forme and the Mischief Pokemon in the Confined Forme, and since it can wreak total chaos by bringing bitter enemies in terms of Pokemon through Time and Space (As demonstrated in ORAS and the Movie it starred in), it seems a bit Devil-like to me.

Edited by K_H
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Maybe Hoopa is involved in this somehow... I mean, it IS the Djinn Pokemon in the Unbound Forme and the Mischief Pokemon in the Confined Forme, and since it can wreak total chaos by bringing bitter enemies in terms of Pokemon through Time and Space (As demonstrated in ORAS and the Movie it starred in), it seems a bit Devil-like to me.

You pointed out your own flaw in the theory with Hoopas title.

Djinn is more like Genie, Hoopas origins lie in the mischievous Arabic spirits, not Devils. Besides, we already have Tina the Rebel and RayRay the Rai for Devilish figures.

More so It's going to be something threatening, beyond this faith Strat set up, something that represents a very real threat to Errybody. I would have thought Yveltal as the avatar of destruction but with that sorted into the faith, that leaves other Legends. Me thinks MewTwo, who could easily kick up a huge ruckus. or one of the 5th Gen legends. They're the only "Serious" Legends not accounted for in the Lore.

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Kyurem, especially.

*Is not even gonna mention how a Ditto can Transform into anything it's ever seen...*

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Kyurem, especially.

*Is not even gonna mention how a Ditto can Transform into anything it's ever seen...*

Exactly why we will get no Ditto.

And Strat was saying he was rethinking his policy on the Tao Trio, so I find it likely they'll be important in someway. Of course, since they weren't part of his original designs they may be not terribly important. On the other hand, he also mentioned he was going to have a Male/Female duo of twins who are dragons masters, so Reshiram and Zekrom could certainly be assigned to those characters with the whole idea of Yin-Yang also representing gender.(Basically their perfect links would be their respective Yin-Yang based legendary.)

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Then again, the Eon Duo are more likely for those two, seeing as those two Dragons are more Gendered than the Tao Trio's Main Duo...

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Then again, the Eon Duo are more likely for those two, seeing as those two Dragons are more Gendered than the Tao Trio's Main Duo...

I suppose they are more outrightly gendered. but read my edited version.

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Ditto is just... it not suited for use in an RP. Hell... I personally wouldn't use it even as a host. It is jsut such an outlyier of a mon that it is insane.

((Personally... I actually think dittos would be hella weak because being able to see and copy something's form doesn't mean you know how to be that creature etc... It is actually how I control Polymorphing in Dungeons and Dragons Campaigns. Just because you can change into a dragon... doesn't mean you know how to be one. Once they spent a bunch of time learning it though... they could eventually act as if they were. So Ditto's if I ran it would be pathetically weak at first, but eventually learn how to use a form etc... But this is neither here nor there XD))

On the clues etc... I honestly rather wait til the RP starts then have all this stuff spoiled and thrown out at us. I rather not have the beans spilled and experience while playing((or reading)) then get it now... Cause eh... why spoil a bunch of junk now? More fun to unveil stuff while playing then be told a bunch of it while you are waiting. It just leaves less to our imaginations. There is a reason in Graterras I never reveal the sources of inspirations, meanign of symbols etc... in Graterrs becuse I want to leave things for the palyers to wonder about rather than flat out tell them everything.

While sometimes it is cool to tell them stuff, It is personally more fun for me to watch as they try to figure it out or to let them interpret things in their own ways. You know, sometimes hinting, but telling nothing is better than saying exactly what something is lol.

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While sometimes it is cool to tell them stuff, It is personally more fun for me to watch as they try to figure it out or to let them interpret things in their own ways. You know, sometimes hinting, but telling nothing is better than saying exactly what something is lol.

That's... exactly what's happening

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At this point you are guessing the reveal of a seems to be a major villain. Why do that now? Why even talk about it at all? That's the thing I don't get. I dunno... just doesn't sit well with me and I rather the guessing happen while it's going on etc... since it is more fun to scramble and try to guess what an element is etc... while the action is happening rather than do it now before the RP has started. Maybe it's just me... but a lot of somewhat juicy info or things that could have just been left implied but not spoken... have been spoken.

It might just cheapen the experience. But... that is me. I believe that to get the hints the world should be explored etc... rather than be talked about OOC. Just a difference of Opinion I suppose.

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Introspection over Exploration for me. I can't resist speculating behind my character. delving into the inner workings of the world from the creators stand, I'm always scared of Meta-gaming because of it.

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