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NU is for "Never Underestimate" (A NU-only run)

Lord Chespin

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Update #12: Day of the Tangrowth 3: Live Free or Tangrowth Hard (Okay I'll stop now)

Well, the final PULSE Tangrowth battle was a close battle, but I think it went pretty well. I led with Big Reb Blob, Taka led with his Lileep, and ZEL led with xyr Glaceon. Markimoo did serious damage to Lileep with a fury cutter, and tanked an icy wind; Big Red Blob,however, wasn't so lucky, as he got slammed with a critical hit icy wind and a constrict, and only did minor damage with an incinerate. I switched tactics and had Markimoo use a fury cutter on Glaceon, and he did significantly more damage; unfortunately, poor Big Red Blob fainted from a quick attack by Glaceon, leading to me sending out Drakonia. Drakonia tried using razor shell, but Lileep absorbed the hit... somehow... (Seriously, how does one absorb a shell?!) making the attack useless. Luckily, Markimoo was able to finish the Glaceon with a fury cutter. ZEL sent out xyr Espeon next, but all it was able to do was set up a future sight before Drakonia and Markimoo fury cutter'd it to death. All ZEL had left was xyr Umbreon, and Markimoo and Drakonis managed to fury cutter it into oblivion as well; sadly, Markimoo was seriously injured by a feint attack, and fainted that same turn from an acid by Lileep. I sent out our newest team member, Iris the Emolga next, and she finished the Lileep with Drakonia's help, pinning it down with an air slash and leaving it wide open to get fury cutter'd to death. Unfortunately, Drakonia got hammered by the future sight attack, fainting from it. Taka sent out the Tangrowth next, and I sent out Pile o' Crud to replace the fallen Drakonia. Things kind of went wrong that turn, as Iris missed an air slash and Tangrowth healed off all the damage it took from Pile o' Crud's acid spray. Fortunately, the next turn both air slash and acid spray connected, and Tangrowth only used vine whip instead of, oh, I dunno, something actually threatening. Anyway, Tangrowth went down the next turn to an air slash and an acid spray, and Taka sent out his last Pokemon: Chatot. Iris nuzzled the Chatot, and luckily, rather than hit Iris, the Chatot aimed for Pile o' Crud with a chatter. Pile o' Crud fainted from confusion damage, so I sent out Louis Cypher to replace her. Together, Iris and Louis managed to finish the Chatot with a shock wave and a psybeam, ending the fight!

So, with that done with, we learn the identity of the mysterious man behind the PULSE Tangrowth project- and shock-horror, it's me, Dio Beryl Ward Gym leader Corey! Let's chase him down and bring him to justice! ...and get our badge. Getting our badge would be nice, too.

The team so far:

502.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 25

677.pngLouis Cypher (Male) - Lv. 24

218.pngBig Red Blob (Male) - Lv. 23

568.pngPile o' Crud (Female) - Lv. 23

587.pngIris (Female) - Lv. 24

402.pngMarkimoo (Male) - Lv. 22

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Update #13: SuicideCorey.avi (Anybody see what I did there)

