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Even in Arena it's hard to Justify. You can't hit face with it. It just not very flexible... yes it kills anything pretty much, but... it doesn't negate deathrattles so for one mana less you cna jsut pick up Polymorph and hard remove that way... the 1/1 is pretty easy to deal with. ((hell... honestly this might sound like a stupid thing to say... but the new card Polymorgh: Boar is still beter since the Huffer's charage doesn;t matter on an enemy has 2 health being easy enough to remove, and it is flexible in that you can use it on a shitty minion etc... ((or attack with a minion then polymorph it into Huffer and it gets to attack again.))

I jsut think other spells are more Felxible than Flame Lnace... making it a reather mute card that doesn;t have a really good purpose other than it's around lol.

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Well, I don't remember everything because most of it got disenchanted... I got two legendaries, which were Justicar Trueheart and Icehowl. Disenchanted Icehowl, kept Trueheart. Other than that, I got a TON of epics, most of which were also disenchanted. I crafted the twins with the dust, mostly just because I love them for some reason.

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2 legends, the shitty skeleton one and aviana which idk if its really that viable, it's so situational

also got some epics, most of them i disenchanted but saved a few because they look sorta viable, i really expected more dust then i manged to pull from the shitty cards, can't even make the control warrior i wanted ;w; i'll probably just add more cards to my control pally and update my druid decks

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I jsut hit 10 again riding on Dragon Priest... which... kinda works now... It's weird...and yet awesome and weird. Wyrmrest Agent is so much better a card than people thought. It shuts down aggro pretty hard and you can keep it healthy... ah Dragon Priest might jsut get refined into a suuuper powerful deck. It's really interesting thus far.

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Yea Inspire is a very good mechanic... just a lot of that cards are a bit lacklustre feeling. Mage definitely has the very cool combo of Maiden of the Lake and the cards that allow multiple use of the Hero Power. ((so Colderra Drake... though that one is a bit hard to really truly utilize.))

Saraad also works pretty beautifully in that deck as well as a mage doesn't mind more spells. ((and Saraad is actually just a good statline. 4/5 for 5 isn't too bad and it has the ability pay two mana draw a card basically.I mean... it's always a random spell yes, but it's pretty much the same idea. It's also nicely at the Sweet Spot of not getting hit by either Shadow-Word too which is nice... I hate Priest and those dang Shadow Word Spells...))

I really hope some more Inspire cards come out that really just show how bloody good it is and what it can truly do. ((I liek it so much cause it gives Late Game and Mid-rangey decks so many more options and a reason to survive to get value out of their inspire effects.

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So... is it weird that my new Favourite card is Coliseum Manager? It's a trash card, but my lord it's Voiceover lines make me die laughing every single time I hear them lol. Like holy heck I love his lines even if he's not the best card around.

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So... is it weird that my new Favourite card is Coliseum Manager? It's a trash card, but my lord it's Voiceover lines make me die laughing every single time I hear them lol. Like holy heck I love his lines even if he's not the best card around.

Sounds like me with Tiny Knight of Evil. I mostly love it for the art, but the lines aren't bad either. I didn't even know it was a Goblin until I finally played it though. I always thought it was just wearing a helmet that covered its face, but now that I look closer, you can see it too. (It was better the other way, but I still love it.) That card alone makes me want to try a discard themed Demonlock, even though I know how bad that would be. Needs more discard support.

I don't know if he's overthrown Sylvanas for my overall favorite though.

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Oh Sylvanas is like my 100% favourite card but becuase I love the character not really her Voice Over ((since it was pretty much what I expected from her.))

I... still kinda put her in decks I shouldn't... Just becuase I liiiiiiiike her so much XD. 5/5 that can steal an enemy minion? I mean yea quite a few times you don't actually get anything off that Deathrattle but it forces them to play mad dumb and imoptimally to get rid of it and not have it steal something that's a big deal. I love it sooooo much in my Mid-Range and Control Decks. ((though she's a bit slow for Mid-Range and I should stop putting her in there.))

I mostly play exclusively Mid-Range nowadays with Hunter, Totem Shammy((man I wish you were better Shaman... still my fav class tied with Druid.)), Paladin ((though switched to a Secret based list with good old Mysterious "Everyone thought I'd be shit" Challenger. lol.)),

Also... i don't know if it's really a mid-range deck but I paly Dragon Priest as well. The thing is... it feels suuuuper mid-rangey to me. I think it's jsut because of how the minions perfectly curve to push you into later game etc... It feels very mid-rangey. Grab Board Control and stay ahead forever, like other Mid-Rangey decks.

But yea Mid-Range is my jam.

((also you sure little Knight of Evil's not an Imp? I assumed he was Imp since... you know demon and stuff.))

