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Fem protagonist is WONDERFUL AAAAH

I love the features you planned, I can't wait to see the final release :D In fact, just the other day I was wondering "What if, instead of going back to the Pokecenter and trying again after you lose a fight, you just continued on with the story?" And then this happened ^-^

Although I have to ask, what exactly does a "Game Over" entail? Do you start over from your last save point, or do you have to start from the very beginning O_O"

Thanks! Game over just means you start from your last savepoint. :) Some will end like this and others you will just continue on if it's okay for you to lose.

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As we near the release date, I've decided to post a few small updates if only to retain sanity, since I'm too excited to share this game with you all. :) I'm also keeping everything under spoilers in case that's a thing for you.

Here's the first tournament leader you will fight, from the freshman league.


Axel is from the sprawling farming town of Trundale in eastern Atora, and specializes in Normal and Fighting Pokemon. (Note that not all tournament leaders will have specializations)

I've decided something else if only for the sake of the story: The tournament aspect is now integral and required. I realized after playing through that without mandating the tournaments it will be pretty difficult to set checkpoints to end every episode, as so much of the game is open. I also want some of the notable trainers of the tournaments to be involved in the story. Regardless, I think the tournament will be a fun challenge that I hope you'll enjoy!

As always, I will gladly take suggestions for tournament

Edited by Sunbean
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For today's update, here's a peek at the opening screen of the game with Prof. Cane. :)


I also repaired the broken image in the last update, sorry about that. It seems all of the images in this thread broke for some reason!

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For today's update, here's a peek at the opening screen of the game with Prof. Cane. :)


I also repaired the broken image in the last update, sorry about that. It seems all of the images in this thread broke for some reason!

I think most images not uploaded from printscreen/lightshot break after a few days due to server space issues. Also, Professor Cane looks nice!

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I think most images not uploaded from printscreen/lightshot break after a few days due to server space issues. Also, Professor Cane looks nice!

Yeah, likely the links expired, I just find it odd because I have an account on the image hosting site and they're all still there.

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I've used Gyazo and postimage which are generally fine, but anyways that's not what I wanted to talk about.

I like the tournament idea, but I suppose there's a lot from a gameplay perspective that should be discussed. First and foremost is with regards on how the tournament will work. Will it be 4 battles in a row without healing (probably will be healed between battles) or will there be breaks inbetween. CoM style (I just used this as a coin term tbh) where items and shift are prohibited would also make sense.

Other than all that, I'm totally for a change outside of the classic gym puzzle before leader style. Quite a bit you can do with this, but I would need more info on how you want to approach this. I will warn you that back-to-back battles are some of the trickiest to balance.

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I've used Gyazo and postimage which are generally fine, but anyways that's not what I wanted to talk about.

I like the tournament idea, but I suppose there's a lot from a gameplay perspective that should be discussed. First and foremost is with regards on how the tournament will work. Will it be 4 battles in a row without healing (probably will be healed between battles) or will there be breaks inbetween. CoM style (I just used this as a coin term tbh) where items and shift are prohibited would also make sense.

Other than all that, I'm totally for a change outside of the classic gym puzzle before leader style. Quite a bit you can do with this, but I would need more info on how you want to approach this. I will warn you that back-to-back battles are some of the trickiest to balance.

This may be a bit long winded, sorry about that.

First, the way the tournaments are structured, you're able to lose once and be tossed into the "loser" bracket with another and battle to stay in. If you lose again, even after winning the loser battle, you forfeit the tournament. The key for the player is to manage when to take a loss when to reset, or when to forfeit altogether.

Basically the way it is structured depends on the rank. So when you go into the tournament, you start out at the lowest rank and as you level up your team that rank will change and increase difficulty. There's no going backwards once your rank increases, and for the sake of story you're more or less locked into ranks as you go.

For the lower two ranks, you'll complete a battle, and in between will be stuck in an area where you can heal and switch out Pokemon, but not purchase items. You won't be able to leave the building, however, but can forfeit manually or by losing twice if you feel the need but this will mean you lose that tournament. The good thing about this is that you don't need to win every single tournament, as they're isolated events. However, losing too many will lock you out of future gameplay events and you may find yourself having to rebattle a lot of trainers to keep up with the game's pace.

For the top two, you'll be able to roam out of the building, purchase items, etc. in between, if only because the difficulty will mean having to reformulate teams and I wouldn't want you to have to forfeit just because you lack the team you need to beat a certain person. It also makes sense story wise as these trainers are usually the best of the best and their battles will be a lot more special. I wanted to make it so you were unable to heal, like with the E4, but I decided to instead but the challenge in the individual team's strength and not managing items.