Well, the Corey battle was close, but it went pretty well! I led with Scarlet, and Corey led with Skrelp. The Skrelp tried everything: a venom drench, a bubble (that did no damage on a steel type; way to be a genius, Corey) and a smokescreen, but nothing saved it from the cold, calculated death machine that was Scarlet and her relentless charge beams! Corey sent out his Croagunk next, and I sent out Louis Cypher. The poor Croagunk didn't even get off a single hit before Louis ended it with a psyshock. Corey decided to send out his Skuntank next, and I sent out Pile o' Crud. Pile o' Crud tanked several pursuits and got off two acid sprays, but ultimately fainted from two pursuits and an incinerate. Drakonia, fury in her eyes, came out swinging with a mighty water pulse to avenge her fallen comrade, finishing off the Skuntank (after tanking an acid spray)! Corey sent out his Grimer, and I sent out our newest team member because grinding Tnepres was too hard: Snek the Arbok (thank you Female Gallade)! Snek tanked two mud bombs and an acid spray, set up a glare and a screech, and began spamming crunch; after three crunches (Corey used a super potion), Snek took out the big puddle of gunk! Corey, starting to get a little desperate, sent out his Nidorina, and I sent out Drakonia again. Drakonia honestly didn't do too well; maybe she got a little disoriented from the poison or something, but after getting off a single water pulse she got soaked in a venom drench, then took massive damage from a bite; ultimately,I decided to use her last turn before fainting to heal Snek. A very angry Snek gave Nidorina the evil eye, paralyzing it, and then set up a screech before spamming crunch; Nidorina tried disabling glare, then tried a bite and a double kick, but it all was futile in the end, as Snek just chomped it into oblivion. Running out of options, Corey sent out his Donald trump card: his ace, Crobat. I quickly had Snek use... acid. Stupid clumsy fingers. I almost paid dearly for my mistake, as Snek almost fainted from an air cutter and a venoshock, just barely hanging on with one hit point. Snek got off one last crunch (a critical hit crunch, at that) before fainting, and I sent out Iris. Iris got off a shock wave, but the poor, frail thing fainted from a single venoshock. I sent out Louis Cypher, and he ended the Crobat with a psyshock, ending the fight! And now, I get the.... wait, Corey, why are you releasing your Pokemon? No, Get down from the railing, you could fall off! Wait, NO-


A moment of silence for Corey. And my badge. RIP Badge.

The team so far:

502.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 27

678.pngLouis Cypher (Male) - Lv. 27

599.pngScarlet (Non-Binary) - Lv. 25

568.pngPile o' Crud (Female) - Lv. 25

587.pngIris (Female) - Lv. 25

024.pngSnek (Female) - Lv. 26

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Update #14: Gemstone Throwdown

Aster and Eclipse were actually kind of easy! I led with Scarlet, Victoria led with Pignite, and Aster and Eclipse led with Lunatone and Solrock. I had Scarlet use a gear grind on Lunatone's face, and with a little help with a take down from Pignite, it went down after firing off a psywave... and out came Magmar. Crud. I kept Scarlet on the field, but Pignite stupidly used heat crash on Magmar, of all things, and Scarlet flinched from a rock slide (and got confused, too.) Scarlet fainted the next turn from another rock slide (Magmar missed a fire spin), as did Pignite; in retaliation, I sent out Drakonia, and Victoria sent out Scraggy. Drakonia got trapped by a fire spin and slammed by a psywave, but managed to break through it and end Magmar with a razor shell (at the cost of being burned), while Scraggy used chip away (sigh) on Solrock. Then Aster and Eclipse sent out their Electabuzz. Double crud. (Double crud? Sounds like some sort of medical condition.) Drakonia went down to a shock wave pretty fast, but Scraggy at least managed to do serious damage to the Solrock with a high jump kick. I then sent out one of our new team members: Skellington the Pumpkaboo! Skellington shrugged off two swifts from Electabuzz while Aster and Eclipse healed their Solrock, and then fired off a leech seed and a razor leaf as Scraggy unleashed a payback and a high jump kick. Once Aster and Eclipse ran out of super potions, Solrock tried using a fire spin on Scraggy (phew) and Electabuzz set up a light screen, but Scraggy broke both the light screen and Solrock's face with a brick break, leaving only Electabuzz (which got slammed by a critical-hit razor leaf). All it was able to do was get off one last swift before fainting to a brick break and a razor leaf, ending the fight and saving Victoria! Time to head back on up to Shelly and see if we can get her some help!

The team so far:

502.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 29

210.pngBully (Male) - Lv. 28

599.pngScarlet (Non-Binary) - Lv. 28

710.pngSkellington (Male) - Lv. 29

587.pngIris (Female) - Lv. 28

024.pngSnek (Female) - Lv. 28

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Update #15: Waking Up from a Mechanightmare

Well, the battle against the Klinklang on the path to getting Litleo was rather easy, now that I have some levels on my team. I led with Iris, and she paralyzed it with a nuzzle, just barely survived a discharge, and got off three electro balls (thanks to Klinklang missing a charge beam and getting immobilized by paralysis) before fainting to a second discharge. I then sent out Scarlet, and after tanking a discharge she unleashed a mighty gear grind, messing up the Klinklang's gears and leading to it fainting! And so we get our newest team member: SImbette the Litleo! Anyway, time to get back on track!

