Dark Desire Posted September 11, 2015 Share Posted September 11, 2015 i've been grinding ladder with secret pally and it's been going pretty good so far, at least hybrid hunter's able to shut it down though Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted September 12, 2015 Share Posted September 12, 2015 Yea Secret Pally is Top Tier right now... I honestly think it elipsed Patron Warrior it's that bloody strong. THere's not even like a specific list yet since it can do both Aggro and Mid-Range lists as it's basically both of those decks jsut using Secrets over having tech cards. It's stuuuuupid powerful. I just love how people thought Mysterious Challenger would see zero play. It's the second coming of the Grim Patron. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted September 17, 2015 Share Posted September 17, 2015 I'm sorry... but I gotta psot this stuff. ((also I think it's okay since it's been almost a week since the last post and I want to put something here for fun.)) WARNING: Silly Deck incoming. This is probably not something you'd ladder with because it's kinda just not a sane idea, but it's a fun one. I really don't recommend using this deck seriously because it asks waaaaay to much of you and it's gameplan is way too hard to truly pull off half the time.... And Majordomo is bad mmkay? Now, if you want the outlandish chance to shoot thousands of fireballs down upon your sad sad foe... by all means go for it lol. The first game had me laughing so hard towards the end and the build up was worth it, oooooh so worth it lol. But basically this Deck uses the typical projected Colderra/Maiden of the Lake combo but by using Majordomo to turn into Ragnaros to sling up to ten 8 damage Fire Balls in one turn. The rest is pretty standard Freeze Mage to stall until you get get this stuuuuuuuuuuuuupid combo online. Welcome to the most outlandish gameplan probably ever designed. Reveal hidden contents First Game takes 26 minutes so it's a bit of a watch, the big deal starts at around 23 minutes and it builds from there for those that don't have the time to watch the Deck building at the beginning and then the pretty standard Freeze Mage up until that point. But the combo is so real.... XD So, it's fun and silly, but heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeella not practical. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted October 13, 2015 Share Posted October 13, 2015 I normally wouldn't triple post, however, this seems important enough at least to me... to dredge up this thread ((since it's not so far gone that this is necro'ing yet)). After all this could be a big swing in the way of Meta so I think it's warrant me psoting aobut it since it came out this morning. http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/forum/topic/19288409377 For the first time since the Unleash the Hounds/Buzzard combo, and the other vanilla cards, another card nerf is being implemented. As put in the thread here on the forum, it is well known that Blizzard does want to "fix" cards and feels that the meta should drive what cards are powerful and what cards are are not. They believe that player innovation is more important then going back and nerfing cards etc... and I sorta believe that's a very good philosophy. However we are now seeing a nerf to one of the top decks to the point that it's a now dead deck. ((and this is the second change to Warsong Commander.)) First, Warsong Commander is and always has been a big combo card as it charges minions, it's first iteration there was no limit on the attack value of the card. With the high amount of OTK Warriors that were strangling the meta they decided to remove the ability to charge a super high attack minion and buffing the hell out of it to just instantly deal upwards of 30 damage. This is when they change the card to only charging cards that had 3 or less attack. And for the longest time, Warsong Commander was then considered a dead card. It went out of meta for an entire Adventure ((Naxxramas,)), and then for the entire meta of a expansion. ((GvG)). It wasn't until the card Grim Patron was released that the Warsong Commander would see the light of day again. Quickly, Grim Patron was released during Blackrock Mountain's adventure and was critically panned by nearly every person that saw it before it's release. People thought it was an entirely fair card, or even a weak one. A 5 mana 3/3 that if it survives the damage it takes summons another seems weak on it's own. However, the Grim Patron Warrior showed how powerful the card could be. With the Warsong Commander anything you summoned onto the board instantly got charge so long as it had 3 attack would get charge. With Warrior's many ways to trigger Grim Patron in Whirlwind, Death's Bite, Inner Rage, etc etc... or charging the Patron into a Minion that will not kill it. This allowed the Patron Warrior to make a combo that was basically very very hard to truly deal with. ((this is without mentioning the Frothing Berserkers that are also able to charge)) Grim Patron has been considered the Strongest deck since it's inception. So, a few questions for those that read this. 1. Do you think the nerf on Warsong was warranted((that it should've received at least something))? 