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I bring to you all greetings, cookies and cupcakes, Pinkie Pie special recipe baked!

A certain gemstone was going to make this topic to introduce me as latest Reborn Staff member- But when she actually logged on, she was more then overwhelmed by the awesomeness that shines in my manes-

Nah I'm kidding.

So hi, I've been around, you've probably seen me do my thing in the Bug Reporting/Troubleshooting section lately and was recently approached to be appointed as designated Staff member for this section, so here I am!

No, I'm not an actual Global Moderator, I'll only be doing things around Bug Reporting and Troubleshooting. If things pop up in other sections, I'm not your pony-to-go-to.

With that all being said, I hope we'll all have a great time together and if there's anything broken with your save or if you've found any bugs and/or glitches, you know where to find me!


He may fix things but he is the largest gamebreaker Reborn will ever know!

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Thankies, thankies!

Starting to run low on cookies and cake..

Once I get the sleep out of my eyes and my brain starts to function somewhat properly, I'll think of something.. Creative enough for a new title that would suit me.

(Or I can always ask around for good suggestions!)

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