The team so far:

502.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 29

210.pngBully (Male) - Lv. 29

599.pngScarlet (Non-Binary) - Lv. 30

075.pngRoll (Female) - Lv. 29

587.pngIris (Female) - Lv. 29

024.pngSnek (Female) - Lv. 29

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Update #16: Think of the Children!

Well, Victoria wasn't too bad. I led with Drakonia, and she led with Scraggy. Drakonia used a water pulse, but got smacked hard by a high jump kick, so I switched out to Skellington... and Scraggy used payback! THE COMPUTER IS A CHEATING B@$%@*#! Anyway, Skelling ton fainted the next turn before he could get a hit off, and I sent out Iris. Iris proceeded to dance all over the Scraggy's face with an acrobatics. It felt satisfying. Victoria switched out to her ace, Pignite, and I sent out Drakonia. A very weak Drakonia went down very quickly from a take down, so I sent out Snek to get revenge. Snek paralyzed the Pignite with a glare, tanked a heat crash, and then spammed screech and crunch while a very desperate Pignite tried rolling into her but failed due to paralysis. Ultimately, the Pignite actually managed to get some traction and steamrolled Snek, so I sent out a very angry Bully, who Glasgow kissed (or headbutted, in layman's terms) the Pignite to death. Victoria then sent out her Kirlia, but Scarlet just ground it into a paste with gears before it could even get off a damaging attack. All that remained was her Hariyama (speaking of which, I should really dust off Slapstick and put him on the team), and I sent out Iris again. Two acrobatics and one failed belly drum on Hariyama's part later, and the battle was over! Man, Emolga's kinda overpowered...

Anyway, in a bit of a status-updatey kind of thing, I'd like to apologize for the lack of updates today; I was at my grandparent's house all day, and I couldn't get Reborn working on their computer mainly because my big fat-headed Charlie Brown flash drive wouldn't fit into their computer. Also, in other sad news, my laptop's hard drive is completely totaled, so all of my previous runs, such as Femme Fatales, my TPP Challenge Run, and my Successors of Atlantis Rejuvenation run, will no longer be updated. I'm really sorry that I had to end those runs, but there's literally no way to get that data back. I promise I'll make it up to you guys!

The team so far:

502.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 29

210.pngBully (Male) - Lv. 32

599.pngScarlet (Non-Binary) - Lv. 31

710.pngSkellington (Male) - Lv. 30

587.pngIris (Female) - Lv. 32

024.pngSnek (Female) - Lv. 30

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Update #17: Coming Out of Your Shell(y)

I led with Iris and Roll the Graveler, and she led with Masquerain and Illumise. Iris managed to make Illumise flinch with an air slash, preventing it from attacking and allowing Roll to just barely survive an energy ball from Masquerain (thank you, sturdy!), which in turn allowed her to set up a stealth rock. Shelly spent her next turn switching out her Masquerain for her Anorith (probably to spin away the stealth rocks) and healing her Illumise, but that proved to be a big mistake, as doing so not only slightly damaged Anorith from stealth rocks, but also allowed Iris and Roll to do serious damage to Illumise and Anorith with am=n air slash and a smack down, respectively. Shelly desperately tried healing her Anorith the next turn, but that backfired on her, too, as Iris just took out Illumise with a third air slash while Roll slammed it with a smack down. With Illumise down, Shelly sent Masquerain back out, only for it to take massive damage from stealth rocks. It was then promptly finished off by Iris, who clipped its wings with an air slash; Roll, unfortunately, got done in by a knock off from Anorith, prompting me to send out Simbette. Shelly sent out Heather the Yanmega, but Heather took serious damage from stealth rocks (even more so than Masquerain) and was promptly air slash'd to death by Iris; sadly, both Iris and Simbette fainted the same turn from a rock slide from Anorith. I sent out Drakonia and Scarlet, and despite getting slammed by a rock slide and a mirror shot, Scarlet managed to get off a gear grind and end the Anorith. With Anorith down, Shelly sent out her ace: Bugsy the Volbeat. Crud. I kept Drakonia and Scarlet on the field, and Drakonia (who the previous turn, wasn't able to do much damage to Wormadam) was able to do massive damage to Bugsy with a razor shell, and just barely survived a struggle bug; Scarlet, however, fainted from a giga drain from Wormadam. Running out of Pokemon, I sent out Bully the Granbull, who tanked a dazzling gleam and a struggle bug (which a freshly-healed Drakonia tanked, too) and got off a close combat (thanks for the egg moves, Ame!), seriously injuring the Wormadam. The next turn, Wormadam and Bugsy finally fell to a close combat and a razor shell, respectively, ending the fight and earning me the Cocoon badge! With that over with, it's time to report Corey's death to Amethyst!