Also Question, would people like me to write up some guides for some decks etc? I kinda think it be pretty fun to do so but I dunno if people would be interested in it. I'd actually enjoy doing them ((though I feel like I should probably grind my bum to Legend Rank before I start them to have some more cred XD. I've gotten to rank 10 but eh... doesn;t feel good enough to me lol.)) I'd probably focus on what I play to be honest cuase it's what I know suuuuper well so it's mostly be Mid-Range... but I could probably go over some other decks with enough play research. ((combo decks wouldn't be happenin' though. I'm shit at those.))

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Actually, he probably is an imp. I was just basing it on the voice, but imp makes a lot more sense considering that he's... tiny and all. I'd be interesting in reading any of your guides though. I could always use more info about the meta.

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To be fair... Meta shifts constantly lol. I'd have to Update quite a bit. I think I might do one on Dragon Priest though it's kinda my fav deck out of TGT at the moment lol. ((which I did find out is considered Mid-Range so yea it only further reinforces my Mid-Range binge of late.)). Hopefully I can get the dust etc to shore up my list. ((I'm missing Light Bomb... which is a rather important catch-up so yea lol, I need to get at least a copy of that card.))

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Not really, it plays like Mid-Range.

You play a bunch of minions that are at least mana down from their stat cost. ((Twilight Drake is a 2 Drop for 1. Wyrmrest is a 3 for 2, and Blackwing Tech is a 4 statline for 3.)) You get COntrol of the board early and exercise this control to plop out the Big Dragons to finish the game.

Most of the deck lsits have 1 big Dragon in Ysera with ... that 6/6 Taunt with the Deathrattle being still a Mid-Range Card IMO. It's not very top heavy like say... Control Warrior and definitely doesn't play like it imo. I dunno... it just not that Slow to be considered Control imo and I can definitely feel the Aggro Switch that's in other Mid-Range where you just go straight for the throat and end them. I mean think aobut it... Mid-Range Druid relies on a 9 mana combo to end games so it still ahs some mana heavy things in it lol.

Personally I don't consider it Control even with the 2 Lightbomb List. I guess to be fair the deck is still in the early stages of being developed and I don't even have the cards in it I want yet. ((missing the second Twilight Guardian and at least one Lightbomb. And Chillmaw. but it's going to be forever until I pick him up since he's a Legendary.))

and really DD? I've never once lost to Aggro that wasn't Aggro Pally. The Early Taunts usually shit all over Face Hunter since you just heal off all the damage any of their minions do. Aggrodin has a bit more chance due to buffs and Divine Shields perserving their minions but Hunter jsut gets destroyed. Holy Nova also wipes them haaaaaaaaaard and you have the time to stall for it if you're getting overwhelmed because the Taunts keep any significant damage from happening. So, both Aggro decks it fends off pretty well in my experience. ((and no other really exists right now.)) Well... ig uess Mech Mage counts but eh...

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Hmm dunno. I haven't yet might be draw based dunno lol. Thing is... I haven't really seen a lot of Face Hunters of late... mostly Mid-Range ((and I've seen a few of the Lock and Load ones though... that deck tends to have pretty weak match-ups versus everything since it's so unrefined at the moment.))

I dunno... That's why it's hard to judge Decks sometimes since there is so many variables lol. It takes sooooo much to figure out the precentges etc... since there's so much luck involved in not only your draws, but the enemy draws etc. Also, the Coin has a profound effect on the game as well since it lets the Second Player outpace the enemy one time, that can be mad powerful. ((especially in Druid where you can further Cheat the mana and in Rogue where you can cheat out Combo Effects with it.)) Just... so...many... variables XD.

By the way... I've seen some Flash Heals in Dragon Priest. I don't know if that's the best Idea, but I've definitely seen it. ((It's Like how Shamans are putting Healing Wave in for Hunter which can save them with the 14 extra health quite a bit.)) Thing is... I couldn't even find room for an Antique Healbot personally so I have no idea how they found the room for that. It feels like a pretty bleeeeeeh choice to me but eh... the hell do I know. So, I don't think it's really easy to tech in a card for healing. I dunno, I've been able to keep them pretty much at bay by putting a Velen's on my Wyrmrest and keeping it healthy while cleaning the board. ((making sure to get healing from Holy Nova's as well at times.)) Like so long as they don't get that stinking Owl it's usually fine at least in my experience... but that's the thing. It's my experience XD.

Also... can I say Secret Paladin is stupid? Like I was kinda happy it was a thing since it was cool there was a strong Pally deck. And then I played it 50 times in a row on ladder and was about ready to just vomit I was so sick of it... Ugh playing against that deck is zero fun...

If I hear one more damn "Well Met!"...

Also Blizz... can you stop giving me the Spectate Quest? I want to paly the game not watch others win at the game... ((and I want to grind out TGT packs... I got pretty much everything I need from the Base set other than a few Legends lol.))

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