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In-game Item Guide V2 (E16-proofed)



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Dear people of Reborn, the Item Guide v2 is back.

I had previously taken it down for reasons including how I felt about its impact and appreciation or lack thereof...

...advice from Clarice the BreloomBot...

...and of course the Christmas Party Hunger Games where the Guide participated...

...and promptly got himself killed.

After this brief intermezzo and the ~17hour-lived v3 incarnation...

...(pretty much the initial form of this guide...

...plus some extra screens, some sections I did completely after the first draft, the E15 held by wild mons section that I had done for E14.6 because Jeri passed me the wrong file many months ago and it was pure hell, and many screens of minor items such as Heart Scales, sorry but farm them from Tanzan and mining rocks...

...minus all the reformatting I did using Jeri's invisible yellow and all the description changes I did in August).

A big bravo for the valiant effort of Njab in adding stuff to my old draft for the v3 and perhaps being my future assistant on the guide.

And for Simon, Njab, Jericho, Rose and whoever contributed to the domino of events that led to the guide being back.

A big boo for the text editor being a complete and total bitch that sprouts big gaps between spoiler tags whenever it wants.

Seriously, you have no idea and I had forgotten too the rage that it brings...

The guide is back.

Thank you for your continued support, it really means a lot to me.

And even thank you for the lack thereof, in case of. It means that I am right in my estimates, and boy do I love being right.

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Dig. You're not digging.

Or use something else, Bastiodon has two double weaknesses to gyms already present, the offensive abilities of a wet handkerchief and I won't even go into the design and pallette stuff.

There seems to be a weird belief that some places give fossils and others don't. Well let me tell you something. Don't try to interpretate or make sense or superstitions out of the RNG. Dig.


Edited by Odybld
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F12 is the button you press for fossils. Unfortunately, it is not a nice button, so it doesn't always listen.

Only thing I have to say about the guide (other than being the one thing to keep me from insanity while searching for TMs, among other things)

Obsidia Ward Ice Cream Machine:
Chocolate Ice Cream (70 HP): 600 --> 700
Strawberry Ice Cream (90 HP): 800 --> 1000

Not sure why that one location costs more than the rest, but... whatever.


Edited by Cobalt996
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F12 is the button you press for fossils. Unfortunately, it is not a nice button, so it doesn't always listen.

Only thing I have to say about the guide (other than being the one thing to keep me from insanity while searching for TMs, among other things)

Obsidia Ward Ice Cream Machine:

Chocolate Ice Cream (70 HP): 600 --> 700

Strawberry Ice Cream (90 HP): 800 --> 1000

Not sure why that one location costs more than the rest, but... whatever.


Good catch and fixed and how did I screw this one up? Damn!

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Doubleposting for an announcement:

First, we have agreed that Njab is indeed going to help me improving the guide further. He is actualizing my big nemesis, the "held by wild pokemon" chaos, I'm gonna add which items are bugged, he's also (hopefully) gonna check my descriptions to see if they need improvement, he corrected a small mistake in the General Goos section, we're on a great track. Also I corrected typos and stuff for the first time since August. Progress!!!

And a bit tardy recognition time for Shia: they helped me a lot when the guide was made with stuff ranging like making my life with the game file that I played through E15 a taaad more easy (Giga Drain on my Mystery Egg Tentacruel, no need to raise Oddish to lvl 43 to get Moonblast, that kind of stuff, nothing remotely too much), searching paranoidly in RPGM while I'm raving "there is another Linkstone or Ability Capsule there, there is there is there is!!!", transporting me to all the Rock Climb locations so that I can inspect them for anything (and then taking me down from them, since they mostly are dead ends) etc etc etc. Oh and they were pretty adamant that I should improve the guide stylistically and that led to the way the guide looks today, and not the initial appearance (much like to the short lived v3, which was largely the initial version of this one).

So thank them both for their contributions and have a Happy New Year everyone!!!

Edited by Odybld
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*pants, pants, breathes heavily and pants some more*

Tripleposting to announce that with the great help of Njab in actualizing the Held items by wild Pokemon, we're proud to present you...

The Item Guide Resource Post

-Moves resource, with TMs 1-100, HMs and field moves 1-11, all Move Tutors by vendor

-Held Items resource, the reformatted categorized list of all Held Items in the game

-Held by wild Pokemon resource, or what started it, all items held by wild Pokemon in Reborn in categories

Yes, I know I still have some formatting to do, but after intense spoiler tag reconstruction surgury, I'm pretty sure I'll apply Jericho's creme colour another day, another time.

I literally had to copy the Item Guide in the first post and put the contents of the wild Pokemon section in the old and functional tags and then cahnge the titles because nothing would work.

*collapses on the stage*

Edited by Odybld
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Great job with the guide, the new part is really really helpful :]

Also, while reading the Held battle items paragraph i found an "error" (definitely nothing serious)

You wrote Chancey instead of Chansey lol

EDIT: Uh wrong paragraph name, sorry about that

Edited by AndSoThereIsSt3ffo
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Does anyone know how to go back an episode? Also, toxic TM in game yet, and if so where can i find one?

No Toxic.

To go back to an episode, save in a Pokemon Center, then download the older episode you'd like to go back to. Play the "Game" in that folder, and whenever you finish what you want to do, save in a Pokemon Center. Then play the "Game" back in the Episode 15 folder.

Note that this may corrupt your save file.

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Yo, I've been trying to theif some King's Rocks off of a Hawlucha for a couple hours now without any success. I am on ep15 and have a compoundeyes Venonat with me, but have nothing after theifing 30+ times. Can anyone confirm that King's Rocks are actually available, has anyone managed to get them before or were they just assumed to be available without any testing? Or am I just being trolled by RNG?

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Yo, I've been trying to theif some King's Rocks off of a Hawlucha for a couple hours now without any success. I am on ep15 and have a compoundeyes Venonat with me, but have nothing after theifing 30+ times. Can anyone confirm that King's Rocks are actually available, has anyone managed to get them before or were they just assumed to be available without any testing? Or am I just being trolled by RNG?

just keep on trying and you'll get it eventually
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Well thanks for the advice... today I tried to find a Hawlucha with a Kings Rock using a Noivern with Frisk. I'm not joking, 56 times and none had one. So I'll ask again, can anyone confirm that they actually have King's Rocks in this game? I'm starting to think that they're mythological, like the Yeti or Dwayne Johnson's acting talent...

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Thanks man, that's more the sort of answer I was hoping for. Also, for Compoundeyes to increase the chances of finding a mon with an item, do they have to be first in your party or just present?

I believe it has to be first. It can be fainted, though, and the ability will still work, so you might want to keep a fainted Compoundeyes Pokemon up front with a Frisk Pokemon second.

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