The team so far:

502.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 32

210.pngBully (Male) - Lv. 33

599.pngScarlet (Non-Binary) - Lv. 31

075.pngRoll (Female) - Lv. 32

667.pngSimbette (Female) - Lv. 32

587.pngIris (Female) - Lv. 32

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Update #18: Savage Reservations

Well, the Beartic guarding Smoochum was a little tricky, but it went pretty well. I led with Snek, and after dodging a blizzard she paralyzed the savage with a glare and then let loose a screech before getting hammered by a blizzard. With Snek down, I sent out Scarlet, and she did some damage with a gear grind before fainting to an icicle crash. Roll came out next, and she latched onto the Beartic's face and exploded, taking off a huge chunk of its health. Bully then came out swinging with a close combat, and MUDAMUDAMUDA'd the Beartic to death. With Beartic dead, let's welcome NIkki Minaj the Smoochum real creative name I know to the team!

In other news, I updated the main post with a list of all the major battles I have to win, as well as a massive amount of Pokemon that I caught! Feel free to check it out!

The team so far:

502.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 32

210.pngBully (Male) - Lv. 36

599.pngScarlet (Non-Binary) - Lv. 31

075.pngRoll (Female) - Lv. 32

667.pngSimbette (Female) - Lv. 32

024.pngSnek (Female) - Lv. 31

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Update #20: Always Someone Better

Well, Fern was pretty easy. I led with Simbette, and he led with Ferroseed. Simbette unleashed a mighty fire fang, but the Ferroseed proved to be a tough nut to crack; it shrugged off the damage and retaliated with a gyro ball, doing some damage. Simbette's resolution, however, was a lot tougher than the Ferroseed's skin, and with one more fire fang she cracked and roasted the nut all at once. With Ferroseed down, Fern sent out his racist caricature Ludicolo, while I switched out to Snek. Snek began hacking up acid sprays; Ludicolo got off a mega drain and a zen headbutt, but ultimately it fell to a relentless barrage of special-defense-lowering acid. With that down, Fern sent out his ace, Roserade. I gave Snek a well-deserved break and sent out Nikki Minaj the Smoochum (I'm waiting until she learns psychic to evolve her), but she fainted from a single hidden power. Feeling very frustrated, I decided to take off the kid gloves and sent out Iris the flying squirrel of death and destruction. Iris tanked a giga drain and clipped the rose with a graceful acrobatics to the face, resulting in Fern sending out his last Pokemon: Servine. Servine just barely survived an acrobatics and set up a leech seed, but none of the health recovery in the world could have saved it from a second acrobatics. With Fern defeated, it's time to head over to the Beryl Ward and see if Cain can give us the key!

The team so far:

502.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 32

587.pngIris (Female) - Lv. 34

599.pngScarlet (Non-Binary) - Lv. 32

238.pngNikki Minaj (Female) - Lv. 32

667.pngSimbette (Female) - Lv. 33

024.pngSnek (Female) - Lv. 32

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Update #20: These Are the Keys to Your Life!

