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Shaman my favourite class and has been unviable garbage for 3 almost 4 metas straight. Needless to say I don't care if it's "cancer." ((mostly since we shouldn't use a word like that to dish out hate on something we don't like in a game.)) Either way, I think it's more people have zero clue how to handle it yet. I mean I've had plenty players leave my Tunnel Troggs alone until they got out of control... then they dealt with them. They really don't respect their bursty damage and they leave them intact on the board all the time. They are like even better Mana Wyrms, so I don't really get why people think they aren't threats. Like Mages... you should Frost bolt that shit the second it hits board, not wiat until it's at 6 attack and then do it ((which I've had them do like so many time on me.))

Malylock has been a thing since BRM, just not a common thing, it was a heavily experimented with Deck. Reno just makes you able to survive to pull off super combos easier.

Also, Entomb is really really slow. It's like.... suuuper slow. Since you have to draw the minion and then play it for full price, like really... MC's probably still easier to be able to reliably use. Museum Curator is pretty good I suppose, since it's 3 card chance will probably net you something good since most DR cards are pretty strong. With Class Cards having 4x chance to appear it even gets the synergy of pulling Dark Cultist more often which curves into turn 3 which is pretty sweet deal.

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So, going to bring this back to life with the announcement by Blizzard today of the Standard and Wild game formats. Here's the full read.

The TL;DR version of it is that basically they're doing what every other competitive TCG has done at some point and making different formats to open the way for newer players and to help the game evolve. With the new "Standard" format, the Naxrammas and Goblins vs Gnomes expansions are both banned from play and this format will be Blizzard's official competitive format. So, to put this into perspective:

  • No more Dr. Boom.
  • No Sludge Belchers.
  • No Piloted Shredder.

Not to mention other big names like Loatheb, Mad Scientist, and Zombie Chow. Every other expansion will be allowed in this format, but pro players are contemplating that expansions like Blackrock Mountain will not be allowed in Standard format from at least a year from now and, as expansions pile up and move on, more and more of the older expansions and adventures will not be allowed in competitive play. Also, to prevent confusion to new players who want to enter the Standard format, they will be taking the Naxrammas adventure and the GvG expansion off sale. They will no longer be available to purchase.

Now the question that came up with this announcement is: what about all these cards from the expansions that people had earned/collected that they aren't allowed to use in the Standard format? Well, there's a few options: there is another format that is separate from Standard format and its play called "Wild" format. Basically you can use all past cards that you have collected from expansions and adventures that you are not allowed to use in the Standard format in decks and play against others doing the same. Currently there is no plans for them to implement a ranked play system for that format.

The other option is that you can take your cards and turn them into dust if you don't ever really plan on ever playing the Wild format. This does include the Naxrammas cards; for the first time, you can take cards like Zombie Chow and such and convert them into dust.

Also something to mention is that, to go along with all of these cards being taken away from competitive play, Blizzard will also be looking to rebalance the basic/original expansion cards (i.e. force of nature, Sylvanus, etc) to just make the experience of playing the game with now a good chunk of vanilla cards a bit more balanced.

The estimated release for this system is sometime in the Spring and it will be rolling out along with a new expansion. People have been asking different competitive Hearthstone players their thoughts and ideas on what may happen in terms of the meta developing, what class/deck will suffer, what will gain, etc etc. A lot of pros have expressed their gratitude towards Blizzard for introducing this as the GvG expansion and the Naxrammas adventure introduced quite a bit of RNG that has decided the outcome of games more than once. What are your thoughts on this entire ordeal? What cards are you looking forward to possibly be seeing play again with the riddance of meta-defining cards such as Dr. Boom and Piloted Shredder? Do you HATE the introduction of these formats and, if so, why? Share you thoughts!

