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PULSE Mons: Which ones do you find hardest and think we'll see later?


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Was thinking about PULSE mons, and I'm curious as to which people found hardest and which ones we'll fight later.

I think the 3 hardest PULSEs were Swalot, Muk, and Abra. Avalugg was probably the easiest. Though I do wonder how many we have to go? It seems like at least 3 are unfought that have already been mentioned(Clawitzer, Mr Mime and whoever is causing Agate to sleep, probably Hypno). Though IIRC there's multiple PULSE Mimes, aren't there? I imagine the last PULSE might be a PULSE legendary of some sort, maybe the much speculated PULSE Arceus as the final boss.

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The first Tangrowth was the hardest for me. Mostly because I wasn't prepared for that thing, and the moveset really wasn't kind towards my team (I had a huge Electric weakness back then, and am still surprised I beat Julia on my first try).

The easiest was probably Abra. It got fried by Arcanine, poor thing.

Swalot would be the follow-up. Couldn't stand much ground against Espeon, and then got finished off by a Brave Bird from a Reckless Staraptor.

Muk was the most challenging because of its ability; I don't actually remember how I beat it, just that no strategy was involved; I pretty much just tried to hit hard x)

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I've been thinking pulse deoxys. Because all the evil enemy teams in the games had their name(team aqua, magma, etc) relating to their plans apart from team rocket iirc. What pokemon has something to do with Meteors? Deoxys.

I expect a pulse hypno because of that sleeping spell agate town has been put under as well.(Unless i missed if a poke causing that has already been mentioned in the story)

Hardest was Swalot, by far and away the hardest for me especially because of that field effect.

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Abra was definitely a challenge as I had to wait for a hyper beam before I could do anything. By sheer chance I happened to try Eruption from my full hp Camerupt, and found out Abra was weak to it (does that mean it's a steel type?). That simply annihilated it. The first Tangrowth was hard because I didn't have anything on it. I ended up putting it to sleep with pansear's yawn and then sand attacking with pidgeotto so I could do anything to it.

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The first Tangrowth was a demon. The other two went down easily enough after I managed to adjust my team.

Muk was probably 2nd hardest, I eventually beat it with Emolga's encore after it used Sludge Wave, and switched to Flygon to bring it down.

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I'd have to say the hardest one for me was the PULSE Swalot. It kept annihilating my team with sludge wave and kept healing off the damage. I eventually took it down by having my Slurpuff weaken it with a fake tears, then having my Meowstic and Magnezone wail on it with psychic and discharge.

The easiest would have to be the PULSE Abra (or, at least, the new one that only uses hyper beam). I just had my Pokemon that wouldn't be very effective take a hit, then have my more effective Pokemon take chunks out of its health while it recharged.

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Well the PULSE Muk easily gave me the hardest time out of all the PULSES. Second would be Tangrowth, simply because I have no good mons at that point in the game. Abra was really easy for me, partially due to a Ninetales, and a Toxicroak with Sucker Punch (and also Gardevoir Shadow Ball on a recharge turn).

Swalot was more annoying than hard, because it kept healing off the field, and I could barely put a good dent in it. Will-o-Wisp really helped chip there.

Surprised to not hear the PULSE Avalugg giving anyone problems. PULSE Avalugg had physical Defense up the ass, like a godly amount, and decent HP backing it up.

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Surprised to not hear the PULSE Avalugg giving anyone problems. PULSE Avalugg had physical Defense up the ass, like a godly amount, and decent HP backing it up.

Special defense was lackluster. One Eruption from my Camerupt almost demolished it, then I finished it off with a Close Combat from Hariyama. That's like struggling on the lv 75 Steelix. Yes, it does have really high defense, so you're better off going at its weak point. Although for me that just meant Gumpig using Confuse ray, then swapping to Hariyama, Belly Drum, Close Combat (required some RNGJesus prayers that Steelix wouldn't KO before I set up).

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Avalugg and Swalot were the hardest to me. You could throw the sun at PULSE Avalugg and it'd probably barely even notice, and the Murkwater field made Swalot a nightmare. I had to terminate both fields with Misty Terrain. The other ones I didn't have too many problems with.

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Good thing that I don't need to open all those spoilers...

Muk was a pain to deal with. Protean is pretty OP, not gonna lie.

I don't remember what happened, just that my Torterra was the last pokémon standing. 2nd run btw

Abra was always easy because of the Hyper Beam bait. gg abra fren.

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Tangrowth was one of the hardest. And let's be honest, on your first and maybe second playthroughs, taka and zel tag team are one of the hardest fights in the game.

Also pulse swalot. It was absolutely ridiculous with its bulk and worked very well with the field

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