First, we would like to salute our former global mod Cowtao, who was the first to offer us a guide to the items found in the game, and to shelter all the mad searching and finding within Reborn. And we would like to thank you too, dear community, for always being there to uncover that stuff and most of all to help anyone asking where item X was. Now, some episodes later, under the guidance of our beloved bad cop Jericho, and together with the infamous Weavile fan Vinny and the always helping ~Derpy Simon, the stylistical suggestion and magic save file wand from everyone's beloved Shia, hoping for some actually never-needed contributions from bug catcher Sheep, and with the latest addition of my personal assistant Njab, we present you a new, re-ordered Item Guide. We hope that the more info we have concentrated here will give you back all the help you gave to your fellow members all of that time.
PS: I had to remove a lot of the PokeCurrency images from the first sections guide because they exceeded the image limit.
Department Store 5th Floor:
Great Ball (600)
Super Potion (700)
Super Repel (500)
Full Heal (600)
Poke Doll (1000)
Spinel Town PokeMart (Moves):
Super Potion (700)
Antidote (100)
Awakening (250)
Parlyz Heal (200)
Burn Heal (250)
Escape Rope (550)
Super Repel (500)
Great Ball (600)
Agate Vendor:
Ultra Ball (1200)
Super Repel (500)
Escape Rope (550)
Full Heal (600)
Ultra Potion (1000)
Calcenon City PokeMart:
Ultra Ball (1200)
Max Repel (700)
Escape Rope (550)
Full Heal (600)
Ultra Potion (1000)
Ametrine City PokeMart: Ultra Ball (1200) Max Repel (700) Escape Rope (550) Full Heal (600) Ultra Potion (1000)
Department Store 10th Floor:
Hyper Potion (1200)
Max Repel (700)
Full Restore (3000)
Ultra Ball (1200)
Revive (1500)
Medicine market - South Obsidia Ward:
Energy root (800)
Energy powder (500)
Heal powder (450)
Revival herb (2800)
Power herb (1000)
White herb (1000)
-Reborn-exclusive healing candy and canon healing drinks
Reveal hidden contents
Grand Hall vendor: (disappears after defeating Julia)
Common Candy (-1 lvl): 200
Opal Ward ice cream vendor: (only on sunny days)
Vanilla Ice Cream (30 HP): 400
Chocolate Ice Cream (70 HP): 600
Strawberry Ice Cream (90 HP): 800
Blue Moon Ice Cream (200 HP and friendship maximizer): 20000, very rarely available
Sweet Kiss Obsidia Candy Store: Store clerk:
Common Candy (-1 lvl): 300
Whipped Dream (held item to evolve Swirlix into Slurpuff with a Linkstone): 1000
Peppermint (cures Poison): 600
Chewing Gum (cures Paralysis): 800
Pop Rocks (cures Sleep): 750
Salt-water Taffy (cures Burn): 850
Red-Hots (cures Freeze): 850
Cotton Candy (Revive): 5000
Rare Candy (+1 lvl): 20000
Vending machine:*(bribe the kid with a Chocolate Ice Cream to go away)
Vanilla Ice Cream at 1000: first time, it actually drops Vanillitte, continues dropping it until stepping out of the shop
Vanilla Ice Cream (30 HP): 400
Chocolate Ice Cream (70 HP): 700
Strawberry Ice Cream (90 HP): 1000
Occasionally, Blue Moon Ice Cream drops instead of the ordered one
Spinel Town vending machine:(go to the Spinel Museum rooftop and walk between the two pots)
Vanilla Ice Cream at 400: *only drops Vanillite
Chocolate Ice Cream (70 HP): 500
Strawberry Ice Cream (90 HP): 600
Route 1 Miltanks:
Moomoo Milk: give Miltank an Oran Berry
Agate Circus: Clown vendor under the right checkpoint:
Cotton Candy (regular Revive): 5000
Ice Cream vendor opposite of the tent entrance:
Vanilla Ice Cream (30 HP): 400
Chocolate Ice Cream (70 HP): 600
Strawberry Ice Cream (90 HP): 800
Blue Moon Ice Cream (200 HP and friendship maximizer) 20000, very rarely available
Rest Area (Healing Machine - PC Area) vendor:
Common Candy (-1 lvl): 300
Red-Hots (cures Freeze): 850
Chewing Gum (cures Paralysis): 800
Salt-water Taffy (cures Burn): 850
Peppermint (cures Poison): 600
Pop Rocks (cures Sleep): 750
Rest Area vending machine:
Fresh Water (50 HP): 200
Soda Pop (60HP): 300
Lemonade (80HP): 350
-Evolution Stones, Items and Mega Stones
Reveal hidden contents
-Evolution Stones:
Reveal hidden contents
Available through mining glowing rocks:
Moon Stone
Sun Stone
Leaf Stone
Fire Stone
Water Stone
Thunder Stone
Moon Stone:
Obsidia Slums (visible)
Byxbysion Wasteland, after going through the hidden door behind the reactor in the Byxbysion Grotto reach the exit and it's hidden on the rock (hidden)
Department Store 9th Floor: 2100
Water Stone:
Miss Craudburry's House during the first raid with Team Aqua/Magma (visible)
Ametrine Mountain B2F Underwater, hidden on a rock in the Lapras location
Apophyll Beach, needs surf and dive
Department Store 9th Floor: 2100
Leaf Stone:
Lapis Gym Atrium right below Shelly (visible)
North Aventurine Woods after clearing all webs and logs (visible)
Department Store 9th Floor: 2100
Thunder Stone:
Blacksteam Factory 2F top left room (visible)
Azurine Island northernmost rock (hidden)
Department Store 9th Floor: 2100
Fire Stone:
Pyrous Mountain B2F in the Heatmor island (visible)
Route 2 hidden on a rock in the green patch above the last Crustle hole before the Celestine Cascade and Amaria's home (you go through it to drop the Crustle in the hole below)
Department Store 9th Floor: 2100
Shiny Stone:
Azurine Island (visible)
Citae Arc-d'Astrae on a rock back left in the grassy area (hidden)
Department Store 9th Floor: 2100
Sun Stone:
Byxbysion Grotto hidden on the rock to the left (hidden)
Dawn Stone:
Byxbysion Grotto in the Mr. Bigglesworth room (visible)
Opal ward in bush near grand hall post upgrade (hidden)
Department Store 9th Floor: 2100
Dusk Stone:
Subrailnet after going down the stairs to the left wall of the room (visible)
Iolia Valley after recieving all four Crystal Plugs, go through the right path on the left side of the water and use the purple crystal to transform the other path and make it turn left, then go back and go through the left path on the left side of the water after it was changed
Department Store 9th Floor: 2100
Dpt. Store 3F for 200
mining glowing rocks
Reveal hidden contents
Grand Stairway
After defeating Shelly, a crowd and a promoter appear on the Grand Stairway selling only one Linkstone for 10000
Beryl Cave
Hidden on the rock in the locked cage in the second floor, next to Corey's Nidorina, reachable easily even without Flash
Obsidia Slums
Trade a Rare Candy for it to a man on the roof of the Obsidia Slums on a clear day, the man appears after defeating Aya
Yureyu Building
Hidden on a rock outside the Yureyu building, the one behind the railnet exit
South Aventurine Woods - Tech Glasses
Hidden behind the Tech Glasses in the South Aventurine Woods after clearing all logs and webs
South Aventurine Woods - fighting Bugs
Visible item in the far right clearing of the South Aventurine Woods after clearing all logs and webs, the place where you get Pinsir or Heracross
Route 2
Hidden on a rock on the left wall of the route, in the lower left corner of the very large area with the rock platforms just north of the Agate Circus entrance
Ametrine Mountain B3F (Abomasite location)
Hidden on the lower left rock in the Abomasite underwater cavern (after the Lapras location, check the Abomasite entry about how to go there)
Chrysolia Forest
Only available post-game, in the Chrysolia Secret Spring, the cave initially hidden behind a tree in the upper left part of the Chrysolia Forest, hidden on a rock reached with Surf
Department Store
9th Floor for 4100
-Evolution-Inducing HELD Items:
Reveal hidden contents
Whipped Dream:
Obsidia Sweet Kiss Candy Shop for 1000
Lapis Sweet Scent Flower Shop for 1000
Oval Stone
mining glowing rocks
7th Street bottom left vendor for 2100
Department Store 9th Floor for 2100
Metal Coat:
Tanzan Depths Chasm, after defeating Noel and meeting with Sapphira in Tanzan West, go back to the Steelix tunnels and it's at the chasm straight up from the tunnels entrance
Labradorra-Calcenon Control Center Storage Closet, entrance from the first Route 3 Cave (Ruby Cave)
Held by wild Magnemite
Deep Sea Tooth:
Ametrine Mountain B1F underwater (before the Lapras location), start by reaching Ametrine F1 by climbing up the Waterfall in Celestine F1 (Celestine Cascade entrance) or jumping the ledge and climbing down the Waterfall in Ametrine F2 (Calcenon/Route 3 and Route 2 entrance), open the ice-Strength puzzle by pushing the boulder from one side of the Waterfall and going through the path from the other, go through the Dive spot and through the cave opening at the right (surf over it downwards), resurface to B1F and go to the left in the ice skating puzzle, go into the Dive spot and find it in the upper right part
Held by wild Carvanha and Red-Stripped Basculin
Deep Sea Scale:
Celestine Mountain B3F, enter from the Celestine Cascade entrance or reaching Celestine F1 from Citrine or Ametrine, go down the Waterfall at the right, go down the Waterfall in B1F to reach B2F OR enter from the North Aventurine Woods after completing E15, then use the Strength glitch to go to the left of the Ice-Strength puzzle and reach the Dive spot, go to the top right seaweed patch and go through a discrete cave opening on the floor just above the seaweed patch that you need to surf over it going downwards, resurface and it's on the ice-skating area in front of the X-Door