Edited by DiLimiter
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It'll take me awhile to write up a really good post for this, but I think it's good and is a very great change that will really make the game move forward. Formatted Play is SUUUUUUUUUUUUPER important. It allows them to just design without worrying about crazy combos happening in the main format. ((but still allowing them to in Wild.)). It also allows more creative in Deck creation. ((which people are about to probably rebuttle how is that possible when they are removing cards, but if I really need to explain it in my bigger post... I will.)) but this is seriously the best Hearthstone announcement thus far, HANDS DOWN.

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this fixes one of the things ived really hated HS for which was for newer players being at a disadvantage when it came to not owning the older expansions and having to save massive amounts of gold or just having to buy them, never really effected me since i just buy the expansions when they come out but yeah >>

the one thing that gets me is that i've spent hundreds of dollars on packs just to get all the good legends from GvG so not being able to use them in a ranked format really upsets me

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It'll take me awhile to write up a really good post for this, but I think it's good and is a very great change that will really make the game move forward. Formatted Play is SUUUUUUUUUUUUPER important. It allows them to just design without worrying about crazy combos happening in the main format. ((but still allowing them to in Wild.)). It also allows more creative in Deck creation. ((which people are about to probably rebuttle how is that possible when they are removing cards, but if I really need to explain it in my bigger post... I will.)) but this is seriously the best Hearthstone announcement thus far, HANDS DOWN.

I cannot agree more. I'm not a very GOOD player when it comes to Hearthstone (I average about rank 15-12 most of the times) but most of what keeps me from trudging onwards is the lack of variety in decks and the amount of RNG that was in the game. Yes, you can argue that TCGs are pretty RNG-based to begin with depending on how good of hands you get or how good your draws are, but in Hearthstone it got to the point where there were metas dictated by RNG alone. With the removal of some of the biggest offenders to the cause, I'll be more than happy to play the game more even if I do think from time to time about how my opponent top-decked this or how they got the perfect hand or what have you. When I used to play MTG (casually, mind you) I never really thought about how I was getting screwed over because how much fun I was having. This will arguably make the game even more fun and bring back those feelings of having fun regardless of what I think is screwy or not.I personally can't wait for this to take place along with the release of the new expansion. And if I ever want to play with some BS RNG again, I can just go on over to the Wild format whenever I want.

this fixes one of the things ived really hated HS for which was for newer players being at a disadvantage when it came to not owning the older expansions and having to save massive amounts of gold or just having to buy them, never really effected me since i just buy the expansions when they come out but yeah >>

the one thing that gets me is that i've spent hundreds of dollars on packs just to get all the good legends from GvG so not being able to use them in a ranked format really upsets me

Well, arguably the only REALLY good legend was Dr. Boom. All the class legends were meh at best barring Mal'Ganis. Sneed's was ok but didn't see a whole lot of play. But if you don't want to spend money on the expansions and if you don't plan on playing Wild, then you can convert all those hard-earned legends into dust. :D ...y'know, I'm just here to make you feel worse about this.

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The problem with Sneed's is it was a slow card in a meta that was domnatied by Aggro. It could never fit in because it was just muuuuuuch to slow. The worse part was that if it ever was good... it would be just as much of a swingy annoying card as the Piloted Shredder.

I'm just glad over-centralizing bullshit will be gone. BECAUSE SECRET PALADIN IS DEEEEAD!!! It's so joyous. ((and don't tell me it's not, they are Losing Avenge, the sole good Secret that made the whole deck worth it. Not to metnion they are lsing Minibot, Muster for Battle etc... Secret Paladin will finally not be 95% of the ladder I'm so happy...))

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The problem with Sneed's is it was a slow card in a meta that was domnatied by Aggro. It could never fit in because it was just muuuuuuch to slow. The worse part was that if it ever was good... it would be just as much of a swingy annoying card as the Piloted Shredder.

I'm just glad over-centralizing bullshit will be gone. BECAUSE SECRET PALADIN IS DEEEEAD!!! It's so joyous. ((and don't tell me it's not, they are Losing Avenge, the sole good Secret that made the whole deck worth it. Not to metnion they are lsing Minibot, Muster for Battle etc... Secret Paladin will finally not be 95% of the ladder I'm so happy...))

