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[WIP] Reborn Boss Strategy Guide


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PSA: This is not a thread for you to ask help with a Gym Leader and provide your team. That thread is here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13527

As of E15, we have 13 Gyms, 3 Rivals, and a whole lot of Team Meteor members and if you need help with any of them, you could always check here for a possible Pokemon that might be successful in your battle! I'll have most specifically useful Pokemon for each battle. And, as Gossip Grumpig, I know every character's team, and I'll share them to help you guys out! Also, if you have anything to say about something that could be useful, share!

Basic Information
- Grinding is great and all, but make sure not to go above the level cap. If you do, purchase some Common Candies in Obsidia Ward or Agate Circus.
- While no necessary, EV training could be done.
- Try changing up your team if you seem to be struggling. You may want to check out this Breeding Guide for better Movesets, too: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=10935
- Remember to bring healing items!
- Changing the Field or simply destroying it is a good idea. Field Effects here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/game/fields.html

The Format:

[Pokemon], Level, Ability (if set), Item, Moves
Person's Strategy

Set Up:
Field Changers:

Cain (I)

Nidoran-M, Lv. 5, Hustle / Scratch, Leer
This is your first battle, so it's probably just going to be a Scratch-fest right here. Due to Nidoran's Hustle, he gets more power, but he will occasionally miss.

Set Up:
Field Changers:

Extra: The only Pokemon you CAN use here is your starter. I recommend just spamming Tackle/Scratch/Ember/Bubble (not Vine Whip for typing reasons) and not bothering with your stat lowering move, because that usually works. If Cain gets a lucky critical hit, well, you can always use that Potion you should've gotten from the lady in front of the Grand Hall who disappears after entering.

Victoria (I)

Tepig, Lv. 5, Thick Fat / Tackle, Tail Whip
This battle really isn't anything different from Cain. Still, you should be level 6 by now, so this battle should be a bit easier.

Set Up:
Field Changers:

Extra: Again, you may only use your starter. Just spam your attack (but not Ember due to resistance from typing and Thick Fat) and hope for the best. (You also may still have your Potion to use.)

Fern (I)

Lotad, Lv. 10, Swift Swim / Growl, Absorb, Astonish, Bubble
Snivy, Lv. 12, Overgrow / Wrap, Tackle, Leer, Vine Whip
Budew, Lv. 13, Natural Cure / Stun Spore, Growth, Mega Drain, Water Sport
There really isn't much to Fern. He is currently a Mono-Grass trainer, so he has Lotad's Bubble and Budew's Water Sport to counter Fire types. In addition, you should watch out for Budew's Stun Spore. Snivy's Wrap could be annoying, and Budew's Mega Drain helps him gain more HP, but that's really all there is to this battle.

Walls: Grass types against Fern's team is really just a stalemate...
Attackers: Flying types, Fire types, Poison types, Bug types. That's all. (Best choices: Pidgey, Hoothoot, Woobat, Fire Starter, Pansear, Grimer, Stunky, Kricketune)
Set Up:
Field Changers:

Aster and Eclipse (I)

Items: 1 Potion
Field: Factory
Magby, Lv. 16, Flame Body / Ember, Smokescreen, Feint Attack, Fire Spin
Elekid, Lv. 16, Static / Thundershock, Low Kick, Swift, Shock Wave
You'll be facing these two in a Double battle, along with Fern (who leads with Budew). Now, using a contact move against either of them is kinda bad, since you may get burned or paralyzed. In addition, Magby may trap you with Fire Spin and has Feint Attack for any Psychic types. Elekid uses his Thundershock and Shock Wave, which are both boosted by the Field, as well as Low Kick, to deal with any Normal or Dark types you may try to use. The two are definitely a bit frightening, but Elekid is obviously the bigger threat.