Held by wild Chinchou, Lanturn, Relicanth and Blue-Stripped Basculin
Tanzan Depths Channel, after defeating Noel and meeting with Sapphira in Tanzan West, go back to the Steelix tunnels and you will find a steel beam bridging the upper left chasm, cross it and it's inside the small cave
Department Store 9th Floor for 2100
Iolia Valley, after collecting all four Crustal Plugs go to the upper right cave, use the purple crystal to open the way to the upper exit, step outside and it's there (path towards the Sableye Cave)
King's Rock:
Old lighthouse (dive), Peridot ward - start at west part Apophyll beach and keep following the narrow path, needs a bit of surf
held by wild Hawlucha (Route 2, Celestine Cascade)
Dragon Scale:
Held by wild Horsea
Reaper Cloth:
Celestine Cascade after surfing to the left side of the Celestine River and solve the ledge-jumping puzzle
Calcenon City Storage Unit, after Charlotte takes the Ruby Ring from you go to the lower Calcenon checkpoint, talk to the warden and spend 40000 in the southern checkpoint to fix the destroyed stairs, the room is to the right of them
Coral ward in Lighouse, requires key and dive
Calcenon City Storage Unit, after Charlotte takes the Ruby Ring from you go to the lower Calcenon checkpoint, talk to the warden and spend 40000 in the southern checkpoint to fix the destroyed stairs, the room is to the right of them
Crysolia spring sauna
Dubious Disc:
Glitch City Pokemon Mansion, go through the stairs at the right of the exit to get into the room with it (unreachable after reaching Terra's rooms)
Prism Scale:
Citrine Mountain 2F, enter from the Celestine Cascade entrance and go all the way up to the stairs OR enter going all the way to the left from Celestine Mountain F1, climb the stairs, surf, climb the first small Waterfall and it's at the landing spot at its left (also is the visible but unreachable item you see from the side accross Shade's gym)
Department Store 9th Floor for 2500
Razor claw
Azurine cave - requiers surf, dive and waterfall
Razor fang
Crysolia spring sauna
Dpt. Store 3F for 200
mining glowing rocks
-Mega Stones:(currently unusable, we lack a Mega Ring/Bracelet/other jewelry)
Reveal hidden contents
visit Nyu's house in the North Aventurine Woods without any other candy in your Bag other than Blue Moon Ice Cream, talk to him and he'll offer you a choice of either Heracronite or Pinsirite for it (repeatable to get both)
visit Nyu's house in the North Aventurine Woods without any other candy in your Bag other than Blue Moon Ice Cream, talk to him and he'll offer you a choice of either Heracronite or Pinsirite for it (repeatable to get both)
exchange a Floral Charm for it in a house Ametrine City, to a girl complaining about her necklace (possible only after visiting Blake's apartment
Ametrine Mountain B3F, start by reaching Ametrine F1 by climbing up the Waterfall in Celestine F1 (Celestine Cascade entrance) or jumping the ledge and climbing down the Waterfall in Ametrine F2 (Calcenon/Route 3 and Route 2 entrance), open the ice-Strength puzzle by pushing the boulder from one side of the Waterfall and going through the path from the other, go through the Dive spot and through the cave opening at the right (surf over it downwards), resurface to B1F and go to the left in the ice skating puzzle, go into the Dive spot and through the cave opening at the low left into B2F (the Lapras location), go through another cave opening at the bottom left to B3F and find it next to the X Door at the left
Azurine cave - requiers surf,dive, waterfall and blizzard
Crysolia spring sauna
Azrine lake dive, S9
Devon corp, if you've upgraded railnet
-TMs, HMs and Move Tutors (in-game order, numerical list in the next post) (need update)
Reveal hidden contents
-Julia to Aya
Reveal hidden contents
TM 57 Charge Beam
Gift after defeating Julia (1st Badge)
TM 60 Quash
Obsidia Slums
TM X1 Cut
Given by Amaria and Florinia after meeting Amaria in Coral and returning to the Obsidia Park
TM 45 Attract
Onyx Arcade prize for 1000 coins
TM 42 Facade
Onyx Arcade prize for 4000 coins
TM 90 Substitute
Onyx Arcade prize for 7000 coins
TM 96 Nature Power
Gift after defeating Florinia (2nd Badge)
Lapis Ward Pledge Tutor in the house left of Shelly's gym: (Charge: 3 shards per move. B=blue, R=red, G=green)
Grass Pledge (3G), Fire Pledge (3R), Water Pledge (3B)
TM 48 Round
Obsidia Dpt. Store 4th floor for 9000
TM 63 Embargo
Under the Grand Stairway, take the middle left path at the ledges, in a corridor to the left before the Black Belt with Rock Smash
TM X6 Rock Smash
Under the Grand Stairway, take the middle left path at the ledges , given by the Black Belt, also mistakenly regiven instead of TM 94 Secret Power in the Byxbysion Wasteland
TM 76 Struggle Bug
Gift after defeating Shelly (3rd Badge)
TM 20 Safeguard
Rhodochrine Jungle Glade, the Nuzleaf/Totempole/Tropius location) enter the Beryl Cave, go through it and exit to the other side (reachable without Flash)
TM 65 Shadow Claw
Gift after defeating Shade after (4th Badge)
TM 77 Psych Up
Dark corridor in Blackstream Factory in Peridot (reachable without Flash)
TM 41 Torment
Apophyll Cave top floor
TM 88 Sleep Talk
Azurine Islands, upper left island
TM X4 Strength
Given by Victoria after the Pyrous Mountain Peak events
TM 09 Venoshock
Byxbysion Grotto, after going through the Byxbysion Tunnels, in the Mr. Bigglesworth room (not impossible but hard without Flash)
TM 34 Sludge Wave
Gift after defeating Aya (5th Badge)
-Aya to Samson
Reveal hidden contents
TM 94 Secret Power
Byxbysion Wasteland, at the end of the Byxbysion Tunnels, after going through the hidden door behind the reactor in the Byxbysion Grotto, open for full instructions (it will most likely give you Rock Smash again, open your file with the E15 Community Release before grabbing it to get Secret Power)
Reveal hidden contents
reach the exit of the hidden tunnel, slide down the steel beam, enter the cave, climb the stairs up and then immediately turn around and climb them down, that will get you back in the tunnel above the ledge, push the Strength boulder aside, go under the stone pillar to jump a hidden ledge and push the boulder blocking the path away, reach the exit and jump the ledge. (former Mudkip/now Squirtle location)(requires defeating Aya to use Strength, not impossible but very hard without Flash) (watch this video from the 10-min mark to the end for the location)
TM 32 Double Team
Citrine Mountain, enter from outside of Shade's Gym, push the Strength boulder from above, turn around and go through the path from the left (former location of Corey's Nidorina)
TM 83 Infestation
Underground Railnet after the Yureyu HQ in a Rock Smashable shadow on the wall
TM 70 Flash
Depths of the Railnet, after the Yureyu HQ and solving the rail puzzle to open the left door, after going down the stairs, in a Rock Smashable shadow on the wall between two rocks
TM 100 Confide
Mysidia Railcave after going every time through the door that is between two rocks just like that
Reveal hidden contents
TM 54 False Swipe
Voclain Estate (Serra's house) upper floor in the left room
TM 79 Frost Breath
Gift after defeating Serra (6th Badge)
TM 10 Hidden Power
Gift after defeating Noel (7th Badge)
TM 07 Hail
North Aventurine Woods after clearing all webs and logs
TM 92 Trick Room
Gift after defeating Radomous (8th Badge)
7th Street Move Tutors: (Charge:1-2 shards per move. B=blue, R=red, G=green, P=purple) Upper Left one
Gastro Acid(1B), Iron Defense(2R), Snore(1B), Bind(1P), Helping Hand(1P), Skill Swap(2G), Role Play(1P) Lower Left one
Spite(1R), Worry Seed(1R), Magic Coat(2B), Trick(2G), Block(1P), Magnet Rise(1R), Recycle(1B) Doxy right above the Healing Machine building
After You(2R), Snatch(1B), Magic Room(1G), Wonder Room(1P), Gravity(1R), Covet(2B), Electroweb(2G)
TM 64 Explosion
7th Street vendor opposite to the Move Tutors (7500)
TM 18 Rain Dance
Given by Aqua Gang leader Archer (If you're with Aqua, meet him in 7th Street and defeat Craudburry. If
you're with Magma find him in one of the 7th Street caves after defeating Craudburry and defeat him)
TM 11 Sunny Day
Given by Magma Gang leader Maxwell (If you're with Magma, meet him in 7th Street and defeat Craudburry. If you're with Aqua find him in one of the 7th Street caves after defeating Craudburry and defeat him)
TM 97 Dark Pulse
Gift after defeating Luna (9th Badge)
Agate Circus Move Tutors: (Charge:2-3 shards per move. B=blue, R=red, G=green, P=purple) Second vendor under the Agate City Checkpoint
Grass Pledge (3G), Fire Pledge (3R), Water Pledge (3B) Left side of the Circus, upper tutor
Endeavor (3G), Dual Chop (2P), Iron Tail (2B), Pain Split (3R), Focus Punch (2G), Icy Wind (3P), Bug Bite (2R) Left side of the Circus, lower tutor
Sky Attack (2R), Uproar (2B), Last Resort (2P), Shock Wave (2R), Water Pulse (2G), Bounce (2P), Drill Run (3B)
TM X7 Dive
Agate Circus Puzzle Vendor right to the Icecreams stand (costs 1 Blue Shard to play)
TM 89 Swagger
Agate Circus after scoring "over 9000" on the High Striker, the game under the Big Top where you meet Samson the first time and he launches the bell
TM 31 Brick Break
