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New Pokemon Game

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Alright so after struggling through 7 gyms in reborn i want to try my hand at making my own pokemon game so is there anyone who wants to lend me a hand i have not used the software before (RPGmakerlite) so i will be pretty new,but if your willing to help me learn we can make an awesome pokemon game

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Most people making pokemon games use RPGMakerXP which is pretty easy to use. If you don't have a particular reason for using Lite I would recommend that. If you use XP then I would download pokemon essentials which is a really good script/ graphics etc. pack. The wiki there also has a lot of helpful information about trainers, pokemon and events.

Anyway- good luck with your game.

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Okay, If you're using lite your life is going to be a bit harder. Pokemon Essentials doesn't work for that so you'll have to start from scratch. I'd look around on pokecommunity a bit to see if anyone has made a game on similar software. Good luck once again.

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