Walls: Marshtomp and Wormadam-S resist both Pokemon.
Attackers: Marshtomp has Mud Shot, which is great for dealing with both Pokemon. In addition, you may want to try using Blitzle, Pachirisu, or even Tynamo to make use of the field.
Set Up: Espurr with Light Screen may help reduce the damage of Elekid and Magby's STAB Thundershock, Shock Wave, and Ember.
Field Changers:
Extra: You really should let Fern help you out with Elekid. Mega Drain plus your attack should be enough to do a lot of damage to it. Fern's Stun Spore will also help with Magby, making it less of a threat. Too bad Doubles AI sucks.


Items: 2 Potions
Field: Electric Terrain

Helioptile, Lv. 12, Dry Skin / Thundershock, Glare, Charge Beam, Mud Slap
Voltorb, Lv. 12, Aftermath / Sonicboom, Rollout, Charge Beam, Explosion
Voltorb, Lv. 12, Aftermath / Sonicboom, Rollout, Charge Beam, Explosion
Emolga, Lv. 13, Static, Potion / Acrobatics*, Charge Beam, Quick Attack, Nuzzle
Blitzle, Lv. 12, Motor Drive / Quick Attack, Thunder Wave, Flame Charge, Charge beam
Electrode, Lv. 15, Aftermath / Charge, Charge Beam, Rollout, Sonicboom
*Thanks to Emolga's Potion, its Acrobatics does not deal 110 base damage.
As you can see from Julia's team, Julia enjoys using her Field boosted STAB Explosions and her Sonicbooms, which always does 20 damage and can HURT. In addition, she may paralyze her Pokemon with Static, Glare, Thunder Wave, or Nuzzle, as well as boost her stats with Charge Beam. Her Emolga's Acrobatics and her Blitzle's Flame Charge effectively defeats any Grass types you may plan on using to wall her, and Rollout can do some heavy damage on Fire types.

Walls: Marshtomp (with Bide) and Wormadam-S are Ground types, giving them immunity to Julia's Electric type moves and Field-changed Explosions. In addition, Volt Absorb Pachirisu (especially with Bide), Lightningrod Goldeen, and Lightningrod/Motor Drive Blitzle are all healed/have their stats increased by Julia's Electric type moves. Soundproof Whismur is immune to Sonicboom. A wall without an immunity is Roselia, for it can easily shrug off Electric type attacks and heal with Mega Drain and Leech Seed.
Attackers: Technician STAB Fury Cutter Kricketune, Moxie boosted STAB Bite Mightyena, Dragon Rage Charmeleon, Hustle STAB Hyper Fang Raticate, and STAB Echoed Voice Whismur are all incredibly useful for this fight. If you can get consecutive hits in Kricketune's and Whismur's case or can continuously faint Pokemon with Bite, you'll be in great shape.
Set Up: Trubbish gets Toxic Spikes, which can badly poison everyone on Julia's team besides Helioptile, her lead, and Emolga. Also, Perish Song (Igglybuff/Jigglypuff) Julia's Ace and last Pokemon, Electrode, and it will quickly go down without you having to do anything.
Field Changers: Wingull's Mist or Igglybuff's/Jigglypuff's Misty Terrain can change Julia's field to a Misty Terrain, which prevents her from Paralyzing your Pokemon and doing extra damage. In addition, Zigzagoon's Mud Sport destroys Julia's field as well as weakens Electric type moves.
Extra: You also should bring some Paralyze Heals or Full Heals just in case. And make sure not to go above the level cap, 20; levels 13-16 are already good enough. Your Pokemon should also have over 40 HP, so they can live more than 2 Sonicbooms. Also, Potions recover 20 HP, the exact amount of damage Sonicboom does.

Next up: Victoria II, Scraggy Gang, Cain II, ZEL I, Florinia

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Chubb, you outdo your self every time. Excellent guide idea, the Julia part is well done. 13 gyms* though.

You could mention lightning-rod Goldeen being able to do some decent damage boosted, and also mention how useful soundproof is on Whismur for dodging sonicbooms.