gift after defeating Samson (10th Badge)
-Samson to Ciel (=love)
Reveal hidden contents
TM X3 Surf
Given by Titania after defeating Samson, returning to the Fiore Mansion and reading her diary
TM 86 Grass Knot
Labradorra-Calcenon Control Center Storage room, beyond the Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/Amethyst/Route 3 Caves, take the lower left corridor after defeating Aster and Eclipse there (if you had defeated Florinia in a previous episode when she gave out Grass Knot, you will recieve TM 96 Nature Power)
TM 35 Flamethrower
Gift after defeating Charlotte (11th Badge)
TM X7 Dive
Agate Circus Puzzle Vendor right to the Icecreams stand (costs 1 Blue Shard to play)
TM 49 Echoed Voice
Ametrine Mountain Slopes after following a discrete path that goes backwards and then turns around
Reveal hidden contents
TM 46 Thief
Ametrine City after the ice skating puzzle with the kids
TM 21 Frustration
Celestine Mountain F1, entrance from the Celestine Cascade or coming all te way to the right from Citrine F1, found after going down at the ice skating puzzle at the left and then through a Dive spot
TM X5 Waterfall
Given, regardless of answer to Blake, in Ametrine, if "Yes" from Blake, if "No" from Aster after defeating him just before reaching the Ametrine Mountain Peak
TM 78 Bullshit (Bulldoze)
Gift after defeating M3G4 T3RR4 (12th Badge)
TM 56 Fling
Celestine Mountain B2F in the top of the Dive spot, entrance after completing E15 from North Aventurine Woods OR by going down the Waterfall in Celestine F1 and again down the Waterfall in B1F, then using the Strength glitch to go down to reach the Dive spot
TM 69 Rock Polish
Celestine Mountain B1F, start by going down the Waterfall in F1 (Celestine Cascade entrance) OR by going up the Waterfall in B2F (North Aventurine Woods entrance after using the Strength glitch), then through a Dive Spot and an ice skating puzzle
TM 67 Retaliate
Celestine Mountain F4 (Feebas location), open for full instructions
Reveal hidden contents
start by reaching the Dive spot in Celestine F2 by EITHER going through the stairs at the top right in F1 and then through an ice skating puzzle (Celestine Cascade entrance) OR by surfing down and left from Ametrine F2 without going down the Waterfall (Route 2 entrance), Dive and resurface at the right end of the Dive spot, climb the Waterfall to F3, solve the Strength & ice skating puzzle (no need to use Strength glitches) and climb the Waterfall to F4
TM 05 RAWR (Roar)
Ametrine Mountain B3F, open for full instructions
Reveal hidden contents
enter Ametrine F1 by climbing up the Waterfall in Celestine F1 (Celestine Cascade entrance) or (jumping the ledge if in Route 3) and climbing down the Waterfall in Ametrine F2 (Calcenon/Route 3 and Route 2 entrance), solve the ice-Strength puzzle (no glitch needed), go into the Dive spot and through the cave opening at the right (surf over it downwards), resurface to B1F and go to the right side in the ice skating puzzle, surf and climb down the Waterfall to enter B2F, go up in the first ice skating puzzle, through the second one and into the Dive spot, through the cave opening at its lowest point, resurface in B3F, go down the small Waterfalls and find it next to the X-Door
TM 39 Rock Tomb
Water Treatment Center, in the Central Obsidia Water Grid after cleaning the water and surfing on it, on the platform to the right of the central one
TM 37 Sandstorm
Water Treatment Center, in the Onyx Water Grid after cleaning the water and surfing on it, on the top platform
TM X2 Fly
Given by Julia and Florinia outside the Fiore Mansion after Titania and Amaria return from the Water Treatment Center
TM 62 Acrobatics
Gift after defeating wild Seel (Ciel) (13th Badge)
TM 74 Gyro Ball
Iolia Valley river at its southernmost point after the Waterfall (requires completing the episode to return there with Waterfall)
-Ability Capsules
Reveal hidden contents
Peridot Ward
Hidden in a barrel outside the Mosswater Factory in Peridot (unreachable after finishing the raid with Julia, Fern and Florinia!)
Obsidia Ward
Speak to a woman in the Obsidia PokeCenter looking for her son, find her son outside the Glamazonia Salon in South Obsidia and go back to the woman to reciece an Ability Capsule (new E15 event)
North Obsidia
take the path that goes right, at its end turn down and it's hidden on the rock before the crack
Under the Grand Stairway
choose the right path in the ledges puzzle and follow it through stairs and turn untill you reach the capsule (visible overworld item)
Citrine Mountain
enter from outside of Shade's gym and go straight to the right, it's hidden in the last rock in that direction
Byxbysion Wasteland
after going through the building with the stairs don't slide any of the steel beams, jump from the little one-square ledge at the upper left side and find it hidden in a barrel
Reveal hidden contents
after the Yureyu building when you enter the right side of the Underground Railnet, solve the rails puzzle to open the left door and enter the Subrailnet and it's behind a Rock Smashable shadow on the wall
Byxbysion Wasteland beyond the Tunnels and Grotto
hidden in a bush in the Secret Power / former Mudkip / now Squirtle location, check the TM guide for more info and a video guide, requires defeating Aya to use Strength and ver very difficult to reach without Flash
Reveal hidden contents
Chrysolia Forest
hidden in the bush at the end of the corridor at the top left, outside of the Moss Rock section
Mysidia Railcave
hidden in a rock in the Confide / Ill-fated Doll Location, go through all the doors that lie between a pair of rocks to reach it
Reveal hidden contents
7th St. Ability Capsule Vendor at the top left of 7th Street
Agate Circus Ability Capsule Vendor at the lowest row, opposite of the Rest Area entrance
Pickup ability (lvls 61-80:rare, 81-100:uncommon)
-Items to summon/obtain event Pokemon
Reveal hidden contents
vendors in North Peridot Ward and Beryl Ward (650), Sweet Kiss Candy Shop in Obsidia Ward (and 7th Street vendor opposite to the Move Tutors (400), Pickup ability (levels 1-40)
Rose Incence:
given by a Doxy class Trainer in the sole green spot in Peridot Ward under the horizontal train tracks after defeating her, sold in the Sweet Scent Flower Shop in Lapis (9600), hidden item in a flower pot outside the Belrose Manse in the Tanzan Cove
Vanilla Ice Cream: 1000 from the icecream vending machine in the Sweet Kiss Candy Shop in Obsidia or 400 from the icecream vending machine in Spinel town (climb to the Spinel museum's top floor go out to the veranda and walk between the two pots)
Ultra Potion:
hidden on a rock in the Coral Ward, Pickup ability (levels 1-80), sold by the Agate Circus vendor for General Goods, Cancelon PokeMart, Ametrine Pokemart
Silver Ring:
found in Corey's hidden room after defeating him
Soul Candle:
clean the Beryl Library (entrance from Rhodochrine Jungle) for Gothorita after beating Corey, 7th Street bottom left vendor (2000)
Ill-fated Doll:
Beryl Library right back room (Growlithe room), Mysidia Railcave after going every time through the door that is between two rocks, 7th Street vendor opposite to the Move Tutors for 300
Reveal hidden contents
Data Chip:
Lapis Orphanage bottom floor, in the machine and computers room, 7th Street vendor opposite to the Move Tutors (400)
Magnet Powder:
at the end of the upper corridor in the dark room of the Blackstream Factory in Peridot, 7th Street vendor opposite to the Move Tutors for 600
Corrupted PokeBall:
Underground Railnet after a Rock Smashable shadow on the wall
Odd Keystone:
mining glowing rocks
Helix, Dome, Root, Claw, Skull, Armor Fossils:
mining glowing rocks, resurrect in Spinel Museum
Plume, Cover Fossils:
meet the two Meteors in Spinel Museum, beat them in Tanzan Mountain, return to the Museum and choose one of Plume Fossil or Cover Fossil from the Gentleman (the Meteors disappear after defeating PULSE Abra), also Agate Circus Puzzle Vendors, lowest on the left side for Plume (costs one Red Shard to play) and rightmost on the bottom side for Cover (costs one Green Shard to play), resurrect in Spinel Museum
Sail, Jaw Fossils:
fulfill the requests by the Cult of the Helix Fossil in 7th Street (never go there with a Dome Fossil in the Bag, always go there with a Helix Fossil in the Bag, trade them at the first party slot a Farfetch'd (Slayer of the Trees), a Pidgeot (the Messiah, Bird Jesus) and a Helix Fossil (your fragment of the Divine), each time for a selection between the Sail and Jaw Fossil, resurrect in Spinel Museum
Old Amber:
trade for a Pidove to a boy in the top left building in Ametrine City, resurrect after completing E15 in Spinel Museum
Floral Charm:
Sweet Scent Flower Shop in Lapis (1500)
Honey Gather ability, Sweet Scent Flower Shop in Lapis (1000), trade for various candy (Ice Creams other than Blue Moon Ice Cream, condition-healing candies) in Nyu's House in North Aventurive Woods
South Aventurine Woods in a small horizontal corridor, requires Floral Charm to enter and avoid falling asleep, hidden in a bush
"Rare Candy":
hidden in the path between 7th Street and the Subseven Sanctum (Beryl Wall), on a rock behind a minable glowing rock at the far right, mine and blow the rock to reach it