Actually I was watching Trump's stream earlier and he even went as far to say that with how much Secret Paladin is losing that they should at least get something to compensate for it, like another 1-cost secret.

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Actually I was watching Trump's stream earlier and he even went as far to say that with how much Secret Paladin is losing that they should at least get something to compensate for it, like another 1-cost secret.

Look, I honestly don't want to see that deck at all I've seen too much of it over the time. Like... I've seen it enough that I never need to see it ever again and I'll be satisfied. Mostly because it's super braindead and there's not really much to it other than play on curve then play the Mysterious Challenger and automatically win the game. It's neither fun to play, or fun to play against so I'd be happy with a toxic deck not working anymore.

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i think it is confirmed that wild has a separate ranked mode as well and what ever format you do better in determine your reward

edit I'm okay with what theyre doing expect for the fact youre prevented from buying the old packs and adventures as well as the championship series being standard

Edited by nepeta100
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Look, I honestly don't want to see that deck at all I've seen too much of it over the time. Like... I've seen it enough that I never need to see it ever again and I'll be satisfied. Mostly because it's super braindead and there's not really much to it other than play on curve then play the Mysterious Challenger and automatically win the game. It's neither fun to play, or fun to play against so I'd be happy with a toxic deck not working anymore.

I understand that mentality, but you have to admit that the deck is being gutted. Sure, it's braindead and Mysterious Challenger sure as heck didn't make things any harder for Secret Paladin players, but that doesn't mean that it should be left to die. Would I love to see it gone from the meta for a while? Of course, but the fact of the matter is that not every deck remains dead forever. Hell, people were saying the same thing about Patron Warrior when it was a huge problem and now because of the Warsong nerf people have been saying that you don't see it enough. I don't play the deck personally; if I ever play Warrior its for Control Warrior or Dragon Warrior, but that doesn't mean that I don't respect the fact that people have figured out how to play a neutered version of a once over-the-top deck. I may be kind of droning on here, but the point is that Secret Paladin will more than likely find a way to stay, although in a much more lackluster fashion.

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I understand that mentality, but you have to admit that the deck is being gutted. Sure, it's braindead and Mysterious Challenger sure as heck didn't make things any harder for Secret Paladin players, but that doesn't mean that it should be left to die. Would I love to see it gone from the meta for a while? Of course, but the fact of the matter is that not every deck remains dead forever. Hell, people were saying the same thing about Patron Warrior when it was a huge problem and now because of the Warsong nerf people have been saying that you don't see it enough. I don't play the deck personally; if I ever play Warrior its for Control Warrior or Dragon Warrior, but that doesn't mean that I don't respect the fact that people have figured out how to play a neutered version of a once over-the-top deck. I may be kind of droning on here, but the point is that Secret Paladin will more than likely find a way to stay, although in a much more lackluster fashion.

I know I know, I'm just being a salt lord. You don't have to tell me about how a deck will worm it's way back somehow.... welcome to Face Hunter who's been repeatedly bashed into the ground only to rear it's ugly head once more.

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So Ben Brode has said on twitter that "If Wild format isn't as awesome as we think it will be, we'll make changes until it is." So this is at least showing that they're going to show some love to the Wild format along with the Standard format for the time being, also maybe bringing up the possibility of the old cards that will no longer be useable/purchaseable for the Standard format being balanced so as to make Wild format a better feeling experience all around.

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I just came back to this forum, i hate League of Legends now. And this is the only game I play much with other people that this forum cares about. I mean, I could start a Brawlhalla thread. But like, the game's kinda under the radar despite how good it is. So. I don't know. Let's play some fucking card games, I guess. Sorry, my life's kinda fucked right now, so forgive the self depreciation. I mean, I do it a lot, but now I have no soul or joy anymore. Wish me luck.