I led with a freshly-evolved Skellington, and he led with Dewott. Skellington tanked two fury cutters, then set up a leech seed and got off a razor leaf before finishing Dewott with a shadow sneak... or at least, he would have, if Cain hadn't used his super potion right then. Instead, Dewott fainted from a second razor leaf after getting off one last fury cutter. Cains ent out his Venomoth next, and I sent out an also-freshly-evolved Roll. Poor Roll got put to sleep by Venomoth, but after getting smacked by a psybeam the next turn, she woke up and OHKO'd the Venomoth with a field-boosted smack down. Cain sent out his ace, Nidoking, next, and I sent out Drakonia. Drakonia tanked a chip off and slashed away with a razor shell, lowering Nidoking's defense in the process. Unfortunately, she fainted the next turn from a poison tail, so I sent out a very angry Scarlet. Scarlet barely tanked a thrash, and got off a gear grind, doing significant damage. I spent the next turn healing Scarlet, and she tanked two more thrashes before she finished the Nidoking with a gear grind to the face. Cain, running out out of options, sent out his Grimer, and I sent out Nikki Minaj. Nikki Minaj outsped the pile of sludge and slammed it with a confusion, causing it to hurt itself and allowing her to finish it off with two more confusions (Cain healed Grimer with his last super potion)! And with that we get the right to challenge...oh, hi, Heather. How are you? Wait, come back! Cain, where are you going? You still have to give me the key! Cain! CAIN! Sigh...

The team so far:

502.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 32

711.pngSkellington (Male) - Lv. 31

599.pngScarlet (Non-Binary) - Lv. 33

238.pngNikki Minaj (Female) - Lv. 32

076.pngRoll (Female) - Lv. 32

024.pngSnek (Female) - Lv. 32

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Update #21: 3Spoopy5Me

Hey! Sorry for the long gap in updates; I just got my laptop fixed, so I've been playing a lot of Terraria lately. I digress, however; the fight with Shade was really close, but I think I did really well. I led with Skellington, and he led with a Gengar... named Corey... just like... that guy whose body he cleaned up! (GASP) And then I became Skeleton and wrote this Anyway, Skellington outsped Corey with a shadow sneak and tanked a shadow claw, then fired off a shadow sneak and a shadow ball while Shade used up his/her/xyr/its ultra potions healing Corey. After the ultra potions ran out, Shade (in what was honestly a surprise move) switched out Corey for his Trevenant... and it promptly lost over half of its health from a shadow sneak. This is why you were demoted to RU, Trevenant. Anyway, the big, scary tree fainted from another shadow sneak before it could do anything, leading to Shade sending out his Banette. I switched out to a freshly-evolved Scarlet, and she tanked a shadow claw to do massive damage with a field-boosted gear grind... and then fainted from a second shadow claw. Oh well, you had a good run. With Scarlet down, I sent out Snek, who finished the job with a crunch after tanking a shadow claw. Also, it gave Snek 1666 experience. Just thought I should put that out there. Even though the number of the beast is 616 Since Snek got disabled by Banette's cursed body, I switched Snek out for Simbette, and Corey came back out. After a (mercifully) field-weakened thunderbolt, Simbette finished off Corey with a flamethrower (although he did end up paralyzing her). His Doublade came up afterwards, and OH MY GOD IT KNOWS BRICK BREAK. (Minor panic attack ensues) Fortunately, Simbette just barely survived and one-shot the Doublade with another flamethrower, leading to Shade sending out his Rotom. I sent out Roll, and she whacked herself in the face from confusion... twice. (DAMN YOU, CONFUSE RAY!) She fainted after two shadow balls, prompting me to send out Skellington. Skellington outsped the Rotom with a shadow sneak, but got one-shot by a shadow ball. Running out of options, I sent out Snek, who (despite getting confused) lowered the Rotom's health down to the red before fainting from a shadow ball. Desperate, I sent out a newly-evolved Drakonia, and she managed to end it with an aqua jet! YES! Then came Shade's ace- Chandelure. I kept Drakonia on the field, and she got slammed with an energy ball- but amazingly, she survived with just four hit points, and retaliated with a razor shell, finishing the Chandelure and ending the battle! YES! And with that I get the Omen badge... and watch my friends get kidnapped. *Sigh* CAn't I get a break? No? Okay...