Blue - Red - Green - Purple Shards:
hidden literally everywhere
mining glowing rocks
sold in Agate Circus just right of the Circus Tent/Big Top by the left out of the three vendors (10000 apiece)
given one per time for defeating the rebattlable Clown Indra and in Agate Circus upper right corner, next to the blocked path to the Ferris Wheel, one of eight 3-mon teams is randomly chosen each time
-Key Items
Reveal hidden contents
Old Rod
Given to by a Fisherman in a house next to the murkwater in Peridot Ward
Membership Card
Given to by a Lady in the Obsidia Dpt. Store 1st Floor, follow Eagleby18's guide to get the stickers
Coin Case
Given to by a Hotshot in the first room you meet in the upper floor of the Onyx School
Warehouse Key
Found after defeating the fake Daycare Couple/Meteor Grunts in the house in the Obsidia Park
Silver ring
found in Corey's hidden room after defeating him
Wailmer Pail
Given to by a Lady in the Lapis Sweet Scent Flower Shop
After raiding Mrs. Craudberry's house with the Aqua/Magma Gang, return and recieve it from the policeman
Exchange for the Voucher in the Lapis Luxury Bicycle Shop
Mining Kit
Use Rock Smash on rock at the top right on the first floor under the Grand Stairway to reach a tunnel, given to by the Hiker in front of the blown-up rock
Dull Key
Underground Railnet between between the Rock Smashable rocks and the gates to Yureyu and the gate to the Yureyu, obtainable after defeating Shelly but rendered unreachable if not obtained before defeating Shade, then again reachable after defeating Aya
Harbor Key
Given to player by Amaria after defeating PULSE Muk
Railnet Key
Found in the Yureyu building top floor
House Key
Found in the Underground Railnet, in the part after the Yureyu building, behind a Rock Smashable shadow on the wall (or in the Subrailnet after solving the rails puzzle to open the door on the left, again behind a Rock Smashable shadow on the wall)
Good Rod
Found in the first house you see upon entering Spinel Town
Medicine (x2)
Bought for 500 from the PokeMart that moves from Spinel Town to Serra's Veranda and settles outside the entrance of Tanzan Mountain, you can only buy one piece and give it away to fullfil the story quest or the sticker sidequest, then return and buy the second piece for the other quest
Ruby Ring
Given to by Sapphira upon meeting her in Tanzan Mountain West after defeating Noel, later given/taken away to/by Blake in Ametrine City
Amethyst Pendant
Given to by Sapphira upon meeting her in Tanzan Mountain West after defeating Noel, later taken away from Ditto-Gardevoir in the Citae Arc-d'-Astrae
Given to by a Techie in the Route 1 Nature Center
Crystal Plug (x4)
The first is given to by Luna in the Beryl Wall (7th Street outside of the Subseven Sanctum), the next three are found after progressively solving the crystal puzzles in Iolia Valley
Yureyu Key
Peridot ward, reward for finding all Mulches
Powder Vial
Bought for 1000 from the middle of the three vendors right next to the Agate Circus Big Top (the vendor appears only after meeting Samson, Ciel, Cain and Aya in the Data Office, the Circus backroom
Battle Pass Fury
Given to by Amaria and Titania in the Fiore Mansion in Celestine Cascade
Battle Pass Gravity
Given to by Shelly in the Ametrine City Abandoned House
Shiny Charm
If you answered No to all of Blake's demands about the Ruby Ring, visit the house of Eclipse's father in Calcenon after defeating Blake and find it in Eclipse's room
Silver Card
Found in Citrine Mountain behind Corey's Skuntank, enter Citrine from the Celestine Cascade entrance and go to the right OR enter Citrine by going and surfing to the left of Celestine F1 untill you find an Ice-Strength puzzle, push the boulder away from one side and enter from the other, defeat or capture Skuntank (to be reached requires either Surf and abusing a Strength glitch or Waterfall to be reached legally, but can be used only after completing E15)
Beryl Grid Key
Found in the Lapis Water Grid in the Water Treatment Center
Battle Pass Suspension
Given to by Ciel in the Agate Circus Data Office
Radio Transceiver
given to you by Arclight
Devon scope
Devon corp
Super rod
Tanzan cove, given to you by fisherman after finding Taras body
Diamond ring
Azurine lake dive, Kingsbury
Classified information
Jasper ward, trade Diamond ring for it
Pink pearl
in Peridot ward house, requers Classified information. Looker will give you Pink pearl for it
Crystal ball
trade for Pink pearl in Coral ward
trade for Crystall ball in Jasper
Sanctum key
trade for Klefki that holds it in Blacksteam shelter
Coral key
dive in Coral ward behind other lighthouse
Silvon scope
bring Devon scope to Silph Co after interacting with Kecleon
Oval charm
Azurine lake, Kingsbury -> dive at southernmost little square
ID Tag
Tanzan cove, catch 3 Whiscash for fisherman
GUM key
Solice if you've upgraded Obsidia
-Held Items (the most useful-popular-important ones, complete categorized list in the next post)
Reveal hidden contents
Soothe Bell
show a Pokemon with high friendship to the Beauty at the right in the Obsidia Salon (former Vulpix girl)
Big Root
Malchous Forest, Dpt. Store 8th Floor for 1200
Damp, Heat, Icy, Smooth Rocks & Light Clay
Dpt. Store 3rd Floor for 200, mining glowing rocks
Destiny Knot
Obsidia Dpt. Store 4th Floor for 8000
Power Items (EV-training item: Power Weight, Bracer, Belt, Lens, Band, Anklet)
Obsidia Dpt. Store 4th Floor for 15000
Focus Sash
hidden in a rock at the right in the ledge rows under the Grand Stairway, hidden in a barrel in the Byxbysion Tunnels after reaching the Byxbysion Grotto and entering the hidden door behind the left light pillar/reactor, hidden in a rock Azurine cave (surf east from Apophyll beach)
All Type Plates
mining glowing rocks
Herbs (White, Mental, Power Herb)
Dpt. Store 5th Floor for 1000
Black Sludge
hidden in the Byxbysion Wasteland, also hidden in the Peridot Water Grid after lowering the water level and walking on the murkwater, also held by wild Trubbish
Reveal hidden contents
Exp. Share
find a house with a girl and a Kadabra in Spinel Town where all furniture disappears, find all missing furniture and recieve the Exp. Share
Wide Lens
Route 1 Nature Center 2nd floor, held by wild Yanma
Zoom Lens
Dpt. Store 8th Floor for 1200
Scope Lens
Dpt. Store 8th Floor for 2200, Jasper Water Grid in the Water Treatment Center after defeating PULSE Swalot, clearing the water and surfing on it
Quick Claw
Dpt. Store 8th Floor for 1800
Life Orb
Celestine Mountain B2F after using the Strength glitch to go upwards (entrance from North Aventurine Woods after clearing all logs and webs OR by going down the Waterfall at the right in Celestine F1 and again down the Waterfall in B1F, then using the Strength glitch), also held by wild Absol (Route 4 at night at the Waterfall with an Ill-Fated Doll in the bag, only one encounter)
Lucky Egg
buy all the stolen Pokemon from the vendor in 7th Street and recieve it from DJ Arclight (old Exp. Share event), Pickup ability (lvls 81-100, very rare)
King's Rock
Old lighthouse (dive), Peridot ward - start at west part Apophyll beach and keep following the narrow path, needs a bit of surf
held by wild Hawlucha (Route 2, Celestine Cascade)
Toxic Orb
get the Silver Ring from Corey's room after he dies, use it to fight his Skuntank in Citrine Mountain F1, obtain the Silver Card behind the Skuntank, bring it to Corey's room and use it on the card reader to open a secret room with a Toxic Orb
Shell Bell
Lapis ward - Railnet upgrade, Peony station trade for Shoal Shells and Shoal Salt
Pickup ability lvl 71-100 (very rare)
2x Spyce sidequest - after city restore
Assault vest
Underground railnet - if you choose to upgrade it
Azurine lake (dive), F10
Expert belt
Peridot ward, near rails from NPC that is hidden under the orange awning
Rocky helmet
Azurine island - if you choose to upgrade it, mushroom quest
Choice band
7th street applications gang quest - Team Magma
Choice specs
7th street applications gang quest - Team Aqua
Reveal hidden contents
Oran Berry (10HP)
Dpt. Store F2 (200), Sweet Scent Lapis Flower Shop (200)
Single condition-curing Berries
Dpt. Store F2 (400)
Type Damage-reducing Berries
Dpt. Store F6 (1200) (except the anti-Fairy Roseli Berry)
Friendship-upping EV-reducing Berries
Dpt: Store F8 (1200)
Berries that raise stat once in a pinch
Dpt: Store F10 (1200)
Lum Berry
North Aventurine Woods after clearing all webs and logs (one tree with two berries)
Dpt: Store F10 (800)
Sitrus Berry
South Aventurine Woods after clearing all webs and logs (one tree with two berries)
Lapis community garden
Custap Berry
South Aventurine Woods after clearing all webs and logs (one tree with two berries)
Dpt: Store F10 (1200)
Rowap Berry
Dpt: Store F10 (1200)
Jaboca Berry
Lapis community garden
Dpt: Store F10 (1200)
Enigma Berry
Malchous Forest - post upgrade
Starf Berry
Malchous Forest - post upgrade
Reveal hidden contents
Poke Ball
Grand Hall, Peridot Mart, Devon Corp., Dpt. Store 1st Floor, Beryl Mart, Lapis Mart, Apophyll Academy Vendor (200)
Great Ball
Dpt. Store 5th Floor, Spinel>Serra'sVeranda>Tanzan Entrance Mart (600)
Dear Reborn community.