2. Do you think the nerf to Warsong Commander is too severe? 3, Do you think Grim Patron Warrior was suffocating the meta too much and that this change was necessary((outside of severity, I mean do you think any nerf was warranted.))? 4. Do you think that the card Grim Patron will see play in any decks after this nerf to the card that was most commonly combo'd with it? 5. What effect do you think the most likely death of the Grim Patron Warrior Archetype will have on the meta if any? My answers will be below. 1. It's definitely could have seen some nerf. It was the cornerstone of a very powerful deck and was probably the most sensible card to nerf in it since it was the problem card. It enabled both Frothing Berserker and Grim Patron combos, so nerfing only one of those cards wouldn't really solve how dominant the deck was. 2. Yes. Despite knowing that a nerf was kind of warranted, it definitely feels very over-nerfed. giving +1 attack to Charge Minions is pretty small of an effect as most decks don't play a lot of chargers especially Warrior as it's a more control orientated class ((with exception of Grim Patron.)). Now Warsong isn't really viable in anything as it's effect has very low impact as most Charge Minions had terrible health and get in one attack before perishing. Aggro Warriors still probably won't be all that viable as the Warrior's hero power and class spells are mostly based on board removal and staying in the game rather than closing out a game. It just doesn't really fit the aggressive style so I don't see Warsong getting any use. 3. I can see some nerfs to Grim Patron being pretty important. After all the deck has remained the number 1 deck on almost all Hearthstone sites etc other than a few dropping it for when Secret Paladin became flavor of the month. ((and then it was quickly put back at the top.)). This does mean that it was a pretty powerful deck as pretty much nothing had a favourable match-up against it, they were soft counters at best. 4. I highly doubt Grim Patron will see play afterwards. However, it's true that it wasn't experimented with outside of Warrior due to it's overwhelming power in that deck. We might see some experiments to see if it fits in any other archetype, but I don't see it getting much of anywhere. ((Everybody get in here!!! The Funeral's startin'! R.I.P Patron lol.)) 5. Secret Paladin's are going to have a hayday. GP was one of few decks that held it back, now that it's gone... well things are going to get super ugly. The deck will basically replace GP Warrior at the top of decks and if nothing's found to counter it quite as well as GP Warrior... well things are going to get super ugly for awhile. Luckily some things are cropping up such as Control Priest that bop it pretty hard so It might not get too out of hand. Other decks might rise up out of the ashes, but one suffocating deck will just be replaced with another... I don't see things moving away from how they are too much due to this fact. We'll have to see if some innovation can just pop through all the paladins that are inevitably going to show up. However, decks that were weak against GP Warrior might see more play as well... perhaps they will have a fine match-up against Secret Paladin. So, A lot could change, or not much. I'm on the side of not much, but it's be a mistake to say nothing will happen for certain. One never knows. After all, things can more specifically target Secret Paladin since there's one less threat to worry about. We'll see in the coming weeks if anything really pops up etc or what starts to see a looooot more play. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ragnar Posted October 14, 2015 Share Posted October 14, 2015 1. Welp it killed an entire deck, so congrats blizzard. Patron was my favorite matchup since i'm playing a dragon priest. 2. Yes it was, even raid leader is stronger than nerfed warsong commander. lol 3. Not at all, the game is old, players have found ways around that drunkard multiplying man. Now the real threat now in the meta is mysterious challenger and even if you miraculously survive that pesky 6/6 card, you still have to deal with the likes tirion and dr.boom that comes after. 4.no charge patron in a GP deck? lol 5. I agree, Secret paladin will take its throne. casino mage is meh, it's just tempo mage relying on rng. All I can see is wallet warriors and secret decks everywhere, which i find more annoying than patron. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark Desire Posted October 14, 2015 Share Posted October 14, 2015 sigh justicar on warrior makes me sad, being able to gain 4 armor every turn for 2 mana, it's so easy to have absurd amounts of armor and just shield slam everything away :[ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted October 16, 2015 Share Posted October 16, 2015 HEE!!! Even I Plague Knight have played Hearthstone. ~((I totally just stole that Hukuna's guys account))~ On 10/14/2015 at 4:38 AM, Ragnar said: 1. Welp it killed an entire deck, so congrats blizzard. Patron was my favorite matchup since i'm playing a dragon priest. 