Now, I've come to realize that forfeiting as a mechanic may cause an imbalance in difficulty, which is why I think the more open approach to the game is needed. You can go back and rebattle some trainers after certain points, will be able to battle during sidequests, etc. Imposing a level cap will also prevent too much leveling up, but it's not quite as merciless as with other games.

The logistics of balancing the game aren't sorted out completely regardless, until we go into beta testing. Just playing the game through on my own it seems there are some adjustments that will be made, but I think the tournament mechanics will work well for now. The forfeit mechanic may be a bit tricky for now, but perhaps I will just make it so the option does not exist. For now this is just a theory that I can work out through trial and error.

Edited by Sunbean
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Sounds like you've put a lot of detail and thought into this one. The whole amount of work creating the losing part of this tournament is more on you than player's thoughts, but most people do not accept loses and would just save before the tournament starts and never lose. I do suggest teaching the players it's okay to lose a battle in one of these in sort of a mock trail tournament instead of throwing them into one that'd affect events down the line.

Really hard to say how to go with this as for myself, I probably would've forced players to win all of their battles or have to redo the entire thing aka white out, but technically you are using game overs so...same story more or less. As for your worries about the top tiers, people were able to overcome the CoM which is something where battles can be absolutely brutal. Most of the gauntlet's design is to test how good a team is by throwing a whole bunch of different strategies (the final areas don't even hold back) against them. Perfect EV trained mons struggle in that thing even. If people can get through that, I'm pretty sure balancing won't be an issue for you.

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Sounds like you've put a lot of detail and thought into this one. The whole amount of work creating the losing part of this tournament is more on you than player's thoughts, but most people do not accept loses and would just save before the tournament starts and never lose. I do suggest teaching the players it's okay to lose a battle in one of these in sort of a mock trail tournament instead of throwing them into one that'd affect events down the line.

Really hard to say how to go with this as for myself, I probably would've forced players to win all of their battles or have to redo the entire thing aka white out, but technically you are using game overs so...same story more or less. As for your worries about the top tiers, people were able to overcome the CoM which is something where battles can be absolutely brutal. Most of the gauntlet's design is to test how good a team is by throwing a whole bunch of different strategies (the final areas don't even hold back) against them. Perfect EV trained mons struggle in that thing even. If people can get through that, I'm pretty sure balancing won't be an issue for you.

I agree, I think most people will not want to lose at all but it should be okay to throw in a particularly difficult tournament without consequence early on to just encourage people to consider the feature. It's fine if no one ever loses, but I think the option should be a good one to have.

As for the top tier battles, I'm still not 100% sure on what I'll do. Just from my perspective as someone who is a more casual player and struggled with the tougher fangames out there, I want to keep the option open to make the game tough but still soft enough that battles don't require jumping through a million hoops.

Thanks a lot for your input, I'll certainly have some things to polish as this goes on!

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  • 2 weeks later...

A bit of an update, just an accomplishment I finally managed to make work, lights on at night.


I'm also putting this up for discussion with regards to release. Everything is done for episode one and after some debugging ready for release, but playing through it, it seems a bit short. I kind of want the first episode to be a bit longer, just to get people interested and not have it end after just a couple of hours. So, I'm starting to ask, should I release it this month with only the content done now, or release it in December or possibly January and double the length of the episode? I had some content planned more for episode two but it can easily be shifted. Just want to know from you all, I'm itching to release the game soon but I don't just want things to be polished, I also want it substantial.

With nothing else to do I'm thinking I will just keep on adding to it.

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Usually, the first episode is shorter. I also prefer it that way, so things can be more polished first. You can also focus more to get rid of major bugs in case there's any. With larger release for first episode, there are more works for debugging in case there are any bugs. (I also support this decision because I don't have 3ds so I can't join S/M hype...)

But if you insist to add more content to the first episode, what content are you planning to add? A few more sidequest, a side-story, or an extension of the major plot? If it is the former, then I'd really like to wait because I like more sidequests. However, if you plan to extend the major plot, make sure to do it right so the episode won't end abruptly.

Remember also that this month Sun/Moon is released and Reborn might be released around if not this month so you should have that in mind if you want more attention to your game~ Anyway good luck with the project, I'm looking forward for it. Also, that light looks nice~

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Usually, the first episode is shorter. I also prefer it that way, so things can be more polished first. You can also focus more to get rid of major bugs in case there's any. With larger release for first episode, there are more works for debugging in case there are any bugs. (I also support this decision because I don't have 3ds so I can't join S/M hype...)

But if you insist to add more content to the first episode, what content are you planning to add? A few more sidequest, a side-story, or an extension of the major plot? If it is the former, then I'd really like to wait because I like more sidequests. However, if you plan to extend the major plot, make sure to do it right so the episode won't end abruptly.

