Raindrop Valkyrie Posted July 19, 2015 Share Posted July 19, 2015 3 actually allows you to break even. As you get the Pack and enough bits and bobs to make it equal the amount from a Pack anyway. If you average 7 wins that is known as going infinite and you basically can play Arena forever if you are good enough lol. ((especially if you average 8 or more.)) But yea, the model is quite fair. It could be so much worse but it definitely is too bad. I feel if anything is a bit bad is that the Wings of Naxx and BRM are a bit overpriced, but otherwise I think it is very good. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shamitako Posted July 19, 2015 Share Posted July 19, 2015 I average two wins because I'm bad >_< Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted July 19, 2015 Share Posted July 19, 2015 The only thing I dislike about Arena is that you only get GvG packs right now. (At least in my experience, please correct me if this is wrong.) As most of the cards I'm after lie in the basic packs, I have little reason for Arena runs right now and just spend all my gold on basic packs. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted July 19, 2015 Share Posted July 19, 2015 Well, Tavern Brawl gives an Extra Classic Pack a week now as well... so there is that. ((and it I am pretty sure it is usually GvG packs at the moment.)) At least you can still dust them and eventually get what you want XD. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shamitako Posted July 19, 2015 Share Posted July 19, 2015 Yeah, that does kind of annoy me Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nepeta100 Posted July 19, 2015 Share Posted July 19, 2015 how is everyone liking tavern brawl right know Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jelly Posted July 19, 2015 Author Share Posted July 19, 2015 this tavern brawl is hilarious. random cards with like triple the chance for legends??? it's amazing lol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted July 19, 2015 Share Posted July 19, 2015 Well... some of them are good... the current one is really bad. All random decks... I might as well play Arena. If You could get any of the hero spells it might be interesting to see how the other class cards would interact with each other, but they didn't do it that way XD. The Only one I played a lot of was Nef versus Rag. ((which was heavily favoured towards Nef... but I usually won more as Rag myself so eh...)) THe summoner one was also kinda interesting as it added something small but super game changing. It was jsut interesting lol. ((also the Banana one was super horrible... as it was all Face Hunters and Tempo Mage. If I wanted to see normal ladder decks... I'd go ladder.)) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shamitako Posted July 19, 2015 Share Posted July 19, 2015 I like randomness so this one is funny In general I've enjoyed them Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted July 19, 2015 Share Posted July 19, 2015 I wonder if we'll get another crazy Pre-set deck one though as the likes of Nef vs Rag. I think those ones would be real sweet. Though dashed in every now and then not all the time. Mostly cause they probably take a hell of a lot of work and I'd rather they not spend too much time on that. ((grumbles something about only 9 deck slots.)) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jelly Posted July 19, 2015 Author Share Posted July 19, 2015 personally, i only use 1-2 decks throughout an entire season so 9 deck slots isnt much of anissue for me :_: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted July 19, 2015 Share Posted July 19, 2015 I have 6 I play at one time... so it becomes a hassle for me just due to the type of player I am. I am a Jack of all trades Master of None. That and I like to experiment with things and see what could work etc... thing is I really hate having to delete my other decks to be able to do it. Because fiddling with stuff to make sure I have my decklists in order is a pain. I really wish they'd just let us have as many as we want. But according to Blizzard if people have more than 9 decksllots they won't "Understand the game" because it isn;t simple enough for them. Which is an official statement by a Blizzard employee... I don't understand how people won't understand a Scroll bar, because that is literally all they need to add to add more slots. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jelly Posted July 21, 2015 Author Share Posted July 21, 2015 im so glad i chose the school i did because we're all nerds and a ton of people play hearthstone (not to mention every other game under the sun lol) it's great because we're already planning tours!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted July 21, 2015 Share Posted July 21, 2015 On 7/21/2015 at 5:03 PM, Jelly said: im so glad i chose the school i did because we're all nerds and a ton of people play hearthstone (not to mention every other game under the sun lol) it's great because we're already planning tours!!! Reveal hidden contents Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted July 23, 2015 Share Posted July 23, 2015 You using just a standard format or you using the actual pro-circuit style((a.k.a what some call dominion style and other names.))