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NU is for "Never Underestimate" (A NU-only run)

Lord Chespin

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Hello, and welcome to my NU-only challenge run! I got inspired to do this when I saw nsbwinner2's RU and under run, and thought to myself "I bet I can one-up that!" Now, you may be asking, "But supermario79411, why do you have such a long name why are you doing another challenge run when you're in the middle of a Fairy/Fighting dual-type run?" Well, the reason is that my laptop (which the challenge run was on) kind of broke (in case you're wondering, I'm playing the game on my mom's laptop and writing this on the family computer). So, until my laptop gets fixed, I'll be putting that run on hiatus and starting this run. But enough about me, let's kill YOU let's get started!

First off, the rules:

1) I can only use Pokemon from the NU and PU tiers.

2) I have to defeat all optional bosses, even if I can't use the reward Pokemon.

3) I have to defeat all impossible bosses.

Secondly, my current team:

503.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 41

587.pngIris (Female) - Lv. 41

024.pngSnek (Female) - Lv.40

600.pngScarlet (Non-Binary) - Lv. 41

076.pngRoll (Female) - Lv. 41

668-f.pngSimbette (Female) - Lv. 41

Next, we have the Pokemon in my PC:

023.pngTnepres (Female) - Lv. 18

174.pngSquigly (Female) - Lv. 8

417.pngPenelope (Female) - Lv. 16

399.pngHolly (Female) - Lv. 14

296.pngSlapstick (Male) - Lv. 20

522.pngStickums (Male) - Lv. 16

218.pngBig Red Blob (Male) - Lv. 23

402.pngMarkimoo (Male) - Lv. 22

568.pngPile o' Crud (Female) - Lv. 25

678.pngLouis Cypher (Male) - Lv. 27

433.pngDINGADINGDONG (Male) - Lv. 24

433.pngBluebells (Male) - Lv. 23

077.pngDashie (Female) - Lv. 25

338.pngSolaire (Non-binary) - Lv. 28

343.pngUSpinMeRound (Non-binary) - Lv. 30

527.pngValentine (Female) - Lv. 32

455.pngCarnivine (Male) - Lv. 18

210.pngBully (Male) - Lv. 36

124.pngNikki Minaj (Female) - Lv. 42

711.pngSkellington (Male) - Lv. 42

Also, here are the major bosses I have to beat:

101.pngJulia: Defeated!

346.pngFlorina: Defeated!

169.pngCorey: Defeated!

313.pngShelly: Defeated!

609.pngShade: Defeated!

308.pngKiki: Defeated!

Spr_3r_000.pngSolaris: undefeated

Spr_3r_000.pngAya: undefeated

Spr_3r_000.pngSerra: undefeated

Spr_3r_000.pngNoel: undefeated

Spr_3r_000.pngEl: undefeated

Spr_3r_000.pngRandomus: undefeated

Spr_3r_000.pngLuna: undefeated

Spr_3r_000.pngSampson: undefeated

Spr_3r_000.pngCharlotte: undefeated

Spr_3r_000.pngTerra: undefeated

Spr_3r_000.pngCiel: undefeated

And finally, this run's theme song!

Wish me luck! ('_')7

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Update #1: The Adventure Begins

Well, the Cain battle went pretty well. I led with Drakonia the Oshawott (I named her after a good friend of mine) and he led with Nidoran, as always. Drakonia set up a leer and began spamming tackle while Cain set up two leers and began scratching Drakonia. Fortunately, Drakonia had surprisingly good defenses, and tanked a hit and finished off Nidoran with a flurry of tackles, earning me my first victory!

The battle against Victoria went pretty well as well. I sent out Drakonia, while she sent out Tepig. Drakonia set up a tail whip, then spammed tackle while tanking tackles from Tepig, and eventually the pig went down! Time to explore the wards and get some new team members!

The team so far:

501.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 7

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Dat Oshawott tho... Turtwig and Chikorita would have been better choices IMO, Turtwig because Torterra is suprisingly useful in Reborn, and Chikorita because lolMeganium <.<

Well, Oshawott's the only one I can't get later, so the completionist in me made me choose it...

I really like that you started with Oshawott since almost nobady chooses it!

Good luck your new playthrough! I was really enjoying your femme fatale duo run :)

Thanks! And don't worry; Femme Fatales will come back one my computer gets fixed, assuming the files aren't lost.