Edited by BIGJRA
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I'm really surprised you didn't suggest Zigzagoon. Mudsport not only cripples Julia, but it completely cancels out the field effect which really, really hurts her. I pretty much know the ends and outs of the field effects and their teams from making those hardcore versions of these leaders. If you need anything, just ask.

It might also be a good idea to wright down some threats or strategies the leaders do. I remember Singles Radomus would switch to Gallade for that boosted Justified. For Julia, she obviously likes to go boom and sonicboom really hurts this early in the game. I'd also suggest making a very short list of two or three pokemon instead everything because any Pokemon can be very effective if you know how to use it.

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Thanks you for all of your suggestions, added Zigzagoon to the list.

Also, Commander, thanks for the offer, and I could always use a hand for these. I'll just have my main strategies for every update, and you could just post what to fix and stuff! Also, I'll definitely try cutting down the lists.

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For Julia, asides from the level range, it should also be noted to gain additional levels on top of that until your pokemon have over 40HP. That way they can avoid the 2HKO from sonicboom through this.

This advice might not be valid for the level range, but some pokemon do take their time building up HP so it is worth considering.

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You should have Pachirisu as a recommended pokemon to have and level up, it has enough defenses and hp to take hits early on and it can learn Nuzzle and Bide, which are very crucial moves to beating some early gyms, especially Bide.

One of the strategies i used to beat the infamous Cradily was to let it set up sandstorm(after this Cradily tends to spam Smack Down), let it KO the pokemon that is in at the time and then switch to Pachirisu, use bide, it can take 2 smack downs, then unleash power and Cradily ends up being 1-shot.

Its a good pokemon early on in the game(it can be useful mid-late game too cause it learns sweet kiss and electro ball, but ull face fully evolved pokemon then and Pachirisu might not be as useful as it is early on but it will still be a good pokemon).

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You should have Pachirisu as a recommended pokemon to have and level up, it has enough defenses and hp to take hits early on and it can learn Nuzzle and Bide, which are very crucial moves to beating some early gyms, especially Bide.

One of the strategies i used to beat the infamous Cradily was to let it set up sandstorm(after this Cradily tends to spam Smack Down), let it KO the pokemon that is in at the time and then switch to Pachirisu, use bide, it can take 2 smack downs, then unleash power and Cradily ends up being 1-shot.

Its a good pokemon early on in the game(it can be useful mid-late game too cause it learns sweet kiss and electro ball, but ull face fully evolved pokemon then and Pachirisu might not be as useful as it is early on but it will still be a good pokemon).

...I have never thought about using Bide against Cradily, Thanks for the input, I'll put it as a wall when I create Florinia.

Update: I'm going to do the Rivals and Meteor fights, too. Yes, even the first ones.

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...I have never thought about using Bide against Cradily, Thanks for the input, I'll put it as a wall when I create Florinia.

Update: I'm going to do the Rivals and Meteor fights, too. Yes, even the first ones.

You can use it against multiple gym leaders signature pokemon, even against Electrode, it has enough hp to survive 2 sonicbooms.

Bide is actually very useful.

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  • Veterans

Chubb you and I both know that the easiest way to beat everything in reborn is by using a Sand Rush Swords Dance Excadrill zzz, Resseti 2 op

Aside from that good job so far!

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One pokemon I've found surprisingly useful on recent playthroughs for the early gyms (particularly Jullia) is Ratata/Raticate. It's fast and hustle boosted hyper fang OHKOs a lot of stuff early game. Missing sucks, but doesn't happen that often (for me at least).

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One pokemon I've found surprisingly useful on recent playthroughs for the early gyms (particularly Jullia) is Ratata/Raticate. It's fast and hustle boosted hyper fang OHKOs a lot of stuff early game. Missing sucks, but doesn't happen that often (for me at least).

Added your Raticate to the list!

I promise, guys, I'll update this to Florinia soon. I've just been a bit busy irl.

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