Remember also that this month Sun/Moon is released and Reborn might be released around if not this month so you should have that in mind if you want more attention to your game~ Anyway good luck with the project, I'm looking forward for it. Also, that light looks nice~

I would just be adding side stories, and a bit of plot at the end. As it stands things end after the first tournament, and then you can unlock a secret area, but I can definitely add a bit more story to it because it isn't anything that will ruin the pacing.

It crossed my mind Sun and Moon would be releasing November which is why I had it planned for late Nov to early December, after the more hardcore fans here are finished, but I didn't consider EP 16 would be releasing soon until now.

Maybe I'll delay it until after Reborn so people aren't distracted, and I won't be too busy playing to help people with my own game. You've given me something to think about, at least, lol!

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Hey guys, a bit of an update because I don't want to disappear out of nowhere, but I will be leaving the forums for some time and halting progress on the game until then. A few days ago my and aunt and uncle were in an accident and unfortunately today we lost my aunt and soon, my uncle as well. Not really up for working on anything, and we need some time to process. Hope you understand, and I hope to get to putting out episode 1 asap.

I just did not want anyone to be alarmed if I disappear again! I will put out the demo in the next coming weeks but won't be around to fix any bugs, because of the situation it will be a sort of short length but I hope you enjoy it. I will update the orginal post with a link at the time.

See you all soon.

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Hey guys, a bit of an update because I don't want to disappear out of nowhere, but I will be leaving the forums for some time and halting progress on the game until then. A few days ago my and aunt and uncle were in an accident and unfortunately today we lost my aunt and soon, my uncle as well. Not really up for working on anything, and we need some time to process. Hope you understand, and I hope to get to putting out episode 1 asap.

I just did not want anyone to be alarmed if I disappear again! I will put out the demo in the next coming weeks but won't be around to fix any bugs, because of the situation it will be a sort of short length but I hope you enjoy it. I will update the orginal post with a link at the time.

See you all soon.

I'm really sorry to hear about that. We get it though! Don't even worry about the game, everyone who wanted to play it will still be here when you return, no matter how long you take to come back.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys, a bit of an update because I don't want to disappear out of nowhere, but I will be leaving the forums for some time and halting progress on the game until then. A few days ago my and aunt and uncle were in an accident and unfortunately today we lost my aunt and soon, my uncle as well. Not really up for working on anything, and we need some time to process. Hope you understand, and I hope to get to putting out episode 1 asap.

I just did not want anyone to be alarmed if I disappear again! I will put out the demo in the next coming weeks but won't be around to fix any bugs, because of the situation it will be a sort of short length but I hope you enjoy it. I will update the orginal post with a link at the time.

See you all soon.

I hope you don't emotionally scar because of this, those scars never fully go away...Take as much time as you need.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Back for now, feeling a lot better as well.


On topic, tough. I'm also finishing up finals this week so hopefully I will be able to oversee the Episode 1 release. I haven't touched it since last month but will be finishing up things next week, and then release a beta. Official release won't be for a while, until the hype for the newest Reborn episode calms down. 


In the meantime, here's some fem protagonist artwork I finally finished on break. I'll release the others soon. :)




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  • 3 weeks later...

Quick update, the news with Pokemon Prism really freaked me out and I am super afraid to release anything atm in case it takes off somehow. I'll probably release after all of the SuMo freshness is gone and the Pokemon hype dies. Regardless, I'm in the process of finishing up alpha testing and moving on to beta. PM me if you're interested in receiving a copy. 


Testing right now puts playtime at 2 hours. Not what I wanted, but good enough for now! Will also be updating the first post soon!

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Wow this game just sounds amazing and I can't wait and try it out. But I have a question regarding the relationship system. It's just I'm wondering on how it would work and how far certain relationships might go, like if the system only changes the dialogues of other characters or if there might be more of a romantic relationship with some of the characters? I'm just basically how far you plan to go with the system.


But anyways the game sounds like it will be fun and interesting to see how it goes :D

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14 hours ago, Frozenwolf94 said:

Wow this game just sounds amazing and I can't wait and try it out. But I have a question regarding the relationship system. It's just I'm wondering on how it would work and how far certain relationships might go, like if the system only changes the dialogues of other characters or if there might be more of a romantic relationship with some of the characters? I'm just basically how far you plan to go with the system.


But anyways the game sounds like it will be fun and interesting to see how it goes :D


Basically the system will involve winning people over that you might not get along with, and getting sidequests with those characters as well. Some events might vary if you have a strong relationship (good or bad) with a person involved. And of course, you will get dialogue changes for characters as well when you make normal conversation with them.


As far as romance goes, I have been considering it. I like the idea but would have to fit in the narrative of the story and not turn people who aren't interested in that away. What is likely to happen is that it won't go farther than some hints. Not sure yet!

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