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Update #2: Weed Whacker

Well, Fern was anticlimatic. I led with one of our newest team members, Markimoo the Kricketune, and he led with Lotad... and it promptly fainted from a fury cutter. As did his Snivy. And his ace, Budew.

...and that was the battle. Yay. Anyway, let's welcome to the team (in addition to Markimoo):

- Penelope the Pachirisu

-Pile o' Crud the Trubbish

-Holly the Bidoof

-Louis Cypher the Espurr

-Tnepres the Ekans


-Squigly the Igglybuff!

Let's welcome them all to the team, and hope that they all pull their weight!

The team so far:

501.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 10

677.pngLouis Cypher (Male) - Lv. 10

417.pngPenelope (Female) - Lv. 10

568.pngPile o' Crud (Female) - Lv. 10

399.pngHolly (Female) - Lv. 10

402.pngMarkimoo (Male) - Lv. 12

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Update #3: Meteor Mash

Well, Aster and Eclipse weren't too bad. I led with Drakonia, Fern led with Budew, and Aster and Eclipse led with Magby and Elekid. On the first turn, Magby and Elekid ganged up on BUdew with a low kick and a feint attack, Budew used growth, and Drakonia sprayed Elekid with a water gun (because I'm a derp and aimed for the wrong Pokemon). Drakonia got smacked with a low kick the next turn, but she shrugged it off and did serious damage to Magby with a water gun. Fern, however, wasn't so lucky; his Budew got hit with an ember by Magby,and fainted from the damage, prompting him to switch out for his Lotad... which promptly got knocked down to the red by a shock wave from Elekid. My luck wasn't all bad, however; Magby missed a fire spin, and Drakonia splashed it with a water gun. Fern, knowing that his Lotad likely only had one turn left to attack, boldly and wisely ordered it to use... growl. (slow clapping) Anyway, Lotad fainted the next turn from a shock wave, while Magby got healed by a potion and promptly lost all that regained health from a water gun that Drakonia fired. Fern sent out his Snivy, and it tanked a shock wave while Magby whiffed a fire spin. Apparently, the shock wave must have scrambled the Snivy's brain, because it used vine whip on Magby. (slow clapping intensifies) It didn't knock out Magby, but Drakonia did with a water gun, and she leveled up from the experience! Elekid went down two turns later from a barrage of water guns and vine whips, ending the fight and leading to the destruction of the Mosswater Factory! Time to take on Julia!

The team so far:

501.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 15

677.pngLouis Cypher (Male) - Lv. 12

417.pngPenelope (Female) - Lv. 13

568.pngPile o' Crud (Female) - Lv. 13

399.pngHolly (Female) - Lv. 12

402.pngMarkimoo (Male) - Lv. 12

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Update #4: Easy on the Caffeine

I led with Pile o' Crud, and she led with Helioptile. Pile o' Crud set up two layers of toxic spikes while tanking a charge beam and thundershock, but was too weak to do anything else and fainted from a second charge beam. Markimoo came out next, and began spamming fury cutter while Helioptile threw a mud-slap. Julia tried healing her lizard, but it went down after another fury cutter. She sent out Voltorb #1 next, and I sent out Drakonia. Drakonia tanked a mud-slap and sprayed the Voltorb with a water gun; to my surprise, however, Julia had her Voltorb explode, taking Drakonia with it. Out next came Voltorb 2: The Electric Boom-aloo, and I sent out Louis Cypher. He fainted to two sonicbooms, but on the bright side he did manage to whittle its health down to the yellow. Holly came out next, and she tackled the Voltorb while Julia healed. The Voltorb tried a rollout, but after two turns it only did scratch damage and Holly took it down with a few tackles (although she did take considerable damage from the aftermath explosion). Julia sent out Emolga to avenge her fallen comrades, and I sent out Penelope, leading to an epic clash of the two Pikachu successors. Emolga tried a nuzzle, but failed to paralyze Penelope, who went on to do massive damage with a spark. Emolga got a little smarter and hit Penelope with a quick attack, but she shrugged it off and took it down with one last spark! I kept Penelope on the field while Julia sent out Blitzle. Penelope charged up a bide, tanked two charge beams, and then retaliated, doing enough damage to Blitzle to leave it to die from poison. All that Julia had left was her ace, Electrode. I switched out for Markimoo, but all he was able to do was get off a single fury cutter before he fainted from two charge beams. I sent out Holly again, and had her act as a meatshield while I healed Penelope. As to be expected, she fainted within the turn, so I sent out Penelope, used quick attack, and prayed for the best... and to my shock, Electrode missed its charge beam, and the next turn Penelope got a critical hit on her quick attack! With Julia down and the Volt Badge obtained, it's time to head on down to Obsidia and help with the plant situation!