? The latter is every player has 3 decks they choose to use.((sometimes each player can ban a class for that series.)). They then begin the series of games each choosing their first deck and who ever loses has their deck eliminated. The winner has to keep using the first selected deck until it is eliminated and so on. This goes on until one player is out of decks to use. It is the format most commonly used in tornies. And hell it actually creates a slightly different meta than on ladder. ((Mech SHaman and Patron Warrior are the biggest examples as Patron Warrior on ladder is rare due to it's complexity, and Mech Shaman is rare due to it's somewhat bad match-up versus other aggro. It is actually made to prey on Patron Warrior and other top tier decks so it's tournament play is actually huge lol.)) Just curious lol. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jelly Posted July 23, 2015 Author Share Posted July 23, 2015 new expansion time boys!!!!!! i cant link bc im lazy (on mobile) so just look at it on reddit or something! new mechanic INSPIRE looks to grant minions bonuses when you use your hero power. many shaman buffs and an all new mage card that seemingly lets you use your hero power as much as you want. new cards that can augment your hero power as well (1 cost, +1 dmg, etc.) honestly i think this might put hearthstone to magic levels of unbalance. (or at least start the snowball.) will we need to specify certain rulesets now? will these new cards be nerfed upon release? hope fully before for sure. im very excited for the shaman buffs as well. also im almost through with brm i will finally be able to make dragons pally!!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted July 23, 2015 Share Posted July 23, 2015 Justicar Trueheart looks pretty broken in certain decks to me. I'm looking forward to Frost Giant though. He'll fit into my Handlock pretty nicely. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jelly Posted July 23, 2015 Author Share Posted July 23, 2015 handlock and control warrior are buffed with frost giant. not too sure about how warrior could fit it in but it'd be a solid card!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted July 23, 2015 Share Posted July 23, 2015 http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/19819218/the-grand-tournament%E2%84%A2-opens-this-august-7-22-2015 Just keep in mind... Deckspace is an issue... not to mention cards people thought were good where complete trash when released. ((I remember when people thought Clockwork Giant was good lol.)) Also... Frost Giant I don't think fits too well into Handlock. While you do use your hero power a lot, keep in mind that to use it 10 times... you just did 20 damage to yourself... so Molten Giant is playable anyway... and that is if your opponent did 0 damage to you. Not to mention Mountain Giant is easier to play unfairly as well as Twilight Drake earlier... you just don't have the room for Frost Giant. EDIT: For Reference... you need to use Hero Power at least 3 times for it to be any worth. This would put it at 7 mana. How is this better than Dr. Boom? Yes you could use your HP more to discount it further, but other Giants are easier to discount without messing up your curve or deliberately playing inefficiently. There's just better options The new Inspire Mechanic is freaking awesome though and I can't wait to see what they do with it. I don't think Coldarra Drake will see use... as it's a Mage Card and I will assume you have to spend 2 mana every time to cast it... that is a pretty bad damage ratio... inb4 Maiden of the Lake /Coldarra Mage lol. On Justicar Trueheart... she is slow as hell and a terrible minion in and of herself. 6 mana 6/3 easy to deal with. Though I understand that is the point of it being a battlecry... HOWEVER. You can't use the Hero Power and play her in the same turn unless you wait until turn 8. That's a pretty weak combo. You can set it up for investment on turn 6... but are those Hero Powers strong enough to matter? Perhaps with other cards to spice up the pool but then you get into crazy too much need of combos territory and bad card draw. I think she looks super powerful Flux... but I don't think she is actually that good a card to rely on. I don't think many decks will pick her up until we get heavy experimentation done to see just how much this Hero Powers do etc... and if the other Hero Power based cards help this along. I don't think she is broken at all, because you have to dedicate a lot of your deck to actually making a absolutely shitty turn 6 actually do something. Keep in mind with how aggro the Meta is right now... Jusitcar Trueheart is waaaaaaay to slow imo. EDIT: The Hero Power based theme is actually just cool in and of itself lol. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted July 23, 2015 Share Posted July 23, 2015 Well, Handlock often spends turn two and three (Sometimes turn one as well if you have coin) using just the hero power, so getting it to a 7 isn't really a problem, not to mention all the other times you may use the hero power throughout the game. I don't intend to add it to the deck by taking out a Molten Giant, but rather by replacing a Mountain Giant with it to have some more late game options. 