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Calling for opinions!

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Hey everyone, I am asking for your opinions on what you would like to see when I create a fan-game. I will be asking for like what tile sets I should use, (like BW ro RSE) If their should be fakemon, etc. I want it to be a community influenced game, but of course with stuff that I think of, for example, the base rough draft story... So please voice your opinion on what we should include!

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I'd add features like the Nuzlocke thing Zeta and Omicron has, unless you want to make your game so hard that a Nuzlocke isn't required to feel difficulty.

I'm not too sure on Fakemon, since they're hard to keep track of and create. In my fan game, I've only planned one Fakemon and two new forms.

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Do you know how it took us at Se7en to finish planning all 150+ of our Fakemon? I'll just tell you this: I first contacted Zim, to start exchanging fakemon ideas with him (which would lead to the birth of project Se7en) in late february... And only in late may/early june did we complete our Pokedex!

So yeah, unless you have a solid project, lots of ideas and a group of reliable people to help you out, I would advice against making fakemon...

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I think you should have as little fakemon as possible, because I personally hate fakemon. I like the BW and D/P/P tilesets a lot, but not much more than the other tiles.

Also have there be some sort of transportation from town to town early on because walking from town to town is very annoying.

Make different trainers rebattleable (is that even a word?) with 1 Audino or something so we can train our pokemon without it becoming really annoying.

EV training center would be nice, with pokemon that give 2 or 3 EVs that are all set to level 1 so we can take them out and make EV training take less time.

I'll think of more later.

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Thanks for your feedback everyone! @Chubb da pig: I'm thinking that I will do a normal mode (a little harder then main games, and have a variant of the level cap, similar to how Hilda described a changed version) and a hard mode, like Reborn. @Dark: I "quit" working on it, the post is currently hidden, I might keep the name, (the story will be kept) and Hardcore has kept me busy. @Tomas: Jeez, after reading that, I might steer away from fakemon. @Taska: I'll try my best to make/find someone make tilesets in the d/p/pt or b/w style. I also might have transportation if the starting towns are away from each other. I'll try to make something similar to the Vs. Seeker, and I'll see about a ev center.

Edited by Jamaka2001
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If you have like, a legendary fakemon with a creative gimmick or something, I think you'd be fine. But like in Se7en, it would be a long term project to invent GOOD fakemon.

One idea is to have the starting location NOT be a generic 'Pallet Town'. B2W2, and especially Reborn and the gamecube games had a good idea of it. But that's less of an add on feature and more dependent on the story's plot.

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the only reason it took so long for Se7en to decide on fakemon is because zim makes so many cryptic replies that it takes Thomas a week before he realizes that Zim was joking


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Features are good and all, but it's better to look at the bulk of what kind of game your designing. EV and IV counts are very helpful, but it's kind of pointless if the game is on the easy side or not to be a challenge. On the other hand, it should almost be a stable for the more challenging games such as Reborn, Rejuvenation, and Insurgence.

As for Tilesets, it depends on what you're comfortable with. RSE is much easier to work with than BW (from what I can tell) so I suggest sticking to that if you're using RPG maker. And for Fakemon, I really don't suggest it. Yes, Reborn does use Fakemon, but it is designed mostly to make single foes very difficult as it is a 6v1 situation (most of the time). It's a very difficult process and takes a lot of time and effort to do well. It's also like fake moves. You need to have very good knowledge of the battle system (both meta and in-game) to do those well.

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as for tile sets, i personally like HG/SS the best (insurgence influenced this)

also, try to make the map look natural ish :P one of my biggest pet peeves is when some landmass, which is intended to look natural, looks waaay too straight (terajuma shore in rejuv, no offence to jan, but its too godamm unnatural) soo, i reccomend to make the map of your game look natural, with curves and stuff~

just my 2cents in!

also if its ready in the future, can i beta/alpha test it?

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@Sini: Yes, yes you can.

To everyone, what should the name be? As of this post it is Nitros, shall it be changed?

I hope you realize it is pretty much impossible to anwer this question. Take "Se7en": we picked that title because the story revolves around seven legendaries, and because we aspite to make a full original Pokedex that comes after generation six, thus making it "generation seven". Oh and because Zim is a Morgan Freeman fanboy.

My point is: Se7en is a good title because it is short, easy to remember, and fits what the game is about. Particularly the latter. So yeah, if we don't know what your game is going to be about, if we don't know your plans for the plot, for the structure, for pretty much anything, how can we suggest a title for the game?

And as far as "Nitros" go, that depends: is that an idea you got when planning the plot? Or is it just a cool word you think would sound good as a title? In the latter case, I would advice against it.

