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In game team help!!


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I am currently about to battle the level 75 Garchomp and I was wondering at what stage in the game would i run into trouble with this team?

Level 41 Typhlosion

Nature Power,Flame Wheel, Flame Charge and Smokescreen

Flash Fire

Level 41 Meowstic

Psychic, Psyshock, Charge Beam, Fake Out


Level 42 Magneton

Charge Beam, Metal Sound, Flash Cannon, Spark


Level 42 Slurpuff

Fairy Wind, Draining Kiss, Energy Ball, Fake Tears


Level 44 Pangoro

Body Slam, Crunch, Shadow Claw, Work Up


Level 44 Emolga

Charge Beam, Acrobatics, Shock Wave, Volt Switch

Motor Drive

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If you don't get a few rock or ground types, then you will probably have trouble with Charlotte. You will probably end up getting rid of Emolga and Meowstic solely due to the fact that they are just outclassed. Magneton/Mangezone both outclass Emolga and Gallade/Gardevoir outclass Meowstic. You might also end up exchanging Slurpuff/Pangoro or at least running a rotational team due to all of the dangers in Reborn. Also, you are meant to lose the battle against Garchomp in case you didn't know already, as 6ixGod said :)

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You might need something else when battling Charlotte, you are kinda far from there, but anyway, I'd suggest you yo get a powerful Water pokemon that can handle Sun teams (such as Rain Dance Kingdra), a Bulky Ground pokemon like Donphan and/or a Dragon Type aka Flygon

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actually, winning the battle changes the plot of the story waaay later in the game~

Wait, really? What changes?

You might want to get an Azurill, it gives helpful water and fairy coverage. A strong/bulky grass type. Your team will benefit greatly.

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