The team so far:

503.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 38

711.pngSkellington (Male) - Lv. 37

600.pngScarlet (Non-Binary) - Lv. 38

076.pngRoll (Female) - Lv. 37

024.pngSnek (Female) - Lv. 37

668-f.pngSimbette (Female) - Lv. 38

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Update #22: Over-ZEL-ous (Get it? Overzealous? Okay I'll shut up)

Well, ZEL and the PULSE Muk was a little tricky, but I think it went pretty well. I led with Scarlet, and ZEL led with their Glaceon. Glaceon managed to get off an ice shard, but fainted from a gear grind almost instantaneously. With Glaeon, ZEL sent out their trump card: the PULSE Muk. I quickly sent out Nikki Minaj, who put it to sleep with a sing and then set up a nasty plot before the Muk woke up and whacked her with a sludge wave. Fortunately, she survived and got off a +2 psychic, seriously injuring the Muk; sadly, the Muk lived and retaliated with a second sludge wave, taking Nikki Minaj out. Trying not to panic, I sent out Snek, who paralyzed the Muk with a glare and screeched at it while Muk almost took it out with a muddy water and got healed by ZEL. Snek got off one last crunch before fainting, prompting me to send out Roll. Roll slammed the Muk with a bulldoze, doing massive damage, and the Muk got immobilized by paralysis, allowing Roll to finish it off with a second bulldoze... or, at least, she would have, if ZEL didn't use their last ultra potion on the Muk. Luckily, two more bulldozes took it out before it could even attack! Um, technically, the fight should be over now, right? I mean, the Muk's down, so the PULSE should be deactivated, meaning that the mission's already accomplished, right? Oh well, I guess I could use the experience... anyway, ZEL sent out their Espeon next, so I sent in Skellington. Skellington leech seed'd it while Espeon set up a future sight and fired off a psychic, but Skellington survived it with about 44 hit points to spare and did serious damage with a shadow ball. Skellington then fired off a shadow sneak, taking out the Espeon! Unfortunately, he fainted from the future sight attack, so I sent out Drakonia to finish off the last Pokemon ZEL had: their Umbreon. Despite the Umbreon confusing her constantly recovering its health, Drakonia managed to land four fury cutters in a row, ending the fight! And with that, the pollution of the lake won't get any worse! Oh, and Amaria broke a rib or two thanks to Solaris. Yay.

The team so far:

503.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 39

711.pngSkellington (Male) - Lv. 39

600.pngScarlet (Non-Binary) - Lv. 39

076.pngRoll (Female) - Lv. 39

024.pngSnek (Female) - Lv. 39

124.pngNikki Minaj (Female) - Lv. 39

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Update #23: Overheated

Well, Cal was easier than I remembered. I led with Drakonia, and Cal led with Infernape. The Infernape fired off a close combat, but Drakonia tanked it with over half her health to spare; she then defeated the Infernape with a single razor shell, despite the field weakening her attack (seriously, though, how does extreme heat weaken a SHELL?!). Cal sent out his Magmortar next, and I sent out Roll. The Magmortar charged up a solarbeam... and promptly got OHKO'd with an earthquake. How anticlimactic. Cal sent out his next Pokemon, Typhlosion, and I sent out Simbette. Simbette began roaring with an echoed voice, while the Typhlosion set up a flame charge and charged up a solarbeam. Unlike Magmortar, however, the solarbeam connected... only for it to do pitifully little damage, allowing Simbette to finish it with an echoed voice. Cal sent his Charizard out next, but I kept SImbette on the field and had SImbette keep using echoed voice. The Charizard did a surprising amount of damage with a wing attack, but got hit hard with an echoed voice, forcing Cal to spend the next two turns healing Charizard; sadly, on the fourth turn of it being out, Charizard finished off SImbette with a critial-hit wing attack. A very angry Iris came out to avenge her and proceeded to force-feed the Charizard an electro ball, finishing it off. I switched out to Snek, and Cal sent out his Delphox; unfortunately, Delphox outsped and OHKO'd Snek with a psyshock. I then decided "f@ it" and sent out Roll, who tanked a shadow ball and one-shot the Delphox with an earthquake. All that remained was Cal's Blaziken, so I sent out Nikki Minaj to counter it. Despite the type disadvantage, she easily overpowered it with a psychic, ending the fight and earning me the right to challenge Kiki!