The team so far:

501.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 15

677.pngLouis Cypher (Male) - Lv. 13

417.pngPenelope (Female) - Lv. 15

568.pngPile o' Crud (Female) - Lv. 13

399.pngHolly (Female) - Lv. 13

402.pngMarkimoo (Male) - Lv. 13

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Update #5: Into the Slums

Well, Victoria wasn't too bad. I led with Pile o' Crud, and she led with Ralts. As to be expected, it went down after two acid sprays, only getting off a lucky chant and a disarming voice. Victoria sent out her Makuhita next, and I sent out Louis Cypher. After getting smacked by a fake out (which, surprisingly, didn't really do much thanks to Makuhita's sheer force), he took the sumo wrestler down with two confusions. All that stood in my way to the slums was Victoria's ace, Pignite. I sent out Drakonia, but she fainted from an arm thrust barrage. In her place, I sent out one of our newest team members, Stickums the Blitzle! Stickums paralyzed the Pignite and started spamming paralysis, but ultimately failed to do much damage before fainting to a series of arm thrusts. Oh well; as Cain says, the first time's always rough. I sent Louis Cypher out, and he did way better, spamming confusion while the Pignite was immobilized by paralysis and Victoria kept desperately trying to heal him. Ultimately, the potions failed to save Pignite from the relentless blasts of confusion, and Pignite fainted, giving me access to the slums!

The team so far:

501.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 15

677.pngLouis Cypher (Male) - Lv. 16

522.pngStickums (Male) - Lv. 15

568.pngPile o' Crud (Female) - Lv. 14

399.pngHolly (Female) - Lv. 14

402.pngMarkimoo (Male) - Lv. 15

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Just saying, Snek Arbok is a monster and I highly recommend you give him a go. Intimidate+Glare is so handy especially versus Pokemon that would normally sweep you and make life difficult. Also later on if you keep him around you get Coil+Gunk Shot which has such a good amount of power, it's beautiful.

thank u snek

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Where's the team? ;)

I'm getting to that. Serebii wasn't loading, so I couldn't update it.

Just saying, Snek Arbok is a monster and I highly recommend you give him a go. Intimidate+Glare is so handy especially versus Pokemon that would normally sweep you and make life difficult. Also later on if you keep him around you get Coil+Gunk Shot which has such a good amount of power, it's beautiful.

thank u snek

Thanks! I'll probably put Tnepres back on the team a little later, once I get more ability capsules and I reach the level bracket where Ekans learns glare.

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Just saying, Snek Arbok is a monster and I highly recommend you give him a go. Intimidate+Glare is so handy especially versus Pokemon that would normally sweep you and make life difficult. Also later on if you keep him around you get Coil+Gunk Shot which has such a good amount of power, it's beautiful.

thank u snek

That's a good set,but personally I prefer coil, gunk shot, aqua tail, sucker punch with shed skin

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Update #6: This is my 'Hood, Punk

I led with Drakonia and Pile o' Crud, and the Pokemon Gang led with two scraggy. Pile o' Crud tanked a feint attack and poisoned both Scraggy, while Drakonia tanked a low kick and smacked the stronger of the two Scraggy with a water gun. Pile o' Crud used poison gas again (because I'm a derp with clumsy fingers) while Drakonia used water gun, and the Scraggy used low kick on Pile o' Crud and sand-attack on Drakonia. Drakonia missed a water gun the next turn and got smacked by a feint attack, but Pile o' Crud managed to hit the stronger Scraggy with an acid spray before getting hit with a sand-attack. Drakonia and Pile o' Crud managed to gang up on the stronger Scraggy, taking it out and allowing Drakonia to level up, learning razor shell in the process! I then had Drakonia injure the newly-sent out Scraggy with a water gun while Pile o' Crud finished the other, weaker Scraggy with an acid spray; sadly, Drakonia fainted from a headbutt to the face during that same turn. I sent out Markimoo to avenge her, and he began spamming fury cutter on the newly-sent out Scrafty; Pile o' Crud, meanwhile, managed to poison both the Scraggy and Scrafty before fainting from a pair of headbutts. Stickums came out and used a shock wave while Markimoo kept spamming fury cutter; sadly, he was barely able to do any damage to Scrafty, and got hit with a swagger and a sand-attack to boot. He still managed to hit the last Scraggy the next turn, but Markimoo wasn't so lucky, missing a fury cutter and getting smacked with a sand-attack and a swagger. Fortunately, even though Markimoo injured himself from confusion and then fainted from a headbutt by Scraggy, Stickums managed to finish off the last Scraggy and the Scrafty then fainted from poison, ending the fight! TIme to head on down to the Coral Ward!