First, we would like to salute our former global mod Cowtao, who was the first to offer us a guide to the items found in the game, and to shelter all the mad searching and finding within Reborn. And we would like to thank you too, dear community, for always being there to uncover that stuff and most of all to help anyone asking where item X was. Now, some episodes later, under the guidance of our beloved bad cop Jericho, and together with the infamous Weavile fan Vinny and the always helping ~Derpy Simon, the stylistical suggestion and magic save file wand from everyone's beloved Shia, hoping for some actually never-needed contributions from bug catcher Sheep, and with the latest addition of my personal assistant Njab, we present you a new, re-ordered Item Guide. We hope that the more info we have concentrated here will give you back all the help you gave to your fellow members all of that time.
PS: I had to remove a lot of the PokeCurrency images from the first sections guide because they exceeded the image limit.
Useful Links:
-General goods by merchant
Grand Hall:
Potion (300)
Antidote (100)
Poke Ball (200)
Peridot Ward PokeMart:
Potion (300)
Antidote (100)
Parlyz Heal (200)
Burn Heal (250)
Escape Rope (550)
Poke Ball (200)
Devon Corp:
Potion (300)
Repel (350)
Poke Ball (200)
Department Store 1st Floor:
Poke Ball (200)
Escape Rope (550)
Common Candy (300)
Repel (350)
PokeSnax (400)
Potion (300)
Antidote (100)
Awakening (250)
Burn Heal (250)
Parlyz Heal (200)
Ice Heal (250)
Onyx Trainers School vendor: (appears after defeating Fern and disappears after defeating Florinia)
Super Potion (700)
Beryl Ward PokeMart:
Super Potion (700)
Antidote (100)
Awakening (250)
Parlyz Heal (200)
Burn Heal (250)
Escape Rope (550)
Super Repel (500)
Poke Ball (200)
Jasper checkpoint vendors: (in place only after defeating Corey)
Repel (350)
Lapis Ward PokeMart:
Super Potion (700)
Antidote (100)
Awakening (250)
Parlyz Heal (200)
Burn Heal (250)
Escape Rope (550)
Super Repel (500)
Poke Ball (200)
Apophyll Academy:
Super Potion (700)
Antidote (100)
Awakening (250)
Parlyz Heal (200)
Burn Heal (250)
Escape Rope (550)
Super Repel (500)
Poke Ball (200)
Department Store 5th Floor:
Great Ball (600)
Super Potion (700)
Super Repel (500)
Full Heal (600)
Poke Doll (1000)
Spinel Town PokeMart (Moves):
Super Potion (700)
Antidote (100)
Awakening (250)
Parlyz Heal (200)
Burn Heal (250)
Escape Rope (550)
Super Repel (500)
Great Ball (600)
Agate Vendor:
Ultra Ball (1200)
Super Repel (500)
Escape Rope (550)
Full Heal (600)
Ultra Potion (1000)
Calcenon City PokeMart:
Ultra Ball (1200)
Max Repel (700)
Escape Rope (550)
Full Heal (600)
Ultra Potion (1000)
Ametrine City PokeMart:
Ultra Ball (1200)
Max Repel (700)
Escape Rope (550)
Full Heal (600)
Ultra Potion (1000)
Department Store 10th Floor:
Hyper Potion (1200)
Max Repel (700)
Full Restore (3000)
Ultra Ball (1200)
Revive (1500)
Medicine market - South Obsidia Ward:
Energy root (800)
Energy powder (500)
Heal powder (450)
Revival herb (2800)
Power herb (1000)
White herb (1000)
-Reborn-exclusive healing candy and canon healing drinks
Grand Hall vendor: (disappears after defeating Julia)
Common Candy (-1 lvl): 200
Opal Ward ice cream vendor: (only on sunny days)
Vanilla Ice Cream (30 HP): 400
Chocolate Ice Cream (70 HP): 600
Strawberry Ice Cream (90 HP): 800
Blue Moon Ice Cream (200 HP and friendship maximizer): 20000, very rarely available
Sweet Kiss Obsidia Candy Store:
Store clerk:
Common Candy (-1 lvl): 300
Whipped Dream (held item to evolve Swirlix into Slurpuff with a Linkstone): 1000
Peppermint (cures Poison): 600
Chewing Gum (cures Paralysis): 800
Pop Rocks (cures Sleep): 750
Salt-water Taffy (cures Burn): 850
Red-Hots (cures Freeze): 850
Cotton Candy (Revive): 5000
Rare Candy (+1 lvl): 20000
Vending machine: *(bribe the kid with a Chocolate Ice Cream to go away)
Vanilla Ice Cream at 1000: first time, it actually drops Vanillitte, continues dropping it until stepping out of the shop
Vanilla Ice Cream (30 HP): 400
Chocolate Ice Cream (70 HP): 700
Strawberry Ice Cream (90 HP): 1000
Occasionally, Blue Moon Ice Cream drops instead of the ordered one
Spinel Town vending machine: (go to the Spinel Museum rooftop and walk between the two pots)
Vanilla Ice Cream at 400: *only drops Vanillite
Chocolate Ice Cream (70 HP): 500
Strawberry Ice Cream (90 HP): 600
Route 1 Miltanks:
Moomoo Milk: give Miltank an Oran Berry
Agate Circus:
Clown vendor under the right checkpoint:
Cotton Candy (regular Revive): 5000
Ice Cream vendor opposite of the tent entrance:
Vanilla Ice Cream (30 HP): 400
Chocolate Ice Cream (70 HP): 600
Strawberry Ice Cream (90 HP): 800
Blue Moon Ice Cream (200 HP and friendship maximizer) 20000, very rarely available
Rest Area (Healing Machine - PC Area) vendor:
Common Candy (-1 lvl): 300
Red-Hots (cures Freeze): 850
Chewing Gum (cures Paralysis): 800
Salt-water Taffy (cures Burn): 850
Peppermint (cures Poison): 600
Pop Rocks (cures Sleep): 750
Rest Area vending machine:
Fresh Water (50 HP): 200
Soda Pop (60HP): 300
Lemonade (80HP): 350
-Evolution Stones, Items and Mega Stones
-Evolution Stones:
Available through mining glowing rocks:
Moon Stone
Sun Stone
Leaf Stone
Fire Stone
Water Stone
Thunder Stone
Moon Stone:
Obsidia Slums (visible)
Byxbysion Wasteland, after going through the hidden door behind the reactor in the Byxbysion Grotto reach the exit and it's hidden on the rock (hidden)
Department Store 9th Floor: 2100
Water Stone:
Miss Craudburry's House during the first raid with Team Aqua/Magma (visible)
Ametrine Mountain B2F Underwater, hidden on a rock in the Lapras location
Apophyll Beach, needs surf and dive
Department Store 9th Floor: 2100
Leaf Stone:
Lapis Gym Atrium right below Shelly (visible)
North Aventurine Woods after clearing all webs and logs (visible)
Department Store 9th Floor: 2100
Thunder Stone:
Blacksteam Factory 2F top left room (visible)
Azurine Island northernmost rock (hidden)
Department Store 9th Floor: 2100
Fire Stone:
Pyrous Mountain B2F in the Heatmor island (visible)
Route 2 hidden on a rock in the green patch above the last Crustle hole before the Celestine Cascade and Amaria's home (you go through it to drop the Crustle in the hole below)
Department Store 9th Floor: 2100
Shiny Stone:
Azurine Island (visible)
Citae Arc-d'Astrae on a rock back left in the grassy area (hidden)
Department Store 9th Floor: 2100
Sun Stone:
Byxbysion Grotto hidden on the rock to the left (hidden)
Dawn Stone:
Byxbysion Grotto in the Mr. Bigglesworth room (visible)
Opal ward in bush near grand hall post upgrade (hidden)
Department Store 9th Floor: 2100
Dusk Stone:
Subrailnet after going down the stairs to the left wall of the room (visible)
Iolia Valley after recieving all four Crystal Plugs, go through the right path on the left side of the water and use the purple crystal to transform the other path and make it turn left, then go back and go through the left path on the left side of the water after it was changed
Department Store 9th Floor: 2100
Dpt. Store 3F for
mining glowing rocks
Grand Stairway
After defeating Shelly, a crowd and a promoter appear on the Grand Stairway selling only one Linkstone for
Beryl Cave
Hidden on the rock in the locked cage in the second floor, next to Corey's Nidorina, reachable easily even without Flash
Obsidia Slums
Trade a Rare Candy for it to a man on the roof of the Obsidia Slums on a clear day, the man appears after defeating Aya
Yureyu Building
Hidden on a rock outside the Yureyu building, the one behind the railnet exit
South Aventurine Woods - Tech Glasses
Hidden behind the Tech Glasses in the South Aventurine Woods after clearing all logs and webs
South Aventurine Woods - fighting Bugs
Visible item in the far right clearing of the South Aventurine Woods after clearing all logs and webs, the place where you get Pinsir or Heracross
Route 2
Hidden on a rock on the left wall of the route, in the lower left corner of the very large area with the rock platforms just north of the Agate Circus entrance
Ametrine Mountain B3F (Abomasite location)
Hidden on the lower left rock in the Abomasite underwater cavern (after the Lapras location, check the Abomasite entry about how to go there)
Chrysolia Forest
Only available post-game, in the Chrysolia Secret Spring, the cave initially hidden behind a tree in the upper left part of the Chrysolia Forest, hidden on a rock reached with Surf
Department Store
9th Floor for
-Evolution-Inducing HELD Items:
Whipped Dream:
Obsidia Sweet Kiss Candy Shop for
Lapis Sweet Scent Flower Shop for
Oval Stone
mining glowing rocks
7th Street bottom left vendor for
Department Store 9th Floor for
Metal Coat:
Tanzan Depths Chasm, after defeating Noel and meeting with Sapphira in Tanzan West, go back to the Steelix tunnels and it's at the chasm straight up from the tunnels entrance
Labradorra-Calcenon Control Center Storage Closet, entrance from the first Route 3 Cave (Ruby Cave)
Held by wild Magnemite
Deep Sea Tooth:
Ametrine Mountain B1F underwater (before the Lapras location), start by reaching Ametrine F1 by climbing up the Waterfall in Celestine F1 (Celestine Cascade entrance) or jumping the ledge and climbing down the Waterfall in Ametrine F2 (Calcenon/Route 3 and Route 2 entrance), open the ice-Strength puzzle by pushing the boulder from one side of the Waterfall and going through the path from the other, go through the Dive spot and through the cave opening at the right (surf over it downwards), resurface to B1F and go to the left in the ice skating puzzle, go into the Dive spot and find it in the upper right part
Held by wild Carvanha and Red-Stripped Basculin
Deep Sea Scale:
Celestine Mountain B3F, enter from the Celestine Cascade entrance or reaching Celestine F1 from Citrine or Ametrine, go down the Waterfall at the right, go down the Waterfall in B1F to reach B2F OR enter from the North Aventurine Woods after completing E15, then use the Strength glitch to go to the left of the Ice-Strength puzzle and reach the Dive spot, go to the top right seaweed patch and go through a discrete cave opening on the floor just above the seaweed patch that you need to surf over it going downwards, resurface and it's on the ice-skating area in front of the X-Door
Held by wild Chinchou, Lanturn, Relicanth and Blue-Stripped Basculin
Tanzan Depths Channel, after defeating Noel and meeting with Sapphira in Tanzan West, go back to the Steelix tunnels and you will find a steel beam bridging the upper left chasm, cross it and it's inside the small cave
Department Store 9th Floor for
Iolia Valley, after collecting all four Crustal Plugs go to the upper right cave, use the purple crystal to open the way to the upper exit, step outside and it's there (path towards the Sableye Cave)
King's Rock:
Old lighthouse (dive), Peridot ward - start at west part Apophyll beach and keep following the narrow path, needs a bit of surf
held by wild Hawlucha (Route 2, Celestine Cascade)
Dragon Scale:
Held by wild Horsea
Reaper Cloth:
Celestine Cascade after surfing to the left side of the Celestine River and solve the ledge-jumping puzzle
Calcenon City Storage Unit, after Charlotte takes the Ruby Ring from you go to the lower Calcenon checkpoint, talk to the warden and spend 40000 in the southern checkpoint to fix the destroyed stairs, the room is to the right of them
Coral ward in Lighouse, requires key and dive
Calcenon City Storage Unit, after Charlotte takes the Ruby Ring from you go to the lower Calcenon checkpoint, talk to the warden and spend 40000 in the southern checkpoint to fix the destroyed stairs, the room is to the right of them
Crysolia spring sauna
Dubious Disc:
Glitch City Pokemon Mansion, go through the stairs at the right of the exit to get into the room with it (unreachable after reaching Terra's rooms)
Prism Scale:
Citrine Mountain 2F, enter from the Celestine Cascade entrance and go all the way up to the stairs OR enter going all the way to the left from Celestine Mountain F1, climb the stairs, surf, climb the first small Waterfall and it's at the landing spot at its left (also is the visible but unreachable item you see from the side accross Shade's gym)
Department Store 9th Floor for
Razor claw
Azurine cave - requiers surf, dive and waterfall
Razor fang
Crysolia spring sauna
Dpt. Store 3F for
mining glowing rocks
-Mega Stones: (currently unusable, we lack a Mega Ring/Bracelet/other jewelry)
visit Nyu's house in the North Aventurine Woods without any other candy in your Bag other than Blue Moon Ice Cream, talk to him and he'll offer you a choice of either Heracronite or Pinsirite for it (repeatable to get both)
visit Nyu's house in the North Aventurine Woods without any other candy in your Bag other than Blue Moon Ice Cream, talk to him and he'll offer you a choice of either Heracronite or Pinsirite for it (repeatable to get both)
exchange a Floral Charm for it in a house Ametrine City, to a girl complaining about her necklace (possible only after visiting Blake's apartment
Ametrine Mountain B3F, start by reaching Ametrine F1 by climbing up the Waterfall in Celestine F1 (Celestine Cascade entrance) or jumping the ledge and climbing down the Waterfall in Ametrine F2 (Calcenon/Route 3 and Route 2 entrance), open the ice-Strength puzzle by pushing the boulder from one side of the Waterfall and going through the path from the other, go through the Dive spot and through the cave opening at the right (surf over it downwards), resurface to B1F and go to the left in the ice skating puzzle, go into the Dive spot and through the cave opening at the low left into B2F (the Lapras location), go through another cave opening at the bottom left to B3F and find it next to the X Door at the left
Azurine cave - requiers surf,dive, waterfall and blizzard
Crysolia spring sauna
Azrine lake dive, S9
Devon corp, if you've upgraded railnet
-TMs, HMs and Move Tutors (in-game order, numerical list in the next post) (need update)
-Julia to Aya
TM 57 Charge Beam
Gift after defeating Julia (1st Badge)
TM 60 Quash
Obsidia Slums
TM X1 Cut
Given by Amaria and Florinia after meeting Amaria in Coral and returning to the Obsidia Park
TM 45 Attract
Onyx Arcade prize for 1000 coins
TM 42 Facade
Onyx Arcade prize for 4000 coins
TM 90 Substitute
Onyx Arcade prize for 7000 coins
TM 96 Nature Power
Gift after defeating Florinia (2nd Badge)
Lapis Ward Pledge Tutor in the house left of Shelly's gym:
(Charge: 3 shards per move. B=blue, R=red, G=green)
Grass Pledge (3G), Fire Pledge (3R), Water Pledge (3B)
TM 48 Round
Obsidia Dpt. Store 4th floor for
TM 63 Embargo
Under the Grand Stairway, take the middle left path at the ledges, in a corridor to the left before the Black Belt with Rock Smash
TM X6 Rock Smash
Under the Grand Stairway, take the middle left path at the ledges , given by the Black Belt, also mistakenly regiven instead of TM 94 Secret Power in the Byxbysion Wasteland
TM 76 Struggle Bug
Gift after defeating Shelly (3rd Badge)
TM 20 Safeguard
Rhodochrine Jungle Glade, the Nuzleaf/Totempole/Tropius location) enter the Beryl Cave, go through it and exit to the other side (reachable without Flash)
TM 65 Shadow Claw
Gift after defeating Shade after (4th Badge)
TM 77 Psych Up
Dark corridor in Blackstream Factory in Peridot (reachable without Flash)
TM 41 Torment
Apophyll Cave top floor
TM 88 Sleep Talk
Azurine Islands, upper left island
TM X4 Strength
Given by Victoria after the Pyrous Mountain Peak events
TM 09 Venoshock
Byxbysion Grotto, after going through the Byxbysion Tunnels, in the Mr. Bigglesworth room (not impossible but hard without Flash)
TM 34 Sludge Wave
Gift after defeating Aya (5th Badge)
-Aya to Samson
TM 94 Secret Power
Byxbysion Wasteland, at the end of the Byxbysion Tunnels, after going through the hidden door behind the reactor in the Byxbysion Grotto, open for full instructions (it will most likely give you Rock Smash again, open your file with the E15 Community Release before grabbing it to get Secret Power)
reach the exit of the hidden tunnel, slide down the steel beam, enter the cave, climb the stairs up and then immediately turn around and climb them down, that will get you back in the tunnel above the ledge, push the Strength boulder aside, go under the stone pillar to jump a hidden ledge and push the boulder blocking the path away, reach the exit and jump the ledge. (former Mudkip/now Squirtle location)(requires defeating Aya to use Strength, not impossible but very hard without Flash) (watch this video from the 10-min mark to the end for the location)
TM 32 Double Team
Citrine Mountain, enter from outside of Shade's Gym, push the Strength boulder from above, turn around and go through the path from the left (former location of Corey's Nidorina)
TM 83 Infestation
Underground Railnet after the Yureyu HQ in a Rock Smashable shadow on the wall
TM 70 Flash
Depths of the Railnet, after the Yureyu HQ and solving the rail puzzle to open the left door, after going down the stairs, in a Rock Smashable shadow on the wall between two rocks
TM 100 Confide
Mysidia Railcave after going every time through the door that is between two rocks just like that
TM 54 False Swipe
Voclain Estate (Serra's house) upper floor in the left room
TM 79 Frost Breath
Gift after defeating Serra (6th Badge)
TM 10 Hidden Power
Gift after defeating Noel (7th Badge)
TM 07 Hail
North Aventurine Woods after clearing all webs and logs
TM 92 Trick Room
Gift after defeating Radomous (8th Badge)
7th Street Move Tutors: (Charge:1-2 shards per move. B=blue, R=red, G=green, P=purple)
Upper Left one
Gastro Acid(1B), Iron Defense(2R), Snore(1B), Bind(1P), Helping Hand(1P), Skill Swap(2G), Role Play(1P)
Lower Left one
Spite(1R), Worry Seed(1R), Magic Coat(2B), Trick(2G), Block(1P), Magnet Rise(1R), Recycle(1B)
Doxy right above the Healing Machine building
After You(2R), Snatch(1B), Magic Room(1G), Wonder Room(1P), Gravity(1R), Covet(2B), Electroweb(2G)
TM 64 Explosion
7th Street vendor opposite to the Move Tutors (
TM 18 Rain Dance
Given by Aqua Gang leader Archer (If you're with Aqua, meet him in 7th Street and defeat Craudburry. If
you're with Magma find him in one of the 7th Street caves after defeating Craudburry and defeat him)
TM 11 Sunny Day
Given by Magma Gang leader Maxwell (If you're with Magma, meet him in 7th Street and defeat Craudburry. If you're with Aqua find him in one of the 7th Street caves after defeating Craudburry and defeat him)
TM 97 Dark Pulse