The team so far:

503.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 40

587.pngIris (Female) - Lv. 40

668-f.pngSimbette (Female) - Lv. 40

076.pngRoll (Female) - Lv. 41

024.pngSnek (Female) - Lv.40

124.pngNikki Minaj (Female) - Lv. 40

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Update #24: Shoot the Dog

Well, Victoria was a little underwhelming. I led with Iris, and she led with Scraggy. Scraggy managed to get off a high jump kick, but Iris tanked it and seriously injured it with an air slash. Victoria tried healing Scraggy, but she ran out of chocolate ice cream before Iris ran out of PP for air slash, leading to Scraggy's defeat. Victoria, desperate to stop me from fighting her Sensei, sent out her ace: Emboar. I sent out my starter, Drakonia, and the stage was set for an epic standoff between the two starters... before Victoria quickly pulled Emboar out for her Heracross after it fired off a heat Crash and Drakonia missed two razor shells. (Sigh) Anyway, I swapped Drakonia out for Iris, but she fainted from a take down meant for Drakonia. I decided that enough was enough and sent out Nikki Minaj, who one-shot the Heracross with a psychic. Emboar came back out, and so did Drakonia. Tanking a heat crash, Drakonia finally landed a razor shell and then finished off the Emboar with a aqua jet! Victoria, running out of options, sent out her Gallade next, and I sent out Skellington. Gallade, in a genius move, used leaf blade, but Skellington shrugged it off and seeded it with a leech seed, healing back most of the damage. Gallade used leaf blade again (seriously, Victoria, why?!) and Skellington slammed it with a shadow ball, seriously injuring it. Gallade proceeded to use leaf blade a third time (I'm beginning to suspect it's holding a choice item) and Skellington ended it with one last shadow ball. All that Victoria had left was her Hariyama, and Nikki Minaj, despite getting slammed by a smelling salts, took it out with two psychics, ending the fight!

Y'know, if I may go off on a tangent here, I think I know why so many people aren't that fond of Victoria. It's her inability to "shoot the dog", or do something bad for the greater good. I mean, she won't let you go through the Slums to stop the plants that are in the process of destroying the Obsidia Ward, and she won't let you fight the ailing Kiki to rescue the children who are in the midst of being tortured. But enough about Victoria; time to take on Kiki!

The team so far:

503.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 41

711.pngSkellington (Male) - Lv. 40

587.pngIris (Female) - Lv. 40

076.pngRoll (Female) - Lv. 41

024.pngSnek (Female) - Lv.40

124.pngNikki Minaj (Female) - Lv. 41

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Well, Kiki took a couple tries; I'd say she was one of the harder fights I've faced this run. I led with Nikki Minaj, and she led with Machamp. Nikki Minaj managed to OHKO the Machamp with a field-boosted psychic, leading to Kiki sending out her Gallade. During my first battle against it, I learned (to Skellington's chagrin) that Gallade knew poison jab and night slash, so I sent out Iris. Iris scored a OHKO, prompting Kiki to send out her Toxicroak. Again, during my first battle, I learned that this thing had sucker punch, so this time around I had Nikki Minaj put it to sleep, set up a nasty plot, and finish the sleeping frog with a psychic. With the frog down, Kiki sent out her Hitmonlee, and it actually managed to one-shot Nikki Minaj with a high jump kick. I sent out Skellington, and OH GOD IT KNOWS KNOCK OFF. Luckily, Skellington survived not one but two knock offs, got off a leech seed, and took out the Hitmonlee with a mighty, two-critical-hit-scoring bullet seed! Kiki sent out her Lucario next, and I sent out Simbette... only for Simbette to get outsped and OHKO'd. Luckily, Roll did a lot better, tanking an aura sphere thanks to sturdy and wiping out the Lucario with an earthquake. With Lucario down, Kiki decided it was time to get serious and sent out her ace: Medicham. I sent out Iris, and she managed to lower the Medicham's accuracy with an air slash before fainting to an ice punch and a drain punch. With her down, I sent out Drakonia, who got off a razor shell and an aqua jet; unfortunately, she fainted from an ice punch, a drain punch, and a mighty strength. With only two Pokemon left, I started to get a little desperate and sent out a very weak Skellington... who managed to land a critical hit with shadow sneak, finishing off the Medicham! YES! And thus, I get the fury badge... um, Kiki? You okay? Kiki? KIKI!