The team so far:

502.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 17

677.pngLouis Cypher (Male) - Lv. 17

522.pngStickums (Male) - Lv. 16

568.pngPile o' Crud (Female) - Lv. 17

296.pngSlapstick (Male) - Lv. 17

402.pngMarkimoo (Male) - Lv. 16

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Update #7: Clash of the Oshawott Trainers

Well, Cain wasn't too bad. I led with Louis Cypher, and Cain led with Grimer. The big pile of sludge went down fast, fainting after two psybeams and only getting off a single sludge while making Cain waste a potion. Cain sent out his ace, Nidorino, next, and I sent out my ace, Drakonia. Drakonia tanked two fury attacks and ended the Nidorino with two razor shells. With his ace down, Cain sent out his Venonat, and I sent out Markimoo. Markimoo began spamming fury cutter, while the Venonat began spamming confusion; ultimately, Markimoo won the day (with a little help from some critical hits), and Cain sent out his newly-gained Oshawott. I sent out Stickums, who finished the Oshawott before it could even attack, ending the battle! With that over with, it's time to get to the bottom of this floral kerfuffle!

The team so far:

502.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 18

677.pngLouis Cypher (Male) - Lv. 17

522.pngStickums (Male) - Lv. 16

599.pngScarlet (Non-Binary) - Lv. 17

296.pngSlapstick (Male) - Lv. 17

402.pngMarkimoo (Male) - Lv. 17

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Update #8: Day of the Tangrowth

Tangrowth was kind of easy, but I think I have hax to thank for that. I led with Stickums, and he managed to paralyze the Tangrowth with a thunder wave, but got taken out by a critical-hit acid spray. I sent out Markimoo next, and he began spamming fury cutter while tanking an acid spray and a vine whip before fainting to a second acid spray (he did manage to get two extra hits off thanks to the paralysis, though). Louis Cypher came up afterwards, and he managed to finish off the Tangrowth with two psybeams, ending the fight and saving the Obsidia Ward! Time to take on Florina!

The team so far:

502.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 18

677.pngLouis Cypher (Male) - Lv. 19

522.pngStickums (Male) - Lv. 16

568.pngPile o' Crud (Female) - Lv. 17

296.pngSlapstick (Male) - Lv. 18

402.pngMarkimoo (Male) - Lv. 17

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Update #9: Pulling Out the Weeds

Well, Fern went pretty well. I led with Pile o' Crud, and Fern led with Lombre. Pile o' Crud tanked two absorbs and did what she does best: set up an acid spray, then begin spamming sludge. Fern Tried to heal it, but it just proved to be stalling the inevitable, as Pile o' Crud managed to take it out (with a little help from poison and a lucky critical hit)! I switched her out for our newest team member, Big Red Blob the Slugma, and Fern sent out his Servine. Servine missed a leaf tornado, then set up a growth and unleashed a mega drain, while Big Red Blob just spammed incinerate; ultimately, Big Red Blob fainted from a leaf tornado, but she did get a lot of damage done. I sent out Drakonia next... and, predictably, she fainted almost instantly from a leaf tornado. (sigh) Anyway, I then sent out Markimoo, and he managed to tank a leaf tornado and finish the Servine with a fury cutter! All that Fern had left was his ace, Roselia; I sent out Louis Cypher to counter it. He did some damage with a psybeam, but also took massive damage from a mega drain; rather than just sit there and let him die, I quickly switched back out to Markimoo, who tanked a mega drain and two poison stings while weakening Roselia with two struggle bugs before fainting. Louis Cypher came back out, and managed to both tank a mega drain with ten hit points to spare and get a critical hit on a psybeam, ending the fight and earning me the right to challenge Florina! Not that I needed that right; I'm plenty strong enough. Right, guys? Right? Okay I'll go now

The team so far:

502.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 20

677.pngLouis Cypher (Male) - Lv. 21

218.pngBig Red Blob (Male) - Lv. 20

568.pngPile o' Crud (Female) - Lv. 20

296.pngSlapstick (Male) - Lv. 20

402.pngMarkimoo (Male) - Lv. 21

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Update #10: Nip It in the Bud (yay plant puns)

Well, Florina went pretty well. I led with Pile o' Crud, and Florina led with Maractus. Pile o' Crud got slammed with a nature power-turned-sand tomb, but hung in there and retaliated with an acid spray. She wasn't able to withstand a needle arm, so I sent out Big Red Blob next. He tanked a needle arm much better, and managed to end the Maractus with an incinerate! Florina sent out her Breloom next, so I switched out to Louis Cypher. He got hit by a leech seed, but he still fought through it and did serious damage with a psybeam before finishing the Breloom with two more psybeams (Florina used one of her super potions on Breloom). I then switched out for Big Red Blob, as Florina switched out for her Ferroseed. It went down almost instantly to an incinerate, so Florina sent out her Cacnea next. I switched out to Markimoo, and despite getting hit with a leech seed, he still managed to 2HKO the Cacnea with a series of fury cutters, making Florina use up her last super potion in the process. I kept him on the field for her Cottonee, but despite his best efforts, he fainted from a pile-up of sand tomb damage, leech seed damage, and poison damage. Oh well... on the bright side, he managed to knock it down all the way to the red, paving the way for Drakonia to swoop in and finish off the Cottonee with a fury cutter, only getting hit with a leech seed in the process. All that Florina had left was arguably her most dangerous Pokemon: Cradily. I switched out for Slapstick, and after getting off a fake out, he began spamming sand-attack while tanking smack downs left and right, ending with the Cradily having almost no accuracy left and Slapstick having 18 hit points. Slapstick sadly fainted the next trun from a smack down, but Big Red Blob came out to avenge him, getting off a couple hits before fainting to a smack down. Running out of options, I sent out Drakonia. While Cradily set up a stockpile and a sandstorm as well as firing a smack down, Drakonia just kept spamming fury cutter, eventually ending the fight and earning me the Canopy Badge! Time to head to the Beryl Ward and fight off the plant problem at the root (yay more plant puns)!

The team so far:

502.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 22

677.pngLouis Cypher (Male) - Lv. 22

218.pngBig Red Blob (Male) - Lv. 22

568.pngPile o' Crud (Female) - Lv. 20

296.pngSlapstick (Male) - Lv. 20

402.pngMarkimoo (Male) - Lv. 21

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Update #11: Day of the Tangrowth 2: Tangrowth Harder (Am I just cracking myself up here)

I led with Markimoo, and he led with Lileep. After the Hell that was Florina's Cradily, this guy was kind of easy. Markimoo got a fury cutter off, but then he got confused; fortunately, he managed to focus just enough to get off one more fury cutter, ending the Lileep. Taka sent out his ace- Chatot- next, and I switched out for Scarlet the Klink. he got confused by a chatter, but still managed to land her mark with a gear grind; she then proceeded to tank a chatter again and once again hit Chatot with a gear grind. Taka desperately tried healing his dear Chatot, but it backfired when Scarlet broke out of her confusion, giving her a free turn to get in a gear grind. The next turn, however, she missed a gear grind, and got taken out by Chatot. Fortunately, the next turn Chatot (in a move that I can only describe as suicidal, stupid, or incredibly cocky) used a nasty plot instead of attacking, allowing Drakonia (who came out to replace Scarlet) to clip the bird's wings with a razor shell. Pile o' Crud came in to counter Taka's Tangrowth, and began spamming acid spray while Taka had his Tangrowth set up a growth twice and then use vine whip; after three turns, Pile o' Crud began firing off sludge, but ultimately fainted from an acid spray and a mega drain, so I sent out Louis Cypher to finish things. With a single psybeam, Louis Cypher broke the Tangrowth's mind, ending the fight and saving the Jasper Ward (or, well, you know, what's left of it). Time to rescue the Beryl Ward as well!

The team so far:

502.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 24

677.pngLouis Cypher (Male) - Lv. 23

218.pngBig Red Blob (Male) - Lv. 23

568.pngPile o' Crud (Female) - Lv. 22

599.pngScarlet (Non-Binary) - Lv. 20

402.pngMarkimoo (Male) - Lv. 22

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