2x Molten Giant, 1x Mountain Giant, 1x Frost Giant would be what I would want to try. The life cost isn't really a problem either, as that's just part of handlock. Two Antique Healbots and Earthen Ring Farseer cover that just fine. I don't expect to get Frost Giant down to 0 mana, but by the time late game rolls around, a 3/4/5 mana Frost Giant isn't out of the question, which is way better than drawing into another mountain giant that will sit around 6/7/8 mana by that point in the game. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted July 23, 2015 Share Posted July 23, 2015 But if you draw Frost Giant Early it is a dead draw, Mountain Giant floats around in the deck to be played turn 4. and ever then you might was well ask if you are not better served just using Dr.Boom in the place of a Frost Giant. I jsut think Frost Giant looks good on paper... but is actually really bad and just not going to cut it. And trust me, I know how Handlock Works lol. Half of them run Jaraxxas to reset to 15, or Malganis to make them immune for awhile... sometimes even adding more demons inot the mix like Void Callers ((though they tend to skew more towards Demonlock then.)) Eh... I jsut don't see Frost Giant Being good in that deck. I understand it in COntrol Warrior... since Control Warrior constantly has turns where they jsut hero power then pass. But, I don't know... seeing a card now and saying it is good is a bad idea... so many times people thought stuff was so good and when ti actually released it was garbage. ((Feign Death was projected by everyone to be the most OP GvG card... it was never used really. It might have something to do with Deathrattle Hunter being ruined before the release but even still.)) I haven't seen anything from this expansion yet that even remotly looks broken... msot of it is ow end mediocre. You're going to have to work these cards into a deck to make that deck good. Not a SINGLE card released thus far is an auto-include in any deck. Also... I love that you're still trying to make Pirates a thing... but they jsut will never be a thing Blizz. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted July 23, 2015 Share Posted July 23, 2015 Well I'm not going to guarantee that Frost Giant will be good by any means... but regardless, I'm excited to try him out. As for Dr. Boom, trust me when I say that I would be using him in that slot if I had him. He's a card that I would call broken, to the point where there are only a select few decks that shouldn't use him, given the opportunity. He just generates too much advantage for a single card. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jelly Posted July 24, 2015 Author Share Posted July 24, 2015 atm im loving kibler's dragon mage. super strong at all points of the game and once you gain a tiny bit of control there's no stopping your board (twisting nether aside...). new expansion is gonna by hype but just like huk said, some cards will be utter garbage when theyre actually released lol Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted July 25, 2015 Share Posted July 25, 2015 Going to pop the Trump Review of all the currently known cards for Grand Tournament. A full disclosure... Trump is a Control/Value type player of Hearthstone. This will somewhat influence what he says. Also... he guessing off what we see now. Once the cards come out we will see just how much they end up seeing use in Construted or Arena. ((I imagine a lot of these cards will see use in Arena as it's a slower format. Inspire is probably super good in Arena XD.)) Part One: ((I will put the covered cards with the video, in the order they appear. They will also be put in this order in the actual description of the video on YouTube with time stamps so you can easily skip to certain cards to get impressions on those right away.)) Reveal hidden contents - Lowly Squire - Garrison Commander - Silver Hand Regent - Maiden of the Lake - Kodorider - Frost Giant - Skycap'n Kragg (Legendary) - Justicar Trueheart (Legendary) - Nexus-Champion Saraad (Legendary) - Poisoned Blade (Rogue) - Lock and Load (Hunter) - Ball of Spiders (Hunter) - Totem Golem (Shaman) - Tuskarr Totemic (Shaman) - Draenei Totemcarver (Shaman) - Thunder Bluff Valiant (Shaman) - Fallen Hero (Mage) - Effigy (Mage) - Coldarra Drake (Mage) Part 2: Reveal hidden contents - North Sea Kraken - King's Defender (Warrior) - Sacred Warrior (Priest) - Wilfred Fizzlebang (Warlock Legendary) All I'll say... is my lord if Totem Shaman Becomes a thing... ((honestly... the Shaman Cards of Thunder Bluff Vailant and Totem Golem look bloody amazing lol)) Shaman is already my fav class and things are looking interesting for my fav class lol. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jelly Posted July 26, 2015 Author Share Posted July 26, 2015 okay well i was getting smashed by face hunters on ladder so i decided to try out flamewaker mage and i havent lost since. it does so consistently well vs aggro it's ridiculous. decent matchups vs control too because of the amount of burst damage you can put out. i'd suggest everyone who is losing to those pesky face hunters to try it out Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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