Gift after defeating Luna (9th Badge)
Agate Circus Move Tutors: (Charge:2-3 shards per move. B=blue, R=red, G=green, P=purple)
Second vendor under the Agate City Checkpoint
Grass Pledge (3G), Fire Pledge (3R), Water Pledge (3B)
Left side of the Circus, upper tutor
Endeavor (3G), Dual Chop (2P), Iron Tail (2B), Pain Split (3R), Focus Punch (2G), Icy Wind (3P), Bug Bite (2R)
Left side of the Circus, lower tutor
Sky Attack (2R), Uproar (2B), Last Resort (2P), Shock Wave (2R), Water Pulse (2G), Bounce (2P), Drill Run (3B)
TM X7 Dive
Agate Circus Puzzle Vendor right to the Icecreams stand (costs 1 Blue Shard to play)
TM 89 Swagger
Agate Circus after scoring "over 9000" on the High Striker, the game under the Big Top where you meet Samson the first time and he launches the bell
TM 31 Brick Break
gift after defeating Samson (10th Badge)
-Samson to Ciel (=love)
TM X3 Surf
Given by Titania after defeating Samson, returning to the Fiore Mansion and reading her diary
TM 86 Grass Knot
Labradorra-Calcenon Control Center Storage room, beyond the Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald/Amethyst/Route 3 Caves, take the lower left corridor after defeating Aster and Eclipse there (if you had defeated Florinia in a previous episode when she gave out Grass Knot, you will recieve TM 96 Nature Power)
TM 35 Flamethrower
Gift after defeating Charlotte (11th Badge)
TM X7 Dive
Agate Circus Puzzle Vendor right to the Icecreams stand (costs 1 Blue Shard to play)
TM 49 Echoed Voice
Ametrine Mountain Slopes after following a discrete path that goes backwards and then turns around
TM 46 Thief
Ametrine City after the ice skating puzzle with the kids
TM 21 Frustration
Celestine Mountain F1, entrance from the Celestine Cascade or coming all te way to the right from Citrine F1, found after going down at the ice skating puzzle at the left and then through a Dive spot
TM X5 Waterfall
Given, regardless of answer to Blake, in Ametrine, if "Yes" from Blake, if "No" from Aster after defeating him just before reaching the Ametrine Mountain Peak
TM 78 Bullshit (Bulldoze)
Gift after defeating M3G4 T3RR4 (12th Badge)
TM 56 Fling
Celestine Mountain B2F in the top of the Dive spot, entrance after completing E15 from North Aventurine Woods OR by going down the Waterfall in Celestine F1 and again down the Waterfall in B1F, then using the Strength glitch to go down to reach the Dive spot
TM 69 Rock Polish
Celestine Mountain B1F, start by going down the Waterfall in F1 (Celestine Cascade entrance) OR by going up the Waterfall in B2F (North Aventurine Woods entrance after using the Strength glitch), then through a Dive Spot and an ice skating puzzle
TM 67 Retaliate
Celestine Mountain F4 (Feebas location), open for full instructions
start by reaching the Dive spot in Celestine F2 by EITHER going through the stairs at the top right in F1 and then through an ice skating puzzle (Celestine Cascade entrance) OR by surfing down and left from Ametrine F2 without going down the Waterfall (Route 2 entrance), Dive and resurface at the right end of the Dive spot, climb the Waterfall to F3, solve the Strength & ice skating puzzle (no need to use Strength glitches) and climb the Waterfall to F4
TM 05 RAWR (Roar)
Ametrine Mountain B3F, open for full instructions
enter Ametrine F1 by climbing up the Waterfall in Celestine F1 (Celestine Cascade entrance) or (jumping the ledge if in Route 3) and climbing down the Waterfall in Ametrine F2 (Calcenon/Route 3 and Route 2 entrance), solve the ice-Strength puzzle (no glitch needed), go into the Dive spot and through the cave opening at the right (surf over it downwards), resurface to B1F and go to the right side in the ice skating puzzle, surf and climb down the Waterfall to enter B2F, go up in the first ice skating puzzle, through the second one and into the Dive spot, through the cave opening at its lowest point, resurface in B3F, go down the small Waterfalls and find it next to the X-Door
TM 39 Rock Tomb
Water Treatment Center, in the Central Obsidia Water Grid after cleaning the water and surfing on it, on the platform to the right of the central one
TM 37 Sandstorm
Water Treatment Center, in the Onyx Water Grid after cleaning the water and surfing on it, on the top platform
TM X2 Fly
Given by Julia and Florinia outside the Fiore Mansion after Titania and Amaria return from the Water Treatment Center
TM 62 Acrobatics
Gift after defeating wild Seel (Ciel) (13th Badge)
TM 74 Gyro Ball
Iolia Valley river at its southernmost point after the Waterfall (requires completing the episode to return there with Waterfall)
-Ability Capsules
Peridot Ward
Hidden in a barrel outside the Mosswater Factory in Peridot (unreachable after finishing the raid with Julia, Fern and Florinia!)
Obsidia Ward
Speak to a woman in the Obsidia PokeCenter looking for her son, find her son outside the Glamazonia Salon in South Obsidia and go back to the woman to reciece an Ability Capsule (new E15 event)
North Obsidia
take the path that goes right, at its end turn down and it's hidden on the rock before the crack
Under the Grand Stairway
choose the right path in the ledges puzzle and follow it through stairs and turn untill you reach the capsule (visible overworld item)
Citrine Mountain
enter from outside of Shade's gym and go straight to the right, it's hidden in the last rock in that direction
Byxbysion Wasteland
after going through the building with the stairs don't slide any of the steel beams, jump from the little one-square ledge at the upper left side and find it hidden in a barrel
after the Yureyu building when you enter the right side of the Underground Railnet, solve the rails puzzle to open the left door and enter the Subrailnet and it's behind a Rock Smashable shadow on the wall
Byxbysion Wasteland beyond the Tunnels and Grotto
hidden in a bush in the Secret Power / former Mudkip / now Squirtle location, check the TM guide for more info and a video guide, requires defeating Aya to use Strength and ver very difficult to reach without Flash
Chrysolia Forest
hidden in the bush at the end of the corridor at the top left, outside of the Moss Rock section
Mysidia Railcave
hidden in a rock in the Confide / Ill-fated Doll Location, go through all the doors that lie between a pair of rocks to reach it
7th St. Ability Capsule Vendor at the top left of 7th Street
Agate Circus Ability Capsule Vendor at the lowest row, opposite of the Rest Area entrance
Pickup ability (lvls 61-80:rare, 81-100:uncommon)
-Items to summon/obtain event Pokemon
vendors in North Peridot Ward and Beryl Ward (
Rose Incence:
given by a Doxy class Trainer in the sole green spot in Peridot Ward under the horizontal train tracks after defeating her, sold in the Sweet Scent Flower Shop in Lapis (
Vanilla Ice Cream:
Ultra Potion:
hidden on a rock in the Coral Ward, Pickup ability (levels 1-80), sold by the Agate Circus vendor for General Goods, Cancelon PokeMart, Ametrine Pokemart
Silver Ring:
found in Corey's hidden room after defeating him
Soul Candle:
clean the Beryl Library (entrance from Rhodochrine Jungle) for Gothorita after beating Corey, 7th Street bottom left vendor (
Ill-fated Doll:
Beryl Library right back room (Growlithe room), Mysidia Railcave after going every time through the door that is between two rocks, 7th Street vendor opposite to the Move Tutors for
Data Chip:
Lapis Orphanage bottom floor, in the machine and computers room, 7th Street vendor opposite to the Move Tutors (
Magnet Powder:
at the end of the upper corridor in the dark room of the Blackstream Factory in Peridot, 7th Street vendor opposite to the Move Tutors for
Corrupted PokeBall:
Underground Railnet after a Rock Smashable shadow on the wall
Odd Keystone:
mining glowing rocks
Helix, Dome, Root, Claw, Skull, Armor Fossils:
mining glowing rocks, resurrect in Spinel Museum
Plume, Cover Fossils:
meet the two Meteors in Spinel Museum, beat them in Tanzan Mountain, return to the Museum and choose one of Plume Fossil or Cover Fossil from the Gentleman (the Meteors disappear after defeating PULSE Abra), also Agate Circus Puzzle Vendors, lowest on the left side for Plume (costs one Red Shard to play) and rightmost on the bottom side for Cover (costs one Green Shard to play), resurrect in Spinel Museum
Sail, Jaw Fossils:
fulfill the requests by the Cult of the Helix Fossil in 7th Street (never go there with a Dome Fossil in the Bag, always go there with a Helix Fossil in the Bag, trade them at the first party slot a Farfetch'd (Slayer of the Trees), a Pidgeot (the Messiah, Bird Jesus) and a Helix Fossil (your fragment of the Divine), each time for a selection between the Sail and Jaw Fossil, resurrect in Spinel Museum
Old Amber:
trade for a Pidove to a boy in the top left building in Ametrine City, resurrect after completing E15 in Spinel Museum
Floral Charm:
Sweet Scent Flower Shop in Lapis (
Honey Gather ability, Sweet Scent Flower Shop in Lapis (
South Aventurine Woods in a small horizontal corridor, requires Floral Charm to enter and avoid falling asleep, hidden in a bush
"Rare Candy":
hidden in the path between 7th Street and the Subseven Sanctum (Beryl Wall), on a rock behind a minable glowing rock at the far right, mine and blow the rock to reach it
