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Help with my In-Game team


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Hello everyone i am currently playing through the game (I am at the point where you have to stop team meteor from using camerupt on the fighting island)

My current team

Seismitoad(Tremor) level 36 (Currently grinding up)

Rain Dance

Muddy Water


Aqua Ring

Ability: Water Absorb

Ben (Emboar) level 45

Heat Crash



Roll out


Zaria(Exploud) level 43 (Really considering replacing this mon)





Ability: Scrappy

Alesha(Meowsitc) level 45(Also up to be replaced but is being really useful so far)



Shadow Bal

Signal Beam


PK(Magneton)Level 45(I dont know how to make him a magnezone so help would be appreciated)

Electro Ball

Flash Cannon

Metal Sound

I am currently carrying around a pachirisu for pickup and death fodder so a sixth team member would be great and also i am playing through the game avoiding all type over lap in my party so keep that in mind any help is appreciated

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For evolving Magneton into Magnezone, this thread should help http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/?showtopic=7274 though you've gotta beat another 2 gyms from the point you're at to evolve it. Also it should be getting discharge soon like around Level 50ish, so teach it that.

If you wanna keep Exploud I recommend getting the move reminder to teach it Boomburst (140 Base Power Special Normal attack)

I highly recommend switching Meowstic since there are better Psychic types like Gardevoir which is available as a Ralts from the Corrupted Pokeball event under the railnet (after beating Aya)

Seismitoad has a pretty poor level up move set, but you get Sludge Wave as a TM for beating Aya so that's a plus I guess. If you want a better Water type with better moves via Level up, I recommend Ludicolo with Surf/Bubblebeam, Giga Drain (ONLY LEARNED BY LEVEL 30 LOTAD, NOT LOMBRE OR LUDICOLO or as an Egg move), Rain dance and Mist.

If you're looking for a new Pokemon that'll continuously help you out, I highly recommend a Speed Boost Yanma with Air Slash, Bug Buzz, Ancientpower and Detect. (You can use Struggle Bug until it gets Bug Buzz)

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If you wanna replace Exploud I would recommend Porygon. It evolves into a Porygon2 around Noel, which might seem a little late but Porygon2 has some great defensive abilities. Porygon will also be a decent wall with 65/70/75 defenses and an early access to recover. PorygonZ is a strong attacker with a massive 135 base special attack, rivaling Alakazam and Gengar. Its only drawback is its average speed, at base 90. However, it will be able to take a few hits with its above average bulk (for a sweeper) and recover. What puts it ahead of other special attackers like Alakazam and Gengar is its ability, Adaptability. This ability increases the STAB from 1.5x to 2.0x. This means its normal type moves, such as Tri Attack and Hyper Beam will hit incredibly hard. Training it up to the rest of your team (to about level 45), will have notable moves such as Discharge, Recover, Psybeam, and Nasty Plot (from heart scale). After luna it will have access to dark pulse and if you beat Shade before recent updates then you should have access to shadow ball as well (iirc). If you train it to fifty it will learn Tri Attack which has great side effects and base power. Porygon's evolutions also have pretty cool designs and even though it will be tedious af to train it 40-45 levels up, it will be a complete monster when you get PorygonZ.

If you do indeed choose to use Porygon, here is the guide to learn how to evolve it: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/?showtopic=6802

There are many other decent normal options to fill up the spot of Exploud, but Porygon is the best in my opinion.

I hope I could help and I hope you have fun ~

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