2. Yes it was, even raid leader is stronger than nerfed warsong commander. lol 3. Not at all, the game is old, players have found ways around that drunkard multiplying man. Now the real threat now in the meta is mysterious challenger and even if you miraculously survive that pesky 6/6 card, you still have to deal with the likes tirion and dr.boom that comes after. 4.no charge patron in a GP deck? lol 5. I agree, Secret paladin will take its throne. casino mage is meh, it's just tempo mage relying on rng. All I can see is wallet warriors and secret decks everywhere, which i find more annoying than patron. You know Dragon Priest had a bad match-up against Patron right? It's pull Light bomb or die... and that's if they are dumb enough to not just 1 turn kill you in a giant explosion of damage. HEE!!! ((Just like my powerful Cluster Bombs!!!)), Patron was a OTK deck basically. Dragon Priest Rarely had the damage output to end the GP Warrior before they got to the point they could deal 30 damage in one turn and wipe you off the face of the world. At point three, I don't really know Secret lists that run Tirion and Boom. Must tend to run it in the Aggro Paladin shell. Mostly for the Explosive and sticky early game to best set up for the Turn 6 Challenger. Hee!!! Mid Range Paladin tends to be better if you're going for those cards as it's meant to use those much better and well... It actually has a pretty good match up against Secret Pally ans it has tools to rid of the board state espically after the Secret Tree comes out. ((Argent Peace Keeper that Avenged Challenger = Sad Secretidin same with the Equality/Con Combo or Equality/Pyro Combo. Pyro is pretty rare in Pally these days, but... it's still very strong with the Equality so you see it every now and then.)) Mid-Range is basically always better at Mid-Ranging than Secret Pally because it can run tech and more removal combos that Secret Paladin has no room for needing to pack around at least 5 to 6 or even 7 secrets((it's typically 2 avenge, 2 Noble Sacs, 1 Comp Spirit, 1 Repentance, and 1 Redemption.)) That's a lot of deck real estate that goes to just Secrets. On 10/14/2015 at 5:15 AM, Troy Bolton said: sigh justicar on warrior makes me sad, being able to gain 4 armor every turn for 2 mana, it's so easy to have absurd amounts of armor and just shield slam everything away :[ It's actually the reason Face Hunter is a dying breed. Fatigue Warrior and Control Priest just keep ahead of the damage they can do with Justicar giving them probably the best Hero Powers. Those two classes get the biggest bonus out of Jusitcar as they can squeeze out the most value. Any Master Alchemist knows that getting the most out of your ingredients is important, HEE!!! Most of the other classes got pretty terrible effects that don't warrant how slow the card is because they don't derive value out of it like they do. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ringabel Posted October 22, 2015 Share Posted October 22, 2015 I have just started playing this game on a whim and I love it. I would like people on the NA sever to teach in this game's ways. Also just to have fun. My name there's "ZNPDavid" because non of my normal names would fit. No really, I loved this game from the tutorial alone I've been playing solely it for all day and last night. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nepeta100 Posted October 22, 2015 Share Posted October 22, 2015 (edited) tavern brawl this week and dreadsteed thoughts? Edited October 23, 2015 by nepeta100 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ringabel Posted October 23, 2015 Share Posted October 23, 2015 Please. POST HERE! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted October 23, 2015 Share Posted October 23, 2015 On 10/23/2015 at 1:31 PM, Ringabel said: Please. POST HERE! People will post when they have something they feel is worth saying. Just be patient. There's only a few members who are actually active in this game that I know of, so this tends to be a slower moving thread in general. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nepeta100 Posted October 23, 2015 Share Posted October 23, 2015 very interesting dreadsteed game today where priest managed to get three dreadsteeds through shenanigans and I managed to get a clutch win by playing the flesh eating ghoul and a belcher Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ringabel Posted October 24, 2015 Share Posted October 24, 2015 CARD GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted November 11, 2015 Share Posted November 11, 2015 So, I know this is a bit late but I figured better latish then never. Pretty sure some are pretty hype for the expansion maybe if not for the cards but for some of the new content and single player challenges. I'm kinda glad they decided to compress the wings this time being 4 instead of 5 and packing more cards into each wing. It's imo, a lot easier to get the