Blue - Red - Green - Purple Shards:
hidden literally everywhere
mining glowing rocks
sold in Agate Circus just right of the Circus Tent/Big Top by the left out of the three vendors (
given one per time for defeating the rebattlable Clown Indra and in Agate Circus upper right corner, next to the blocked path to the Ferris Wheel, one of eight 3-mon teams is randomly chosen each time
-Key Items
Old Rod
Given to by a Fisherman in a house next to the murkwater in Peridot Ward
Membership Card
Given to by a Lady in the Obsidia Dpt. Store 1st Floor, follow Eagleby18's guide to get the stickers
Coin Case
Given to by a Hotshot in the first room you meet in the upper floor of the Onyx School
Warehouse Key
Found after defeating the fake Daycare Couple/Meteor Grunts in the house in the Obsidia Park
Silver ring
found in Corey's hidden room after defeating him
Wailmer Pail
Given to by a Lady in the Lapis Sweet Scent Flower Shop
After raiding Mrs. Craudberry's house with the Aqua/Magma Gang, return and recieve it from the policeman
Exchange for the Voucher in the Lapis Luxury Bicycle Shop
Mining Kit
Use Rock Smash on rock at the top right on the first floor under the Grand Stairway to reach a tunnel, given to by the Hiker in front of the blown-up rock
Dull Key
Underground Railnet between between the Rock Smashable rocks and the gates to Yureyu and the gate to the Yureyu, obtainable after defeating Shelly but rendered unreachable if not obtained before defeating Shade, then again reachable after defeating Aya
Harbor Key
Given to player by Amaria after defeating PULSE Muk
Railnet Key
Found in the Yureyu building top floor
House Key
Found in the Underground Railnet, in the part after the Yureyu building, behind a Rock Smashable shadow on the wall (or in the Subrailnet after solving the rails puzzle to open the door on the left, again behind a Rock Smashable shadow on the wall)
Good Rod
Found in the first house you see upon entering Spinel Town
Medicine (x2)
Bought for
Ruby Ring
Given to by Sapphira upon meeting her in Tanzan Mountain West after defeating Noel, later given/taken away to/by Blake in Ametrine City
Amethyst Pendant
Given to by Sapphira upon meeting her in Tanzan Mountain West after defeating Noel, later taken away from Ditto-Gardevoir in the Citae Arc-d'-Astrae
Given to by a Techie in the Route 1 Nature Center
Crystal Plug (x4)
The first is given to by Luna in the Beryl Wall (7th Street outside of the Subseven Sanctum), the next three are found after progressively solving the crystal puzzles in Iolia Valley
Yureyu Key
Peridot ward, reward for finding all Mulches
Powder Vial
1000 from the middle of the three vendors right next to the Agate Circus Big Top (the vendor appears only after meeting Samson, Ciel, Cain and Aya in the Data Office, the Circus backroom
Bought for
Battle Pass Fury
Given to by Amaria and Titania in the Fiore Mansion in Celestine Cascade
Battle Pass Gravity
Given to by Shelly in the Ametrine City Abandoned House
Shiny Charm
If you answered No to all of Blake's demands about the Ruby Ring, visit the house of Eclipse's father in Calcenon after defeating Blake and find it in Eclipse's room
Silver Card
Found in Citrine Mountain behind Corey's Skuntank, enter Citrine from the Celestine Cascade entrance and go to the right OR enter Citrine by going and surfing to the left of Celestine F1 untill you find an Ice-Strength puzzle, push the boulder away from one side and enter from the other, defeat or capture Skuntank (to be reached requires either Surf and abusing a Strength glitch or Waterfall to be reached legally, but can be used only after completing E15)
Beryl Grid Key
Found in the Lapis Water Grid in the Water Treatment Center
Battle Pass Suspension
Given to by Ciel in the Agate Circus Data Office
Radio Transceiver
given to you by Arclight
Devon scope
Devon corp
Super rod
Tanzan cove, given to you by fisherman after finding Taras body
Diamond ring
Azurine lake dive, Kingsbury
Classified information
Jasper ward, trade Diamond ring for it
Pink pearl
in Peridot ward house, requers Classified information. Looker will give you Pink pearl for it
Crystal ball
trade for Pink pearl in Coral ward
trade for Crystall ball in Jasper
Sanctum key
trade for Klefki that holds it in Blacksteam shelter
Coral key
dive in Coral ward behind other lighthouse
Silvon scope
bring Devon scope to Silph Co after interacting with Kecleon
Oval charm
Azurine lake, Kingsbury -> dive at southernmost little square
ID Tag
Tanzan cove, catch 3 Whiscash for fisherman
GUM key
Solice if you've upgraded Obsidia
-Held Items (the most useful-popular-important ones, complete categorized list in the next post)
Soothe Bell
show a Pokemon with high friendship to the Beauty at the right in the Obsidia Salon (former Vulpix girl)
Big Root
Malchous Forest, Dpt. Store 8th Floor for
Damp, Heat, Icy, Smooth Rocks & Light Clay
Dpt. Store 3rd Floor for
Destiny Knot
Obsidia Dpt. Store 4th Floor for
Power Items (EV-training item: Power Weight, Bracer, Belt, Lens, Band, Anklet)
Obsidia Dpt. Store 4th Floor for
Focus Sash
hidden in a rock at the right in the ledge rows under the Grand Stairway, hidden in a barrel in the Byxbysion Tunnels after reaching the Byxbysion Grotto and entering the hidden door behind the left light pillar/reactor, hidden in a rock Azurine cave (surf east from Apophyll beach)
All Type Plates
mining glowing rocks
Herbs (White, Mental, Power Herb)
Dpt. Store 5th Floor for
Black Sludge
hidden in the Byxbysion Wasteland, also hidden in the Peridot Water Grid after lowering the water level and walking on the murkwater, also held by wild Trubbish
Exp. Share
find a house with a girl and a Kadabra in Spinel Town where all furniture disappears, find all missing furniture and recieve the Exp. Share
Wide Lens
Route 1 Nature Center 2nd floor, held by wild Yanma
Zoom Lens
Dpt. Store 8th Floor for
Scope Lens
2200, Jasper Water Grid in the Water Treatment Center after defeating PULSE Swalot, clearing the water and surfing on it
Dpt. Store 8th Floor for
Quick Claw
Dpt. Store 8th Floor for
Life Orb
Celestine Mountain B2F after using the Strength glitch to go upwards (entrance from North Aventurine Woods after clearing all logs and webs OR by going down the Waterfall at the right in Celestine F1 and again down the Waterfall in B1F, then using the Strength glitch), also held by wild Absol (Route 4 at night at the Waterfall with an Ill-Fated Doll in the bag, only one encounter)
Lucky Egg
buy all the stolen Pokemon from the vendor in 7th Street and recieve it from DJ Arclight (old Exp. Share event), Pickup ability (lvls 81-100, very rare)
King's Rock
Old lighthouse (dive), Peridot ward - start at west part Apophyll beach and keep following the narrow path, needs a bit of surf
held by wild Hawlucha (Route 2, Celestine Cascade)
Toxic Orb
get the Silver Ring from Corey's room after he dies, use it to fight his Skuntank in Citrine Mountain F1, obtain the Silver Card behind the Skuntank, bring it to Corey's room and use it on the card reader to open a secret room with a Toxic Orb
Shell Bell
Lapis ward - Railnet upgrade, Peony station trade for Shoal Shells and Shoal Salt
Pickup ability lvl 71-100 (very rare)
2x Spyce sidequest - after city restore
Assault vest
Underground railnet - if you choose to upgrade it
Azurine lake (dive), F10
Expert belt
Peridot ward, near rails from NPC that is hidden under the orange awning
Rocky helmet
Azurine island - if you choose to upgrade it, mushroom quest
Choice band
7th street applications gang quest - Team Magma
Choice specs
7th street applications gang quest - Team Aqua
Oran Berry (10HP)
Dpt. Store F2 (
Single condition-curing Berries
Dpt. Store F2 (
Type Damage-reducing Berries
Dpt. Store F6 (
Friendship-upping EV-reducing Berries
Dpt: Store F8 (
Berries that raise stat once in a pinch
Dpt: Store F10 (
Lum Berry
North Aventurine Woods after clearing all webs and logs (one tree with two berries)
Dpt: Store F10 (
Sitrus Berry
South Aventurine Woods after clearing all webs and logs (one tree with two berries)
Lapis community garden
Custap Berry
South Aventurine Woods after clearing all webs and logs (one tree with two berries)
Dpt: Store F10 (
Rowap Berry
Dpt: Store F10 (
Jaboca Berry
Lapis community garden
Dpt: Store F10 (
Enigma Berry
Malchous Forest - post upgrade
Starf Berry
Malchous Forest - post upgrade
Poke Ball
Grand Hall, Peridot Mart, Devon Corp., Dpt. Store 1st Floor, Beryl Mart, Lapis Mart, Apophyll Academy Vendor (
Great Ball
Dpt. Store 5th Floor, Spinel>Serra'sVeranda>Tanzan Entrance Mart (
Ultra Ball
Agate Vendor, Calcenon Mart, Ametrine Mart, Dpt. Store 10th Floor (
Corrupted PokeBall
Underground Railnet post-Yureyu part after a Rock Smashable shadow on the wall (does not work to capture Pokemon)
Dusk Ball
Pickup ability lvl 1-60 (Uncommon), lvl 61-70 (Common)
Obsidia Critical Capture Store
Heavy Ball (300)
Moon Ball (300)
Fast Ball (300)
Love Ball (400)
Nest Ball (500)
Net Ball (500)
Dive Ball (500)
Timer Ball (1000)
Friend Ball (3000)
after upgrade
Repeat Ball (1000)
Luxury Ball (1000)
Dusk Ball (1000)
Heal Ball (300)
Quick Ball (1300)
Cherish Ball (200)
Level Ball (1300)
Lure Ball (300)
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