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Shiny Hunting in the Alleyways


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Call me stupid, but I'm currently hunting shiny Poochyena in the Peridot Alleyway. At about 246 encounters, give or take a few. I don't really have anything else to do, and my DS is broken, so I'm stuck with this for now.

Anyway, has anyone else ever shiny hunted in this game? If so, what did you hunt/get?

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Shinies being more common is one of reborns best features imo. I gots 2 shiny beedrills, a pidgeotto, a phanpy, a sewaddle, and a parasect^^

Oh whadaya know I just found another shiny pidgeotto

Edited by Hyak
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I'm trying to keep a box of all the shinies i encounter. So far I have caterpie, lileto, rogenrolla, lilipup, belsprout, pidove, and some others I can't think of. I have missed shiny onix and a few others so far.

EDIT: Other shinies I have: Noibat, Trubbish, Woobat, plus the things I bred Buizel, Ralts, Magnimite, Sandile, and Tepig.

Edited by Dragon116
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Ooh good luck! Usually the shinies appear when you stop hunting them. I do hope you find it soon though!

My shiny list is ridiculous... 2 Poodove, 1 Tranquill, 3 male combee, a mankey, purrloin, drapion, Gloom, Weepinbell, Audino, Gallade, Shinx, Corey's Nidorina, and some others. I don't always enjoy my shiny luck though. lol.

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I have this from random shinies I've found throughout Reborn.

Everything in this box ft. Excadrill


And some stragglers in the other box ft. AzeryPluff


The only reason why I even kept those shinies though, it's because I was waiting to see how they would look after the changes.

They look kewl c:

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I have this from random shinies I've found throughout Reborn.

Everything in this box ft. Excadrill


And some stragglers in the other box ft. AzeryPluff


The only reason why I even kept those shinies though, it's because I was waiting to see how they would look after the changes.

They look kewl c:

Dang, Excadrill looks so cool!

Also, 29 encounters after Purrloin no. 2, this pretty boy happened:


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I usually never hunt shinies (except Scatterbug... well, I'll do that one day) but I have caught shiny Patrat, Poochyena, Meowstic (female), Unown, Noibat, Oddish, Arbok, and maybe some others. I have killed countless shiny Unown (I already had one - I found at least ten of them while grinding), a shiny Sandshrew (Finneon crit), and I obtained, by soft resetting, a shiny Froakie, and my great autumnal Torterra.

That is all :)

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In my main run I decided to use only shinies since they are so beautiful in Reborn so I have a plenty of them :

Trained : Delphox, Kingdra, Torterra, Weavile, Ninetales, Swampert, Gallade, Flygon, Scolipede, Gardevoir, Tyrantrum, Arcanine, Chandelure, Gogoat, Aerodactyl, Dragalge, Heracross, Magnezone, Durant, Electivire, Rhyperior, Gengar, Greninja, Metagross, Magmortar, Glaceon, Roserade

To be trained : Drilbur, Feebas, Aron, Noibat, Rotom, Skorupi, Nidoran, Graveler, Lapras, Slakoth, Clauncher, Pidgey, Boldore, Amaura, Onix, Totodile

Random : Emolga, Mareep, Caterpie, Sunflora, Wynaut, Doduo, Snover, Klink, Yamask, Foongus, Bouffalant, Girafarig, Kangaskhan x2, Seaking, Vivillon, Rattata x2, Woobat x9 (and I stop catching them a long time ago...), Deerling, Basculin x3, Remoraid x3, Grimer x4, Muk, Diglett, Rhydon, Qwilfish, Ponyta, Sneasel, Luvdisc

I thought I had a Vulpix too. Maybe in the daycare

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