stuff you're looking for as a result and it cuts down on the cost ((especially the gold one.)) of the Adventure. However... blah blah pricing yadda yadda. That shit's boring so how about some of the cards? Well I think I'll give a few of my impressions on them. I think we still don't know those in the final wing therefore we don't know every single card in the expansion yet. So, of course there will be a caveat later for when we do know them. I will do them in ascending mana cost order, first starting with Neutrals and then moving into Class Cards. Firstly however I need to explain the new mechanic in the set. I will also separate them by Rarity. ((even though rarity only really matters with gold crafting and arena with these cards.)) New Keyword: Discover. When discover is in a card's text it allows the player a tracking like effect from cards not within their deck. It generates three cards from either Neutrals or your current class that meet the requirements. ((so, no pulling a mage card as a warrior etc.)). Basically, while there is some variance this Keyword can be treated almost as if it were "Draw a Card", however you have 3 chances to generate exactly or close enough to the thing you need in that situation. With some of the limiters on some the cards that utilize this Keyword even further narrow the random options making it even easier to pick what you need. So, Discovering does have a slight upside to drawing a card in some situations. All in all, I think it's a really cool new mechanic that's really adds another interesting element to the game. It's another thing that one needs to use to assess their chances etc and possibly pull just the right tool for the moment. Now into the cards!!! Neutral Commons- 7 Murloc Tinyfin: D'aaaaaaaw... it's so cute. ((and so easy to obliterate.)) Basically, no suprise this card is a strictly better wisp. After all, the Murloc tag is actually a pretty good tag as it has a lot of existing synergy. Sadly, there's not really anything else to say of benefit to this card. It's a wisp still after all and it's still will probably be unplayed. I don't even really think Murloc decks will pick it up. ((which is a thing worth saying you'll see later.)) It's also a slight nerf to Murloc Knight, however Murloc Knight summoning a second dude still isn't all that horrible in Mid-Range Pally. I mean that's still a 5/6 for 6, a bit undercosted, but not a total disaster. Huge Toad: R.I.P Bloodfen Raptor in Arena. Jokes aside, a 3/2 isn't too bad vanilla, but most aren't vanilla so what we got? Deathrattle for 1 damage to a random enemy. This card is highly comparable to Flame Juggler ((which did actually see niche use in Constructed.)) as it's effect is largely the same it just comes at a different time. Instead of immediately like Flame Juggler it's after it dies. Also, it's more aggressively stated being a 3/2 rather than a 2/3. It also gets the best tag which can be relevant. Basically, it's a solid 2 drop, and while I think it's easier for the opponent to play around it's Deathrattle since well, they actually can unlike Flame Juggler... I don't think this makes it too much worse. The aggressive stating helps it trade up more efficiently late game and the Beast Tag does add some value with Beast synergy. It'll definitely be seen in arena and maybe a little in Hunter or possibly Beast Druid if that deck ever becomes viable. Jeweled Scarab: First instance of Discover! Sadly, I think this one is rather weak sadly. While it's cool that if you drop this on turn 2 you'll curve into your turn 3, it's really only decent that turn, and even then... it's a 1/1 body. The body is just so irrelevant and is easily popped by Hero Powers that deal 1 damage, or other early game minions without them dying. It's just not a consequential body, and a 3 mana card while nice, isn't super crazy bonkers. In late game a 3 mana card is even less appealing as the minions at this point are mostly irrelevant. ((it'd depend on class, but they'd mostly be so.)) and it would be 5 mana spent on probably around a 4/5 in the best case scenario. ((if you pulled a 3/4 + the 1/1 body of itself.)) which... is pretty lacklustre. I'm not entirely sure it'll even be played in arena, it's probably average if not a little below. In constructed I doubt we'll see it other than when it pops out of your shredder to give you a big middle... leg? It doesn't really have fingers lol. Tomb Spider: Ah, another Discover card. I think this one has some potential usage as well. a 3/3 body isn't too bad for 4 mana especially considering Gnomish Engineer did see play once ((and sometimes still does in Patron Warrior, though rare.)). It's discover is also narrowed to Beasts which if you got the synergy for it, is really good! I don't see this going in aggro Hunters, but it'll probably be an include in Mid-Range or possibly Control Hunter if that deck ever gets off the ground. It also might see some in Beast Druid ever starts to work. It's good to note that it's plays both turns right before both Ram Wrangler in Hunter, and the Druid of the Fang in Beast Druid. I