..or not. Sigh...

The team so far:

503.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 41

711.pngSkellington (Male) - Lv. 41

587.pngIris (Female) - Lv. 41

076.pngRoll (Female) - Lv. 41

668-f.pngSimbette (Female) - Lv. 40

124.pngNikki Minaj (Female) - Lv. 42

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #26: All by Myself

Well, Aster and Eclipse weren't too bad. I led with Scarlet and Drakonia, and Aster and Eclipse led with Solrock and Lunatone. Solrock went down fast to a razor shell and a gear grind, while Lunatone set up a cosmic power. Their Magmar came out next, and despite it confusing Drakonia, she managed to break through the confusion and... miss. Miss entirely. As did Scarlet, allowing Lunatone to set up a free cosmic power. The next turn, Scarlet flinched from a rock slide, and Drakonia hurt herself out of confusion. I was starting to get frustrated. Luckily, after sacrificing a goat to the hax gods in-between turns, Drakonia managed to hit the Lunatone with a razor shell and Scarlet finished it off with a razor shell! Aster and Eclipse sent out their Rhydon, and Drakonia tanked a fire punch and snapped out of confusion, then proceeded to OHKO the Rhydon while Scarlet got a gear grind off on the Magmar. Aster and Eclipse's Electabuzz came out next, and after tanking a mach punch she managed to finish off the Magmar with an aqua jet! Her joy was short-lived, however, as she promptly fainted from a cross chop from Electabuzz. Skellington came out to replace his fallen comrade, and fired off a bullet seed at Milotic, taking out a third of its health. Scarlet, meanwhile, slammed the Electabuzz with a gear grind, but did little damage and ended up paralyzing herself. She then fainted the next turn, but on the bright side, Skellington managed to finish off the Milotic with a bulet seed! All that stood between me and Taka was Aster and Eclipse's Electabuzz, and it went down fast from a shadow sneak from Skellington and an earthquake from Roll! Let's go save Cain!

The team so far:

503.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 41

711.pngSkellington (Male) - Lv. 42

024.pngSnek (Female) - Lv.40

600.pngScarlet (Non-Binary) - Lv. 41

076.pngRoll (Female) - Lv. 41

668-f.pngSimbette (Female) - Lv. 40

Edited by supermario79411
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Update #27: Blah, Blah, Blah

I led with Simbette, and he led with a Klefki. Simbette roasted the keychain with a flamethrower, taking it out before it could even attack! Taka sent out his Cradily next, and I sent out Snek. Snek paralyzed the Cradily, tanked three ancientpowers, and managed to lower its special defense to nothing with a barrage of acid sprays, but ultimately fainted from a giga drain. Fortunately, Scarlet was able to finish what Snek started and took the Cradily out with a field-boosted gear grind. With the Cradily down, Taka sent out his ace- Chatot. I sent out Iris, and despite being confused by a chatter, she managed to paralyze the Chatot with a nuzzle. With Chatot paralyzed, Iris was able to snap out of confusion and end the Chatot with an electro ball! All that Taka sent out his last Pokemon, Gligar, next, and I switched out for Roll, who managed to tank three acrobatics to the face and took the Gligar out with a smack down and two earthquakes! And so, with that over with, it's time to stop Solaris before he blows up Apophyl Academy!

The team so far:

503.pngDrakonia (Female) - Lv. 41

587.pngIris (Female) - Lv. 41

024.pngSnek (Female) - Lv.40

600.pngScarlet (Non-Binary) - Lv. 41

076.pngRoll (Female) - Lv. 41

668-f.pngSimbette (Female) - Lv. 41

Edited by supermario79411
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