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eeveelution help


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Ok, so I am trying to decide between a vaporeon and a leafeon because I just got eevee and either could fit in my team. At the moment the five I have besides eevee are typhlosion, krookodile, scrafty, beheeyem, and ampharos.

Overall, I like leafeon more, as i have more special attack and special defense pokemon and an attack defense pokemon would be a good change. Leafeon also has resistance to electric, which is good because i seem to come across them a lot. It also strong against water, and I find that ampharos doesn't make the cut sometimes with water types and special defense pokemon in general. I also just like leafeon more, the design is better, it's really fast, and I am very reluctant to use water types. In terms of weaknesses, I have beheeyem to take care of poison and krookodile for fire, ampharos for flying and typhlosion for bug, but i would prefer not to aim my team to specifically deal with its weaknesses and pull its weight. In all its pretty mixed for my team, and I like the swords dance leaf blade combo.

Then there's vaporeon. On my team, this pokemon would be replacing a water type spot (simipour) and honestly vaporeon, and I hate to admit it, is pretty good for my team. Its got no weaknesses to the main meteor types (poison, steel, bug, and ground pretty much), everything but electric which is really annoying and the one thing about water I hate. It does have marvelous special attack paired with great hp and pretty good special defense which is great, accept for the fact that it's slow and its defense sucks. Another plus, though, is that water types, of course, have much less weaknesses than grass and is super effective against fire. So vaporeon in terms of stats is pretty much equal to leafeon, but its typing gives it the advantage and it can learn surf.

So I really need help; I want to get on with my game and I don't know which one to choose.

And yeah.

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Honestly Leafeon and Vaporeon both have pros and cons.

Type advantage wise, Leafeon would add an unfortunate disadvantage as far as bug type moves considering that Krook and Beheeyem both have weaknesses, but bug types won't be much of a threat since you have already beaten the bug-type gym leader and they won't be too common. Also Typhlosion shouldn't have much problem with its fire type moves. Typhlosion has some decent synergy with Leafeon, boosting its fire type attacks (with flash fire) when hit by a fire attack which should be fairly easy to lure in. Typhlosion also won't have any problem tanking those ice type moves and hitting back hard. Poison honestly isn't much of a threat to either Vaporeon or Leafeon.

Vaporeon would add two weaknesses, grass and electric. The only other poke weak to grass is Krook, but Typhlosion could easy take it down. If you added Vap then it would be the only poke weak to electric, and Krook would easily destroy electrics.

Leafeon has a fairly shallow moveset, learning Swords Dance and Leaf Blade leveling up, and even sunny day to help out typhlosion and for the chlorophyll boost. Leafeon could also hit hard with Last Resort but those are some of the best moves it could learn via level up. You could do lots of breeding but that wouldn't help much.

Vaporeon has a decent moveset in Hydro Pump/Muddy Water, Signal Beam/Aurora Beam, Shadow Ball, and maybe Rain Dance or Wish; the latter available through breeding.

Both seem like fair options for your team, but in my opinion, Leafeon seems like the way to go balancing out physical and special attackers (I assume). Also Leafeon can pack a hard punch. You shouldn't underestimate Vaporeon's bulk though, it can tank a lot of (special) hits and has some decent special attack on its own.

I hope I could help~

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Thanks! That really helped out a lot! I needed a second opinion on it, because they were really close in terms of which I could use on my team. Also, where is ditto? I'm assuming you get it later in the game but it's always good to have a heads up when you're close.

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In agreement with what the others have said, maybe breed another one so you can use both and use them in rotation?

There is also one more place to get it, but I think you have missed the event.

Ditto: 7th street if you missed the event, West Peridot Ward Factory (after finishing Daycare Couple storyline) Guide: http://youtu.be/UEoCuDInp5U?t=4m

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