think if the right decks come around for it, that it'll be used in constructed. In Arena it'll probably be better in Druid and Hunter due to their class beasts but it might see play in other classes as well. After all, a card is a card lol. Gorillabot A-3: Similar to Tomb Spider in that in the right places, it's quite and interesting card. However, the stipulation holds it back a bit in my mind. It's asking a bit of you to have a mech in play to get another. Of course this affords it another stat over Tomb Spider making it's body a slgith bit better, but not sure if the 1 health is worth it in that regard. Either way, this card could see other calsses possibly being able to get into Mech decks by pushing them a bit more to be mid-rangy than the Mech version. It might even fit into Mech Mage as a one of, though it faces fierce competition with Goblin Blast-Mage and Piloted Shredder both being arguably ((and proven as good mind you)) better 4 drops. It really saturates that slot and Mages have many other cards that fit on 4 as well really crowded that slot with excess cards. In arena, it's going to be waaaay too inconstant however. It's statline's at least okay, but you're rarely going to get the card even if you do pick up a few mechs. Anubisath Sentinel: 4/4 for 5... pretty eh... oh wiat it has a Deathrattle! Give 3/3 to another minion? Well then. Sadly, this card probably looks better than it seems. Much like Dark Cultist in the days of yore ((also known as not actually that long ago being Naxx.)) many eventually found that the Deathrattle of + 3 health... rarely actually truly landed. However Dark Cultist at least had fair and good stats for it's mana cost. Anubisath? a 4/4 for 5 just isn't that great. It's effect can also be played around ((unlike the other 4/4 for 5 who always works since he draws you a card.)). It's just to easy to remove the things around Anubisath and then deal with it. A 4/4 isn't too awfully hard to remove at the 5 mana stage. Basically, unless you get to kill off this guy his Deathrattle is probably never going to land in a way it's not easy to deal with. The card's also a bit slow as a result in such a fast meta. I don't see it being too good in this and thus it probalby won't see too much play. Even in Arena I think it's a bit lacklustre though it's probably jsut average and nothing special, but not complete garbage. Fossilized Devilsaur: It's a stipulation based Iron-Bark Protector.. which in Construed isn't played. Therefore neither will this. It also won't be that great in arena either since it will usually just be a bleh big body. This card screams average and is hardly exciting, not much to say really. Neutral Rares - 4 Ancient Shade: This thing probably looks like complete garbage at first, but if you think about it, it may see use in an aggro deck. After all, unless you get suuuuper unlucky and it's on the top of the deck, the "Curse" may never be drawn. And even if you draw it, you're the aggressor so the opponent doesn't have the luxury to take advantage of it. ((it's should also be noted most of these types of effects tend to give you your next draw so they don't deny draw. If it does... well this card gets a lot worse.)). Will it get crazy amounts of play? No, probably not. But don't just count it out since it seems bad in most types of decks. Eerie Statue: Can I just say first I love the design here? It's eerie cause it's alive, and when no ones looking it can attack! It's kinda silly and I love it. Anyway serious time. This is the big cousin to Watcher which saw fringe usage in Handlock and a few other decks that had activators for it. Provided it's the only minion Eerie Statue can attack so it doesn't need to be activated at all ((this... is being a bit to optimistic though since when is that ever going to happen reliably?)). It can also be silenced to always be able to attack or taunted up like it's little brother. I don't think it'll see too much play and am not sure it will even clinch a spot in Handlock ((it might to be a more reliableish Mountain Giant but I doubt it highly. Since... well on it's own it's nowhere near as good.)). "Watch" this card carefully, it might just creep up on ya if you don't. In arena it'll definitely be garbage though since the meta is muuuuch to minion heavy and it can't pull it's own weight in minion based combat since unless silenced it can never attack them. Summoning Stone: Me thinks Blizzard is using us as guinea pigs. What Tavern Brawl will be the next card? Anyway while the effect is suuuuper cool, this card is complete garbage. 