Edited by Ringabel
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So, i'm bumping this cuz the mean streets of gadgetzan expansion is out. :V


After along break from HS, i think this new expansion has finally piqued my interest in coming back to the game. So without any futher ado..What do you think of the new meta now that the new cards are out? 


we have the smorc king which is the pirate warrior, some jade decks(shaman/druid) which is a bit of a midrange, priest is back on the map with some new dragons and cards to help this class thanks ben brode, and some demon warlock control and so on. 

tbh It's too early to judge yet which deck will shape up this format but imo that braindead pirate warrior deck is pretty broken at the moment, i mean it's so fast in dealing damage every turn, it puts face shaman and face hunter to shame and you'll be dead before you can make it in your Reno turn.


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Pirate Warrior burns itself out very quickly. I heard Taunt Warrior fares pretty well against Pirate Warrior. The problem is that Taunt warrior doesn't do very well against most other decks.


Other then that, just run a bunch of weapon removal and board clears and, eventually, they'll just wear themselves down.


Right now they're simply preying on the people experimenting on new decks. Once the meta stabilizes, Pirate Warrior will likely end up a niche deck at best.

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I've heard SMOrc being thrown around a lot, but to this day have NO idea what it means...


But after the... middling adventure (really fun/unique, but lacking in card pool...) that was OniK, I'm absolutely loving Mean Streets, it's what's gotten me back into the game again. I do dread the day when Blackrock Rotates out though, Tempo Warrior is my favorite deck...

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SMOrc is a twitch chat emote of an Orc which mainly used to describe an offensive strategy of dealing damage to the opponent's hero by any means possible and disregarding your opponent's board presence in the process.


but yeah, and to think that the warrior class use to be a control deck. :V



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21 minutes ago, doombotmecha said:

I've actually seen buff/goons paladin be really strong. essentially if you can get rid of all their board wipes and then play a buffed dopplegangster or two you win. special mention to the cho>brann>dopple combo for 5 7/7s on turn eight

do u have pokemon reborn episode 16 because i want to battle someone properly with out them useing the glitchy move Baton Pass.....anyways if u dnt have pokemon reborn episode 16 update or the game in general then thts ok

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1 minute ago, doombotmecha said:

1. this isn't exactly the forum for that, maybe make a thread on the main forum

2. I'm waiting on the less-buggy version

3. I'm gonna be starting from scratch because I've changed computers 4 times in the last 4 years

ooh sorry bout tht man i figured all of it was part of the actual thread for challenges lol my bad back to wat ever it was ur doing  dnt mind me

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On 2016-12-07 at 2:00 AM, Ragnar said:

but yeah, and to think that the warrior class use to be a control deck. :V


To be fair, Control Warrior is, and most likely always will be, a strong deck. It's kind of phased out right now because 1) Most people are busy experimenting with new decks and 2) Pirate Warrior is a lot better at countering such experimental decks. However, as I said, once the meta stabilizes, it'll be back.


I'm legitimately loving Dragon Priest, even though I don't have a few of the cards from ONiK (Netherspite Historians and Book Wyrms). Drakonid Operative is just such a blatantly broken card and I love it. 5-mana 5/6 Battlecry: Might as well be "Draw a Card".

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Control Warrior is probably the deck I hate to play against the most. 


And the main problem is that it will always stick around, since all the core cards of the control warrior deck are in the classic set. I deeply hope that they'll nerf it, because it's been a top-tier deck in every meta since the beginning of the game. 

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Actually you don't have to worry about control war anymore unless someone builds a good one, the standard kill'em control warrior is dead in this format, their stacking of massive armor, their board removal and their golden monkey win condition isn't gonna cut it anymore in this new meta. Imo, it's being outclass by Reno warlock and Raza/Reno priest, they're are the better control decks at the moment. Handbuff paladin, Jade druid and midrange jade shaman are pretty nice too. And priest just got a massive buff with a lot of good cards, like dragonfire potion and that 5/6 dragon steal a card.



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