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[WIP] Reborn Boss Strategy Guide


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It's possible with some patience and Pokesnax to evolve Budew into Roselia before Julia, which is pretty powerful for the first gym battle. It resists electric moves and can shrug off Sonic Boom with Mega Drain and Leech Seed. It can match up with her Helioptile, Voltorbs and Electrode, but has issues with Julia's Sap Sipper Blitzle and Emolga.

Edited by Nanami's-Egg
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It's possible with some patience and Pokesnax to evolve Budew into Roselia before Julia, which is pretty powerful for the first gym battle. It resists electric moves and can shrug off Sonic Boom with Mega Drain and Leech Seed. The main issue it faces is Julia's Blitzle with Sap Sipper.


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This rock has a normal gem, equipping it before your battle vs cain tilts the odds pretty significantly in your favor. Using tail whip/leer twice before using the normal gem attack is optimal I think. If you have growl then using it once is optimal I'd guess.

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Don't know if it counts, but if you have 'Curse' (Non Ghost Version) you can lit. just wall your way through some (like 5+) gyms.

Grotle being the earliest candidate I can think of. Will edit once I check the levels you get curse.

Edit: Yeah, Grotle gets it a level 17

Bulk your way through Victoria after you enter obsidia, (Might not work on kirlia or w.e it is she has at that point)

You sure as hell can bulk your way through the Pokemon Gang

It's 'possible' to bulk your way through Tangrowth I believe, (but I believe it has acid spray, so kinda 'eh')

I don't think it works as well during Fern, but I either 5-4 mon sweeped Florina with Curse set up. (Current Cradily doesn't have an out at all to Grotle with set up, moves are 'Refresh' 'Smack Down' (a rock move I think? so natural resistance + curse buffs), 'Stockpile' and 'Sandstorm' iirc, atleast. It's been like a week since I fought julia.

Doesn't really work for Corey, iirc. (Don't remember what field I had though);

Victoria B4 Shelly (I might be skipping some fights, but I'm currently on my like 5th run, and this was my third.): p. sure after +6 (Which isn't that hard considering natural bulk +free access to healing) her team got 6-0'd by this big bellied monster.

I mean, it helped during the Shelly battle, but I dont' really count that per double battle.

You wall the hell out of Kiki, Machoke shouldn't be hitting you hard enough bar crits if you want that clean 6-0 curse set up. (Crits shouldn't be a problem because of your HA, also I believe you should have EQ/Leech Seed by this point on torterra, torterra gets steady HP back and Stab EQS wreck face, moreso when you're +3 to 6. Plus, Poison jabs don't sting as much due to ground type balancing it out.

Before I sent in Torterra to start wrecking face, I had a vespiquen, who is naturally bulky in its own right, set up Struggle bug? (Whatever the TM is you get from Shelly) to start lowering the SpA. But this was only possible AFTER taking out nidoqueen, due to the field effect. Draglge and a paralyzed tenticruel weren't putting out enough damage between the lowering SPA, paralyzes, healing Vespiquen with my other poke's turn, as well as needing to heal their own pokes for free turns.

I'll leave off here, in the case I'm stupid af and this isn't something you're looking for.

EDIT: Right- And For Terra, Putting an Air Balloon on a drapion with accuppressure (or whatever that status move is called) and sending it out on her Claydoll and proceeding to do the fabled +6, as with air balloon, its ground moves cannot touch it, as well as the only other option it has (iirc) is a psychic move, which dark types ignore naturally, from there you can begin #TheTerror.

Edited by Kaiser the great
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There's also a dark gem in the Peridot ward, right where you find Tynamo, but it's hidden next to a crate? Let me show you exactly where it is because at first, I never noticed it until I randomly clicked there and to my surprise, a dark gem. So if you needed to use STAB bite from Poochyena in the Factory against the bosses with the Lunatone/Solrock pair...it could come in handy.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Strategy for Radomus, get ark types (umbreon is good) metagross and gengar. metagross for steel typing on gardevoir, noivern for dark type moves, and gengar for powewrful ghost sweeping, dusknoir also helps.

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