5 mana is probably just too much to spend playing a minion that doesn't really do anything. It takes quite a high mana spell ((which there are few of I might add.)) to make it really worth it and you can't even combo those. It's has no attack stat as well meaning it's easy to trade it off for free for your foe. Don't even think about picking it in arena unless you are actually insane. Wobbling Runts: another card where the design is pretty dang funny. The first part representing knocking those Runts over and then them all three attacking you lol. However, this card seems a bit poorly stated. While it's deathrattle is great it has the issue of it only having 2 attack. Most Deathrattle cards are offensives stated for a reason. They get in some quick value and pop their effect. However, Wobbling Runts has the issue that it'll take awhile for it to pop being at least 2 turns. It being pretty non-threatening also means that an opponent is never going to pop it for you and probably just leave it on the board. While it's interesting to see a very different kind of DR card... it makes me wonder if it'll see play. It seem much too slow as of now which isn't good in such a fast meta. That'll be all for now, would like you folks to have some time to digest and not throw everything at you at once. Be a tad rude on my part lol. If you have any thoughts feel free to share them etc... I'm jut spitballin' here and probably not looking at every angle. I will continue with the Epics ((of which there are two...)) and the Legends possibly tomorrow etc... the legends will probably be pretty long since some of them are... pretty strange to say the least and I definitely need time to process them XD. I think they're posts will be pretty long. After that will be the the Class Cards probably the next day. Hope you guys enjoy the post and the read. If you like this format I will definitely continue. If there's anything you think I can improve for the next post lemme know. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted November 11, 2015 Share Posted November 11, 2015 Welp, I've really only got 4 things to say in regards to the info in that post. 1. I reeeeally should boot up Hearthstone again when this expansion comes out. It's been months. 2. It's a shame about Fossilized Devilsaur. I love the art on it, but it's a meh card designed for a Hero I don't use. 3. I'll probably give Eerie Statue a try in my Handlock and see how it works out, much like I did with Frost Giant. I can see potential, but I'm not sure if it'll be good or not in the end. 4. Discover as a whole sounds reeeeally good to me. Generating three random neutral/class cards sounds really strong for most situations unless you're crazy unlucky. It's a bit luck based, but so is a lot of Hearthstone, and the three tries should make up for a good portion of that. All in all, good post and thanks for the info~ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ragnar Posted November 13, 2015 Share Posted November 13, 2015 lol deck building is kinda weird now thanks to Reno Jackson. and it's so ridiculous, it works! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted November 13, 2015 Share Posted November 13, 2015 Yea, Reno is a deck defining card for sure. He's asks something of you and if you do provide that answer he's pretty powerful of an effect. ((if I got around to do the Legends I would've mentioned this lol, but got caught up on stuff.)) He's got the real potential to just create new types of decks. I know quite a bit of the Streamer were pretty lukewarm on the reception for this card as they thought it asked a bit too much. Except for a certain guy known as Trump. Then Again he did once make a deck that had 23 single includes which was really close to making Reno work already. I dunno if Reno will last forever, but I think we'll see some decks that feature him. ((it might be hard to tell they do as well at first. Until you see like 16 unique cards...then it starts gettin' fishy.)) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
DiLimiter Posted November 19, 2015 Share Posted November 19, 2015 Can confirm that Reno is pretty silly. Built a Renolock deck, top-decked my 2nd knife juggler at 1 health against a hunter with a damn good board, immediately played Reno and forgot to play knife juggler first in all of my excitement (rank 16 plays), proceeded from there forward to win game. Even had Youthful Brewmaster to reel him back in after that. Added the guy after the game, we talked for a little bit and he and I both agreed Reno's a pretty damn good card. Looked at my friend's list later to see that he climbed to rank 8 or something like that. Yeah, I shouldn't have won that game. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Swimming95 Posted November 27, 2015 Share Posted November 27, 2015 Just started playing like a month ago, I really suck and prefer sticking to tavern brawls and arena. Please add me (swimming95#1474) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Narckarth Posted November 30, 2015 Share Posted November 30, 2015 I keep hearing that I'm using a "tempo mage" deck, yeah what is that? My deck is just some free to play scrap that I threw together with no real guidelines other than include any fire cards. Also side note I think we can all agree that one of the best things in this game are the voice lines. Everybody has at least once included a card in their deck just because of what it says. my personal favourites are Wild Pyromancer - Do you like to play with fire? Amani Berserker - Whoyouwanmekill? and Snowchugger - Chugga-chugga-chugga-chugga Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted December 1, 2015 Share Posted December 1, 2015 On 11/30/2015 at 8:56 AM, Narckarth said: I keep hearing that I'm using a "tempo mage" deck, yeah what is that? My deck is just some free to play scrap that I threw together with no real guidelines other than include any fire cards. Most of those cards are in Tempo Mage is the thing, so people probably think it's a free to play version. Typically what Tempo mage does is it Plays High Tempo combos using Flame Waker to blast down the opponents board by squeezing more out of their spells. The Whole deck is pretty much built on this principle of out tempo'ing your opponent. Tempo is squeezing more efficiency out of your cards faster than your opponent either by good resource management or very good synergies. This is evident in Wild Pyro who's kinda an Area of Effect Flame Waker, in that whenever you cast a Spell he deals 1 damage to everything on the board. Therefore you gain the effect of your spell but also the Wild Pyro Trigger. You generate Tempo by not only gaining the effect of that spell but damaging the board as well. Flame Waker tends to be used over Pyro since... well Pyro only ever gets 2 triggers unless it can be healed. Flame Waker has infinite technically as later on a certain card in typical Tempo Mage that spawns a Fireball every time you cast a spell. ((Hey look, more Tempo generation!)). Basically, people are saying your deck looks like a common archetype or Netdeck since it is using similar cards but the more easy to get versions. Nothing wrong with that, most don't have giant collections of cards ((I mean I do, but I've been playing forever lol.)) On 11/30/2015 at 8:56 AM, Narckarth said: Also side note I think we can all agree that one of the best things in this game are the voice lines. Everybody has at least once included a card in their deck just because of what it says. If that was the case I'd have Coliseum Manager in all of my decks. He's garbage but holy heck are his voice lines the funniest thing in the game to me XD. But otherwise I'm trying to win, therefore I don't put in cards I like just cause I like them. It's cool if they fit in due to the thing I'm going for but I can't really be putting Sylvanas into an Aggro deck if I ever want to win... She's just not for that archetype. Doesn't matter if she's my favorite card XD. Also, Shaman is viable again. I'm so damn happy you don't even know. SHAAAAAAAAAAMAN JUSTICE!!!!!!!!!!! Ain't no party like a Lightning Party. My boy Tunnel Trogg bearing the gifts of Viability. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Narckarth Posted December 2, 2015 Share Posted December 2, 2015 On 12/1/2015 at 11:56 PM, Hukuna Fulmine said: Most of those cards are in Tempo Mage is the thing, so people probably think it's a free to play version. Typically what Tempo mage does is it Plays High Tempo combos using Flame Waker to blast down the opponents board by squeezing more out of their spells. The Whole deck is pretty much built on this principle of out tempo'ing your opponent. Tempo is squeezing more efficiency out of your cards faster than your opponent either by good resource management or very good synergies. This is evident in Wild Pyro who's kinda an Area of Effect Flame Waker, in that whenever you cast a Spell he deals 1 damage to everything on the board. Therefore you gain the effect of your spell but also the Wild Pyro Trigger. You generate Tempo by not only gaining the effect of that spell but damaging the board as well. Flame Waker tends to be used over Pyro since... well Pyro only ever gets 2 triggers unless it can be healed. Flame Waker has infinite technically as later on a certain card in typical Tempo Mage that spawns a Fireball every time you cast a spell. ((Hey look, more Tempo generation!)). Ah thankyou! now I at least know what I'm doing is called! and not even once you chose voice over effectiveness. awh... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted December 2, 2015 Share Posted December 2, 2015 I guess I do in arena sometimes, but I'm trying to ladder to Legend and I don't got a lot of time so... gotta do things as efficiently as possible in constructed. I do be a bit silly in Arena though XD. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
nepeta100 Posted December 2, 2015 Share Posted December 2, 2015 new announcements about the 2016 hearthstone season thoughts about how it is structured now? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ragnar Posted December 13, 2015 Share Posted December 13, 2015 The game has shifted, The paladin overlords got overthrown. Shaman is the new cancer now. It has more burst than a face hunter and with Sir Finley changing its hero power to damage. its pretty hard to stay alive at turn 6. swinging those doomhammers like there's no tomorrow. Also Malygos warlock is a thing now. Priest also gets more control with those museum curators and entombs(as if we need another priest card that steals your stuff). Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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