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What Did You Watch?


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This is a more laid back casual thread for movies. Sometimes you see a movie and don't want to make a whole thread about it. Or sometimes you see an older movie and don't want make an entire thread devoted to a movie you only want to casually mention.

Nethertheless this thread is for talking about movies you saw recently and liked. Two movies I saw this year that I absolutely loved were Gone Girl and Kingsman. I also really enjoyed Age of Ultron, Mad Max, and Jurassic World. As for cult classics, I finally sat through Bill and Ted. How about you guys? What movies did you watch recently and really enjoyed? Or which movies did you see that you absolutely disliked? Remember kids, let's be respectful for other people's opinions, so play nice.

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The latest movie I've watched is the whole LoTR trilogy, including The Hobbit.

24 hours used for a good time.

Currently, I'm planning to watch Inside Out, but it's still to be shown here in our place.

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Ahhh, Jurassic World, I haven't watched that yet.

Though, I should because it has Chris Pratt and Chris Pratt is amazing.

I've seen lots of good stuff about Inside Out too.

Hnnngghh.. I hope it premieres already.

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