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1) I would like to see a pokemon game that breaks away from the mold and gives you more things to do, or has a story that ins't so focused on beating all the Gyms and competing in the League. The whole idea of conquering your way to fame, of winning all the badges and the League is just... old and boring now... not to mention done to death. It should be an optional thing rather than the entire focus of the game.

2) Pokemon follow you around.

3) Side-quests and events where your decisions matter and impact the story.

4) Give us the option to play as the bad guys.

5) Mini-games!

6) My preferred graphics are the ones from Pokemon Glazed.

7) Factions we can join and jobs we can do - similar to what Pokemon Godra did.

8) Challenging but not unfairly so.

9) I don't particularly care about fakemon one way or the other, but if they're going to be added then please... try to make them as close to the "real deal" as possible.

These are the most important things I can think of. Of course you don't have to make ANY of these... they're just ideas I would like to see.
The Pokemon world is vast and full of wonders for us to explore and so far most people prefer to focus on the competitive and conquering aspect rather than expanding on its lore and history - which is something Pokemon Gaia did. One of my videogame dreams is to play a pokemon RPG, not much different from Elder Scrolls or Fallout... I don't care if its a ROM hack or RGSS... but I know that will never happen. Another close call is one where we play as the pokemon - I know there's Pokemon Mystery Dungeon but the problem is its a dungeon crawler type of game, which I don't like.

Edited by IvoryOwl92
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1) I would like to see a pokemon game that breaks away from the mold and gives you more things to do, or has a story that ins't so focused on beating all the Gyms and competing in the League. The whole idea of conquering your way to fame, of winning all the badges and the League is just... old and boring now... not to mention done to death. It should be an optional thing rather than the entire focus of the game.

Truthfully, I have been outlining a storyline for something like this but it's not something that'll be done right away (I also need to learn quite a bit of programming before even starting) and I likely won't pick it up until reborn is complete. However, I don't recommend going through with something like this because you basically risk the biggest safety net for a game. Pokemon isn't known for a story and if your story "sucks" then you're now left with nothing.

3) Side-quests and events where your decisions matter and impact the story.

This is a matter of tastes, but I prefer sidequests that expand on the story, not get involved in the story. I'm the type of person who'd rather play the game once to get the full story rather than multiple times. I'm not saying this is wrong, just something I'm not for.

4) Give us the option to play as the bad guys.

No, no, no, no for the love of god NO!!!! I really hate how much I see this thing pop up. It might sound cool, but good luck making a great story out of it. If you are going to do it, start out as the bad guy, but quickly switch sides (cough*Colosseum*cough). There's way more you can do with your character being the hero that very few game creators touch on for silent protags.

I won't touch up on the rest as they are extra features. Extra features are nice, but they should not be priorities when designing a game at the start.

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Fakemon Ideas; Evolutions of Pokemon who needs them. Delibird,(Cause shady would totally play it then) Sunflora,(Grass/Fire Sunflowe.) Corsola,Dunsparce, Ledian, Ariados, and some others. I have lots of Ideas for this type of thing, If ya want to hear them.

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No, no, no, no for the love of god NO!!!! I really hate how much I see this thing pop up. It might sound cool, but good luck making a great story out of it. If you are going to do it, start out as the bad guy, but quickly switch sides (cough*Colosseum*cough). There's way more you can do with your character being the hero that very few game creators touch on for silent protags.

I would like to have the option to join the enemy team for once. Why? Because there's no reason why I'd want to fight with the "good guys". In every Pokemon game you get roped into playing the hero when all you're trying to do is get gym badges and complete your Pokedex. You have no say in the matter because the story depends on you being forced into a side.

I would be very impressed if someone were to make a fangame where you can choose a side and the transition makes sense. In fact, it would be an excellent thing to do in Reborn seeing as there are likeable people on team Meteor's side and assclowns on what would be considered "your side" or the "good guy team".

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I would be very impressed if someone were to make a fangame where you can choose a side and the transition makes sense. In fact, it would be an excellent thing to do in Reborn seeing as there is Fern on team Meteor's side and assclowns on what would be considered "your side" or the "good guy team".

Sorry, thats all I could think about when I read that.

In regards to the topic though, I really like it when fangames like Reborn/Rejuv have fakemon like the pulse/dimensional rift mons. It adds an interesting fight with a pokemon that is very recognizable but at the same time makes it so that same pokemon does something else entirely different than what is normally expected of it, which helps to create intense/fun moments for the player.

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Sorry, thats all I could think about when I read that.

In regards to the topic though, I really like it when fangames like Reborn/Rejuv have fakemon like the pulse/dimensional rift mons. It adds an interesting fight with a pokemon that is very recognizable but at the same time makes it so that same pokemon does something else entirely different than what is normally expected of it, which helps to create intense/fun moments for the player.

I would. Like to do that, it's just ill have to think of a new version.
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