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Remember that some of the Gym Leaders were nerfed quite heavily so that the new players can have a chance to beat them. I personally haven't faced pre-nerf Noel yet, but he wasn't as easy as this. Also the AI got worse with Essentials Version 15. Congrats anyway.

Edited by biboo195
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well, try e9 noel. see how you fair against that.

double battle. still has clefairy. (gen 5) is overall rage.

damm newbies being spoiled with e15 noel :C

No doubt E9 Noel is a monster...I've only been playing since E13, but he's been the easiest for me ever since I started

Don't laugh at noel his swellow will end you!, wait since when did he have a wigglytuff?

1. any really set-up pokemon will end his swellow

2. He had Wigglytuff since E14

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Several of his pokemon have HP fire, boosted by the grassy field. So steel is not a really good option

That's why I owned his gym with a Fire/Rock type...field effect boosts from fire + rock-type resistances to his normal type moves are monstrous

Edited by nsbwinner2
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